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<br /> �-` 7rocEt�ff�wm��u rt�e im�ov«na,a now a n�aHsr�ea«►w�p�op�t}►.ana all eis�e�.ap�naaca. , .
<br /> � � aod fixtuce.c now ar 6arat�er a pct of the p[ope�ty. Afl iepiar�etnnts and ad�ams shaU also be cavetr.d hy tdis Sav�ity► ,
<br /> . tnsdumeet. i�1�of tLc fasgdag is�efeRed w in this SecuritY L�cuumau u tl�e"Ptoperty.' . ' �
<br /> B(�tR�WER C�OVENAM'S tLat Bo�row�s is tawtWiy seised.of�he estate,lxc+eby can�reyed and has the right td gr�u
<br /> aod coavey the PK�percy aad that the Fmpeny is wu�cum6e�cd.eacept far eactimbr�nces of record. Bor�w�r w�ts and
<br /> '.vi+ill defead generallg t�'6tk w the Pmpercy sgainst atl chims aod demand-�.subject to any encwnbr�oces of�+eco�
<br /> 1�fI�SEL�]RT!'Y INSIRtIMENT oombines�uniform covenarus t�r natia�t iue a�a�-uoifa�m oovmaNs vriW, ,
<br /> iintited w�istipns bY jurisdictlait W mnstirirtt a wdfam sawit�r instr�ment covering real ptoperty ,
<br /> EJNIIaORM C�YENiANTS. Boaowe�a�d i.ender cavenaot aad agaee as follows: �
<br /> - l. P�y�eat of PiriitipY ad IMe�t:Pr+eP��t aad La�e CisrEe� Rortower st�il P�P�Y F�Y when due t6e
<br /> prmc�1 of�od iaia�st ao tbe debt svideoeed by the Note�nd aaY P�WY�[and�te ch�ges due uuderthe Nate.
<br /> 2. Fl�ls fa�'Ii�ses sed T�ra� Snbject W applicabk law or tu a wntten waiver by i.ender.Bortowat shaN pay w
<br /> � L,ender op.t6e day m�thlY PaY�a[e doe tutder tTie Nott;until the Notc is paid in fulli a sum t"Funds")fac:(al yeuly
<br />--- nues and assessmaus wt�ich a�ay utapt prioriry uves this Security Lu�unent u a lien on U�PtopeitY•(b)YeaziY kasebold
<br /> = psymrnt.�or�Ecnuu�d�ents an the Ropeity.if�►y: (c}yeuty lur�rd or propecty inwrarce permi� (d1 Y�Y �
<br /> ins�uaaoe pcemim�s,if any:(e)Y�Y�PBQ mm�'a P��if any.aQd t�ti►Y s�m.s payabk bY Bamwer to
<br />_ ' Le�da.in accordaace w�th th�p�visiams of paragaph S.ia lien of tLe paymmt of a�aigage insu�u�e premiums. These �. _
<br /> - items�e called"Esc�ow Items." i.ender may,su any tan�collect aad hotd Fimds in an amount na to exceod the muimum
<br />� � arno�mt a iender for a federally relatod mortgage toan may requine fa Barower's escrow accamt ander the federai Reai _
<br /> = E�Ute Settkment Ptocodures Act of 1974 as amerded fiom time ta time,l2 U.S.0§�6A1 et seq.("RFSPA'�.tmks�atsother
<br /> _ � taw that applies ta the I�nds sets a ksser amoun� If w.lxndtr'may,at any time,collect and hoid Funds in�unourrt mt to � _
<br /> - exaed tbe ksser ansount L,ender may esti�nate dte amoant of Funds due an dfe basis of cutr�ent data aad�asonable —
<br /> _ `- esum�tas of raprndituns of,future Fsc�ow Items or aherwise in accardance witb appticabk law. � - —
<br /> '�e FLnds sh�ll�be l�eld in�instito6on whose depasits m insurcd by a feder�l ager�cy.inswmentaliry,ar entity ,
<br />-- (incTuding l.e�der,if Lrnder es such an in�titutian)ar in any Federal Haae Loan Bank. i�et�der shall apply ti�e FiuK1s w P�Y:� _
<br /> -- the Escrow items. Lender may no�charge Borrower for holding artd applying tbe Ptmds.aanaallY�Y�B the escmW =�-_
<br /> - - 'accotmi,or verifying the Escrow Items.unless LRnder pays Borrower interest an the Funds and applicable!aw peanits
<br /> ' . :i_xader to make such a charge. However.Lender may reqaire Barower to pay a one-time charge fa an independsnt�ral ";��
<br /> � estate tax nQorting servicx used by.Lender in connec6on with this toan,unfess applicable taw provides aherwise.�Untess'an ' _-; �^�
<br /> n r _—
<br /> r ;" �"k r`:�etment is made or applicable law rcquires interesc to be paid,Lender shall not 6e requued to pay Boimwer any interest or �r���-
<br /> � _ :':;:�amings on tbe Funds. Borm�ver and l.�er may agree in writing.however,dt�interest shall be paid on the Fuads. Lender �:'°,�"-��'.
<br /> ��-
<br /> .��"ai�all give to Bomawer.wi[hout charge.a�annual uccounting of the E�nds,showing credits and debiu to che Funds and the �,
<br /> ' � � � �;��purpose for which each debit to the Fuads was made. The Fvnds are pledged as additiona!secusity for aU sums secured by -���'_
<br /> _:�.,• � ihjg SeCUiity Lut[1tmplk � _-�
<br />'�c.�3�::i . ��
<br />-��;,�f1; If the Funds held by Lrnder exceed the amounts pem�itted to be held by appticabie•law;'�ead►.�r shail accamt to �"—
<br /> ;.;;•:' . " ��• �. Borrower for thc exc'ess Funds in accaidance witt�the requiremenu of applicable taW. If the a��t of.the Funds held by . ��:�.T��
<br /> l.cnder at ar�y time is not sufficient to pay the Fscrow Items whea dae.Lendec ma}r sa r�oti€y Borrower in wriBng.and.in ___--__-
<br /> such c�.se Borrower shal[�ay to l.ender ihe amount necess,ary to maYe vp the defcciency. Borrower shatt maice up tne �=�3� .=:
<br /> ii`.m :��'�r�.-_
<br /> deficiency in no more ttraa t�elve mo�hly paymenis.ac I.erider's sote discredon.
<br /> • Upon payment in f�II�of all sums secum4 by tttis Securiry Tnsuumen�Lender shall prompdy refimd to Borrower any ` �'
<br /> Fnnds held by L�mder. If.under pafagraph 21.Ler�der shaU acquite or se31 the Property.Lender.prior to the acquisiGan or . `.�
<br /> salc of the Ptotxrty.shaQ apply any Funds heid by l.ender at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit against tLe sums � �._�' _
<br /> t _ secured by this Securiry lnstrumen�
<br /> : , 3. Applic�tbn o�Payments. Unlesg applir�t�:law provides otherwisc, all paymenu received by l.end�r under _ ,
<br />_ paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:first,to any prep�arrrent charges due under the Note:second,to amounts payable under ..•
<br /> � paragraph 2:third,to interest due:fairtb.w principal d�e:and last.to any late charges due under the Note. • . .
<br /> =•;t�;-. 4. Cl�atlges;Liens. Burro�ee�.".all pay all taxes,.assessments,charges, fines and impositions attributabte to the .
<br />- •�:.�. ,
<br />- ��••�� Froperty which may attain priority ove.:��s Security lnstrument,and leasehotd paymenu or ground rents.if any. Homnwec =
<br /> shall pay these abligatior.�i�the manner provided in paragraph 2.or if not paid in that manner.Botrower shall pay them on
<br /> ' time dirc.ctly to tiie pe�*_•.c=�ed payment. Borrower��all promptly fumish to Le,�d:i all notices of amounu to 6e paid under �:try..:;;•:.; '_
<br />;;(::::;.. �`�: . this pazagraph. If Borro�x:'rmakes these payments d�ir�:tly.Bonawer shall prom,��;�fumish to Lertder receipts evidencing �:,;:,.•����-s, .
<br /> ,, . , :�.,.+y y�
<br />:';:�,;; �it.�,•;�,, thepayments. ,. _
<br />``��%.".� Barower shall ptomptly discharge any lien which has priorecSs�es-er this Securiry lnstrument unless Borrower.(a)agrees •�•,_ �� ,
<br /> in writing W�e payment of the obligatian secured by the lien in a c��ner acceptabte to Lender.(b)cantesu in good faith the , �: �
<br /> • ° lien by,or defends against enfarcement of the tien in,t:ga1 pra.eeCfings which in the Lcnder's•opinion operate w pLevent thc
<br /> � . enfarcement of the lien;or(c)secures from ihe holdev mf tye Tien ao agreement satisfactory to Lender sa6a�:::ci��g ihc lien '.' '`
<br /> to this Security Instrumen�. if i.ender detertnines that�y part of the RopeKy is subject to a lien which may�ain priority �
<br /> :;,,:,, over this Secutity lnstrument,Lender may give Bortower a noGce i�antifying thc licn. Borrower s?ta1S satufy she licn or take � '
<br /> ' ,._,� �;;1� one or more of the actions set forth above within 10 days of the givir,�of notice.
<br /> . .*%r;��:.,;:, 5. Ha7ard or Pr o p erl y Insurance. Borrower shall keep the�mprovements now eaisting or T�ereaftet erected on the .
<br /> . � '��;;;A,Z.'`� Property insured against lass by flre.hazards inctuded within the term"extended caverage'and any ather hazards,including '1t;,,;. •
<br /> • ° �::•�,+� ftoods or fiooding.foc w#�ch l.ender requires insuram¢�e. This insurance shall be maintained in ihe amounts and for the 1,•,•.,,� ,
<br /> yy
<br /> K .
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