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<br /> � pap,nencs,wbich ue referrea`m ia Pa�a 2.oi ct�age�the a�ab�mi of sucn paya�eats. any�x�s p�oaeds over an _ .
<br /> . , amwnt Kqaued t4 P�x�f owsts°di°8 u��under the Note aod tbis Security Uw�uae�shall be paid to tlose axity,
<br /> — ` �11y�entitkd t�ieto. • ` . .
<br /> " �: Fe�.I�eader may callect fas�d ciwges authaiud by tt�Soc�etarY• .
<br /> — ' 9 Crua�ds iur Aooderatios dDcb� �, _ . m the case of t defiults,
<br /> tal Dd�Wt. i.ender may.exc�eprat timited by iegutations�ss�ed bX t�c SecretarY� PzY�
<br /> , . �eqaue immedistc PaYment in full of all sums secutcd by tWs Se�uity instn'ment iF
<br /> ��------ ,_ _ {�}Bonuwer defaWa 6g failing to pay in fuU any montWY.PaYment��b'Y��n'�'°�t� �
<br /> .to a on tbe duc date of the next manthly paymen�or` ans cac�tainai in tbis,
<br /> _ (ii�ry w��ts by failing.far a period of thrty days.to perfam any dher oWigati
<br /> " Zb)Ssle Witbout Credit Approvsl.Lender shall,if permitud by applicabl�law and with the pior app�oval of tGe
<br /> = S�etuy�neqirice immodiue paymie�n in fult of atI tLe swns socond by this SavritY Iasuumuu iL �s sotd or
<br /> n
<br /> (�Nl a pa�t of the.Ptopetty,ar a 6rneficial inttrcst ro a anst ownin all or pazt of the E�opeKY..
<br /> '� _ otherwise transfer�ed(other thau by dovisc or d�ent)by the Bamwer.and �
<br /> = (a)The Prape�tY is not accupieA by the pur�chaser or grantee ac his oc her principal cesidence.�the Puc�h��er `
<br /> g an
<br />'v'- ar grantee does so occupy the Ptopzrty 6i�t lus or iur c�dit has not been app�oved itt aocord�t�ce.
<br /> T` with the t!equitements of the Sectetatyr.
<br />`+_; (c)No Wai�sr. If ciicumsrances uccur that wonld penait I.ender ta require immodiau payment in full.but Lender ----
<br />.. . does not�qnire such payments.l.ender does not waive�ts nghts anth res�ect to$ubsequent events. �
<br /> '� , ' (d)Reaalatlans of HUD Secretary. In manY cifiumst�ces regulations issued tiy the SecretarY will limit l.enders –
<br /> .`.`� rights,in the case of payment defaults.to�uire immediate payment in full and fooeclose�f�tot paid. This –
<br /> :,�
<br />. .��• R-_�c � Secnrity ir�nt does not suthoiize acc'eleraaon or fo�eclosure if pot pemdtoad by t�egulatiaas af the Secretary. , =.__.—
<br /> `�- ���• (e)Mort�e Not Lasured. Boaawcr agcees that siiaatd this Sec�rity Insuurt�cnt and ti�e note secured tLae�Y� -- .
<br /> :`<;:, �=:;it;, � , be eligible for Insur�e�der the Natioisai Housing Act a�it�iin 8 11oII t h s _ -
<br /> �,';`:��r; `�c:, date IxReof,Lender may,at its a�and notwithstadding.anything iu ParagraPh 9.requue Immediate payment in
<br /> t,1`,. ,s,` _
<br /> ..,:`; fuU of aU sums secured by tius Sa�ity.lns�t�esi� A aritten statement oE any atuhoiiaed aSent of the Saroetary =--_ -
<br /> •`• `� �q-, 8 son�6.s ." . . � from the date liereof,decluimg to insure this Securiry W
<br /> .t _ dated subsequent to "�"
<br /> :, �`:��•°�-y Insnument and the note secure8 thefe6y,s�R�deemed conclusive praof a�E sach'inelig{b�ity. Notwithstanding ..�"
<br />- ' �=�'- - _� nut be exes¢i"se&b I.ender wlien the unava"sE�b�ity of insura�tcx is soldy ei�e to _ ��`-�_
<br /> �. ' . f. `� ' . the faregaing,th�s opaon may y �L� :,;� . �
<br /> �'�..�.�-'L�'�.,,y , .lum�0 IIK. ' , .' : �r.
<br /> ,;,,;±, r .:, Lei�der�failure to remit a mortgage insuraitce pzem ��Y• :::;.,.;.
<br /> .r-;. �,, a:,`:�_:'`� ` 10 Reincfatemrnw Bormwer has a right to�be iei�stated if Lendet has requited immediate payment in fu116eeause r . ��--
<br /> � r� of Borrower's fait�u�e to pay an amaunt due unde�•a��ta•Note or this Secu6ty Insm�ment. 'fhis nght applies everi aftec "�` ��,s�
<br /> � '� �:' � . - ' ��
<br /> "•_��-,� .si� a��'; foicclosure m s are�nstituted. To reinsta�;?�Security Instrument.Borrower sha11 tender in a lump surn all �"�„ �_�
<br /> � ' ,:� � 4-; ,. � g " .- �� � —.
<br /> ' ;:�"• '� � �-1','-;. ;_, . • amounts tequioed to bring�Bocrower's acc�mt curren�;i:rulufing.to the e�cteni they are obligauons of Borrower under this
<br /> `'^: � b�;'��'-'+' . Instrument,foceclosare costs aad�asona67e and castaatary attome s'fees and ex ases ro assaciated with - �'r i"
<br /> '�fi�%:" ��E� ,,.�.,s;....�...� • Security Y Pe P P�Y �,.,.._"–
<br /> �..�:�•,.. _-•' the fonctosure proceeding. llpon reinst�,ement by Boaower.ttas Security Insuument and the a�bligations that it secures �:�,- ;:_
<br /> �.�',��:� 'o ' �• 'Y _--
<br /> �� . : s6aU remain in effect�if Lender had notreq wred'unm�ate payment in full. However,Len6'rr u s no t required to pertnit f>;x,,�.. ��;:�
<br /> �� "�t.+�:.� .��,- ,�.� �_
<br /> ' '����,'��` , ninstatement if• (i)�t.endcr fias accepted reinstatemeat after the wmmencement of foteclosure proceed�ngs with�n two ;,,�.:�, ; �;�
<br /> �''"'•� -""� yeats immediate ly pr�ng t he commerecement of a cutrent forectosure proceeding, (ii) reinstatement will preclude r�.�•.; .,, ��-�-
<br /> . . .,.�'"`>, . ==_--
<br /> � 9F':.` '
<br /> :.��� . �..� . foreclosure on different grannds in the future.or(iiiy reinstatement will adversety affect the prioriry of the{ien created by :•..+ •;�:.,�_
<br /> this Securiry InsUUmen� • •
<br /> ' � . ' , 11. Borrower Not Relexsed; Fosbearance by Lender Not a Waiver. Extension af the time of payment ar . . - . �;
<br /> � � � �' modification of amortization of the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by L.ender to any successor in interest • � =�,�� „
<br /> - ' of Borrower shall not operate to releace the liability of the original Barrower or Boaower's successor in intere�t. l.ender ; ,. . • , _
<br /> � �Y:"_]. .,�'
<br /> •t�.. ' shall not be required to commencepracecdings aguinst any successor in interest or refute ta extend time for payment or _
<br /> . , ' "'' othenrvise madify amortization of the sums recured by th�s Security tnstrument by reason of any demand made by the , . :�'�-:_
<br /> ` _�` ' �, original Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest. Any forbearance by Lender in exercisi�g any right or remedy shall �• � � ��=
<br /> � ��- ,�-.- -`�• not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise af any risht or remedy. . ��'"��'
<br /> . � ` 12. Sqccessoes and Assigns Boa�d:Joint and 5everai L'+abiT'cl.y:CaSigners. Thc coveisants and agreements of • ; y,��,;,,;_
<br /> � � this Security lnstrumem shall bind and 6en�t the successors and asss'�rs of Lender and Borrower,sabject to the prav�.cians •r-�:�,:�:-.-;;��
<br /> ° � , of Paragraph 9.b. Burrower's covenants and agrecments shAll be jatnt and sevcxak Any Barrower who co-s�gns this . , . •`?;_��;;�;,�
<br /> ' '. . Securiry Instrument but dces not execute the Nate: (a)is co-�igning ihix Secu6tQt 4nstrument only to mortgage.grant and ��•,,�•,,.: . -•. • .
<br /> _�.' ��'' �� ' convey that Borrower ss interect in the Property under the tertns af this Security In�sumem:(b)is not per�onally abligated to �;iy;'.;.;�;;` ' •. ''��:r_..:
<br /> �;;r-�.;:�s;=•�• pay the sum.g recured by this Securiry lnztrument;and(c)agrec�that Lender and any aiher Borrower may agree to extenQ. '•` • i;•''�`'��
<br /> .��,.._:_
<br /> ' '``:�' mod�fy.forbesu or make any accommod�tionc with regard ta thc terms of thit Security lnstrument or the Note withaut that . .
<br /> . � ,_,,.. : . � �' .,ti;
<br /> ���= y • � Borrawer's cansent. ,• � , ?s��;-
<br /> � � ' � - 13. Notkes. Any naticc ta Barrawcr provided far in thiy Security In�trument shal!be given by deliveieng it or by �: • ��.-•:-5�
<br /> .:C°�;.;�;..� • mailing it by first class mall untess applicable law reyuireti use af anuther methad. The natice shall be dircr��ed to the ,
<br /> cr
<br /> , '� ,<<al.. •� ..:. Property Addtcss ar any other addres�Barrowcr de�i_natcs by notice to Lendcr. Any ne�tice to Lcnder�hal6 4�e given by � .
<br /> • � firsl ct�cs mail to l.endery �ddre.r•s�tatecl herein or any addre�.Lan4er de�isnates by ncsticc tn Barruwer. Any notice
<br /> ' � pro'vided for in thiv Security ln�trumene�'�.�11 he dcc�ned n�havc hecn given ta Barrowcr ar Lcnder whcn given ax provided �- '..
<br /> , � in this paragrapl� � ' � t,
<br /> ' ' 14, tioverning I,aw;SeverabilitS. This 5:casrity Intitrumcnt tihall bc gc,vrracd by Fcdcral law and ihc law of the i
<br /> �• ��;� ' � jurisdiction in which the Praperty ix located. In the rrent that uny pr�visian n�r;ause ai this Security In�trument or ihe � ,
<br /> f��•%� Note conflicts with s� Lcable law,tiuch c�nflict sh�'1 not affert other�rowtii�ns of�his Security Intitrument ar the Note f
<br /> °�" � ' "which can bc given c1f rt without the conflicting pruvi�ion. 1i��hiti end thc prny i;iom of this Security lnstrument and thc � '
<br /> �• 'j` Note arc dedazed tv he�evcrablc. �
<br /> '{ � . . 1S. Borrawer's Cupy. �inm�wcr shull Iw givcn�mc confunncd�opy��i thi+Su;urity Instrumcnt. � .
<br /> .. � : 16. Assigameet ut Rentg. $nrtawcr unconditi�ma0y acrign�anQ trantif�•r.t�l.cndcr all thc rrnt�s+nd revcnues oi the :
<br /> •. • '�'`�. Aoperty. Borrowcr authatitcs Lender or L.endrt's agents ta caltect ihe rent�and revenucs and hcreby directti each tena�u ni'
<br /> • � the Property to pay th�rcnt�to Lendcr nr Lcndrr's agcnt�, N��wcvcr,prinr ti�L.�mdrr's nuticc tu Norrowcr of Ncmawcr: �
<br /> . - � breaeh of s�ny cavenant or agrecmrnt in�he 5ectuity instrument.Bomtiwrr ch:dl c��llert and rweive:df rents zmd revenues uT ;
<br /> . . , . the Property a.v irustec far ihc bcncfit nf Lcndcr.md H��m�w�n. Thi.:�,vignmcnt��f rcnt�amtititutr+an ab�alute u�signmcnt �
<br /> ' and not:u�si.ssignment for udditinnal sccuriry�mly. • .
<br /> � � lf Lender givcs noticc nf hrcach t��Hnrrutver. la►:dl rems r�tieived by Hanawer shaii lx hcld hy Hartawcr a�Irustce
<br /> "' � for benetit of l.ender onty,t��tx:upplied tn the sumc�ccurcd My thr Srr�ttity tn.�rument:Ib1 Lrndrr sh�ll t+c entiilcd ta
<br /> � ' - � coltect and rr,�civc vll uf thc rea�ti«f thc Yraperty:and(r 1 cach trn.mt��f�hc t'n,perty�hall pay pll rcniv duc tmd uttpaid to
<br /> Lende�or l.ender w agrnt�n Lendc�y writrcn dem:�nd tu.thc truant. . '
<br /> � � � � Borsawer har•nnl rxecuted any prios assignmcnt u!'ihc rents�nd h.�s n��t mid�vill nut prrf�+mi;u�y uct th.it wnutd •
<br /> , : � , prevent f.ender fram rxcrrising il�rights undcr thi.i'Uwa�r.�ph 16.
<br /> ' � Lender sh�ll no1 be reyuired to cntcr U�xm.Iakc c�mtrul of��r muintain the Pruperly heforr nr uftcr giving i�otirc oF : . •
<br /> • � �. breaeh tn Horrower. However,LenQrr ur a�u�ticiaity ap�+nintcd rrccivcr may da y�at:my time thcrc i�a Fnach. Any •
<br /> � ' appilcatian of rcnts shal!nat cure i�r wnivc any itcfa4lt ar mv:ilidatc:my vihcr n�ht ar rrmedy uf Lc�tdcr. Thix a�signmcnt _
<br /> � airrntsnf the f�roperty shall t�rmin:uc when Ihe debt xecurcd hy the 5r�utity 1»titrumeut is p��d�n fidl.
<br /> • ' • . � .
<br /> . . .
<br /> , . �Iw.u��l,j.1 pu.ci��r • ,
<br /> , , , . _ . _ . , . _
<br /> ..
<br /> - --- ° -- — - - - -__- - ------- — -- -
<br /> • + - - -- -- -- . � . .
<br />