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~ 1988 National 8enk of Commerce Trust and Savings Assoclatlon, Lincoln, Nebraska <br />• <br />F <br />20~0014~3 9g. ~033~0 <br />West Half of the Southeast Quarter (W1/2SEl/4) and West Half of the Northeast Quarter (W1/2NEl/4) <br />of Section One (1), Township Ten (10) North, Range Ten (10) West of the bth P.M., EXCEPT portion of <br />land described in Exhibit "A' following, and the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter <br />(NWI/4NE1/4) of Section Twelve (12), Township Ten (10) North, Range Ten (IO), West of the 6th P.M. <br />all in Hall County, Nebraska. <br />~lilalT M~~ <br />A Ract of land eomptiaing :part of the West Halt oP the Northeast Quarter (wl/2 h'El/s} otSec:ion <br />Dae (1), 7mvmzhtp Ten (IO) ltiorth, ltaage Ten (lp) West oP the 6th t?M, Hal! County, Nebraska aAd <br />more particularly described as Pollaws: ~ . <br />B~Snaiug at the ltortltsPest corxter of the West Hait of the Noxeitesst Quarter (Wi/2 N1r1J4); thence <br />easterly, along and upon the xsorth Itne of said West Halt nP We NorWeast Quarter (VVl/Z I~1/4), a <br />disfaace aP One 'I1:ousand FotQ HuAdrad Eleven and E3~t,;r Serea Hundredths (1,411.87) lest to the <br />a4rtbeasi comer oC aaid Vilest HaIIP of the Northeast Quarter ('4G'1/Z NElJ4); thence 'det7ecx9ng right <br />93°Q9'S1" aad rnnWng soather3y, along and npatt the east lip oP said West Hats of the lvotiLeasrQnuter <br />(Wl/S NF.i/4), a distance of Six Hundred (bOQ.O) Peery thence detlectin$ right 3$°~Z'4S" and nxnnfag <br />soathwesiedy, 8 distance of Qua lbousaad One Hundred Eighty 'l~vo (1,1$2.Q) Legit; thcnae dcilectEag <br />rigt-t 3p'44'S3' aad running ~esterty, perpendicular to the west line oP said West HadT of the Northeast <br />Quarto (Wl/z \'El/4), a distance of 51x Hundred Fitly Six aad Eighty p'lve Hundredths (656.8' feet <br />to x .point an the west line of sold West Hail oP tht Northeast Quarter (Wl/Z ~I/4); tbeoce deflertiug <br />right 90°~Q'l)0" and rtiaain$ northerly along and upon khe crest tine oP said West I3niP of the Northeast <br />. Quarter (Wl/2 N>wl/4), a distaacr of One Thousand Four Hundred .~ and S1xty Two Hundredths <br />(1,450.lZ) feet to the point of beginning. <br />