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<br /> P�Y�+�which ue ieffe�d ta m P� 2.ur�nae tlfe ano�i�u of such pa3rmeats. Any eaces,4 p�oaeds oir�an `
<br /> E
<br /> . ama�u�uic�ed to p�y all a�usnnding ir�i�edoas under tl�e Nate and this Secunry Instnmxnt sh�ll 6e�i4 to the entiry , .
<br /> ���Fen. La�ider��may cauecc fees add ch�rges autt�o�ua by che sec�eta�r. ' � . .
<br /> � 9 Geo��tarAoodaatioadDe6f. < <
<br /> � ` (s)Defadt. irader mry.exapt ag limitod by aguluians issaed by d�e Secc�etat�r in d�e case o�PsYma�t defavits.
<br /> teqnice immediate paytneat in fiill af att smns socuccd by thi$Security/ns�ment i�
<br /> _�_� (�Boiia�rer dcfaous bp fait'mg to pay in Cutf any monthty payment reeryis�d Er�tMs Sccu:itY�:P� . - -
<br /> . � to or�th�due date of t6a next moattilY PaY��-a .
<br /> � (ii)Bmmv��:defaolts by failing.foc a penad of•t6uty days.to pecfam any otber obligations eontained in this
<br />_ -- , .fb)���.���Pt�� ���st�ll,if permitted by applicabte law aad wittttba prior opprow�l of the . �
<br />- � ' ��Y,�1����Pa}'mea�in full of all the sums secund by�his Stcuriry�nsaumtat if- - -
<br />� _ . (i)�•a�;patt�o��.ar a 6eaefic'Ea!intemt in a tnise owning all a p:uto�tt�Pmpeety.•is soid or
<br /> o�ise+�tip�(o�r t�an by dcvise or descent)by th�e Bortowtr,and -
<br />`: (ii)7Le�ty is n�t axvpied by the pur�haser a giantce as his ar 6er principal res�dence.or the purch�ser .
<br />-k : - .. � or grantee does so accupy ihe Propatty�but his or hec ct�ed�t has aot been appresved in accordance _� ,,.
<br /> with dse nqui�ernents of tt�e 5ecretary. � -
<br /> �-----
<br /> - � (e)No�rea If cu�ua�s accur that would permit I.eyde�ta c�quue immediate pay�t in fiil1.6ut Lendcr ` �:y__. —
<br /> does not ztquiie suchpayments.l.ender does not watre its rights with respect to subsoquent events. �
<br />� - (d)Re�ufations of HUD Seeretsry. In m�ny cincumsttixxs regulations�ssued by the 5ecretary will limit Lender's �-y�
<br />. , ,� � dgMs, in the case of paymeat d�fauiu.to rec�uire immediato paytaent in full and foreclose �f not paid. This �. �
<br />�"'"s� Saurity Instcament does not autlioriiu accekrauai or faeclosure tf t�ot p�►mitteA 6y tegulations af tt�e Seetetary. �~�;-�',�-�
<br /> .'t,::; � �. --
<br />- jei -.=.if.�
<br />_. ,.. � . (el MoRt�e Nd Ia`sered. Bomnwer agnes that sh�wld�ltis Security In�l�d the aote secu�ed tlie�eby not :_�.��
<br /> ��: '' be eligii6k for insura�ce under ttx National Housing Act within ` • from ilu ' -
<br /> �s �� 1+.�`-
<br /> �.,;: date deneo�Lender may.at its option and notwithstu�ding anything in Paragraph 9,aquine immediate payrneni in � � "`�
<br />;;...4,
<br /> • •� fuU of all snms secund by this Security L�tnunent A writtrn statert�ent of any a�tlwrized agent of tbe Secietary -`=�=`._ -
<br />�- k , dated subsequent to 8 morlt hs from the date heceof.declining to insutie this Security - - . -
<br /> �.�.'.
<br /> _' ' s -� Instrumenf and the nae secured thereby.r�ll 6e deeu�ed caact�ive praof.of such ineGgi'b�7iry. NaRwi�ding =_ � _`-
<br />. - � '�-`��k' ihe fonegomg.this optian may nat be exercised by L.ender when ti�e unavailability of insurance is solely due to ' <
<br /> ��`'''�'%�� l.ender'�failare w remit a�nortgage snsurance premium to the Secretary. . "
<br /> � ��':LL:Y�;`.' 10 Retashtemenw Barrower has a right to bt reinstated if L.ender has requPnd'unmediate paymenE u�full because . • ,,y.���'
<br /> . -.i. ,;,,,..;..
<br /> �'�; ���.=•;.'.:.•� .., ,
<br /> ;�,�y,:�-,.�_;..w.. of Bormwer�faiture ta pay an amount due under the•Note or this Security Inswmen�. 71�is right appues even after �.�. . ;�:
<br /> • }rT M1 k:�,�'-�: � . forcctosure pmceedings are instituted. To reinstate the Security /nstrumen�Bonna�er shail tender m a Itimp stlm a11 , -�-.�_
<br /> s... s•r;±C,,,- �'-"�,
<br /> �, •_`�:,,.�.�f;��..• .. , amounts reqwred to bring Borrower's account curtent including,to the eatent they are abligations of Borra�ver under this s,:.;`; ' J�
<br /> • . '.,-r� �'`,';,,#�.a� S�inctrumen�foreclosure cosa and reasonable and customary attomeys'fees and expenses proper[y associated with u__
<br /> • ,�w+:�`` �'�� ' ' t h e��d issure p r o c e e d ing. l lpon re i n s t a temen t by B a r r ow e r.t his S e c un ty�nsUUment and the obli gations ihat it secares _}:°°
<br /> 3;, .�.�4F''�. _ _ . ` s6a3�'.�:�in in effect as if Lender had not required immediate payment in fuU. FTowever.Lender is not required to pemrit . ---
<br /> �,. .. • . - -�:_,�_
<br /> .:�:�:1:,.>,.�,;,.:t;� • ceins.aiement if �i��ender has accepted reinstatement after the commencement of fomclosure praceedings within two • �" ` . ,.+�_�_
<br /> • ;�-::-."--�_::;:��..t. years.;mmediately �i�ao�ding the rommencement of a current foreclosure proeeeding, (ii) reinstatement wil!preclude _ . ��-
<br /> '' • . . foreclosuce on different groands in the future.or(iii)reinstatement wip adversely affect the priotity of ihe lien created by '��'��"��__
<br /> • .. thisS�tylnsuument. � , _ _f,v,'--
<br /> 1!. Borrower Not Rekas�d: For6earance by Lender Not a Waiver. Extens?or�of the timc of payment or � . ,.�.�� �
<br /> � •• - � � madification of amortization of tr:z ssms secumd by this Security lnshument granted by Ler�°r to any successor in interest �� • , "�
<br /> ' 1 Borrow or Borrower's successor�n interest. Lender t�`-
<br />. =...�,,:,,,�, of Borrower shall not operate to mCease the I�abil�ty of the ongma er ,,,y,,�
<br /> • shall not be rec{uired to commence proceedings agamst any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or :: .,.<._
<br /> - r4'�":�;;w'•`; o t h e r w i s e m a d i f y a m o rt i x a t i o n o f t h e s u m s s e c u r e d b y t h i s S e c u r i t y T n m u men t b y reason of an y demand made b y the ' . ' �=
<br /> -';v._,--�•::�, , _
<br /> aciginal Borrower ar Borrawers s�:c:.essor.�in interest.,My farbearance by l.ender in exercising any right or remedy sha11 " �
<br /> ' '`:'".`.��'"'���� • not be a waiver of or preclude the exsrcise of any right ar rer�aa:�:. - � .�h
<br /> :,�;--
<br /> - �` • iZ. Suceessora anA ASa"g�'�nnd;doint and Severa�Liablltty;CaSignera 'Phe covenants s�nd agreemenu of -� ,.:
<br /> • �"` �' . ' thiA 5ecurity{nstrument shali bin,�+�assd benetn the succcssvrs and Assi�ns of L-:r#er and�o�rawcr.subject to the provisiona � • .
<br /> of Paragraph 4.6. Bpsrowers coi�e�anGc and a�emeats shall be loint and severnl. Any Borrawer wbo co-signs this � . �"••:��
<br /> �.� .� ..�, . ��. .. .. � ..:';�'�;
<br />� ' �.- , Security In.strumentbut does not cxerute the ti�;�' (a)is casigning this Secarity lnstrumeat onty to maRgage.grant and �<< �
<br /> , � ''' conveythal.Barrower's interest in the Property anQer the terms of this Securiry Inrtrument:(t�)is nat personaUy abligated to �-•-Y�_=-�
<br /> ��:+ ,��':•�•}"- � a dae'sxtms secured b this 5ecuri� Imtrumenr and(c)a rees that l.ender and un athcr�orrowcr ma a ree to extena. �.":;�•��^"'°""`,�_
<br /> . � PY_ Y Y 8 Y Y S
<br /> ' �''_n�f*�' mod� .forbeaz or make an accammadations with re .�rd to the termv of thi�Secunt lmlrumenl or the Nate withoul that • "����'�`'' � �
<br /> a"�.�:=..::... y �' Y • . _
<br /> �- -... Borcower's cansen� �;�
<br /> ' . �`.'� :�� '~. ' 13. NoNces. Any natice to Bartower pravidcd for in this Securiry tnstrument tihuli be given by deiivering it or hy . ' °'"'� �•
<br /> � •._ . � maili�g it by�first etass mail untess applica6le_law rcyuires use of unather method. The notue shap be directed to�he ,
<br /> • -� - : Propeny Addre�q c,r any other uddresv Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice u�I,rnder xh�il hc given by . '
<br /> � . first class mail to l.enders addoc:sti ctated herein c�r any addre�� Lender de�ignate�by nntice to Honawer. Any natice �
<br />' � �rovided for in this 5ecurity lnstreamem shall hc dcemed tn have bccn givcn to Borrower nr l.endcr whcn given aw provided , ,
<br /> :. . . .. m this paragaph. ;� . . .
<br /> . 14. Covernin�Law;Severability. 7'hi�Security Instrument shall t►e gc+vemcd by Fcdcral law and thc I�w nf the � �
<br />, • � ,jurisdictian in which the('�opcAy iti t�xated. in the event�hat any pruvisic�n or clause��f this Security instrument or th� �
<br /> • • Note conflictw wiih epplicablc law.such conflict shall n��t affcct athcr prnvitiiun�af thiti Secutity Intitrumem or ihe i�ia!e � . .
<br /> � - • . whieh can 6e given effece witho�i itto�x�nfli�ting pr��vi�ivn. Ti�ihi�eRd thc pmci�ian�of this Security Instrumcm:ui�a4'�z t • � ' :;,
<br /> , . . NotearedectaredtabeseveraEr;cs.- . ,. •
<br /> • � 15. Borrawti�'s E:opy: �arrowcr shtdl hc givcn��nc cunforin�d copY of thi�5��urity Intittement. ('• '
<br /> • t6. Arslg�meet of R�ntq. Borrawcr unconditiunaliy as�;bnti aad trart.�`cr�to Lcndrr ull thr rcnts and revcnue�af thc .• , .
<br /> � � • PropeAy. Borrowcr authnrizcs Lendet ar Lcndcr+agcn�s tu cc�itcrt thc rent.aad revenucs and hcrchy direc�tt ettch ten�nt af . • '
<br /> ' ' the Property tu pay ihe rentti to t.endcr��r Lcndcr�.igcn�s. Howevcr,priur ta�lsndcr ti nmi�e t�r H«rraw�cr�f Barrawer's '�
<br /> , � . brea�h of any covenant nr ugrccmcnt in the 5ccurity Imtruett�tit.(�orH�wcr!�halt�Y,lirct and recrive al)rentr 1nd revenues of � �; ' ,
<br />, . �t • , the E'roperty as trustce for Ihc bcnrEit of Lendcr and i��rro�ncr. Thiv a�.rign�ttcm c�f rcnts cantiritutcv an abvnlutc u�si€nment ` •
<br /> a�d not an assignment for udditivnut sccurity�mly. ;
<br /> - ti Lender givew notice af brcaeN tn 8arrowcr. .!•r)�ll nr�ts rcccivcd by Bvrrowcr shalE E�n c�1J hy Hurtuwer ay.trustee . �
<br /> , ��'� for bencfit of f�.eiuicr dnly.h�bc applicd to the.rums seculcd by�hr Securi�y Instmment: Ih)l.endr��hall he catiticd to ; .
<br /> . + - � ' coltect and recelve ull nf ihe rents of the Pa�perty:.utd(c1 eatlh icnunt nf'fhc I'ruperly shall pay aii rcros dur und unp;�id tv � -
<br /> � . • Lender or Lendcr'�agent on l.rndrr's written deu�and tb th�teca�r.r. ; � . � �
<br /> . . 8oanwer has�not exccuted any privr:���i�n�nent nf'the cani�and h:��nat and will not perti�rm�iny act�hat w�iuld � .
<br /> • : •• • , ptevent Lender from exercising its righiti under Ihis Pauagraph ib. `
<br /> ' , : � , Lender shall not be reyuirtvi tn e�ter upon.t;ilce cuntcnl�►f ar niaintuin�hc Propc�y befarc ur after giving nvtire��f . . , •
<br /> ' • � � �,. bre:ich to Bannwer. Nowevcr.Lrnder r+r�•jmhci�ilt ap�ninted receiver may d�w at.my time there is a breach. Any , ;
<br /> y n
<br /> • - upplic�tion of tenis shsll n�tit cure or waive any defanit or mvsli�iatc;u�v u�hcr ri�;ht ar rcmedy oi IAnder. "t'his a�si�;nn�ent .
<br /> - , .-. , ,.:�_-__- _. --- - . -�f rcnts oE thc t'ra�rts stiai!tc�einatc uhen!he sleht u�:�tsrai�s}!he 5ectisitr,r2a+sssu�t�ns e4�tiet�fe�lL.. - _ ---- _-- -_---_
<br /> .. < _
<br /> . - -- ----.
<br /> --- - - ..
<br /> .-- ., ,
<br /> ..... _ ..•, . , .:. . I/nrg�-{r J 4 puCCSi
<br /> .
<br /> - -- _ _ — - ' • - - - - --
<br /> , '- - --- --— -----_ --- -- — - --- - . - :( ----
<br /> , • __ _ ;t
<br /> . ��. � .
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