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<br /> .. � � DEED OF TRUST �- - �Q,
<br /> - : . EIiA CASE NO. T ��' .
<br /> .=STATE OF NEBRASBA _ . . G��
<br /> 32i-i538��7-7d3 `
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<br /> ..,_TI�D�ED QE'IRUST(••Sec�uit�r Inswmea'7 is madc m ,FebTUarY 21. 1492 � ' ._>.:;:
<br /> . � .
<br /> �`� "'!'be tius�as R HALOIfSi(A APD GRACE A FtALOUSKA �-'�°°:�.�:•
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<br /> _ � The 6auficiary is,,•��..UMBUS•.�D�RAl. SAVIN6S BANK �
<br /> - � �.r, :,
<br /> _- .. • '� :� ��
<br />_ ;uj���,idti�`C��cganizod and;�asdng under�{Tie laws of.' NEBRASKA . � '.�?
<br />-= '�'':;�'�.��i�addr�ss is. l371 26T!#'AVENUE � .
<br /> �`� , � . COLUMBI�: NE 68601 '
<br /> � . (••Lender").BorrowarowesLenderthepmr�pEaumof
<br />� � ' �ifty-Two Thousand Nine Hundred Fifty and No/100 -------------------------�_
<br /> -'-° Dallars(U.S.S 52.950.00 �•
<br /> :.T::.:
<br /> '- This debt is eridencrd by Horrower's note dated the same date as this Security lastrument("Noie").wE�3ch provides for
<br /> -- �, manthlyp�yrnenis,v'vc�chciulldebt.ifnotpaidtarlier,ducandpayabteon MerCh 1. 20Y� �:�. . •
<br /> This Sccudty lnstrvment secures to Lrnder:(a)the rcpayment of the debt evIdenced by the I�fote,wssFa i�iErrst,and all
<br /> renewats:extensionsandmodificaiians;(b)thepaymentofallothersums.withinterest�ad�azacedundecparagraph6ta ,.
<br /> -� protxt sE�.security of tlus Serurity l"�s�mcnt;and(c)the performac�ce of Borrawer's aove�ts,and agoanenrs.For this ':-
<br />_ �� 1 purpose:8orrower irrevu�tbly g�^�,,sn+i':cflnveys W Tnutee.in trust,with power of sale,the f9Tlawing describod properry
<br />-�==,.' , toc�ted 9a �.� �t'A4:,ti.. • , C�wntY,Nebr�slca:
<br /> =' LOT THREE (3), IN BLAl1V�i..fi.s7.J�0�'u��'y�t�l`a,,: .'-N TNE GITY Q[=:�RAND 1SLAN0, HAL� COUNTY,
<br /> - - NE6t�"�A. _ . � .... , . ' . • ,
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<br /> Y. i ' .. ' •(�it95.t� {City) � , ..
<br /> , ,�,.,: � Nebraslm 66843 � i"Property Address")t ' � .
<br /> • . , tr�pG;s:l. '�;' '' � � ' � .r
<br /> � - TUGETHEtt WITH all thc.i+iiprovemenis now or hrr�fi��r eiected on the prope�cc_Znd alTeas:�:edts,righi�.
<br /> . ••"�.; anputtenances,rents:royalties:mineral.oi]and gas dgfiis��1��fofi�s,water rigfits and�rl.rk and at!�x+.ures now cr - - : ;
<br /> hereaftera part of the property.Al)replacements a�d additions shall also be covered by this Serurity Ers�cru:nant.All af
<br /> '. i�' the foregoing is rePcrred to in thit 5ecurity 1n�trument a�the'.`Property."
<br /> 1^'
<br /> . ' �- BORROWEti COVENAIVT5 that&mower is lawfuliy selzed of the estate hereby conveyed and ha�the rlgtie to graat
<br /> - end canvey the Pro�perty and that the Property is uaencnmbered.except for encUmbrances of recard.Borrawer warranu
<br /> � -- - -�� _ sieA wllt Qet�td generatty the tiite to the�roperty ag�t at�ciaims an��tenrat�,.subJeci to s�sy eacussbras�ccs o€rcrcu�l. - - ;
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