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92-101566 <br />CORPORATION QUITCLAI71 DEED <br />HALL COUNTY LIVESTOCK IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION, a 2lebraska <br />Nonprofit Corporation, as Grantor, gratuitously quitclaims to the <br />CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA, a Municipal Corporation, as <br />Grantee, the following- described real estate: <br />A track of land located in the Southwest <br />Quarter (SWJ) of Section Twenty-Two (22), <br />Townshi'�D Eleven (11) North, Range- Nine ( 9 ) <br />West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, <br />and more particularly described as follows: <br />Commencing at 1-he Southeast corner of the <br />West. Half of the Southwest Quarter (W}SWi) of <br />said Section Twenty -Two (22); thence on an <br />assumed bearing of N 00 °00'00" E along thn= <br />East line of said West Half of the Southwest <br />Quarter (WISW a distance of 1791.80 feet to <br />the point of beginning; thence N 89 °16'23" W <br />a distance of 951.32 feet to a point 10.00 <br />feet East of the Southeast corner of Janiscr,. <br />Subdivision; thence N 00 °01'49" E along a <br />line 10.00 feet East and parallel to the East <br />lane of sail Janisch Subdivision a distance <br />of 319.80 feet to a point 10.00 feet East of <br />the Northeast corner of Janisch Subdivision; <br />thence S 89 °13'06" E along the South line of <br />Fonner Third Subdivision a distance of 289.82 <br />feet to the Southeast corner of Fonner Third <br />Subdivision; thence N 00 °01'59" E along the <br />East line of said Fonner Third Subdivision a <br />distance of 440.06 feet to the Northeast <br />corner of Fonner Third Subdivision; :hence <br />S 89 112156" E along the South right -of -way <br />line of Fanner Park Road a distance of 661.09 <br />feet to the East Line of said West Half of <br />the Southwest Quarter (W }SW}); thence <br />continuing S 89 °12'56" E along the South <br />right -of -way line of Fonner Park Road a <br />distance of 20.00 feet to the center of <br />existing 20.00 foot wide utility easement; <br />thence S 00 °00'00" W along the centerline of <br />said 20.00 foot wide utility easement a <br />distance of 758.90 feet to a po nt on the <br />center line of said 20.00 foot wide utility <br />easement; thence N 89 016123" W a distance of <br />20.00 feet to the point of beginning; said <br />tract contains 14.00 acres, more or less, all <br />corners of said tract having been marked with <br />permanent iron monuments, subject to unpaid <br />special assessments, covenants, restrictions <br />and easements of record. <br />The above- aescribed real estate shall be used by the grantee <br />for the purposes of building, maintaining and operating a swim - <br />ming pool and water park for the use of the general public, and <br />this conveyance is made upon the express condition that in the <br />event the above- described real estate shall ever cease to be used <br />by Grantee for a swimming pool and water park or any similar <br />-I- <br />