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201oo13so <br />WIi~~I ~>e0r~>~1~~ r~All, To <br />T'eddral I°iol~a Loan Mortgage ~orpcration <br />~opo plar-o Rarl~way <br />tMarrQilton, `1`~C 't5©l0 <br />AttE~: ~tjristina)8.ubaalcal3a <br />l19& 9Ar1G'f3 AAAYim TIt18 LINE TrQla RIIG@IiAI~R'S <br />LIMITEED I'OWEII; Ulu AT7'C71tNE'Y' <br />KNG1W ALL MEN ~~'' N'HE~1/ EItE~1;NT~: 'That the 1^ed~ral 1~Ior?~a Laar~ Mortlgag0 ~orp4ration <br />(4'F'reddie Mae"), a foderal instrurrlel~tality argar~i~ed and o:~istilt$ under taro laws of tlta United. Mates of <br />Arx~eriea, with its principal nffiec located at 8~D@ .Tones Hratrch Drive, MtLean, VA ~~1D~, and an pft~ce <br />]seated at 50DD Plane Parkway, Carrollton, T7f 7~Q1D, dope hereby make, constitute and appoint ~tewarC <br />yonder Sorviees, Inc., as attprr-ey-in-feet and/or went, to be authorized to act, da and perform, an behalf of <br />l±reddie Ma,e, with full porygr and authority to set far it, in its place and stead, any and all lawful eats, <br />matters, and things whatsoever requisite, necessary, proper, or convenient to bo done as llally as Freddie <br />Mae might or could do itself for all intents and purposes, with regard to the matters list®d bBlcaw perf4rrrred <br />in Conn®ct{on with the sale ofreal estate owned by Freddie Mac: <br />WITH TtE~A1tD T® TTEAL FIt©PETtTI', to execute, to anNcnawledge, to seal, to deliver and tct revoke <br />t, Oontracts of sale and ether contractual documents related to the sale of I-4 unit real estate, <br />n~robile homos, modular homes ar manufactured homes gwned by h'reddia Mae; <br />2, Deeds and instruments that convey title to l-4 unit real estate, mobile homes, modular <br />ham+as ar uranufaetured homos owned lay Freddie Macs <br />3. Documents required of Freddie Mac as a seller at real estate, mobile homes, modular homes <br />ar manufactured homes, ar otherwise required to tae prepared and executed itt conneetlon with the <br />sale of such property, to include lout not Nimited to a HTJp-1; and <br />4. Documents required of )f+rcddie Mac to obtain, transfer and/ar convey title ar ownershila <br />rights to mobile homes, modular homes or martufaetured hc+rnes. <br />This power pf attorney shall be ef~#'ective fror~n the date of execution hereof until such time as it is revoked <br />irr writing by 1=reddie lVlac, and such revocafiiQn is ~Il®d fbr record in the affrae of the ~aurlt~+ in which suekr <br />real property is situated. 7'he revocatican of such power of attorney shall only affect the speci~a Hattie&, <br />whether an entity, person, or individual, named in any revocation, and shall not affect or impair the pagers <br />of any entity, parson, or individual not nar>nad. Thar®voaatign shall not ai?l'ect any liability in any way <br />resulting from transaction initiated prior to the revocatican. <br />IN WITNESS 'WHEREU~', the grantor has caused this instrurr9ent to be executed by its <br />authorized represcntativo <br />This ~, day of Mar h D~D9~. <br />F1:1~ L I•TOMi; LOAN M©RTt:°iAOI/ CE?E~ORA`TIOAi <br />'~ <br />H -~-. ... <br />I?rintcd l~la~ne: . ,iati R ale <br />Title; sis • T'r rs <br />PA~ilJ 1 OF' ~ PA(.r]a LIMITED POWER OF ATTOAN)'rY <br />