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<br />20100134 <br />Agreement dated March 1, 2006 said assignment dated March 10, 2009 and recorded in the <br />c:~ ffice o 1~ the Register o:f Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska on March 24, 2009 as Instrument No. <br />?00902104; subsequently by reason of an assignment said Trust Deed was assigned to Deutsche <br />f3anlc National Trust Company, as Trustee in trust for the benefit of the Certificateholclers l~~r <br />Argent Securities Inc. 200Ei-W3, Asset-Backed Pass-Through C;'ei-tificates, Series 2006-W3 said <br />~~,ssignment dated Febniary 22, 2010 and recorded in the office of the Register of Dccds of Harr <br />(~oui~ty, Nebraska does hereby notify tl~e above-named persons of a default in said Trust Deed, <br />which Trust Deed was granted upon the following-described real estate, situated in the County of <br />H::~ll and State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br />Lot One (1), Block Nine (9), John Voitle's Addition to the City of Grand Island, <br />Hall C",ounty, Nebraska. <br />and that a breach of the obligation for which the trust property was conveyed as security has <br />occu--rc;d in that the grantors of said deed. have failed, neglected and refused to n~alcc the <br />payments on said note which Trust Deed was given to secure, wl~.ich became due on August 1, <br />2009 and thcreatter, and that there is now due upon said instrument the principal suns of <br />SEVENTY-ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED SIXTY-TWO AND 48/100 ($71.,562.48) <br />together with interest thereon from July 1, 2009, at the rate of 4% per annum together with <br />accruing taxes alad advancements. <br />You are further notified that the Tnistee has elected to sell or cause to he sold s~ich <br />t~roperty to sat.isf`y the afi <br />Thomas J. Young; <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br />C'OUNTY' OF DOUGLAS ) <br />ss. <br />Tl~c foregoing instrument was acknowledged before ine on February 2S, 20'10, by <br />Tl~onias .f. Young, Successor Trustee. <br />G~NERAI. NOTARY - Shy of Nebraska <br />KAREN M.KNAPP <br />My Comm. EKp, March 18, 2013 Notary Public <br />2 <br />