,. . . . . ..na. Y� . ... . - '.�t:��,.�_�... ._
<br /> -� -.�:�::.. ..___... ......��. �� � � L� 4�~ � L t�r`'
<br /> '`�' � TdBETkfiA WfTH s7 the i� P R rtY� . ,
<br /> +provr�rrt�nts no•ri or her�fter erecied on ttia m e asd a7 easunen . t+std 3.fy.:�-4��—
<br /> , � � Nxtures now or hereal2er a part of the proR2ety.A9 rep�cem:ms end ad�tlans sha0 e!so 6e covered by this 3�e�xr(ry(nstrurttent ;� ��. '
<br /> ', RD of the toregoin�i� �eterr�l m tn this 3eeudty Instrument a9 the'Propert�s.' • ,
<br /> HORROWSi Cfl�!'nNAI�+75 th�i Borroww ts[swluLy selz�d o4 tho eamto A�by corivsyed artd hns 4ho dght to gr�ni as►d ..
<br /> cor.vsy fie Fr�p�ty and tt�at the Proparry is unertcutnbsed. mcce�4 for enciur.hranees oi resord. BOROLYE4 Yic7l1All4S C4fid WIII �
<br /> d�tend g�ncmJ�y tlfo G'L'o ro ttiQ Ptoperiy agznat aU et�Ims end demands,subject to uny micumbmRCas of resord. � �
<br /> --- T!f!-Q �Ca� !�-Si�l�!�!T cnm4_�ne• unl?cam sov?.�ws�s 1� nat�rK1 y.�. :nd no�►-��f� as3rc�er.� r.�F'•h .� _-=-'==-U
<br /> varfallons�y jurts�lat�to eonstiNte e urftorrn ser��rlry tnstrum�t coverinA resl Rropesry• ., '
<br /> UNI�rOAM C01tENANT'8. Borrowar and Lead:r covtn^.nt e,nd agae ss to�ows: •
<br /> 1. �aymen4�f t�tinctpal and Intsr� Prepaym�n4 and Lade Char�oi3.Bortower shafl Prompity paY when ,. �
<br /> - due ths pdadpei o!areti Int�est on the d�t evtden�ed by the Nota�nd�ny prepay�nra�t and tsSo ehargra due under the Note. ~ _�'.�•�'
<br /> _ 2. Ennds 4or Texsa astd tnst�ranes.SubJect to app8cebte�ww or to a mEtten wai�r by Lender.Borrower shtll pay Y ` �.�
<br /> to Lender on the day mortEl�ly pflyrr�ts are dae und�r the Note,�cnlU tife Note b pald(n tuY.a sum(`Funds') for. {a)yea.ry �� , ,. ,;
<br /> �:,� teiws and assessme�ts wRtxh may¢ttatn prtorlty aver this Securiry Instrum�nt an a Czn on the ProA�Y �) SIeuIY fessohofd '':�.-.�::
<br /> - pasymans or g►aund rznta on the ProBuIy,H any, (c)Yeady hardrd or pra�ry Insurenes premlum�: (d) yearly tlood tnsur$neo ., ,. .��.�. ...
<br /> ' �� premiums, it er►Y: ie)Y��Y moRgsge fnsurencr►praniums.if any,and(Q anY sums payabfa by BonowEr to Lander in aecord�t►es � , - ...�
<br /> � k wltb tt►o pravisfions oi psragrsph e. tn [:¢u o1 tha payment oi mortgaga insurance premtums. These fG�r.s aro cal:ed 'Eseraw � ,..',�-�-
<br /> (tctns.' Lende►may, at ar►y tL�ne, coIIect and hotd Funds to ae amnur►t not to oxceed tht me�dmu�n r�wUr►E a lendv far a _ , • .
<br /> .. tedera,+y r�ated mcrt�t�taan may requira tor Bosrsrlyds escrow accourt under the fed�Reai Esta+.ci 8st��rr�ni Rrecedurea .� , - ,�,..
<br /> Ad ot 1974 as crt�en�zd fr4sn Ume to tUne,12 U.S.C.�2801 d scq. (`RE.SPA`j, url��s anath�taw th� �p4es to the Funds •`�'��"",-`;-;:e��:
<br /> :r'.r`;.':`; sets a teuse►an:aun*.. H so.Lendzr may�ai nity lfm� co�ec2 and had F��.c6s in an arr,aint nat to ex�d th2 IESSV amourtt �•
<br />:r`: I.ender mny e�timMo t3»umnc:r,4 01 Funds d�e�e an tRa haais ot ar.mt�h m�rar3o.v�Y�asPansies oi e�at�4aas oi fiat+are ,irtd�'�'�,.�..
<br /> , �
<br /> �� � � �rrc�i ftems or oth�w[se ta ecscrdutce wllh a��1cQ:'a tyr. �;;����-:,-:•
<br />.:lt�.'.:;. s�C�a i�`'
<br />=�:�:�•;.. Tf�e Funda st�ti 6e he:d fn an Ina�fuS'..�n whae d��t a.�m's�:ured by a federat agar.cy.fisbvmerttatity.or emT/frn�ng �,+r ���,r�.��:�'�
<br /> _=:r%{:Y� t�x',�rts, tl Let�d�fs such an ttu��'�n) or In 8try Feder.s�Kcrrcr�Y.aa.�Bank Lendar SAa9 apply ths F�cnda to pay 4hs E&^sow :;,;:;;,;�'�t",��'r`a��f+;
<br /> - (tans.Lender may noi cAarge Bar.ovrer tor hoid,ng and aFp�.'��itra Wnds.ennually enary/ling the esaa�+r exount, or v�ffyfng ��•�,_i;u.�c
<br /> the Escrow it�s, unte,a9 Lend� pays 6orra•rrcJ Niterest o� :7ca Funds end appGc�ble Iaw permtts f.a�a tr+ make sucfi a "'"�'-�-
<br /> �-
<br /> . eharge. Ha�vev� I.�sda may requtre Bosrovres ro pay a an��ne charge fcr en fndependent reel esffi!!r��ax�ortlreg servlee -'.;_- .-�;`�.
<br /> e
<br /> �.�,.�,-..�,..
<br /> used by I.ender in connectlon wfth fhis Iaaa. ar'��..ss eppt�e tstiv provldes othenlis�. Unteas an �t Is made ar �;�..
<br /> appltcob!e I�w reqaires tnterest to be Patd Lender shal!not br r:quired to pay Barowar an}t�etsst or e�.L�gs on thv funats. - -��� �
<br /> ,'. nR�..
<br /> Bnrtower end LQnda may agrea in wr(ting. howwer, that�iterest sha� ba Rald on the Funda ler►der shaA gtve to Borrowa, �• '< `�-
<br /> wfthout chseg2, an am►ual accouM(ng of the Funds.showing ae�its and c�„'��s to tha Funds end tfie purpose tor whtch each ---_---- ---�----
<br /> - debii[o tiie F:crds w�made. Tne Fun���r'-�'�-a„�ati.�"�ottat sEr.�°��e y'!sssms s�d 5;tl1e S!�!�t�(ig Ins�r�um�rt. __-_ -
<br /> If tha Funda R�s!by Lender excead the�rsn�ta pennitted to be het�t�r�pAltc-abte taw. Lender sheD neeocmt to Borrawer - �,'� ;=�
<br /> tor the exeess F�u►ds tn eccords3nc2 y�'�e�'��re��c�n�is of eAPJca4te law.Yi the anwunt of the Funds held by lende�at anyr �s �:
<br /> � tima ts rtat eufPctent to tha�orarr i:�vr",�n du�Len�9 so notHy Bortawer(n wrfttn ,end,tn sucfi cas�t3wr.-ower `a'�..` '`
<br /> -_ psy �f► 8 � .� , .:�:
<br />=_ � sha8 pay to Lender the amaurtt rtecessery ta�a1ce up the dgfi�en�y. Barrower ahalf make up the deftdency In no r�ama than �,,,
<br /> tweAre morrthly paymExrte,at le�d�s sa'e�.e.^�E•.��. ... n� ..
<br /> x
<br /> Upon payment ir►fuA o?aH sums seare..i tnj ite3�r tnstrumertt, Lende oha0 promptly►refund to Borrowa asry Funds �-�=,'�-
<br /> hetd by tender. If, �nder para�aph 21, Lend�stutl r�;�ar seU the Praperiy,LErtder, pdar to the ac�JlsNlan or sttle of the � : „
<br /> . Praperty►,stuB appfy any Fund�hetd by Lend�r�Tt�'s� *-�oi ecqutsitlon or sala as a cratGi a�fns!tha� sea�d by thls �•r�-
<br /> ' Suatrity UtSQumerit �`="ID
<br /> . 3. Applir.a!!o� of Pis�tOnt�. Unless eppU�a '►uai provldes otherwlse, eA paymec�a received b�r L+�a�r°ander
<br /> -, pua�aphs 1 and 2 shaA be appUed: ftrst,to eny pregayme:r3 ahuges due un�u the Note;ser.ond,to amo+m9s p�'b�cmder �„�
<br /> p�ra�aph 2;thid,to tmaest cYte;burth.to R�'d�a1 du�end{ast.to arty 6�a cAargas due under the Neta
<br /> � � 4. Chargct�; Llon9. eormwer shs0 �ay aD texes, assessmerst�. d+a,�gs9. fines end imposfftccs��.'�7s'ta tAe �'°'�"'
<br /> :..� Pto�ty whlch�'+�[ttln prlarHy ov�Mis�Instnm�ert,and tesae*Br�r,,�ymd►ta or�aund renv.t�r�. �S'�.Y.(6S 6110Y
<br /> ? ps�yy these obq�tions In the m�s.^�c pravlEed�AaragaDb�, ar tf not pmd �that m�nner. 8orrawe�aF.a���s�,m ttme ��"f!`..
<br /> dkactfyr to the pwsan owed pr�emen: Bacrovr�shaA pror.��SLmish to Lender eY naltaeo of amour�ts to ba ;�o�azYer thts �i���-
<br /> �. . pata�aph. M Bamwer mekes �T�resa payme�sts directty. B�srnwcs shall prompty tumtsA to Lenda recdpt� evr..�g the r!-�?
<br /> ta. � _
<br /> 8�ortowr ah�A promptiy 8scharpe a�G�v,!�kfi has prior(ty over thls Sara�rity Inatruma►t untass Be��: (a) e�reas In �-��.��. ,
<br /> � wrMlnp to ths payrnent of the obllg�flon aeauc��6y She Oen tn a manner a c e e p t e h t e to L s n d�; @)cortbaotf�:n g o o d W t h t he �'�-
<br /> pen by, or detends ng�lnst aifarc�ment ot L'�1i�s In. Iego1 proceedlnQs whlcb h tAe LenGPa opinbn operste to RT�'���
<br /> .o �. e�torc�n�t o9 ths Qan:a (o)sacnra�from tha 4:ctder ef f�ve,�en an e�eanait aatt34ctory to Lender aubosdinaUnp gha Yan to ''�"`
<br /> � =qa
<br /> thts 3xudiy Instrumant It Lander determL�es that arcy�f di ti�r�ProPerty Is subJect to�Nen wAfcA may a�h prbritty ovsr thl� �=.°�'
<br /> gecvrtty hisbument,Lender mry gNe Borraxrer a no�ce Idec��y the Ge�.Bocrowe►sh�Y a�tlaty the Yen ar Lks ons or,mors o1 = - ---
<br /> ' the actlons aet faM abovs withtn 10 dtys af tGre,;�fng of no9ce. � -_-�
<br /> • � 5. �1� P�r FrOp�tty tnfu►aRC�(�orrower ehaH keep the t�uaments naw odat(ny or han�tt��d on the � �� J�'
<br /> � " L��trtsu�rF�+nst toss bI►flre.hazards ir.c�ded wkhln the tam 'a�a�eertded covetaqs' end�try other haards.MciuBnp �".�'�.,-�.:.
<br />;:?,� �` �4�b or tkc�'c:�.tor whlch Lenda requtres insuranee. ThI2 fc..�:rancs ahtU be mtlnt�hed tn the�nwunte�nd 1a the�bde ,
<br /> - - U�i Lender�. Th�imwrance r�rrler P�".�g the irazura►.�ce shd!6e chosa�by Bnrmw�subj�d t���n!ur'e e�.�:� �`
<br /> -- � - whkh ahaU not be unro�son�6ly wrihheid. If ?arroww fbl'9 to rtwht�►cwenge descdbad a6ove, L.ender mry.at Lendefs
<br /> ha
<br /> � optkn.obtaln cavasSe to ptotect LenAer'a AgJ��4�s the Property In accordence wtth pongnph?. �'�.
<br /> � Ap tnsuranco poIIdea and ra�ew�i� sNell lim seceptible to landa and eh�Y hduds a nt�nQvd mart�ge dtuss. Lendar
<br /> a�
<br /> • at�e9 have the r1pM to hotd tAe pcRdes end�vrr�rats. If Lenda roquire�,Borcawa ahdl promptfy gNe to Lender�fl raeefpis o1 �
<br /> : �e:�premWma and ren�wal noUea�. In the event af foss,Borrowe sh�9 pive prompi nottce to the Insurance carde and l.ender.
<br /> C,�Gia may m�ke pr�af oi la»N not made prompUy by Bortawer. �`
<br /> iJn:eaa Lender�Bortower oth�wlse a�ee In wrltlnp. tnsurenca proceeds shsY be appeed to restowilon a rep�Ir a!the - . � .
<br /> Property dusvged,N the cestoraflon w�{wtr is econorNaAy tensmk end Lendel's seairityr is not le�sened..ff the reatonti�an a —_=-�=_
<br /> ropeSr ts r.at�a�a�mlaYy faabts or Lendela sacurity woutd he kssened,the Insurana proceeds effaD be�ppYed to the aum� �- :
<br /> oe�.�f�d by tt�SewrRy Inatrurn�L whether cr nat ther►dua. v�th any �ccesa p�id to BoROwer. Ii Borrower�banQotla the
<br /> �"-.�
<br /> t;,.r.•��. t�rsryeRy. ar dees not answe wlthln 90 deys a noUce trom Lender that ths Tnaunnce curia►haa ofterod ta aettie�c18m,theo �_
<br /> Iv�r r:iay cotecl the Insursis�pmcaed�. Lcnder may us�the praeeeds to repalr or rczrare tha Property a to pay aiun� �
<br /> . � se�rM by thts 32curity IncUumr�t:w:se2het ar not then du� '•ha S(�day peHod wW 6eq�ir prltr�the naiics(�ghten. ������,_.
<br /> Unteas LenQer and Borrowe� othenvlc� e�ee in wr(Eng, any epp4caUo� of proe�'�ts to �d:�d�p� ahaY not adartd or — ---
<br /> • pos�one the due date of the mor�thy psynr�srt�teterred to In para�yaphs 1 end 2 or c�as±g9 the�r..0 of the paymmto.8 —� -__-
<br /> 0
<br /> • under paragraph 21 the Property Is acqulrc�:I� Cn_rtder. Borrawers dght to any tnsuranc9 poBdes a��rveseda resu(Bng trom ���'��`J��
<br /> d�rtuys to the Property prior to the acqutc:'i.^ shaA para b Lender to the e�Rent af tfta sums by tih;s SeewY�y Instrument F'•�_= ___
<br /> , (mme�tdy pdor to the ncqulsttlon. _ _�_�-"
<br /> . 6. Occupaney, P�ss�rva8o»� f�R�irrr.ar�as�cg and Pratoctfon o! the Propuly; Borrower'a Loln --f�-��--•��--
<br /> � AppUcatfon: I�asehotds. eorrower snan ao�,�y, estebIlsh,and uso tAe Properry as Borrower'a pA�:.dpal �esldence w1thN �:,s�'=,
<br /> ' - sbery days a4er the executlon ot ti�Is Secudty instrument end shaH conttnue to oecupy the Property as Bwrower's ptindpU 4---
<br />