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~ F <br />- 201001241 <br />~, <br />OF 3~32.3~ FEET'1,0 A 1'OIN'I" ON 'I,HI~~ SUiJ"1,H LINE OF A CIrI~I' OF (TRAND ISLAND <br />DRAINAGE RIGH~1'-OF-WAY (R.O.W.); THENCE S8~1~°33'3~1~"E ALONG SAID SOi1TH <br />LINE A DISTANCE OF 20.13 FEF.~I"; rl"I~NCE SO1°05'29"li: A I)IS'1'ANCk; OF 327.29 F1~:ET <br />TO A POINT ON "l'HE NOR'1,H LINE OF LOT 23, BL10CK 1 OF SLIMMERFIEI~D <br />1{~STATES SEVENTH SCJBDIVISION, CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HAIL. COi JN'hY <br />NEBRASKA; THENCF~ S72°22'10"W ALONG SAID NOR'1,I-I DINE A DISTANCE OF 10.43 <br />FEET TO T1IE POIN"1, OF 13I?GINNIN(Y. SAID PF,RMANENT DRAINA(=F F,ASFMENT <br />CONTAINS 6,612 SQiJARF, FEET OR 0.15 ACRES MURF~ OR LESS. <br />Together with the following rights, namely, unrestricted ingress and egress under, over, <br />and across such land far the purpose of exercising the rights herein granted, to excavate and refill <br />ditches and trenches, and the right to clear and keep clear of structures, fences, trees, brush, <br />hedges, and other obstructions that might interfere with the location, construction, inspection, <br />repair, replacement, removal, and maintenance of such. utilities. Any such utilities and <br />appurtenances placed upon, over, and under such tracts of land. shall remain the property of the <br />Grantee and may be removed or replaced at any time. <br />The Grantors, for themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, <br />hereby covenant that no buildings, fences, or structures shall be erected or permitted within the <br />easement area and that the easement herein granted shall run with the title to such tract of land and <br />be binding upon the Grantors, their successors and assigns. <br />DATED: ~,~~// , 2010 <br />GREG <br />S'1'Ar1,N: OF NEBRASKA ) <br />ss <br />COUNTY OF HAIL. ) <br />OtI tlus ~` 1 (lay of ~, _ , 2010 before Inc, the ulldersigrled, a Notary I'ubli(• in aIl(11oI- sal(1 <br />County and State:, personally appeared GREG BA TER, PRESIDENT, to me known to be the identical pcrsolls who <br />si~Iled the foregoillg Public. i.Jtility Easelnent aII<i ackllowledge the exe(:ution Ibcrcof to be tlleir voluntvy act and decd as <br />such olrccr on behalf of s'tiCl comp~uly for the purpose [1lcreul expressed. <br />WITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal the date above w7'ittcll. <br />`; ~"` "'~= ~` hav COts4MISSIDN EXPIRES <br />'::~a~• ~~' ~tugusk 10, 2011 <br />a <br />Not~uy Public <br />-2- <br />