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-~ ;~ 20~."ooi~~o ~~tA ~.oo ~s~7~~ <br />;-A`" A Tract of land comprising a part of the East Half of the <br />Southeast Quarter (E1/2SE1/4) of Section Twenty-Four (24), Township <br />Twelve (12) North, Range Eleven (11) West of the 6th p.m., Hall <br />County, Nebraska, and more particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at the Southeast comer of said E1/2SE1/4; ilhence running <br />Northerly along the East line of said E1/2SE1/4 a ristance of Six <br />Hundred Thirty-Four feet (634'); thence deflecting left "a0 degrees 39' <br />37" and running Westerly a distance of Five Hundred Eighty Three and <br />Forty Three Hundr®dths feet (583.43`); thence deflecting left 93 <br />degrees 15'00" and running Southeasterly a distance of Twa Hundred <br />Sixty One and Thirty Eight Hundredths feet (261.38'); thence deflecting <br />right 90 degrees 29' 13" and running Southwesterly a distance of Six <br />Hundred Eighty Six and Seventy Two Hundredths feet (686.72'} to a <br />__ _ _ _ _ _ point on_the .West line of said, E i /~ SE 1./4' thence ..running Southerly <br />along the West line of said E1/2SEi/4 a distance of Three Hundred <br />F: rty Eigl3t an~ Tv,-erty Tl-~rtre Hi.iilc:i~6Jti35 feet (34o.c3'} t(3 the <br />Southwest comer of said E1/2SE1/4; thence running Easterly along the <br />South line of said E1/2SE1/4 a distance of One 1"housand Twv <br />Hundred Forty Eight and Thirty One Hundredths feet (1.,248.31') to the <br />point of beginning; AND <br />A tract of land in the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter <br />(SE1/4SE1/4) of Section Twenty Four (24), Township Twelve (12) <br />North, Range E{even (11), West of the 6m p.m., Hall County, Nebraska, <br />and more particulary described as follows: Commencing at the <br />Southeast comer of the Southeast Quarter (SE1/4) of said section <br />Twenty-Four (24) and running thence Northerly and unen the East side <br />of said Section Twenty-Four (24} a distance of Six Hundred Thirty Four <br />feet (fi34'); thence deflecting left 90 degrees 39' 37'" and running <br />Westerly a distance of 583.43 feet to a point 20 feet Na~rth of the point <br />of beginning; thence 20 feet due South to the point; of beginning; <br />running thence Westerly a distance of fi86.72 feet to the Northwest <br />-- - ~-~-- ~~ comer of this tract -such point being 628.43 feet Northerly from the <br />South side of said Section Twenty-Four (24); thence running South <br />along and upon the West side of this tract for a ~distan~ce of 280 feet; <br />thence running Easterly a distance of 686.72 feet to a point being the <br />Southeast comer of this tract at which point is 241.38 feet Southerly <br />from the point of beginning; and thence running Northerly a distance of <br />241.38 feet to the point of beginning. <br />