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201001208 <br />8. Restrictions on Fences. Fences on the Lots 35 and 36 between the <br />principal structure and Augusta Farkway shall comply with the front yard fencing restrictions in <br />the Grand Island Zoning Regulations. <br />9. Existing 3-Phase Electric Line. The Sllbdividel' shall coordinate and pay for <br />all alternate Inecros of providing electric service to the clul] house on Indianllead Golf Course allcl for <br />dlc rerlx)val of t.lle existing overkead power line by October X31, 2010. The alternate line construction <br />shall be in accordance with CTrand Island Lltilities standards. The Subdivider also agrees not to <br />corllplele a sale olI lots Lot 4, Block One, Lots 1-7, Block Two of this subdivision until such time as <br />the power lines have 1)eell I"CI110VC;d Auld alternate pOWer 11aS 1)eeIl pI"OVlCIeCI CO the (:1(117 hOllse 011 <br />Inclianhcacl Coif Coursc. The Subdivider shall provide the City with a copy of the contract to remove <br />the overhead lino and provide the alternate power to the club house Within X30 days after execution of <br />dlis agreclllent.. The Cll:y s11a11 not. clCCept ally puh11C 1I11pI'OVenlellt.s lIl t11e S11bd1Vls1o11 1I1c1ud1llg <br />streets, stortll sewet", water", or sanitary sewer until such tilne as the existing power lines have been <br />removed and the alternate electric service has been provided to the club house on Indianhead Golf <br />Coul-se. <br />10. Easements. Any easements shall be kept free of obstructions and the <br />Subdivider shall indemnify the City for any removal or repair costs caused by any obstructions. In <br />addition, the duty to maintain the surface of any easements to keep them clear of any worthless <br />vegetation or nuisance shall run with the land. <br />11. Engineering Data. All final engineering plans and specifications for public <br />improvements shall bear the signature and seal of a professional engineer registered in the State of <br />Nebraska and shall be furnished by the Subdivider to the Department of Public Works for approval <br />-6- <br />