� " .. . ' ' � . . ... .j'.. • , . � . _ � ` � . ' . .�, .. - . ; . .c . � .
<br /> .. . � . - . .V.�
<br /> 1A` ..
<br />-- • v�� ����� �
<br /> . � 16.Bmr�tswar'e Copy. Eaau�st�all bs@���canf�med capy of th�Aiare aa�nf�s Sec�ctgr Insaumeut .:_:.
<br /> 17.Teandrr�t 4h��+o ar e BtacT�s1lfntes�t ta I4��+a�r. If�31 ru suy p�t af ehe Pt�ap�ty or aay int�ese in ni is ��_
<br /> so2d ar tr�s'fa�(or if�bt7��a1 iater�im B�mwe is sNd or traasfes�aad Basrowea Is�oi a na��ral II�n)cviihout �.__.
<br /> Eea�2r•s g�wti�u oons2a�.L�udxa may,ae its o�dan,��unm��ymcat in fi�ll of all sum�aoccued by this Sxt�ty j�t
<br /> In�n�ea�L I�awevar.this aptInn sbaU aot be exerc�by I.eader if exer�isa in pso�'biud by feda�l taw a9 of ehe d�a of tNs
<br /> x Ia�t
<br /> ��exactscg this i�nn.Leadei shal.i give Burmcrer aatice of�an'!he narise ah�ll pa�av[de u ��of ao�� �V,
<br /> @9
<br />— d!$D�dIIj�$ft�A l�t8 i�E.��Q3fI�S�.S�lYc'i.Ed Ot tifa�" �D Qdt3FS.��lFZ mIL��►�£JIILS rs-c:-_
<br /> . I�L If B�I6WEt�,4 LO g'd}►L�3C EtffiY"s�!�t�C C�IIEafiD OY L�139 p8llOd,LC�df3�tSy IYI ' EAy IYSQSQlCS gflYIIllittX� .
<br /> e by tbi9 3�ity In..Mnimeai WlClaYli t�Aoti�e�dCmzu�Qn�mrOw2r. �,
<br />�;r; 18.Barrawtr's Itdg�t to lte$istute, " !f �arro�rei � o�ia canditi�ns, Borao��e� sI�.0 have d►e si�t►t tn have
<br /> _ enfo�eanrut ef this I�uam�ni 'dLaantlnu�d at snp time priar tn ths earlic�o� (a) 5 daYs (or siu6 �t�ri peain�as
<br />� ar�lis�abie la�v may�a ieinsta�meat)b�fm�sa'.e of the?copeaty gu�t tfl any power of sals contained�t6as Secamty .
<br /> lnxtramemfi�(b)enuY 81udSmeat eafa�cmg tl�s Sasr.nity Ie�stiameas.'l�ose con�itians are t�st Boirow�(a)PaYs I.eadei all '
<br /> . sums whir8 thm woutd be due ande:this Se�wity insr�unaeat aud d�Na�as ff ao scaeFr�aban 6ad aa7mie�;@)wr�.s�Y �'
<br /> defanit af aay other ooveaanrs ar a�ent� c)F�ays aIl ac�s�s ia�tux�ed in eafa�u►g this Security Instrameat,mduding,but �-'
<br /> IIQt IIm1ICd iD.[�d9dO3�1jC Stf�ACjrS�fEC�81Sd(�f8�lS SQS�1�C.�9ri 34�d.[Q18�r IC8SOA�bZy I8QU�1C tD 8&S1aE fhffi thb�Of i21IS
<br /> • $�¢GIy �S�t. It�dQ'S I�1S8 1II $IL PIB� 2Lb B4II�iY?�S db�� n tU g'dy ih� SIlIIl3 �$y f1118$C�tly ��"
<br /> �t sI�all cQntm�e �ged. Upon�t by Baaower.tl� Insavment aad 0e oblisiiong s�ed --
<br /> ao�a��u� falty effa�ve as if no aoeeler,uinn had oocu�red.Ha�ravdG.�m ransrar�shaIl aat applyr in tbe ca�oF
<br /> � v
<br /> 19.Sa�af 1�I�te� ot Lona�°vloer. 'Ihe ?+Iate ar a partYal interest in t6a Note (tagethea with tbis Se�riry �;=°�-
<br /> Insuam�)may be sold�e�mare tumas wiffionY�r�t�ce ta�urmwer.A sale may m�1�m a cha�e m the�atiiq(Isnawn �4i
<br /> . �t�s"ia�Saviod')tbat aoII�ts mc�iLty gaymt�ts d¢e�.�i tt�e Not$aod this Seca�ry Ia�iuutwL a�also may 1�e arr�� �����:
<br /> moQa c�mges af dae Ioan Sanricer o�tamd�io a���e.Dlate.If th�e ir;g of die Iaan Se=vk:es,Boaov�er cvrU.G:
<br /> . ;
<br /> ' �vea airitter��UCe af t�cbaage in aa�ardance w#tfa�14 abave anda��p, Ie law.1l�e n�titx w�l s�the n��d �":
<br /> ri
<br /> ' � s�idcesa�tfae aew F�aau Savlc�x aad tLe ad6mss ur ifrt��.gr,;�nis sBanld 6e made.T[�e uaf�ce ar�alsn wntaia sap�� t�.-,-
<br /> inf�i�mm r.cs��a!►�licable Iaw.
<br /> -�– ?A.����_ �5��nos.9. Borrowe�s�all�ot r�nse�g�sit t�e p�sr�ase, disr�o�al.smtage.or t�lease af�.tp �- .
<br /> � Ha�rdau&�ces oa�in t�e Ycopaty.H�mwez sbaU not i32,�s�tIaw�wau etse to d�.�Y�B��S���► _-
<br /> tbat is iu vs�L�a of s.xe�Emruanmeata!Iaw.Z6e�g two seat�stc��wt apgly to die pr�senae,�se,�r stniage an t L s "'`-•
<br /> Pmperty af�1 qu�ies of Har�+doms Snbs�aces t�are genaaIIy reoo�i to be s�optiale t�narmal se�dentisil a� �.:
<br /> �d�m�.�nco og�e Pmp�rty.
<br /> Hmoca�sbaII P�P�Y HNe I�writiao na�oe af aay mvestigati�n. claim.d�,lawswit ot oOLer aaron tagF�p ` -.-
<br /> . gove�mmcn�l pr cegulatory �z�zv&ie pany iuvaiving the Ptope�ty end aay Ha�+dnus SabstactGe or Bavgroa��Law
<br /> "r�
<br /> of which Barmwtt das a�t�►1a3ge.lf B�mo�r 1ea�ns.or is notibed by�y govesIImental or ngulataty►eatharit�►,tt��y
<br /> • � re�oval ar a3her�med3�ion of� Aa�a¢dous 5�rsce aff�g�e Pb�eriy is floce.ssa�yr,Bormwet shall pmmptiy dce all r; .,,
<br /> y a¢
<br /> neeesssy ermedt�l ac�in e�ce wgh�La�r. � �..
<br /> Aa�I�t this g�h Z0.�s Sab�r�a°aze thou subst�ces d�ed as mxic� 6arardous sabs��s hy —
<br /> Bavsonmeat�l I�yv aitd tAe fo� sabst�� gasol� �s�ne. athea ita�mmab!e or toxic pe2roL�mn prati�:�o1e
<br /> pe�tici+les�0 6rrn�C's�es.vo�e�+.�ants.mat�ials oan��r��ras or f�yd�aafl cadivactive a�atea�.�1n[�3 in -_..
<br /> thia 2U.`IInv�tanmeatal I.sttv'"r�eans fe�6eial taws a�Yaws o�thcs' "�nn cvh�ce c�a Pc�pe�ty is(ocafed tftiqfi s� . • �
<br /> r�e t
<br /> ' W htaltb.p�r ar eavixuamenta!ptateceYsn.
<br /> . �9t�=-
<br /> ��. N+DN•tyNff�RM COV.i�iVANTS.Baaowersw�l Ir�r far��ve�nt anci agnee as fo� . °
<br /> .. �� Zl.ACOlkratiaai RemtQles.Lender&h�t�Siv¢ 'ua.fic�Uu BQ�U�pi'.DS 4o Q,�C4I�:;fb3uG�riTa$BoTrow�'9 4i;ta�G�Ot � �.r,,
<br /> ' qF wvess�at or a�mest ia tsfs Sec�dg F��,(�t�: nog prDa� to ao�eia��a�ear p�tr�,rap�.Yj!'.uti�a �
<br /> . spgis'��i.�-�pmvt�dso�2�e�r�.:z).'E`�ce�e aF�iE�r.#�°'�?=(s�.',�'���'s @)tme actioa�reqoSrecY ta ca�e.�tto deP�(x�.
<br /> ..,; ��: �,ta a,,..�te,,,�naYt�el�na�3,�0�a��p_�s�eros tlre a�te t`J;�e_ad�,,�,�tx ta gic�c�.�•�s,_or�ro�r,A�.���id�r pt_he aefaalt mu��ltr/ri��y�cm+ea;sq�s���py. , �--
<br /> . "�wa�,L�GlcH-[��.��r.�YlG..Y�iM�N. �L�����{�P�.Yi W►i���Fjil)7��{A�G(���n/���L�K��Ci/7��,��U Yp��woI�{/_l U���•����yi��.F�� _ �' � ...
<br /> ' d��Y�RY��lYbY�WL���i�i�i�WPUWZ-�il��iiaK� �LYt�aWiY�7.�i 4&i7Ji����iffc�liG � � � �.
<br /> �: afta�awd the ri�t to brfiu�s ca�t acti�eo�,rt tre�oa-e�taoe of a dcfiak a�y at&�d��c� �` `
<br /> � • `�� 8�io�oedarati��Na U t�e dd�6��ot c�red a�ar bda+e.�e d�epteifie�i�il�e a�adoe,I�ader.ai�ils —
<br /> ��Y�9�TQ fameediste p���4�!aD u9 a9 suai�by�S�r&y��a�fl�dauanG
<br /> � , a�W wp iarot�e tLe��r at c�a:a ond nay atLv rratedies permftted 6y apy�ie Ytw.l.adtr a�6e tet�tF�to�otkct �'�''
<br /> .; ,
<br /> - `. �ea�ci:�i�wrred�a�g�ike.eea�ie�pmviaro6 co i�ie parstyrap�21s�,6�u�i� fv,�k --
<br /> :. ; atlan�e�s'tasand oadl de�tie evf&�s�a ' �!�_.
<br /> •°`'!� V t1�e pa�c3 03�oiz�t�avc+�ed,Tr�tee stiaa ree�ed�iotice of defaak ia dreli oo�tj im wSicU a��part ot tLe
<br /> propaty ie Wcated as8 e�tl mm4�ies ot web aotiae v the m�aer yre�ibe01 Ey appli�Ate I�nv b Bon+ower�to t�e ��`
<br /> aitia p�swr�pr�67 aPp&able ia9r.AiF,� '�e time r�qairtd 6y p��licabk t�w,71rw�tee s9an give pabl3c nati�oP
<br /> rak to f�e pereo�s_�ad ir�rtfe maaser pnscr8ed by npy�t6k taw 7Y�,witb�f de�n�d oa B�.sia9 sd1 tbe �: -.
<br /> �. Ptoperg s!�nDlie a��to�C�6Fflc�zr at�':x�¢asfl pGee�d md�s tice tma�de�uato9 i�t�e aotle d s�k
<br /> Forw 70Z��/DO �-
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