<br />... ,.
<br />200504315
<br />EJal~rr "A..
<br />A. All sduchual and mechanical components of any structuros, buildings, and improvements
<br />erected or placed upon the SUBJECT PROPERTY described on the foregoing Exhibh "A," together with
<br />all trees, shrubs, flowers, drains and drainage rights appuneaatu to, located era, under, or above or used is
<br />connection with the SUBJECT PROPERTY and the improvements situated thereon, or eery part thereof,
<br />whether now existing or hereafter created or acquired;
<br />B. Alt goods. inventory, machinery. equipment, apparatus, fncturcs, furniture, furnishings,
<br />appliances, including without limitation all built-in fitrsiture end insudlations, shelving, partidotts. door-
<br />stops, vaults, elevators, dwnhwaiters, awnings, window shades, venetian blinds, light fixtures, ftro hoses
<br />end brackets and boxes for the antra, tiro sprinklers, alarm systems, drapery tads and brackets. screcrts,
<br />l'moleum, carpets, plumbing, refrigerators, fieems, heating units, staves, ovens, waxer heaters,
<br />incinerators, fumiturc and tumishiergs, communication systems, ati spxifically deaigncd inagllations and
<br />fbrnishirtgs, and all of said articles of property now or at any tune hereafter effaced t0. attached to, placed
<br />upon or used in any way in oonneetion with the use, enjoyment, occupancy or operation of the 5U8JECT
<br />PROPERTY, ail building materials and equipment now err hereafter delivered to the SUBJEt:T
<br />PROPERTY and intended to be installed or placed in or about the improvements, items held for sale or
<br />lease, itetas leased to others, turd all items used or consumed in DEBTOR'S business;
<br />C. Accounts, accounts receivable, contrast rights, chattel paper, including tangible cltaftcl
<br />. paper and alegronic chattel paper, promissory notes, drafts, iasttumanu, investment properey, money,
<br />• letter of credit rights, eommturia] tort claims, documents and supporting obligations (inclrxiing ben not
<br />limited to all of the rents, royalties, issues, profits, revenue, income, proaecds and other benefits of the
<br />Premises} arising from the use or enjoyment of alt or any portion of the Promises err from ar-y Iease
<br />agteement pertadnhag thereto, and all rig)rt, title and interest of the DEBTOR in and to aq leases of the
<br />SUBJECT PROPERTY now or hereafter entered into and all fight, title and interest of DEBTOR
<br />thereunder, all guarantees of torrents' or occupeats' perlnmrarrces thereunder, cash or aecruides deposited
<br />~ thereunder to secdre parfantrarrce by the ksseea of their obligations thereunder, whether said cash or
<br />secauhiea era to bo held until the expiration of the terms of said leases or applied to one or more of the
<br />' installittems of tent coming due immediately prior to fire expiration of said amts; in addition all amounts
<br />i paid or to be paid by the federal or state govertmtent or any governmental agency to or an behalf of
<br />DEBTOR or any tenant arising from the use or eyoyment of all or any posticrr of the Premieres;
<br />D. AU deposit account: of pEHTOR maintained at the offices or nay branch of SECURED
<br />PARTY;
<br />E. Alt rights, title and interest of DEBTOR in any and all building permits, and any other
<br />permits, Itoecrses yr auflau(zation required by the governmental authorities having err exercising
<br />jurisdiction over the SUBJECT PROPERTY, all rights to pafornunce or payment of any other nature
<br />which DEBTOR has or may have >n the future under any contract err agreement rogarding the SUBJECT
<br />i PROPERTY, aq rights to the camas under or by which the SUBJECT PROPERTY may at my tuna be
<br />opuated or known; and alt rights to carry on business under any such camas, logo? and goodwill in any
<br />way relating to the SUBJECT PROPERTY. and all general intangibles, payment iatastgibles end sofhvare
<br />now or hereafter sssoeiated with err arising from the SUBJECT PROPERTY;
<br />F. All documents of marnbership and any owners or manbars association a similar getup
<br />having responsibility for managing err operating any part of the SUBJECT PROPERTY; all claims and
<br />causes of action relating to, arising, or derived from the SUBJECT PROPERTY;
<br />G. Ail praoeeds (including claims and demands theroFore) of the conversion, voluntary or
<br />involuntary, of any of the foregoing into sarh or liquidated clahns„ hrduding, without limitation, pnxeeds
<br />of insurance (Insurutce Proceeds) and crntdamnation avt'ards on the SUBJECT PROPERTY
<br />(Condemnation Proceeds) (al! of such proceeds hereinafter called "Proceeds")
<br />Whether now owned err haCaRer acquired err arising, and aU additions and eocessinns ter, all spare and
<br />repair pans, special tools, equipment cad replacements thereof, and nil proceeds and product of the
<br />foregoing wherever located.
<br />