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201001094 <br />Loan Number: 1847405 t 71 <br />EXHIBIT A <br />A tract of land being part of Lot One (1 },Ski Rnterprise Subdivision, being part of the Southwest <br />Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SW114 SW114) of Section Twenty (20}, Township Twelve (12) <br />North, Range Twelve {12}West of the 6th I~.IUI., Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly <br />described as follows: Referring to the Southwest Comer of the Southwest Quarter {SW114) of said <br />- Section Twenty {2Q), said~tat also being-the Southwest comer of said Ski ~nterpr~ ~diuision <br />and assuming the West line of said Southwest Quarter and the West line of said Ski Rnterprise <br />Subdivision as bearing North and all bearings contained herein are relative thereto; thence North <br />on the aforesaid West line a distance of Seven Hundred Thirty-six and eighty-four Hundredths <br />(736.84) feet tv the North line of the aforesaid subdivision; thence South 88°26' Rant on the <br />aforesaid North line a distance of Forfar and One Hundredth {4D.D1) feet to the actual place of <br />beginning, said place of beginning being the Northwest corner of said Lot One {1},Ski Rnterprise <br />Subdivision and the Rant right-of--way line of 19Dth Road; thence continuing South 88°26' Rast on <br />the aforesaid North line a distance of Two Hundred Thirty-four and Forty-nine Hundredths <br />(234.49} feet; thence South 4D°25' Rast distance of Twenty-seven and Six Tenths {27.6) feet to <br />the Rast Gne of said Lvt One (1}, Ski Rnterprise Subdivision; thence South DD°57'D2" Rant on the <br />aforesaid Rast line a distance of Three Hundred Seventeen and Right Hundredths {317.D8}feet; <br />thence South 89°09'4D'"West parallel with the South line of said Southwest Quarter {SW1/4) and <br />the South line of said Ski Rnterprise Subdivision a distance of Two Hundred f=ifty-seven and Fifty- <br />eightHundredths {257.58) feet to the West tine of said Lot One (1) and the Rast right-of--way line <br />of said 19Dth Road; thence North parallel with the West line of said Southwest Quarter (SW114) <br />and an the West line of said Lot One {1) and the Rastrtght-of--way line of said 19Dth Road a <br />distance of Three Hundred Fort)r-eight and Twenty-two Hundredths {348,22) feet tv the place of <br />beginning <br />