�: �;
<br /> 'aa�ea- _ � ' .
<br /> a�
<br /> "�S, " �.•, s .. ,
<br /> ����,c��•. . ..•„�� , .._
<br /> -��"".'., ...,. _ _. _ , . . ...- . ....
<br /> . - - _ - -----=--�----_� . _ .
<br /> ,
<br /> .. ._ . ... ............. . ,� . .
<br /> , �... ..
<br /> ., , . ....._..._.. 9�A 10�.89F r..,.7Y:�E:�:�
<br /> •,.� ,�;.
<br /> 7. Protec2lon o4 Lend�e'v F�I�ht,�In 4he �raperry. II Borroww lallj to periorm tho oovonflnte and apreomente ,
<br /> ' oontolnaQ In thls Eecuri,y In�trurn�nl,or thsra 13 n I:tal�roc✓;tl�ip Ihctt r�i�y ob3n1!Wnntty altcot Lcndcre rlflhta h the Praperty(suoh ae
<br /> a proccadlna in bsnluuptoy, pra�aE�,i�nr aor+tf�r:matlon or fo�::tur� or tn enfor�o Ue:a or rcQuUtlono), thcn l.endcr m�y do and pny for
<br /> v�hntev�r !y nec�aeery to protaot the v�tus of Ihe Pro¢arty and Londsr� rlphte N the Property. Landefe Qetbne mey holud� peyln0
<br /> ony sum� t�ourad by� lien whbh h�i p►brity owr thlo 8�ourqy Inftrummt, 4ppsuhy in aouA, peyhp raton�ba ottomey'�faea Rnd
<br /> entMlnO on th�PrnpKty to m1�k�npiin. AMhough Ur+d�r mry tYk�sotbn undx lhN paraarGph 7,L�nder doei nol hw�to do so. .,
<br /> My �mount� dhburo�d by 6�ndK und�r lha puapraph 7 �h�A bocoms addkbn�l debi nl Bonowor t�cured by thb SYCUrRy
<br /> Inetn�m�nt. UnNt� 8orrowN end LmdM aQrM lo othN t�rm� ot p�ymmt, lh�t� �mount� �h�ll b�tr IntK��t hom th� d�t� of �
<br /> dfnhureemznf et the Not�nt��nd ohnll be paytbM�wHh IntK�et,upon notice hom Lendar to Flonowor nquoatinp paymant.
<br /> • 8. MoPt�a�s IqiAl►��ICt. If LMUI�t r�quY�d mortpag� Ineur�nc� u � oentlRbn o1 mucinp th� btn �roured by liil:
<br /> Securfty Inatrumanl, Oortow�r ��tA p�Y the pnmi�m� nquirW to maint�h th� mertp�p� Ineunnc• h �ff�ot. If, lor �ny rKtnn, th�
<br /> mortpape hsuronc�aovwaQe nquk�d by Und�r fapt�s or coa�o� to b� In �Msot, Bortow�►ehail pay the premiuma roqukad to obtafn '
<br /> , -='�"` cowrape aubntnntiaty �qubnt�nt to th• mortp�p� insunnc� prwbusy I� ��t, �t a cost nubaunt�iy oqulvalont to th� ooat to ,��
<br /> , •^�* Oorrow� of th� mortp�ps haunncs provbusy h Wioot, kom �n �R«n4t� mortp�y� hsursr �ppraved by Londer. It aubatanttaly �
<br /> ,:.`:
<br /> aqukatent mortpepe Inauru►c� cownp� N not waWbb, BoROw�r ahaA pay to Undsr woh month � sum equal to onatwaYth of the -
<br /> � yeady mortpnpe Inauronce prcmlum belnp pat�by Borrowa when the ineurence cowrA�IipaW or ceasQd to be h offect. lsndar wW _�
<br /> nccopt, ue� and ntain thee� paymmts u � bss na�rw h Nw of mortp�ps Ineunnes. Loa� na«ve paymente rrMy no bnp�r be �.,_
<br /> requked, at the optbn of Lendar, M mortpa{M hiunnc�covon� (h th� �mount and tor tha perfod tha!Lender requkoa) provided by `l,,;_'_
<br /> nn hsurer approved by Lender apah b�cortws 4v�llQbfe and Is obttlned. Borrowar shaH pay the premlums requked to malntnin .
<br /> , n�oRgaqe hsurance (n offeat, or to prov{d� � bsa r�tarvs, until tfie nquP�ment tor moRpape hsurance ends In acoordanco wHh any � � - � ��u-
<br /> • written apreement betwoen Borrowar and Lw�d�or tppficable f�w. ,�..
<br /> t 9. (11i�OCt10�. l.ender or Rt �pent may mtk� teasontbie �r►Vles upon and hspectbns af tha Property. Under ahaA Glw _-
<br /> • Bortower notice at th�thw of or prfor to an inspectbn speoMyhq reasonabb cauas(or ths hspeatbn. .
<br /> ' 10. Con�lemnetlon. Tha prxeede of any awud or olaim tor damepsa, dlroct or consequentfal, in Ronncctbn wkh Qny --
<br /> � condomnatbn or othe►tnkln9 of any part ot tha Proparty,ar tor oonwymco in Nou of condemnatlon,ore heroby asaipned and ahaA be —
<br /> patd to Lendcrr.
<br /> ' � In th� wrw►t of� t4tat taklnp of th� ProQaty, th• pmrreds ahaY bo �ppfbd to the suma e�cured by thia Seourky Instrument, �.;
<br /> whether or not then du�, wRh any oaces3 Ifi�kl to Borrowx. In the�vint o!a partyl takhp of the Prcpsrly h whbh th�hir muket `•;::?�3._
<br /> value of tho Proparty knmodlntoly bototo thn 4ncinp Is oqiwl to or ps+�t4�r than th� amount of thm sums cacurod by this Socurity ,;
<br /> �� Instrument knmedlatey before the takinp, unbss Borcower end Le�ndar othxwise �pns in wrkinp, tTte sumo secured by thb Sacurky ' '�-'.
<br /> ..;, '?v�:��•:'
<br /> Instrument shaN b� r�ducsrl by the amount o� the proc�a:is multiplied by the toNowlnp kaotbn: (a) the total amount of the eums �:^,;,_;�•
<br /> seaured Imrtwdlfltoty bafo�� tha takfnp, dNkkd by (b) ths talr martcot vaiue of the Property Immedi�tey before the takhp. Any balanco .' �:;.;+
<br /> • ^ � ' aheil bo paid to Borto+var. In th� ww►t of a partl�l takh9 ot the Propwty h whbh th� (aY ma►tcet value of the Proparty hNn�dktey ;"'�'�-�
<br /> � �' betore tha taklnp is loss than tho amount o�tha aums aocund tnmod(�tey betcn tho t4khp, unfeas Borrowar and Lendsr oth�wias '! :-__�
<br /> _'�__ aaree in wrkinp or unkas appHcable I�w olhflrwis� provides, the proCeeda shaN ba �pp(kd to the sums seourod by thia SeCUrky P,,��^�_
<br /> ' ` F Instrumast whethc,�or no!th�aums aro thon duo. =�-_
<br /> � It the Propwty ia abandaned by Borrower,or M,aRor notke by Lendar to BoROwar thi3 ths condemnor pffere to rt+�ka an awud w --
<br /> ';''"E, � settle e olaYn for damapta, 8orrower hila to respond to L�ndor wkhin 30 daya aftar t�a dato ths not�Ce Is yh�en, Lender Is�uthor6aed " �
<br /> ��:.,�
<br /> to collaot and�pp1y ths procosds,at Rs optton, ekh�to�astontbn or repair o}ths Pro�erty or to the auma sacurod by thi�Sor,urity -
<br /> , � . Inatrument,whethor or not th�n dw.
<br /> • Unkas L.rnd�r�nd Barow�r otharwke aQres h wrkhp, �ny�ppiicatbn of procevds to prhotpal shaN not extend or potlpone lho
<br />�:�•�„ a�;� due date of th�manthy paym�r.ts rahrt�d to h paqpr�Whe 1 and 2 a ohanp�tn��mount ot suah paymonta.
<br />-��.����: � � 11. Borrower Plot Releasad: Forbearan�e By Lender Not e Wefver. �r+mon ot ths th,s ior �aym«�e or
<br />�°.,;;,,:ti.�,,�� modHfcatfen o}amortiattbn of tha sums s�cur�d by tfila Securky Inthum�nt pnnt�d by Lend�r to�ny wccesser In htorest of Bortow�r
<br /> t,.�-•.i, shall not opa�to to robaw th�f�bNity ot the oriqhil Borrowar or Bortow�fs successon h IntxoaG Londer shaN not bs nqufnd to
<br /> - �. � `�.:�' '��� oommenc� procwdinpe apalnst�ny succaaaor b Interost or re(us�to�xt�r►d tMrw fot paym�nt or otherwfse modity amortla�tbn of the -
<br /> .°'_�f..,,;,r;�'; � sums securad by this &�curky InabvmMit by rsasan of my demand mad�► by the ortpinal Borrower or BoROwer's �uccesao� h
<br /> ``sr`- fnterest. My forbe�nncs by Lender In s�ckinp �ny righ4 or rwnsdy shaN not be a walurr of or preclude the axarcise of any ripht or
<br />_ ;T'�7�'.'�a�.�+ �
<br /> m�::wu�i��MF*c . romody. -
<br /> ,,,,,,::
<br /> -�_�,+ _�,.,�, 5 12. 8accesson and Aaslgns Bound; Joint ertd Several Ll�bllity; Co-siqners. rn� oownana �r►d
<br /> =�-���,,��!�', aflnwnents of this 6ecurRy ln�trument st►sf bad and b�nWk th� succsesoro �nd lSfIQ(16 of L�nd�r and Borroww, tubJoot to tha
<br />="�'•'���'�'"� �` provtabnt of puaproph 17. Barow�s Covunnnt� �nd aprNrrwnb shaN W Jaht and s�wnl. My Borrov+K who co-alpns thb SaCU�lhj
<br /> �`�-� y� Inawmsnt but dow no! �cut� tM Nob: (a) Is eatipnfny thb Security InsWm�nt ony to morty�pe, �t, snd aaswy that _
<br /> �' °'�""' �� Borrowws htfr�t In th�Propaty under th�tMms of thR S�curKy In�OUment; (b)is not p�nonaliy obliDatetl to pay tha sums secured _
<br />-,-,;': :�:a;�;.� -
<br /> �±_;�,�?;=�", by thts Sacu►Ry InaWmont; and (o) �aea that UndK and any othK Barow�r may �pn� to �xtand, modMy, tor��nr ar make any r,_
<br /> �"^''��,3:�.;Y• accommodatfons wkh r�rd to t�rms ol thhs S�aurky IneOUm�nt a th�Not�wRhout that Bartowwe consenG ��
<br /> -'=??� • � 13. I.oan Ct��e�. If the loan 8eCUred by thb SsCUrity (nsWmmt fo RubJeot to a I�w wh[ch sete mexirnum Iqan Chergss, �_._W�__
<br /> -.:-:��:�:� �'�° ..
<br /> � end th�t law b finaly bterynted so thtt the ht�at or other ban chupos colbot�d or to ba cotkated in connec4ton wkh tha ban _
<br />_.;,'!�'�1°�"'� ` � exceed the pertnktad Itmks, then; (�) any such ban charpos shaM ba roducsd by the aneount necesstuy to reduca tho oherpe to the W=
<br /> ...;�,,�3`Y,•�,;.y�.,. �_:-.
<br /> ...'�,..�, �T. permkted Itmk;and(b)�ny suma al�eady coNeotod hom Barrowar which�xcs�led perm�ted i(mfts wIN be retunded to 6onowe�. Lender �� —
<br /> may choosv to mak� thls ntund by reduatnp th� prinotpol owed undet the Noto or by m�khp a dir�ct pnyment to Bortowor. if a � -
<br /> retund reducev prinolpal,tha roductbn wW be Veated as a partkl prop�ymant wkhout any propayrnent ohango uncler the Nota � * �_
<br /> 14. NOt1C�i. Any notb�e to Borrowar provided tor h thb Security InsWmmt shaN bo Olven by delNerinp R o►bY r►µWnG K bY �+��,
<br /> �� Th not�o shaW bo directed to the Property Rdrhoas or any -°�-�-----
<br /> hod. • �' - -
<br /> , •; fi� tirst c4sa maN uni�s applicab�a kw nquine us�of another met ��°—��=°--�
<br /> :. otT�er addr4es 8orrowK datlpndtK by notbce to Lendw. My notla to Lendar �hn1 ba phr�n by (i�ut o{�ss maY to lsnde�'s addroas _���� ��
<br /> ���-�_..-
<br /> __, � � statod haain or�ny othor�ddnea Lsndar disipnatas by notica to Borto►rar• AnY not�o providod kr h thls Security InaVUmant shaN ����¢�.�.:;�:
<br /> ��..�.o.s.�:,.���n.
<br /> be d�xned ta haw bMn piwn to B�rraww or Londor wh�n qlwn n pravided In thif parapnph. t'�'"-�,�cg�!!?<'
<br /> � 16. QOYl�I1lI1Q LAW; Soverabltlty. 1TIO SNCUrity IntWmont ahnN bo qovwttod by f�deral kw and ths t¢w of thY _,'�.nc�+""•"�'f'
<br /> ., �F
<br /> ,'�`�'.�'s.'�'!.�r,
<br /> � Jurisd�tbn h whbh tlf�PropMly b locatad. In the w�nt that�ny provkion or cMua�of thin SoCUrky Inatrumant or the Note oonflfnts •,rx.��',�,:�;�,:„�
<br /> }� wkh �ppNCabM �w, euoh aon'NOt shaN not aM�at otMr provisbns o}thM S�curky InnWmont or tM Nota whbh can bo pAren Nfeot �-�y;:x�±�-��;�
<br /> WrnN���n.��wnuno nro,�on_ To►hk�nd th��ovi�iom ot tha Sacusily Instrumant�nd th�Not�w decicred to b�aova�abW. � ''
<br /> _�•,.• �,; .�'�`��•_
<br /> _..:;� __ = - _.__.-- -- -� -�
<br /> 16. Bonower'� Copy. BOnOwer ihtN b�ykin OM COntomNd Copy of the Note and Of thi5 SeCUtity InStRimenG '.--_", .``- .
<br /> � 17.Trensier of the Propert�l or a Bencflclal Interest In Barrowe�. If aN ot Yny pert ot the Propwty Ot any . � : .
<br /> � htorest In k Is cold ot tranatwrsd'(or M� benMohl hten6t In BortowK b�otd or Vanalarred and Bortower b not a natural person)
<br /> wkhout Lenders prbr written consent, Lvnd�r may,�t ke optbn, rsquln hxn�dl�t�paym�nt b PuN of aq sums secured by thls Secur'Ry ,
<br /> , InsWmant. Howw�,thb optlon shtW not tw�IS�d 6y Lumfor M�xerols�f� prohbkod by tod�al kw as ot the dxt�o}thls Securky
<br /> Instrument. .
<br /> It LendK exw'als�a this optlon,Lend�r shtN pt�n Borrower notfCe o}acC�bratlon.TTa notVca eh�M provlds�perbd of not I�ss then ,
<br /> 30 days kom th� date ths notbe b doNve�gd or maikd wkhh wh�h the �ortowsr must pay aA sums eecurod by thb Security ,� .
<br /> Inswment. If Borrowar fal�to pay thesa suma prbr to th�e�WYatbn of thk pariod,L�nda rtwy hvoke any romedbs pwmkted by thb
<br /> Securily Instrumant wRhout Nrther nottco or demand on Borrowar. Form ao2e v/oa
<br /> F702O.LM0(7106) Pap�3 of G
<br />- l'.'
<br /> i:
<br /> , •j,� �
<br /> _ �,. I 250 _ _ I � -.--. - - . .__.
<br /> L
<br />