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r. <br />20100098 <br /> <br />~~~ "A" <br />Parcel 1: Lot fro (2), O'Neill Second Sutsdivlsion to the City o[ Grand Islabd, Hall County, Nebraslta <br />Parcel 71: Lot Ona (~), O'Neill Second Suhdivlsiols to the City of Grand Iaiaad, Hall Cotilnty, Nehraslw <br />Parcel ~: A tract iu the Southeast Quarter (SEl/4) of Section twenty c7ae (Z1), Tnwas>!tp Eleven (11) <br />North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., Su tl~e City of Grand IalAnd, Hall County, Nebraska, more <br />particularly draerlbed as iollo~rs: Beginning at the NorthvRest comer at Lot PYve (~, to O'Nrlp Second <br />8ubdivislon and the Went line of vAratcd $ope Street lying A~acxnt to Lot ~'hree (3) ai O'Neill 'third <br />Subdivision to the Southwest corner of street vacated by Ordinance Na 5596, th#s point being on the <br />right or way lice of the cul-dea+AC on Yiopa Street and having a SO root radttss; thence 8outhweat to a <br />point thirty p0) feet West of the iast described course meaxured perpendicglArly And 5267 teat South <br />of the Narth libe of the Southeast QuArter (SE1/~t) of Section 't'went3' One (~), ~awnship Elep~a (~ti) <br />North, Range Ntne (9) West or the 6th P,M,, thence North 486.67 icet en a Jibe parallel to fhe WeAt line <br />of O'neiII Second SubdSvlsfon And the 'P(reat line of the street vacated by OrdlleAinpe No. 5596 to a point <br />40 reef south of tlye North line of said Southeast QgArtQr (SR],/4) of said $ectian ~yerity-Oao (~,)1 <br />th~e~nca rest parallel to the north line ar said Southeast Quarter or sold Section Tv-enty One (21), a <br />distance or 30 ieet to the point or b~inbing Rxcepttng a certain tract more parttcularly described Sn <br />bead recorded to the Register ai Deeds Otiiee As Doegmant era $3-0AOSSz <br />