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<br /> ° S.F9nz�rd or Property IasurAnce. Bort�tivcr shall kcep�Ac ir►iprovemcn�ts�ow r.xisiuig on c�rcafter crc�ctcd on thc Property
<br /> insured againsi loss by fire, hnrards includrd within Utc tcrm "catendecl coveragc" und any oilier ha;auds.lncluding flaods or
<br />' ftoodlug,far which Lendar requires insuranse.71iis insurnnce shsll he mainuilned in the amounts and for�he periods thnt Lender .
<br /> �equ'ucs.The insurance caaier providing the insumnce shell be chosen by Bonawer subject to l..ender's approva�which shall not
<br /> , bo unrcasonably w[thheld. If Borrower fails to maintnin coveraga descdbed above, Lender mny,at l,endcr's optlon, obtain
<br /> caver�„c to protect L�ndcr's rldtir�Lz e�.'.e IY�A;z¢y!n:.ccafdm►ca witi��agrap3i 7. � .
<br /> All lnsurance policias an�6 r�e�ewuIu shall be occtptabic to Lender and shall lncl¢de a standard mortgege clause.Lender sh�ll . °
<br /> have the right to hold the policies and renewals.If�.endcr rcquires,Bonower shall prornptly give to L.ender all receipts of puid
<br /> • premiums and renew�l notices.In tfte cvcnt of Loss,Borrowcr shsll givc prompt nodcc tn the insurnnce carrier and Lcnder.I.cndcr
<br /> � � '''"� may mnkc proof oF loss if not madc prompdy by Borrower. �',,.; `:�,
<br /> ' �� U�tf�s Lcttder und Borrowet ptherwise agrca In wrlting,insurancc procccds shaU be applIed to reswrnaon or m�nir of thc ,'��:�-�.. : '
<br /> Praperty�oge,�,iF�hr,restorndon or tepair is ecanamfcaUy feasibl8 und L,ender's secueity is not icssencd. tf the res3amtinn or �.
<br /> repair i�rtot ecorto�rfr.adty feasible or Lendct's securiry would be lessened,the insurance procc�eds shall6e nppliad to�he sums � ' �-
<br /> sccur�ed by thi:i Secaricy Instrument, whether or not ihen due, with any excess paid to Bormwer.If Borrower abandons the +-`' � q t:`;
<br /> Property,or ��03�3wer within 30 da s a noticc from L.ender thnt the insurancc crrrricr ha9 ofFercd to seulc a claim,thcn _:�;"�'�:
<br /> y ' ;�,:;.
<br /> � Lender muy co1f,�,,ct�1x insurar�ce proceeds.Lender may use the procee,ds to repuir or ms:�rv the Pmperty or eo pay sums secured -. ' ..�-_
<br /> , by this Security Iaasflument,whet".�er or not then duc.'l�e 30-day period will begin when dho nauce is giv�n `.,:9:'�r:�'�;��9�
<br /> Unless L��er and Borrower othcnvLsc agreo in wdtIng,any appllcation of proccxds t�princigal shnJ1 rot ex[end or post�one '� r�=��-i�
<br /> � �� thc duc da!e af tix�monthly paymcnts rcferrod to in paregrephs 1 end 2 or cbanga 1he amoam of the pays.nents.If under parn�aph �;�r.'���':�-
<br /> �� 21 the Property i.acqu3red by Lender, Boaower's rlght to eny insurance policies and �roceeds resa9ring from dan�age to the '��G`+".�;�.•
<br /> �. ; I'ro�aty prior to the acquisition shall pass to Lcnder ro d�e c.�tent of tl�e sums secured by this Securiry Instrum�aet e.mmadiately � ` �---
<br /> �`'� Raioz to the acquisition. d��:::�'�
<br /> � 6.Oeeupxttcy�Preservation,Matatenaece stnd Protection of the Property; Banowcr's I.oan A�piicAtioa;L�.asehalds. n:����
<br /> �,, Borrower shall axupy,establish,and use t�ie F'ro as Horrower's rinci �`'`"`�"_
<br /> P�Y P P�residcnce wIthin sixty days a$er the eaccuHon of ��'_•=, ,..-
<br /> "'�''� this Security Ins�ument and shall continue to oocupy the�iroperty as Bomowcr's principal residence fv� at least one yeAr aft�er tlis �-------
<br /> date of occu p a n cy, unless L.en der o t herwise agrces in wri dng, whish consent shnll not be unres�sonably withheld, or unless �,:�
<br />::.;4;, � extenuadng circumstances eaist whlch are beyond Borcower's control.Sormwer shall not desuo .dam —'"—
<br /> •-:�;:_, Y ege or impair the Property. �,. _�
<br /> � -�� • allow the Property to deuriorate, or commit watite on the Prop�rty. Borrower shall be in defaWt if any forfeIwrc acdon or
<br /> hr " r' Proceedin8,whetx�r civil or crimu�,is be thnt in Lender's oad feith ud �•��•_
<br /> _� � g j gment could result in forfeitune af thc Property or —
<br />_ �u�uw;so u,aicria:,y impair�e liea created'by this securiry Insttument or Le,nder's security intaest Boirowu may cure such a
<br />�,; is def�ali and reinstate, ns providcd In p�rngrnph 18, by causing the acdon or pmceecWg to be dismi�se�d with a ruling that, in
<br /> �_'� Ler,�}�ar's gpnd faith determina6on,procludes forfeipuc of the Hocrower's inte,rest in the Pr�
<br /> � pe+ty or other material impaim►ent of
<br /> ,`�*'� the lian csratcd by thLv Security Instrument ar Lender's secnrity inte,resG Borrower shall also bc iri defaul�if�orrower,during the
<br /> ;_.�•',.
<br /> ' loarr applieation proc�ss,gave materiaUy false at n��accurate info�tion or statcments to L.ender(er fa�e�1 to prot�ide Lender with
<br /> _ . eny materlal informa6on) in connecaon wit,h ¢?�e laan evidenced by the Note, Including, but not li�nitad w, representations
<br />_�•:l'�Y x;..r� conceming Aormwer'a oocupancy of the PropGrty as a principal residence.If this Se.,urity Inswment is an a leasehold.Bocrowa
<br /> '..,;.:;. ,..,.. shaU c�mply with all tha provisions af the lease.If Borrowcr acquires fee title to the Property,the leasehold�nd the fee 6de shall —
<br />: �_j7:;. ,,� " not mcrge unlcss Lender agrees to the merger�n writing.
<br /> - �• �_�•e.,�� 7.Proteetbn of Leader's Rights�n the Property. If Borrower fciils to pefimrm the covenants and s�groements contained In
<br /> .:� i s
<br />-,-••.: .�.,�#. this Security Instrument,or there is 1 legal procecding that may significantly affect Lender's rights in the Property(such as u �
<br />":�_�-�i.� P��g�n banluuptcy,probate,for condemnation or farfeiwre pr w enforce laws or regulsti�ons),the,� Yrnder may do end pay ��
<br />_--'ir�L;_,._. for whatever is nocessary w pmtect the v�lue of the
<br /> Property and Lender's rights in the Propaty.Lc;nder's acdons may lnclude
<br />-:t:�.<t:�`�'+'.�!� p,ayir.g any sums secured by a Ikn which has priority over th3s SecurIty Inst�umenL aPPear►AB in cart, PaY�B reasonable
<br /> ':;'��`� attameys' fees and ente�ing on the Property to malce gh Y P�B�Ph 7,Lender �°"�i
<br /> ____w,�� repa�rs.Althou Lender ma teke acdon anda tl�is �,__
<br /> �.�•--- docs not have w do so. _
<br /> _;�� Any emounts disbursed by Lender under t�paragr�►ph 7 shall bocorne addiiional debt�f Borrower secuie4 by this Security F `
<br /> ';�t�r;�"'�,"'`. � Iusuwnent Unless Barrower and Lender agree w oiher tcm�s of payment,these amoun�shall bear intacst from the datc of �'�= -
<br /> �
<br /> *���r, disbursr,�nent at the Note rate and sh�31 be paya6le.wt�th intcrest,upon nodce frat�e I�ndea¢�Donnwcr rcqucsdng payment �` -�
<br /> ;,;�� 8.Mortgage Insuranoe. If L,ender requircd mortgage insuc�nce as a canditan of making the loan setur+ed by this Socurity �
<br /> _ Instrwnent, Barowcr shali ,--
<br /> _= paY the premiums ircquired to mtintain the mortgage insurance in effec� If,for any reasun, the -�:•;�
<br /> -��: moct�s�ge insurance coverege mquired by Lender tapses or ceases to txs in effect,Horrow�r shall pay the pcemiums reguirad to �
<br /> ���`-,�'_.� obtaincov csuhstantiaU '�.
<br /> �g y cquivalent W thc mo e insucgnce reviausl in effect,8t a oost substantiall �'':�---
<br /> �-�fi-. y oquivalent 9n the -<_.-:_
<br /> �•r°��� cost to Barrower of the mortgage insurance previog� u�effect, fprom an ayltemAte mortgage insurer approved by Lcndcr. if
<br /> �°��r'-.� sa�sta.�tially equivalent mortgage insurance coverage is not uvailab�c,BorrowG•shall pay tn Leade,�each month a sum cqual to -- - --
<br /> ,��` . �: aa�twelfth of tho yearly mortgage insurance��mium being paid by Boerowr,r when the insuranee cov�r��e lapsed or ceased to "��;�
<br /> . �,;`,;: , :• ,
<br /> . . , Ee in�ffcc� 'Lender wifl accepi.use and m,tair n'hcse payments as a loss rese,r+re in licu af mortgaga insurance. Loss reserve ' -----_.---,
<br /> �- .. :��4t�T� ,
<br /> Fo.m aasa 9�9a ���''> � �
<br /> � -
<br /> ; .. �•QR(P�E)coa�a�.oi Pap�0 0l E .t ``"o"Q„�..__
<br /> Initlal�•—-. . 'g n�.,. . ,
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