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201000942 <br />EXHIBIT "A~r <br />TRACT 1: The East Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 7, Township 9 North, Range 11 West of the 6th <br />P.M., Hall County, Nebraska F,XCEI TiNG therefrom tracts of land more particularly described in Deed <br />recorded in Book 87 at page 640; Warranty Deed recorded in Book 135 at page 567 and Deed recorded in Book <br />145 at page 660. <br />TRACT 2: A tract of land comprising a part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 7, Township 9 North, Range 11 <br />West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, and more particularly described as follows: Beginning a the <br />northwest corner of said Southwest Quarter; thence running southerly, along and upon the west line of said <br />Southwest Quarter, a distance of 1394.0 feet; thence deflecting left 123°36'2S" and running northeasterly, a <br />distance of 917.84 feet; thence deflecting right 33°27'15" and running easterly, a distance of 918.57 feet; thence <br />deflecting left 92°47'00" and running northerly, a distance of 891.09 feet to a point on the north line of said <br />Southwest Quarter; thence deflecting left 87°17'15" and running westerly, along and upon the north line of said <br />Southwest Quarter; a distance of 1637.36 feet to a point of beginning. <br />~~~ <br />