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~~ <br />~~ . <br />~o~000~9~ <br />EXHIBIT f,A„ <br />A tract of land f=ifty-six (56) feet in width by One Hundred Thirty-two {132) feet in length, formerly being a <br />part of West Eleventh Street of the City of Grand island, (iaJl County, Nebraska, vacated by said City of <br />Grand Island on the 21st Day of June, 1961, by Ordinance No. 36$8 of said City which is more particularly <br />described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot f=ive (5), in Block Fourteen (14) of Wes# <br />Park Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska; thence running West on the North line of said Lnt <br />Five (5} for a distance of One I~undred Thirty-two (132) feet to the Northwest comer of said Lot Five (5}; <br />thence running North on a prolongation of the West line of said Lot f=ive {5} for a distance of Fifty-six {56) <br />feet; thence running East parallel to the North line of said Lot give (5) far a distance of Qne Hundred <br />Thirty-two (132) feet to a point on the East line of said Lot Five (5) if the same were extended to the North; <br />thence running Snuth on a prolonga#ion of the East fine of said Lot Five (5) for a distance of Fifty-six (56) <br />feet to the Northeast corder of said Lot Five (5), being the point of beginning. <br />File No. GI07160 <br />