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<br /> "Proseods")tn cannettl�n vlith candemnation or other talcinp of the PropeRy or part thareol,�lor�'c�voya�co Indlleu o1 ondc�mnat��n.
<br /> I.�ndar shall bo ont{llod at ite o�tlon to commonco,appdar Ir�and prosscuta In Its own neme nny nctlan or qrocoodinp�,and shp!I r�'SO '-
<br />� tro ontlilad to�r�ako any cnn�promise oe satiloment ln connecilon v�ilh such EokU�g or darnaflo.In liio ovont nny partion o9 tho Pr���ry ls —
<br />: sa taken or dameged, Lcindar shall have�ho o�tion In(ts colo antl ebsaluto dl5cretlon, to apply Qil such proseeds, atior ciRd�3,:t(;�
<br /> theretrom�11 coats and expenses lncuRed by tt In canneotlon wlth such Proceeda,upon any Indebtednesa secu�al heraby and In BuCli
<br /> order es Lendor ntay determine,or to eppty aii such rrocee�s.aiter such deductions,to tna restoraiion oi ti�e Froperty upan euch eom
<br /> d(ti�ns ss Lender may detertnlne.Any appl4cation of Praceeda to Indebtedness ehall not extend or puatpone the due dete n}any pAy
<br /> ments under the Note,ar�cura any defauit thereunder ar hereu�der,Any unapplied funde shall be paid to Truator.
<br /> 8.Pertor�eeece bv Len�+ler. Upon the occu►rence o}an Event of Dsiautt hereunder, or If e�y ect I�taken or le��l proceeclliu� �_
<br /> canmenced vuhich materlally aftects Lendor's Interest In the Property,Lender may in Its own dlecretl�n,but wlthout oblfpation to do so,
<br /> and wlttwut notke ta Ar demand upon TNStor and withoul reteasing 7ruator tram any obllgatlon,do any act which Tiuetor hee aflre�d
<br /> but talled to do and may siso do any other act IE deems neceseary to protect tho security horeu}. Trustor shell, Immadlately upan
<br /> damand therefor by Lender,pay to Lender all costa and expenses Incurred and sums experxfed by Londer In connectlor�with the exer•
<br /> clse by Lender of the foregoing rlflhts,togethnr with interest thereon at the detault�ate proridod In the Note,whlch ehall be atldld tc+
<br /> tt►e{ndebtedneas secured hereby.Lender shall not Incur sny Iiabllity because oi anythinp(t may do or omit to do hereunder.
<br /> 0. Fivardaua Itlateriola.Tnistar shall kesp the Pro�arty In campfianca with all appllcablo laws,ordlnencas and r�}ulr�;h.1a -
<br /> ralatinp to Industrial hygiene or environmental protectlon(sallecdvely reterred to herein as"EnvlronmentAl Lnwa").Tnistor sh�il kaep
<br /> the Property free from QII subotances deemed to he hazardaus or toxic under any Hnvironmantal Laws(coliecllvely refenOd to hernln
<br /> as"Hazardous Materials").7rusior hereby warrenta end repiesgnts fn L�ndor that there ero no Hazardoua Matertals on�r unds►the
<br /> Propsrty.T�ustor hereby agrees to indemni{y snd hofd harm!�ss Lend�r,Ns�dlrectora,otticers,employoea sad aponta,and any auccea-
<br /> sore to LendePe Interest,trom �rtd agalnst any and all ct�!ms,damaqes,lossea and Ilebltiilo�arising in connectlon w(th tha presence,
<br /> use,disposal or tranepoR oi Any Hazardous Materials on,unater,from or about the Peoperiy.THE FORE(301Na WARRANTIEB AN[1
<br /> 10.Assipnrtw�nto of Renb.Truator hareby es�tgns to Lender.and grants Lender a security interest in,atl preaent,tuture artd
<br /> etter adsin�rents,tssues and protits a4 ihn Proparty;provided that Trustor ahall,until the occurrence oi an IEvent ot Defauit,hereunder,
<br /> have the r{ght to collect and rotaln auah rent�,Issues and profi4s es they become due and payable.Upon the occurronce o}an Event of
<br /> Deiault,Lender may,elther fn poreon or by a�ent,with or wfthout bringing any action or proceedlnp,or by e recelver appolnted by a
<br /> court and without regard to tha adequacy a9 Ka securtry,entor upon and take possesslon of the Property,or any part thereof,In(te own
<br /> name or(n the name of the Trustee,a�xl do any acts whlch (t daams necsssary or desirebla to pre&eNa the valuo,marketabf�lty or
<br /> rentabllity of the Properly,or any pnrt tharsof or Intereat thereln,or to increase the i�come there}rom or protect ihe security herool and,
<br /> with or without tek(ng possess!on o}the Property,sue for or otherwise collect the renta,issuea and protite thereof,Inr�udinp those paet
<br /> du9 and unpaid,by notifytng 4enants to malce paymente to Lender.Lender may epply rents,Issuoa and proflte,less coets and expens•
<br /> os ot opRratlon and collecUon inaludin�attomey's tees,to any indebtedness secured hereby,all in such order ae Lender may deteP•
<br /> mine.Tt�e entedng upon and taking possasalon of the Property,the collectbn af such rents,issues and pr�fite,and tho appNcallon
<br /> uierooi as aiar�id siwii noi vvro or waiw any oeiauii or noiice oi deTauii nareunder or invai'tdaie eny ac't done in resporwe io wtxi
<br /> default or pursuant to such notloe of detault and, notwiihstanding the continuanoe In possesslon of the property or the collecdon,
<br /> rec�ipt and appll�aUon ot rents,Issues or proifta,Trustee and Lender shall be entitled to exe�c(sa every�ipht provlded for In eny of the
<br /> Laan Instrumente or by law uswn ocaurrence ot any Event oi Detault,inctud(ng without Itmttatbn tho dght to exericise the powar of eate,
<br /> Further,Lender'&dghts a�d romad(as undt�r thls paragraph ehali be cumutattve wNh,and in no way a Ifmitatton on,Lender's ri�hte end
<br /> remedles under sny ess�gnment of leasas And renta recorded against the Property.Lander,Trustee and the reoelver ehall be 1{abh ta
<br /> aocount only ipr those rents aatually receiveti.
<br /> 11.Evonb of D�tauR.The folbw(np shail oonsdtute an Event of Oefault unde►this Deed of Truat:
<br /> (a)Fallure to pay any instellment oi princlpal or interest of any a4t;er sum aecured hereby when duo;
<br /> (b)A breac�h ot or detauft under any provislon contained in the Notu,thfs i?ead of Y�ust,any ot the I.oan inairumente,ar eny
<br /> oU�er fien or encumb�ance upon the Property;
<br /> (u)A writ o►executlon or attechmont or any simllar process shall bv entered agalnst T�u�tor wh{ch shnll bacomo o lien on
<br /> the Property or any portlon thereoi or interest thsreln;
<br /> (d)There shall be filed by or egelnst Trustor or Borrower en eation under any present or tuture federal,at�te or othnr etxtute,
<br /> law w ceguiatbn reiating to bankn�ptcy,InsoNency or other relief for debtore;or thore ehnll bo appofnted any truatee,modfver or
<br /> It����lnfnr nf Tn�ctnr nr Rnrn+�uo.nr?f nll:.on�rw.���«r;..c��r..�: :'..at��C����,.e.�C���r v�:�W:..�.�..��,.�r�w...':�n....,,....-
<br /> - � w� �w��v�vr
<br /> shall make c�ny gene;al�aaaignment tor the benef(t of creditore;
<br /> (e)The sale,transiar,leass,assignment,conveyance or further encumbrence of all or any pan ot or eny t�tertst In thm
<br /> Property,eiMer voiuntarity or Invalnntadly,w(thout the express wdtten consent of Lender,provtded that 7'ntalar�htilll be pem�it•
<br /> ted to executa a le+ase of lhe Rroperty lhat does not cantafn an optfon to puroh�se and tho term of whid�doea nnt exceed one
<br /> year,
<br /> (p Abandonrnen!of the Properiy;or
<br /> (g)It Trustor Is not an Indlvidual,the Issuance,sate,trensfer,a�signmont,conveyanco or�ncumbmnoo ot more than(M a
<br /> axporetlon)a total of percont ot Its Issued and outstandln9�tock,or(fi a partnorehlp)a tatnl�f, per-
<br /> cent of partnershfp Interests,or(it p Itmited iiabiliry company�a total of porctmt at thu Ilrnited I�aWliqr canpa-
<br /> ny Mterests or voUng dAhts dudng the porlod tfits Deed of Trust remAtna a Ilen an the proporty.
<br /> 12.R�m�dl�s;AccNKatlon Upun Dehult.ln the evont of any Event of pof�uit Lendor may,wlthnut notitw exc�pt as requlred
<br /> by law,deciare all Ir�lebtedness spcured hereby to be due and payable and tho eame shall thnroupon twcomo due and payaWe with-
<br /> out any presentmenl,demand,protest or nofke of any kind.Thereaftor L�nder may:
<br /> (a)Demand that Trustoe exercise the POWER OF SALE grantad hurein,and Truatao shall theroattencause Tnistor's Inter- .
<br /> est in the Prope�ty to be aold and the proceods to be dfsMbuted,all ln tAo manner provkled In the Nebroske T�ust Qeeda Act;
<br /> (b)Exerclae a�y and uii rights provlded far in nny ot the I.oan Instruments or by law upon occurrer�ce ot eny Event d
<br /> Dofault;ancf _
<br /> (c)Commence an actlon to toroclose thla Doed ot Truut ss a mortflage,appoint a recefver,or specificalry entorce any ot the
<br />- covenants M►reof.
<br />- No remedy harefn oonterred upon or reserved tu T►uutoo or Lender fs intende[I to be exclusive ot any other remedy herein,tn ths Loan
<br />_ tnsVuments ur by law provlded or permttfed,but aach shatl be cumulative,shaU bo In addiilon to every other remady glven hereurxier, �
<br />- In the Loan InsUuments or now or herBatter exisdng at law or In equ(ty or by statute,anrl may be exurcisad concurrunyy,tndependentry
<br /> or succeslvely.
<br /> 13.7tust�.Tne Tn�stee may resign at any time wiihout cause,and Lender mAy at ctny ttme and without cause appolnt a suc-
<br /> cessor or substftute T�ustee.Trustee shall not be Itabto to any purty,Inaluding without Itmltation Lender,�orrower,Trustor or any pur-
<br /> charer ot the Proporty,for any loss or damege unless due to reckless or wllliul misconduct,and shall nct be requtred to take eny act}on �
<br /> In connect)on with tfie enforcomen4 of thls Deed oi Tru�t unless IndemnHlad,In wMing,for atl costa,com{r�nsatinn or expenses wh�h =
<br />- may be assocfated therewlG�.�n eddition,Truateo may become e purchaser at any sale of the property((udktal or unde�the power o}
<br /> sale grunteJ herein);postpono the salo of att or any portion oi the Proporty,as provlded by law;or se0 the Propertyr as e wtxtle,o�tn �
<br />_ separeto parcels or bts at Trustee's dfscrotton.
<br />_ 14.F�e��nd Exp�n�ss.In the event Tnisteo sells the Rropertyr by exerclse o}power ot sale,Trustee shalt be entilled to epply —
<br /> any sale proceeds flret t�payment ot all costa and expense:s of exercistng power of sale,includirt�all 7ruatee's foes,and Lender's 6nd
<br /> Trustee's attomey's tees, ectually Incurred to extent permitted by appllcable law.In the event Barower or Trustor exercise�s any�ight
<br />- provided by law to cure an Event ot Detault,Lendor chall bo entitted to recover from Trus:or all coate and expanses actuaty Incurred es =
<br /> a rosult oi Trustor's default,Including w(tiwut Ilmitetlon all Trustee's a�d attorney's teea,to tho extent poRnitted by epplicahlo law. —
<br /> 15.Futuro Advanc�r. Upon request of Borrower,Lende�may,at its optlon,make additional and future advances and read-
<br /> vancos to Borrower.3uch edvances and readvances,with Interestthereun,shall be secu�od by this Deed of Tn�st.At no tlme shoil the
<br /> 0
<br />