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<br /> COVENQR779 ��� �,��C71fiI� _-
<br /> 9, Ppymc;,Za. Oorror�c� cprces to mako ull �aymonto on th� cocurod dobt whon dua. Unlecn �orrower end londc► apr�e otherwise, eny
<br /> pnymcnto Lond�r rosolvca from F3nrro�vor or or Borro�vor's banofit wlll bo applletl flrnt to ony omounto fJarra�•rar ows� on tho sacurcd dobt
<br /> not�roduco or excugen�a y�sct,edulad�ieyment un(i then ocuru�dobt In�peld in fuilp�prcpoymoiit u7 tho cecurcd dobt c�ccura for any roacon,IY wlli
<br /> 2.Ctdm�A4Nnrt Titl�.Bor�ower wfll pay dl texe�,ae�essmentt, enQ other charpe�attrlbutnGin to the property when due end wl11 dofend titlo �
<br /> defensoa whlcha[1ar�rowai mAyihevs aDelnat pet le°pwhu supplY lebor ar mntarlAta to i�mprovo�or m�lnteln�tho�proper4yauipn eiy riphto,cfeime or
<br /> 3. Imur�nc�. Borrower wlll keep th�praperty Inaured undor 4erm� �ccept�bts ta Lersder et 8orrower'e expense snd}o►Lender's benefit.All . -
<br /> Ineurance policlea ehell include a etondard mortpape clau6e In favor of Lender.Lender wlll be�emed s�loss peyea or oa the Inaured on eny euch
<br /> Inaurence policy.Any in9urence procead�may b�opyIIcJ,r�Ithln Londar'c df�crctlon,4o eithsr the reetoratlon of rep�lr of tNe damened property
<br /> . �;�,�!� . or to ths tecured debt.If Lendue repulras mortg�0e Inturanee,Bor�ower e�rees to rneintsln sueh innurenr,e for as lonp u lender requires. :,�
<br /> -- "'- � 4.Proputy.Borrower wlil keep the property in pood conditlon end meke all repaire reeeoneb{y necessary. .'�
<br /> N'�`� �
<br /> �..�.,Ma�i 6.Exp�nt��.Borruwer spreoa to pay all 4endor'e expensea Includtn9 reasonable attornoys'feea,(f Borrqwer breeks any cavenants in thla deed
<br /> , of trust or in any obllgation socured by this deod o}trust.�arrower will pey these amounte to Lender ea provided In Covenant 9 of thla deed of
<br /> trust.
<br /> S 8.Prta B�ecurity Intar��tt.Unleaa Borrqwer first obtain3 Lender's written consent, Borrowar will not meke or permit eny changea to nny prlor ,x�;
<br /> � 1 encurity interea�a. Borrower wiil �erform etl ot Borrower's o6ligations under any prior martgaga, daad of trust or olher uocudty ogroomont, �:,
<br /> Includiny Bor�pwer'B covenants to ma4m Daymenta when dua.
<br /> ' 7.Aetlpnmmt of 4�s and Proflt�.Borrower assigns to Lender the rent�e and profits of the prop�rty.Unless Borrowar und Lender heve egreed _
<br /> � *. . otharwt"se In w�Itin orrowor may coiloct and�eta�n the rente as Ion as Borrower fe not m da4auit. If Borrowe�defaults, Lendar, Lander's _
<br /> apent, or a coart apgointati receiver may teke poscesslon and mannp8 tht�D«AflTN end coilaCt the.�ntlt�-A�y r�nte�endar collect3 ehA!I bo
<br /> nscleinotryiilased exp nsag}The tem�iEniny omaunt of renti wf:l tiion appty to pi�iyrnente an the ee�aa aa�i:c�°ov aid��cove�en dtany othsr
<br /> .�.:f,� .�, , B.L��olds•Condortinium�;Plarwro8lidt O�vNWi+n�nto•Borrowar aQraea to compIy wkh the provlsiona of any iease If this dead oi trust is on
<br /> u�der thetco ene�nta b,lawa�,oi re�uiatlona'of the condom�lnium ar ptanned unit develupmentnt,Borrower wiil perform all of Borrower's duties
<br /> :i. _::
<br />,';;j::�•`ti%�' B. Authorlty oi L��x4sv�a�a�la�m fcv Borrowe. If Borrower fafls to perfarm any of Borrower's duties under this deed of uu�t, Lendat may _
<br /> �.,,�,, <, porfo�m the duties or Gausa thom to be performed.Lender mey eign Borrowar's nume or pey eny emount If nocessery for performence. If eny
<br /> � �� conaVUCtion on the property Is discondnued or not cerried on In a roasonnble menner,Lender may do whetever ie necessary to protect Londa�'s _
<br />`=;',�i�!;;�.' secudry Interost In the property.TAIs may Include campletinp the conauuation. -
<br /> �I��5����� Lendar'e felluro to perform wiil not prociude Lender Srom exerclsing eny ot its othor rlphts undor tho law or thla deed af trust. :
<br /> ;.,,�,�;�,.
<br /> �,,;ti�;�U�';�b �
<br /> Any amotcnts pald by Lender to pratact Lender's cecurity intarest wlll be secured by thla deed o1 truat. Such smounts wiil ba dua on demend
<br /> �i,'�.
<br />-�.,�,.r,� entl will bear Interest from the dete of the payme�t unttl paid in fuil et the Interest tato In effeot on the securod debt.
<br /> -�;�•..�•�. 50. D�fwtt�n3 Aec�IK�tlon. If Borrowor fails ta make any payment wtieit due or breake any covenants undar this deed of trust or enV _
<br />"-T=;�`:...�' obllgation cecured 6y this deed of truat or eny prlor n:onpaye or deed of bus4, Londer may eccelerate the moturity of the secured debt oncl
<br /> ��' y' •:� demmd immedlete payment Mnd may invoke tha power of sele and eny other remedies permitted hy appitcable law. _
<br /> �`���s
<br /> ._'..':e.�;=. . 1 i.Rpu��t ta Notic�of D�t�u1t.It le haroby inqueeted thnt coplea of the noiicea of dafauk end sate be sent to e�ch persan who la a party
<br /> � � ,�, - nareio,al uw wu'vio6:'ut asvr su;.l:pw:.�:.s:,:���2!L`!K!!�Se!e!n.
<br />_�r�';^,ry
<br /> 92.Vow�r of Sde.If 1he Lender Invokea the power of s�le,the Truetee ehall firat racord in the office of the repfster of deedi of eech caunty
<br />___�;�;:Y,i� whenin the uust proporiy or some pert or parcet thoroof I�situated e aotica of defauR containing the inform�tfon�equlred hy law.The Trurtoo
<br /> shall also mail copiea of the notice ot default to the Borrower,to eech person who is e party Mreto, end to other persona eepr escribad by
<br /> ���%�"� �pplicabte law. Not leaa th�n oaa month efter the Trustee rocords the notice of defauR or twa months Ii the tmit proQerty ia not in any
<br /> ::;;:�; incm;wroted city or vlllaye end ia usvd In farminp opereUona carrled on by the ttustor,ths'�►uatee shnll aivq puWic �otice of aek to the Reraona
<br /> ::���:�,'�;;• and in the manrter prescribed bY apppticabto law.Jruotee,without demand on Barrower,ahall sell the property at puDlic eu�{lon to ti�e hi�hest
<br /> _;_;.;G1 bldd�r.If requirod by the Farm Homeatead Protection Act,Truateo shalt affnr the property in two aoperate salea a9 roqulrod bv nApitcebie Iew.
<br /> --- Truet��may postparu sale of ell or eny parcei of th�properql by pubiio announeement af th�tlm�end plecs ot df+y p►evlousry schedutetf nbk.
<br /> �' �-— LsndK or fta derstpnee may purchase th�property at any s�le.
<br /> _ lipon recelp�ot psYment of ths price bid,Truase�h�ll deliver to the purchisoe 7vusteo'a deed conveylnp the property.The recltida contalrx�4 in --
<br /> -" = Tru4tN'�dsed chall tH prima tacle evldience ot th�truth of tbe�t�tamente ccntnlnad therein.Trustee shall apply the proceeda ot tho aete tn the
<br /> - � follnwinp adsr. (�) to ell expensea of the eaie, (nciudlny, but not Iimlted to, ro�sansbie Truatee a teea, reaaonebte sttansy'� fse• �nd
<br /> — _—� refnstetsment fees;(b)to ell eum�secured by this deed of uust,and lc)tM betsnce,If any,to the porsons lepalty entitbrl to recefve It.
<br /> ~�— 13.Fa�elwun.At Lender'o uption,this deed of Vuat may be foreclo�ed in the menner provide by epplicabla lew for forecto:ure of mort9ayeo
<br /> — on reql property.
<br /> ' 1�,Inrp�ctiw�.L�ndx m�y�nter the property to impect It if Londer pives�rowar notice baforehand.The natfce muat eta4e ths re�aomble
<br /> - causs fa Lertder'�In�psct(on.
<br /> "!"" 16.Cond�mnation.Bwrower aaslgna to Lender the proceada of any award or ciaim tur dama�es cannected with� candemnation or other t�k(ny
<br /> t���;��'z, of Yil a any part of ths ptoperty.Such procesd�will be applied as provided in Covenant 1.Thi9 aeetgnm�nt is eubject to the terms o}any prior
<br /> ,-_��,v eecurity�gre�m�nt.
<br /> ---- 7e.Waivu.By oxetci�iny eny remedY evnflebte to LondAr,Lender doea not giv�up any rights to leter usa ani�ctlter remedy.By not exercltinp
<br /> - any ramsdy upon Borcower'�detault,Lendur doeo not walve any rlyht to tster co�sider the event e defeuft iP iT apFsenf apNn.
<br /> � ��, 9p�t�t�d 3swry ��y, Co.i6pn�a; Succ�uon�nd Aa�tyn� 8oumd. AII dutles under thfe deed oi trust xe Jok+t c��x1 eeverol. Any
<br /> BorraK�ar who w•Yipns thit deed of trust but doea not co-tlQn the unde�fylno debt Instrumentli) does so only to prant v�nd convey ihat
<br /> _ ._._u= ��-� Bortawar'�Intsreet in the propwty to the Trustee under the terma af tAfs deecl oi trust.In eddltbn,such�Borrower�proes th�t the Lender end
<br /> �-- any otMr Borrawer under th!�deed of truat mry extend,modiW or make o��y a1h6r cher►Qea In the tarme ot this deed of tru4t or tho aecured
<br /> �� debt without th�t Botvower's conaent end without releasiny that�orrower from thn terma of thfa deed of truet.
<br /> ---'°�"a The dutiei and be��fita of thit doed of trust shail b[nd and benafit the success�fs and�eaipna of Lender a�i Bortower,
<br /> --��.�,;,,.;�� 1N.Notic�.Unlass oihorwise reqLSirad by lew,any notiCe to Borrower thiil iw yivoo by delivertng it or by mafflnp(t by certifted maii addroaaed to
<br /> _,�;;,,�.�,�.� Borrowor�t tM pro�e�y addnce or mny other eddreas that @o�TOwer hao alven to Lender.Htwro�var wfll pivs�ny rwUce to Lencler by c�nitied
<br /> mail to lenAor's�d rd e�s an paps 1 of thie deed of trust,a to as�y other eb�drasa which LandK hne deatgnated.Aezy other nctfc�to Lender�hall
<br /> ==�-v-=��� be�ent to Lenda►'e eddress ae atated on pape 1 ot this dred ot trust.
<br /> ���'�a�,ea�i��
<br /> �,=��,t��+� Any natRco¢t'ut1 Da deamed to havo been pfvon to Borrower or Lender when g'nre�In th�msnner otated abovo.
<br /> :�,1_�_
<br /> �;_.u.ut�
<br />=;;,:w,.;aG:F,;- � 19.TrwutK of tM�rop�Ry a�B�fieid IM�reot in Hw Bortoww Ii ell or any part of the property or eny intoreet Ire It Is sotd or trensferred
<br /> �=%;��;�;,;�'- ' withm,! Lender'r prior written consant, Lender may demand lo�m.ediate payment of tha socurod dobt. Londor m�y also damand immodiato -
<br /> w::•r�^�,r t. peyc;7nnt if the Borrower le not n natu►al person end e benoffclol Intsroat in the Borrower ia wld or transferred.Nowo�<c7.6.endar mey not
<br /> `;�"•*'"�'-- d,ervad paym�nt In the ebove sltuaUona if it Is prohibited 6y fedural luw ee of the date of tha daed of trust.
<br /> �. ,�.,;�;^�,� �
<br /> `T"4 '� 20.Rtco�wY�nc�•When the o6Ugadon secured by thio deod of vust h�o b¢ei paid end Lender has no turther abll8atlon to make edvancos
<br /> =R-t' � undm the Instruments or eyresmenta securod by tMo deed of trust,tlw Trust�o ahaif upon written request by tha Lender, reconvey the trust
<br /> " f�� ope The Lortdar chall deliver to the Borrower,or to EoROwer's cuecoacor in intttcst,the truet deed and tAe note or other evidence of the --
<br /> =��:�i�EU�,+�` P► ►4Y. -
<br /> ___ �.r_�;;qr obliQatlon so s�tlatied.Bonower c:�all pay any rocordaHon coats. -
<br /> '- �� °��f'� 21, 3UCC�tfOf TN�tM. Lender, et Lender's optioo, ma removs Truatee end nppoint n succeaanr vuetee by 11ret, mnifinp e copy o4 the _
<br /> . eu:.....�.:• .
<br /> -;,�,x,,:;• substttutton of tru�teu aa requirod by spplieable law,end t n,by filin�tl�e eubetilution of Vuatee for record in the atfiee ot the roylstev of deeds :
<br /> :••�� ••-•y��� + of each county In whfch the truat property,or 6ome part thereof,ly a tuated.The succossor trustee,wkthout conveynnce of the property,ehell -
<br /> "'•'j�• ' ! nucceed to all the power,duttea,euthoHty end title oT the Truiteo nemeH lo the dend of trust cnd of eny succeaaor Vuatee. • o
<br /> ;,� , a
<br /> -_i; : .+, f [�.
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