,�� ..
<br /> �,u. � . :,.. � -�.� . .... .. ,,:.
<br /> "'q`���.A......�' ''�' .�+�°�,, ..+,-a.iY . es°!�u.^M+ni'P..:.!Y^'R . _...... . .. .....'----'-'.�_.... . _ _.. .......� �,�_.-.
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<br /> .,,. , • • ....._ -�. . ..... ..
<br /> ... .
<br /> ....
<br /> .�asmr�r .... „_ . . .. .♦
<br /> • 1...1..._.... .._ ._ _ . .... .... .._..-'_ _._. _ • �.
<br /> . �v-.-�'---.
<br /> r c.
<br /> oa�oa��e�s D�E6� �� 'i'�11�T Repe G
<br /> ' ��a��ao �oss�s ���,��t��uad� ��-� 1.U�,���
<br /> r ��(b) As may bo permitlod by Isw,atter deducllny all costs,tcWf Yn9 oxpons6�o)Tru�tao end ot Ih;�Tru�l,Itscluding tosb cf o•Ad�ncu o1
<br /> -��- -•-_ :-.- xnn In connxtlon with eaN,TruatoY shsll npply lh�procMQ�oP etle to psym�nl of (q�0 sum�oxptnded u�d�r tM�i�u n�tw ums�h�n .
<br /> � 1YU11 0�Ul1dM tM fMmf QI 11w Nats not ttwn rpud,(ncivainp bui ni,i ti���it:'u t'v:arued!r.^.•".'rtd L._CIL�+--. O-. -
<br /> y acurid MInbY.ond llil)lM rYmalntlar,II any,t0 tM PK�on or P�aon9 lOqalty 9nlilled IhYrpta.
<br /> (o) Tru�1N may!n th�mann�v proWd�d by kv�poStpon�u�ol aN a�ny poriton ot tiH Prop�rty. ,
<br /> � Wim�dN�Pb9 ExciuNvir. 5iva1�Qnd Lond:t,and c:.ch o!thrm,�h^.'I b�cn(18�d!o entorc�peyme�t end poriamant�ot ony Indibl�dnes�
<br /> , j a obNg�tlons s�cu��d by fhls Owd ol Trtal�nd to�xKCW aM dQhb and powas und�r lhb Osod of Trust,und�IM Nol�,undK any nt th� '; �
<br /> t RNatsd A�cum�a�b,a und��ny ottar�prM�wnt a any kws now or 1»rKtt�r In(orc�;notwHht4nding,wrn�a aM af tuch IncNOMdnKs
<br /> � and obYgaNOns acurod by Ihi�Daed of Trust nuy naw w t»r�tttw b�olhwwiea eecund,wFHltwr by mort�y�,dNd of trusl,pNdp�.Oun, •
<br /> ��'�"t asslpnm�M a otMrwk�. NdtMr tM eccapt�na o1 lhle DNd ol Trutt nor Ilt enloram�N,wMtMr by couri action or purownl to th�powu o1 ��
<br /> ,.,`.�.r.,,.,�ry�• eW or othw powon conUJn�d In this Dsod o1 Tttnt,thaN pr�utNce or��nnY mann�r att�ct Trttste�'s or L�nd�r'o rlyht t0 naN� on a
<br /> r
<br /> • �ntora any otha wcwi►Y now or h�ra�ft�►hMd by TruttM a��ndor,11 banp aQrwd ltwl Trusl»�nd L�nda,and�ch ol Itwm,t bs .
<br /> i �ntitkd to�ntaca thb Qx�d o1 Trust�nd any oiMr�:uAiy now a her�Mr Iwld by LondK or Trust�In tuch ader and mtnn�r as Ih�y a
<br /> N�
<br /> athK of ttwm may in thrr absduio d'scrp�on do'�rmino. No remedy conterted upon or ros�rwd lo Tru:ts�or Lsnde►,K InNndod to b� �P=-
<br /> � '� �wry olh�r�r��n odY plwn Inahls O�eod o4 Tr�usl orr nsow or hKMftM udstlrp at I�w a In��4u1►Y or byheta u�c E Kyrupow�r a�m�dY Oiw by tIN •'�'
<br /> NoA a any ot th�Rotated Docurtwnts to TrustN a L�nd�r a to whtch �IIMr of th�m rrwy be othawise mUHed, m�y b� axKCie�d, �
<br /> �,` � concu+renihj or Indopande�W�kom tim�to HrrN tnd ta ott�n as rtu�y bs deom�d expedient by Tru�tee a Lsnder,�nd nith�r of th�m may ��,.`_..
<br /> purtue Ir�onsistsnt remvdles. Nothin9 In th�s De�d of 7rus1 shatl be conetrued ue prohlbiNng Lender trom eaakinp s deflclency Judyrt�nt � ,�
<br /> apalmt th�Trustor to tho extent such acUan b permift�d by lew. �E>-
<br /> ,�;� qequeq Fa Notic�. Trusta,on behalf o1 Trusta and L�ndK,heoby roQuvsts that c cc+py ot eny Nolico ol Detautt�nQ�copy of tny Notic� �
<br /> , • of e,..-b�nc+�x t!�!s Deeci ot Trus1 be rt�alted to them a1 tM address�sut inrlh In tM Ilrat Qera9nph of this Daed of Truat. �
<br /> ,. � Wa1vN;ENttbn Qf Re�Mdks. A wa�ve�by any perty af a br�ach of n provislon ot thH Desd of Trust nhaN not oonstitub�wvver o1 a _
<br /> preJudN.w thr pulya dpt�ts otharwise tn demand sMct comt�liarecv with that provision a any olhor proNslon. Hbctlon by L�nd�r fo pursuo!ny
<br /> . �� remedy Rrovided In this Deed of Trust,the Nota,in any Ftet4tod Documant,or provided by law ehtll not exctuds pursult of�nY olhK r�rcNdri �
<br /> ` tnd un etecNon to m�ke expenditur�s or to take ecUOn to pertorm an obllpaUon ot Tnntor undor thic Deed of Tn»t arier(Ulurs ol Trusta to
<br /> � , ' periam stuN not aftect Lendere rlpht to dectero�dehult snd to�se any of Ib nrtwdtas.
<br /> Attomtys'Fees;�na�s. �f l.ender Institutos any suit or actlon to onforce any of lhu terms of tHls Oeed ot Yrust,Lendet sh911 b�snBtled to —
<br /> ' recover 6uch sum as tha couA may ndJudpe re�son�bN as nttomeys'fees at 61e1 and on any eppeal. Wheth�r or not any court�Ctlon Is
<br /> ` � Involved,sU reasoru+bla e.rpenses Incurred by Lender w�lah In Lontier's opinlon nre necessuy n1 any Ume ta tha protocUOe►Ot ita IntKes9 or tha
<br /> � ' enf�xcement of F:s rtghl�shall become a part of fha Indebtednaas poYable on demand and shall bear Interest at the Notv nte hom the dat�of
<br /> ' � ��, e�kKt�re unN reps►d. E�enses covered by Ihb perepreph Indude,wilhout Ilmltation,however subJect to any Umib urtder appNcabb lew,
<br />`.• ° Lerttinr'�altomeYs'tees whether a not there ts a Iawsuit,Inctudtng t�mameYg �ees ta bankruP�Y Proceedlrys(InCiudirp qftats to modity a
<br />- � + vacalo any�utortwtlo stay a InJunctlon),epp0ais and any anttcipatad�ast-Judpment collecuon servlco�,the cost ot carchiny recads,obtalnirp
<br /> tlfle raporb(InduNspl fonectaaure reports),surveyors'reports,��a��sl7ees,fiqe lrtsurance,and lea�tar the Tnute�.to the�xtent p�rnflWd bY
<br /> ':=�cjt;`°..^��� : �yiHlii�iuis iiJi. �ii W+"'"'..�i.°oC'.::5:�°,�«^.i f:L`!!.�CneM�tt�ar1AlHnll tn�11¢f1TlOf SUIIIS D[Dl;�ad bY law.
<br /> '=" '� " Rlpht�ot Tru�te�. T►z�stoa ohell have all ot tiH rlphb 4nd duUas e4 Uencter as set for�h ln thb sectlon.
<br />_-�=�.�•;. �.
<br />,;' �:•,r „�.:���i pQWE7i$QNp 06LlG1AT[ONS QF TRl9$4��E. The tdlowlnp provfs[ceis ralaflnp to th9 powers�nd obllqaUons o}Tntstee ere p��t of tht�Ds�d of
<br /> =..�-�.:... � . TroSt.
<br />_-'Gi._�rit�'R•�*
<br /> ;-- powen ot Tru�ee. In addlllon to ell powera ot Trustee arlsinp as a rnatter of Inw,Trustee shtll havs tta powar to taka ltw tollowtn0�ctlons
<br />'V'�:?�,�,,..�`.�, wlth rospect to tha PropeAy upon the wriNen request o}Landes and Trustor: (a)Jdn In prepuinp and 1NInp a m�p a pint of lh�FiNI Prop�dy,
<br /> _'.,�:;;;,�r.*°.� Indudng the dsdcatlen of aVeets or other riphb to tM publb; (b)1Mn In pnntlnp any esserrNnt a r,ro�flny sny rssMctlon on iM R�d PropMty� - -
<br /> - - - and (o��In In any subordlnatlon or other apreemvnt attsctlnp thts Deed W Trust or ttw Interest ot Lsnder under thlg Oe�d of Tnr�t.
<br /> �'��� Tr�l�. Truste�s1uH m�et aN quallfiuABons reqWred for Tntst�e unda appUcabb law• U�ddlllon to the rtphis and nmedl�t siA tath nhovs,
<br /> _'-'�"� wHh r�spsct to aN or Gny put of ttw P�operty,the Tn�steo sh¢:I have the ripht to toreclose by notice end sale,and Lendw shaN haw tta dpht to
<br /> "�"='°`�"�: tcreqos�by Judk�al torpCtasun,In�Ilhw case In axordancs witA�nd to the full extent provlded bY eADl�abb law. �
<br /> udk
<br /> -""`"�i�' gyCCtwor T�uaee. Londer,al Lenders opUOn,may hom tlme to Ume Gppdnt�successor Truslee to any Truste��ppdnted Mreund�r by m �'�'`
<br /> �...,:•.�,s�..�
<br /> --`__�`.'��"�' Inskum�nt�xocut4d and ncknowbdpod by Lender and racorded U tf»offlca ot the record�►of HALL County,NWr�u. TM Insirum�M th�M
<br /> ,�.�A�a���� conUln,In additlon to�II other maitae roqukad by sfat�I�w,1M n�mes ot the ofiglnal Londer,Trusfae,and Ttustor,th�boak and p�N(a
<br /> �.=_vs,t�t_ cemaulK systac•n ro�ena)whKe thls De�et Trust b rocorded,nnd 1h0 nam�ynd acld+ess of Ih�euccesso►tr�feo�and tM ImtrumKtt th1N
<br /> �� ba ixocutad and ecknowkdpec'by atI tho be�!�c►s�rke under the t?esd cf Trust or thak suxssaers In Interat. Ths au000saor Mt�1e�.wlthout
<br /> — �.�,�iss'�v-� COnVAyll�IdlOt fiM PIOE`!��ahaN eUCCOed to�n trN nas�AOWB�.��ti i1UiiB6 COnf8rt�0 uyun ii►i Tiv�t�n n�u o�'w��T.�'.ww�w Yn�hM ._
<br /> W'-" law, Tt�proc�dur�tor substltutlon of Un�atao sMn qovsm to th��xctuslon of aN otlwr provlslom tor suSsUtuUon.
<br /> _::�_7�� NOTICEB TO TRUSTOi1 AMD OTFIER PARTIE9. Any noflce und�r tAls Deod of Trus4 sh�N b�In wdtlrp,may bo b�B�nt by tolM�cslrtAtN�and shtN
<br /> be oMSCUw wMn actwlly d�ti�prpd,pr whm doposlted wllh A naUoneNy roCOpnl•�d overnlph!cou�ia,or.It mafbd.shall be alsim�d�Mocth►a wlwn
<br /> °°-_ - deposltad In tM Unft�d States nwH.Rr'�ldQSS.cwtlfkd a�istored matf.Post�pe ProP�ld,dlrectsd to thU addr�s chown near tM bpinntnp of
<br /> -- this DaOd of Trust. My puty miry,.WN���b�d�ross fa ndkws undor thls Doed of Trust by ghring tormAl written nodco to the othar pl�rtks,
<br /> --_ - apedfylrt�g that th�purposo ot ihtr hQti�a K to chanps tha putye addross. eltl coples of noUccuss of to�eclaaura Nom th�hotdor of any!bn wh�h lua
<br /> ----- pAortty ovur this Dwd of Trost s►i�4•ffe sont to Lender's addnss,as ahown rwu t1w bppinnlnp of Ihls Daod of Trust For noHco purprses�7rusta
<br /> _ - eyrees io keep Lendu�nd Tnntee I�tormed at ell Umes of Trustor'a curtent�ddross.
<br /> -���� �
<br /> ._.��
<br /> •.-���r�� NBSCF�J.A!lEOUS PRAV�S�ONS• The followlrp m(scellarwaus proufslons ere a part of thts Deed of Trust:
<br /> -�;r� pmandrmnU. Thb Daed of Tnrsf.togetfiK wllh any Relatad Dxurtwnb,constlhct�tho enNre un�orstandlnp and asreement ot thv partles�s
<br /> -�_��>_$� to lM matbre s�t torth In thb Deed of 7nut. No atleraUon W or�rtwndrtws�t to thts O�d of Tnut ehall be eNective untass fllven In vrddnp and
<br /> ..._.� -���
<br /> .,_,�Y�,:a stpn�d by tM puty a partles soupht to be aharped or bound by tM ntteraUon or amendment.
<br /> ;ys,r�,s"r��"t^�+,,�,�. AppNc�pN Law. Thls De�d of Tnut fµs been detlwrad to Lender�nd eccept�d by Le►Wet in the Stnte o!Nebrs�lu. ThIS Oeed of Trust
<br /> -=��`'fc.,s";��s�- sTU+if De powrned Dy�nd Contin,ed In�ccadince wlth the kiwi of the St�te of Neb►�ak�.
<br /> ;;:,.�,,,,.,: .�.
<br /> _ _-.��:-. CepUpa Headt�Qs, CapUOn haadir�qc In thl�Doed of Tnut ero tar esnvanbnes purpose3 ony and nro not to be usad to Interpref or GaMo `
<br /> -�:�u�='°�=, pravlslw�s of tMe O�d olTnist.
<br /> "'�<:.-'�.:. IMerp�r. There sh�U bo no merper of the Interest or asffite cre�ted bN thls Oeod of Tn�st wlth any other Inferest or estate In the PeoD�Y a1 nny =
<br /> - tlme held by or tor Y+a Eeneet of Lender In eny capac+�/,wlthout the wdtton consent o}dender. _
<br /> ,r:;-Y_:__.�. MW�Ipt�p�riies. A!I obllpaUOns oi 7rustor undsr M1s Dead of Trust shall be jdnt and several,and au references to Trustor shell mean each end !
<br /> - every Trustar. Thb means that oach of Iho Borrowero stpNny betow hs responslbb fa MI ohltpatlons In thls Deed of Trust. -
<br /> - ai;. ��..y•• •• ��.�.�.........�.w...r ente nmrf eil Tnx!tn hs[mmlld nt unart(nrC�9b18 9S f0 Qt1Y DBfE0I1 Of —.-
<br />� .y.i:._. -—�•�. �IOYCI�111[y. II i GVYti tn t.ytttycimu�tn�aa�vw�.n.�v..�.q p.v...........--�_--__. .'_" " " __._-
<br /> �''' ' :� clrcumsttnce,such Mdlnp shnll not render thaf provislon InvtWd or unenforcoabte as to any olher persons or clrcumstances. It feaslbio,nny
<br /> � '•�'�"� such ottendlny provlslon shall be deemed to be modi8ad to be wlthln the Nmlts ot entorcetblllly or valldlty;howevor,If tha oNendlny provfslon �x;
<br /> ;�' ' cannot be 6o modlAed,R ehall be SMcken and ull other provlslons o!thls Qeod 0}Tnut In�II other respects shall rt�mnln volld and entaceabls. �
<br /> _�.�. � . �
<br /> • Suc�.ys�o►s�nd MNpns. Sub}ect to the Ilmltatlons stated In thls Deod ot Trust on Uenster o!Trusta'a Interest,4hla Oeed af T�vst shall be
<br /> - � bindlrp upon and Inuro to lhe benefit of fhe perlle�,thelr euccessors and asslpns. If ownershlp of Ihe Property hecamos vested In a person
<br /> •• other than Trustor, Lender, wflhout noUce to Trusta, may deal wlth Trustols succ¢ssas with refemnce b lhis Oeed ot Trust and iha
<br /> Intkbtedness by way of rurbaarance or oxtenslon w�thout releaslnp Trustor trom the obllgatlons of thls Deed ot Trust or tlablllry under Ihe
<br /> , , ' Indebtednes�.
<br /> -- Time Is of tM Eaence.Tlme Is of the essenca I�the PeAormanc�of lhls Dsed of Trusi.
<br /> • Wliivera Y�d ContenU. Lender shall not be deemed to havo welved eny rlphts under thls D9ed of Trust(tx under tho Re4alod DoCUment9)
<br /> l� unkss such walver h In wriUng and slgned by Lender. No delay or omisslon on Ihe pari ot Londer In oxerclslnp ttny rl�ht shall oper4te es a
<br /> �`�,�i'^ �' . walver ol such dyht or eny othEx r{yht. A welver by any psrty of e provfslon ot Ihls Oeed of Trust sha�not consGtute e watver o}or proJudbe thr
<br /> ;,, � ;` parys riyht olt�wlae to demand sUfcl compll�nce wtth that provlston or tny oth�r provlslon. No prior wslvar by Lender,na any courw ot
<br /> deellnp betweon Lender end Trustor, shaN consdtuto a walver of �ny of Lender'o rlghb a eny of Tn►ato�•,obA�allons as to any (uture
<br /> ,,
<br /> . ` � ,
<br /> � • • i
<br /> ,
<br /> , _
<br />