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<br /> hr. ,�yr.��.��.�t.. .w+. ' ' ' ., ' —_�s':n'NC�A(O1�:iS'.Y,S�81rii�us�rrfa.+,a.'a-._ �.�.f.. - -.':'•_'�
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<br /> L,ender'o good fnith dctcrminutia�, precludea forfein�re of diG aorrower's Il1I0i'Ca: ltl Illfl (1POPCPiy 01'01 tCY 111lt1�I'IIII �illj'IAI15i1Cflt Of
<br /> � die licn ce�nted by thia Sccueity Iitatfiuncnt or I.endee'�cccurity intcrest, Potrot��ee shnll nlm hc In cicinult if Barro�vice,�uctn�tlic
<br /> lov► applieatlan pracess, �;nve ►nateeially f'olse ar hinccue�tr, iufi�e��mdott �r etate�iicnti� t�� t!tc I.en�ler (or Fnilcd �o pi�ovlde l.ender
<br /> wlth �ury mr�ecrial inforniution) in conncction with tlio lonn evldencsd by the Not�, Inaludlna, ni�t n�t Il�iiltcd to, ecpresentntloits
<br /> cnnrrm�na q�,rn►wer's occuoancy of tha[h�opertv a+o nrinelpAl r�sWcnco. If thiu Sicc��r]ty tne•lrument !s on u Ieasehald, Rnrrowcr
<br /> 6hn11 comply with all the provlsions uf thn lcaso. If gorrower ncqulre�fce dtic to the Pr�nurt,�,tlin Icaschold nnd du fce ddc ehalt
<br /> not mergo unleee ixnder agrees ta tho mor�or i�i wrlting, r.,,.
<br /> 7.Pratettlon of Lcnder'�Rlghta In ti�e fkoperty.[P&►rrower fniln t�pnrf'�rm thn cavonnntn anA aKrr.cn�cnte contalncA in ;-.;-
<br /> thls Sccuriry I��trument, oT thetti ie d legel p�aCi:eQlug titac �uay aiQnificantly affcct Lendise's ��t�ht� iq ehn Praperty (such ns n �.l eL
<br /> proceeding ln 6ankruptcy.pmbato,for condemn�tion or forfctturo or to enforco Inwa or neguU�tinns), tl�en Lendcr mny do And pay R:
<br /> for whatever is necessary ta protect the vnlue of the Prapeety und Lenctor's righta �n the Aropeny. Lender's ecduns may in�r,lude �':'_
<br /> paying any sums sr,cured by a Iten w}�ich has priority over t1�iA Securtry Inetrument, nptn�arin� in court, p�ying reusonable �;�.+_
<br /> attorneys'fcss and enterinB on the Property to make ropairs. Aldiouph l.endnr u�ny take�ction uuder this paragrnph 7,Lender Aoes �;�_.
<br /> ���'-
<br /> aot have to do so. _
<br /> My amounts disburseci by i.endee under this p�ragr:�ph 7 st��sll b�cam� additfonnl debt of Borrawer s�curui by thxs _;
<br /> Securlty Instrnment. IInlr.ss Bonower and Lendcr ngree to otlior terms of paymcnt. thnso amauntn ahall beAr interest from�the date
<br /> of disbursem�nt mt the Nocc tratc and shnll be pnyubin,with intr.rest,upon notir.o from Lender to 13orcowcr requesting pay�rr,nt. _
<br /> 8.Mortgage I.�s�rt��a3�ce.If Lender required mortBagc iasurnnce as n Gandltion of malcjng ttie loan sccuae�ri by tR3s Security
<br /> rnstru�nent, Borrower s�[n!1 pay the premiiuns reqidred to maintain che mart�jage insurance in effect. If, for nr�y reason, the =_
<br /> aaortgage insurasce cover�e required by Lender lapsea or ceases to be in effect.Ylonower shall pay the premiums cquivaleat to the --
<br /> cost to Bonower of the mortgage insui�rtce previously in cffcct. from an alten�ate mortgagc insurer approvcd by L.endcr. If
<br /> SUbSWritISII}�C(�ll�VA1Ckt A10It$8$C�IIFLt3I1CC CUV8T3gQ I9 UOt BVaIIFIhIR,Boraotver ahall pay to Lender each manth a su;tt�ual co or.e -
<br /> twelfth of the yearly mur�age insurance prcmium bainB pnid by 13arro�vcr SvJncn the insuiancc coverage lapsed or ceastd m Ue in _
<br /> effect. Lender will acoe�:.use and reudn tliosa paymenta as n loss �serve in li.ev of�ortgage insurauce• Loss reserve payments
<br /> may no longer be required.at the oprion af Lendor, if martIIaga ine�uance covera�e(in the amount and for the perlsxl that Lender
<br /> c�quires) prnvlded by an insurer e��:noved L.endar aBnin bacamaa available sn�4 is obtained. Borrower sl�all pa� t�.e premiumg
<br /> requlreci to maintain nzortgage insuranca in cffr,ct,or w provldo�i�tss resenc,bwtzl the av�qu�raent for mortgage insu:a.,^c�ends in
<br /> accordance arith any wdtten agrr.eui�nt hetween Botr.awer And L.eader or appli�:£91e law.
<br /> 9,Inspectioac,i,ender or it�agent may mnke reasonable enuies upon c:n�l inspections of the Property. Lender shall give
<br /> Borrower noHce at ttze t�me of or prior to an inspectton specifijWp reasonuble cause for the inspectlon. -
<br /> 10. Condcmnatlon. The proceeds of any award ar aitum for damages, direct or consequential. in connecd��wlth any
<br /> candemaAtion or other talcing of any plrt of the Propem�,or f�r conveyance in lieu of condemnation,are t�ereby agsigz:ed�nd 9ha11
<br /> be paid to l.ender.
<br /> In the event oY s�total takin�of the Propem�,the proceeds shall be np�li�d to the sums secured by thia Security Instmment,
<br /> whedier or not then du�,with uay e�aess paid to Bormwer. In the event of a��utlal taking of the Fropert�+s�whIch the fair market
<br /> vnlue of tha Proporty imme�iately aefore the taking is equal to or gceatet tlisu the amount of the suws sccured by tlus Securlty
<br /> fnstcum�r.t �.mmediately before the cal:ing, unless Bonower and Leader otheiwise agrce in wrtting, the sunis secured by this
<br /> Security Instrument shNt be rcduced by thc amount of thc proceeda�uld�+]�etJ�by the following fraction:(a)the total amount of We
<br /> suzns secured immed3s�e1�before the taking, divided by(b)the fair market vatue of We Property immedlately hefore thc takWg.
<br /> Any balanoe shall be�:�3fl to Borrower. In the event of a parttal taking o�ah2 Property in which the fatr mazket value of tha
<br /> Property tmmediatcly bcfore the taking is less Wan t6e a�nount of th�sua�s sxured immediately before the taktng,unless I3orrower
<br /> and Leacles utherwise agpee in writiug or unless appllcable law o2henvise provides� the proceeds shall ba applted to the swns
<br /> secured t�y Yhis Securlty Instrument whether or aot thc sums are then duc.
<br /> If the Property i,s�abandoned by Borrower,or if,after notia hy Lender to Boaower tbat thc condsmnor offers to makc 9n _
<br /> award or settie a claim��ag ilsmag�es.Borrower fa�ls to respond to L,ender wlthin 30 dnye after the date the notice i�given,I.+ender is
<br /> ��__. s �_. i_ .t • t s�L�.���..":��..�iv�....e....:.Jf etw Dnzs�rfv nr M ih�cl�ma rrr.�l['Od bY —
<br /> auuivtiuv i�w+�wa av�a a'yyi� tuc,kZ3�,in'w+o, ai iw vl.:+v��v.wv •w ••• ••rw� -r"'.
<br /> this 5�.��i�y Insuuinerts,whether rr_not then duc. �
<br /> YJ:nless Lender and Borro�var otherwise agne in�vs-.t:ng, any applicatioa of proceeds to principal shall not ext�nd or
<br /> postponC the dua data of the monthly paytnents r�ferned to in pasagraphs 1 nud 2 or change the amount of such payments.
<br /> 11.Borro�r No4 Hela�sed;Forbearaace By Lendcr NM a�'atver. L��ctcnsion of the time for paymcnt or modificatian
<br /> of amortizatton of the sums securui by thia Securlty Instrumeut granted by I,ender to any successor in interest of Borrower shall not
<br /> operate to c�lease the liability of the original Borrower or morrower's succcssors In intcrest. Lender shall not be aequIred to
<br /> commeuce proceed�.�s against any successor in interest or refl�se to eatend tlme for p�yment or otherwise modify amo:raezatlon of
<br /> the aums secured I�y shis Securiry Instnunent Uy ruason af any demand m�de by the original Borrower or Borrower's auccessors in
<br /> interest. Any£orb�a;�lnnce by Lendcr in eaercis{ng wy rlght or remedy shall not be a waiver of or prcclude the exercise of any right
<br /> or remedy.
<br /> 12. S�uccessors and Asslgns liound; Joint end Several LfabiUty; Co-slgners. The covenants and agreements of thls
<br />- Security Instniment shall bind and benefit the successo�s and assigns of Lcnder aud �orrower, subJect to the nmvisions of
<br />- paragraph 17. Rozrczver's covenants and agteements shall De joint and several. Any IIorrower who co-slgns this Security
<br /> Instrument but doas aot executo tho Note: (a) is co-stgaing this Security Instrument only to mortga�e, grant and wnvey that
<br />- Borrower's interest in the Pcoperty under the tecros of this��riry Instrument; (bb) is not personally obligated to pay the sums
<br />- socvred by this Securiry Insuvment;and(c)agras that Lender and any oth�r Borrower u�ay ageee to extend, modify. forbear or
<br /> make any accommodations with rcgurd to the terms of tl�is Security Instrument or tho Noto without that Borcower's consent.
<br /> - 13.Loan Charges.If thc loan secu�+cd by this Secarity Instrument is 6ubject to a law which seta max{mum loaa charges,
<br />- end tt�at l�w is finally incerpretal so that the interest or other loaa chazges collected or to be collected in connection with the loun
<br /> �xcecd tli�permltted llmits;then: (a)any such loan chazge shall be rcduoed by tho amount nscessary to reduce the charge to thc
<br /> [Ki'N31tIX1 I�Iri1L�8lld(bb)2nY SllIIIS SIiC.1dY COIICCie�irom tsvnvwcT wnii.-n cnixcu'cu jrc�Tuiiaw ii�n,w niii w.'..�,w,""�..w:�.°..."CwS'.:�:.
<br />- Leader may choose to make this.reflmd by reducing the pdncipal owed under tne Note or by raaking a dtrect paymsnt to Borrower. _
<br /> If a refund ceduct:s principal,che reduction will be tceatod ns a partial prepayn�ent without any prepayment charge under ths Note. �
<br />- 14.Notice�.Any noticc to Borrower provided for in this Secudry Insuument shnll be given by delivcrtng it ox by mailing �..
<br />° it by fi�st class mai9 unlcss applicable law requ'ucs use of another method. Thc notice:shall be directcd to the l�roperty Address or F-
<br /> - any othcr address [3orrower designates by nntice to Lender. Any notico to Lender sh�ll bc given by first class mail to L,ender's
<br />- address stated hercin or any other address Lendcr dcsignates Uy notice to Eorrowcr. Any notice provided for in this Sesurity =
<br />- [nstnunent shall be deemcd to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given as provided in this par�graph. _
<br />= 96030097-3002 '
<br /> N6BRAS1U�Stngle Fam(!yFann(e blae/Freddle Mac UMFORlN INSTRl1MEfVf Form dOZB 9/90(page 3 oJ5 pades) __
<br />:,� --
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