`-1:! `:�..� " `��� '�. : ;:;..; ..... ._.
<br /> �� �r , .. , . _�r... .. . . .,.._,..__..._..:_...: J+��;bH���t —
<br /> {' Ip��+►..�-- .______.. ....�.s+�R�� .,.,..,...,. .
<br /> ' , � � ,�. •. . � . .... ..
<br /> • .., �� . ��nayrorKx.t,.. � :,......_....�.� ... . . . ._ .... . ..... .. . �
<br />...i��4w✓.J�t' - -.. .._ ... . .... . .
<br /> ,.:. .. ., L • 96- �.U�.'7'�0' _-..
<br /> 7. Prmteatioa� of l.e��ep's plQh.4� !n 4ho Prop�rtyl. II Barco�vor mits to pertortn the covonants and sproemanta
<br /> conteherl In thi9 5�curity InoUument, ar thoro III� t�nl proce�dinq lhAt ruay eipn{f�untly aNcot Lender's rk�hte In the Proparty (auah as
<br /> a procooaing Li ba.N�mptcy, �►obc�to� ��r Cant4�r,nrtnil:n iiP forio{turo or to cntorco 4i�rn or rcDul�tlono), Ihcn Lcndcr rrmy do enA pay(or
<br /> whatwrur 19 nxeaaary to protort tho ve�� of thfl Pmparty and Lend9r's ripflle In the Proparty. Lendore sotlons mey holude{�ayh8
<br /> ' � •* zny cuma e.�urc�! by e W�n wh�h hn priority ovtn th� ��curity Instrument, e�pwrhg b oourt, poyiny reaeon�bl�att�meyb te�s tnd
<br /> � ertterhp on th�Prop�rty ro rtu�k�rnpAlr3. AfthOUph LUn�YNt mNy tik0 actbn undcr thls paraprap�7,Lander does noi i�xv�ia du iv. '
<br />-_ ,II My lmounta dbbun�d by Lender und� this� paragrqph 7 shatl bscome addklonnl dnbt ot �o►roww eecurad by thb Securftyr �
<br /> � *G InstNm�nt. UnNas BoROw�r AnA Lsnipr Rqr�w to othar tertnf ot paympnt, tha� amounte ehall potr ht�tat hom th� dat� af _
<br /> �` d:S�uMCn'rtt nt the kote nste enci eheu br paysUW,wrih fnterest,upon notiCe hom Londar t0 Dorrower raaueatinp peymant. �'
<br /> ...;:�:n;� ,• �� 1. MoM��ye Ineurmae. I} L,�ncfhr rPquir�d martpa� haurtnc� 1�� a conqHbn of m�khq tNO ban aecurotl by 1hi:. __
<br /> S�curky In�trurnMt, BoROwsr shaA pay the pnmlums re4uk�d to mahtah ths mortpnpe haur�nc� h aH�ot. IP, tor any rnteon, the
<br /> '"#�� moR�p�h�uronc�Coverafle rnqti�YSd by L�ndi�ypsas or ceas�a to be In eflect, Borrower shsll pay the premlums roquirod to abtaln =-°
<br />,ks��_ Q.
<br />� covenp� subat�ntkly equhnknt to the mnrt(ti41a inaurance prwbusN tn ettect, �t a coat subatentl�IN �quMabnt to ths cost to _
<br />��--��^-�- Q9nower of th� mortpwpa hsuranev pmv�rucry tr� oMeot� hom on aRemnte mortpaye fnauror nppeoved by I.ender. U eubetsMleRy �
<br /> -` _'.���+�,', equNaient mortpa�hsumncs covuaya k npt av,��rt3ils, Bartower shaq pay to Lender otsch month � aum equel to on�hvqMth of the
<br />_�;,�;�; yaary mortyap�hsuranca pranti�m E�otitp ppkl by E3osrcrr+�,r��hcn lha hsurance covaepo Y�paod or ceased to be h efftrot. Lender wHi =
<br /> r�'� �ccapt, ua� �nd rotain thas� peym�nto �s • Wra� rocenr�In �ku ot mortpape heurence. Lose reaerve peymentn may no bnper bo
<br /> ..•�r€�v t"` e
<br />`:,;�q+.*h;, requY�d,at the optbn o}Lend�,N mortpnqa ir6umnc�cuvernpe(in tho amouM and tor th�period thnt Lender requiras)Prov�dod bY _
<br /> -;,,s:u,��?� m Inaurer approvad dy Londer npx�in bnoorn�9 avalhble end Is oh4ah�d. BoROw� shRN pey tho promiums roqutred to mnhtnin
<br /> �R,s�=� mortpaiQo hsurqnca h ettAOt, or tn provldo a ev'+�s rosenre,unttl tho requlrumAnt tor mortpape hsumnao ends In accordttnae wkh any N
<br /> _'" writtan �pro�r+wnt bshv�en Bormwqr and L�nd�r or appllCable lew. Londer ahaN Me -
<br /> -W.�.��--� 9. 111�pECUQR. Lendur or ttts nQent m�Y rtµke roason�bla antrixs upon and hspeatbns ot the Property. O
<br /> �'=�;i:;,�,�. Rarro::�notic�nt thn t�ne of or grtser rr�a�inspectbn apecHfrinO reaaonnhl�cnuse 1or tho Inspeotbn.
<br /> °�•'�'�r,�;;�., 10.C011dQI11RatllDn. Thn f►s�:;mv�a ot any award or oaNn for ddmapes, dinot or r,onsaquentk�l, In aonneotiun witi� eny
<br /> ir�ii�V��^
<br /> co�dernnttbn or other tNchfl of eny pr�sc of the Propwty,or tor conveyonce h Oou ot cond�mnation,ara hereby asslpned and shq11 0
<br /> =':�•���� paid to Lender. -
<br /> ~ In lhe event ot a totfll t[�ki�fl ot the PropeRy, tho proceods shall he appliad to the eums s9cured by this Socurliy tnatrumont,
<br /> ��i,� whelhor or not tAen duo, wRh uny e�ces8 pakl to BomA►ver. In tha ovent of a perttal t�kinp of tha Property h whlch the tatr m�ulcet _
<br /> ��„� value o}tl�p Property himsdht��y bosnm the tekhq Is equal to or greater thsn tho amount of the sums secured by thls SecurNy
<br /> a�,�� Instmm�rt 3cxnedhtnly belaro thn tc�kb•.p, unNse Bonower and Lertder othervrise aproY In wrklnp, the sums ssa�red by this 5ecun'ty
<br /> � - -� Instrurrnnt an�Y bo mduced by tti� xtmount af tha prac�ds mufttpllsd by the tolbwk►p kectbn: (a) the total amount of tho sums
<br /> ��� a�cursd InRwdhtoy bof:�rn tt�A tnkY,p, dHkfed by (b)tho taY n�arket velue of the Proporty himedi�tety k�etora ths takhp. Arsy bnitnce
<br /> shaA be psid to Bq�rmraur. �n the evont of a poAi�l Wchp of tho Pro�ty h which the taP markat value af tho PropMy YrwrNdkt�ly
<br /> — betor� th� t�ichfl k ks� D1u� the emount of th� sums secured Immedl�te�Y betoro tha takinp, unless Borrow�r and Undar othwwlso
<br /> - - - •n� h wrRha ar unf�ss wp�cabN Mw othmvisa provldes, tho proceeda ahap be �►pp�bd to the sums s�aurod by thb Securliy
<br /> - InsWm�nt wheth�or nc►t th�aums ue ahen dus.
<br /> - M tPN Proporty k�qbendoned by 8artawer.or H.nftnr notice by I.onder to Borrower that th�condemnor offere to m�k�N awud or
<br /> 6ettN n clatm!�r tiNmt.yfl's.Borrowsr faib to respond!�Londer wkhh 30 days �ftor the dAtY the notke IS phrrin, Lender b suthortx�d
<br /> to colbct and applj lhe prnCeeds, �t Rs optbn,oftiier 4o restaratbn or repalr of the Propaty or to tho sums secur�d by thls Security
<br /> InsWnMrtt,.whflt��fir or not then due.
<br /> UnWt,a lA'+a1tr�nd Bortower oth�+,vis���ree h wrRhfl� any aPpl�atbn ot prxc+ed�to prfncpai 6MIi not oxtend or poatpone the
<br /> du�detp ui thn rm+t►thy paymant6 t�fa�.i to in Dartpr�Fhg 1 �nd 2 or ahanDe the amount of 6uch payments.
<br /> 11,�tlrttCtwei NOt Ral�ated: FOPbesren�0 By Lendlr Not s W�iv�r. F.xtantbn of th� tirn� ror p.yrnsnt or
<br /> madMkSakl:n o1 p:»oRix�Y)on of the sums Ncurod by thk 3ncttrky lnr.Wment pnntod by Londet to�ny sucCSSSOr in intaroft ot BortOw�t
<br /> shaN nat�ol�ate to cotoase the IlobWty of the ortpYwi Borrowar or Borrowers succassors b hterest. La�der ah�ll not W n0uind to
<br /> c9mmena procNdhys�pilnst�ny iuccessor h interert or refuse to�xtend tMe(or paymant or otherwisa modMy�unartia�tion Of ttH
<br /> �umi s�cund by thk S�cur9tyy Insuumnnt by naYOn of any domand rtu�da by the oripinal �ortnwer o� Bortow�'� succs�aon in
<br /> htanst.My(orb�uance by lender In onKCisinO NY�Dht or rert�sdy sheN not be a waHer of or precLde the�oo�rclsa of�ny�ICht or
<br /> _ --__—
<br />