,�,:,,j -----�:.
<br /> • r•
<br /> ��' ,
<br /> . h r.i.. . ' � .
<br /> � eL��� . . _ .... . _ .. . . . . . . --"""_"'" . . . ..
<br /> «...._. ...... ..... .. .. ... .. n. Yy..
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<br /> spa�n�t lutu�a r,�nnr;�ly lnstaCrnCnt�ol Fund9.1!Iho anounf al fho Funds hcld by G�rccflclary rhal!rtat Do suBlclont to psy tenos,e.ssessmente�, �
<br /> Incurnco p�or,Ullr���crtd pround rento aa Ihc�falf Gu�,Ruotor chAfl pcy to Q�ncJlcl�ry c.rv amaunt nccas�nry to msti:�up(ho dc!lclortcy vifth!n fhlrty
<br /> days Irom fho data rto�lce Is mailod bj Bene!lclnry to 1Yu9ta►requesting payment fAereoG U,onn p6ynunt In fu/f of af!indCb:JC�ncsa Ocncticlary choll . I
<br /> �mmpty ralund to 7lustor any Funds hatd by Benef/c/ary.tf tho Auat Proporry!s cold�nder fho powor of oalo a fhv nust Propwty�s othonvlso -
<br /> ecqu/rod by Bsnaflc.a►ys BenMlclery shall eppy,lmmediafery prla to the eaN W the Fruat Propaiy alts acqulalNar+Ly 8orscltalc�r.n�Fu�xle hekt � �
<br /> - bj Benef/c/ary at the fime d epp!lcaUon aa e credlt agalnet the/ndebtedn�ea.!I pertMklary ucecuM�e wdttin wahrer ot Duato�a obllpatlono under L
<br /> Ihla p�r�Qr�pt►�'nu�fa cm�+er►snta on�1 aynea to pay,beforo the eame becom�del/nquent,aIl taxes,asaesaments,lnsuranc�prem/ums,pround _
<br /> rrrtt�,y►d ey othor cherpes whataoevs►Ievlsd upon a etaesaed,pleced a mede agdnst tM Duat Propery.7►uota furtMr�9re�a,upor►wilMOn
<br /> requeat by Benellclsry,to promptiy dsNvor to Benepclery etl recelpts fo�tha pay�ttont ol euch chargos.T►uaror Ilkewise eproe�ro pay efl t�xss,
<br /> + aeieaamente end other charpca lsvfad upon or aaaeaaed,placed or made ayNrtst,or r��easur�d!+K Uila Dacri of Au�t or tA�r�cordatfon henol.
<br /> � Aqvllcation of Pnymenta.AN paymenta receMed by HeneRclary es ro eny debt,llaWllty a ob!►gitlon owed to Benelklary by Tluaror may be eppNed by
<br /> B�nefkfary to the peyment ol the lndebtadneaa or to eny cuch other dobt,liab/l!ty or obNyatlon,ln any a+der or manner of ap,ollcatbn whkh
<br /> ".,;; , Benel�lery,Init�ab�0lut�d/scrotlon,deom�apprapdata Un�esa otherwlse elecred by 8ane/�clary,any such payrmenc sha�l be deemed spplbd llmt -
<br /> !
<br /> ' t0 fhe ptyrReP�t'd elfy redt uablllty a obNpetkn other tMn the Nota
<br /> M ft CAargea;IJens. liustor w0!keop tho flust Properiy!ree Irom ell!lens end encumbrances which In eny way ms},In tho/udgment d Benelklery,htn+�o ��
<br /> prfortry ow6 ot lmparr the aecu�lry ol,thls Daed o/T/uat but Tiustor need not dlscherQe any such den so long as Tiustor ahall ayree,!n w�ltlnp,to
<br /> psy the obApatlon aecurod by such llen!n e mennor acceptaWa to Barrclklary ond shsl!In goal felth contest such Ilen by approprlate iegel
<br /> ' proceerNnga e!lecdvs to pre►vnt thv enfor�cea�ent o/the►!an end ehe loss ol any/nterasi!n o�p�n o/fho nuet Property.
<br /> 7. Hezard/naurenca 7Fustor ahal!ke�p the bulfdlnya end ahei fnywnvamenfs now exlatlrr�a herodnr�reclod on the Iiust Proporry Insured Dy
<br /> inawance carriaa aatlalectay ro Benolklary egafnat loss by!lres haurds lncluded!n tho term'i�xbnded co�roreQd'and such dher hazud� ;
<br /> caaueRies artd conNnQenctea as mey be requlrod by Beneflc/ary,In auch amounts end la sucA perlocls aa mey be reqWred by Ber►eflclery.TM
<br /> pc�!icy o/lnawynce ah�N be fn lorm accc�table to BenalM,lary,provlde tbet fhe same may not be canceNed a modNled without Nfteen(ib)deys pda �',q�i�-'r
<br /> • ' wrlte�n notice ro Bsrw(klary�end ahaAhnve bsa payahle provlsJorts!n fava d and/n Wrm acce�oteble to Berw!lcfery�Al!promlums on k►aw�rce , , .,r y�,
<br /> poNcles shaN be pakl ln the manner pnwlcied undar pan�praph I hereo!a,U not pa/d!n acrch manne►,by nustor makMg payrt►ent at loest fllteen(ib) F��;.; �,`
<br /> dsys pr k rr io G78 dua Go.a,d'rGCtty ro tha lasuranc�s cArrkr.BertsfkW_ry rh�!11 hznre the dnht ro hold ths pollctes and renewals thereol end ituuta ahaN �,�'� �l _
<br /> ' prompUy IumisA ro Beno97clary all roewwel noNces and�11 pald prsmlun;recelpis receA�ed Ay it.In no evr+nt sha0 BoneflclAnl o►Ttustee he Reld ;:,,,.,,,----__
<br /> reaponslbb tar la!!ure to pAy fnsurance premlums w Iar o.ry lats or demags arlslnp out of a�delect In eny poNcy or aAslnB out af eny fa!!uro d ery ,:<<^.,�:��
<br /> �.�_--_�—
<br /> lnsu�ance compsny ro pnylor erH fosa a damage Insurod ADa/r.st av tor lullure Dy 7lustor Yo effect tha tnsu�ence requlmd hnrourtc�e�!n the e�renf oJ '�� ���, ^"'�~�
<br /> ' � ' ►oas,71uaTO�ahall Rhre prompt notico Psy msl!to N►e lnaurnnco cenler and 8eneflciaty.Benellclary mny make proof ol Mss li not macb p r orr�t ly c v M ,;,��:F:.:,1.�,���-;
<br /> ,,:'��r;;J,�:�•.;`. �� propar 1o�m by 7luator.A!1 polk.lea o9/naurance end any nnd�Il nefund�of uneamed premluma ene heraby esalyned to Beneflclary a�s mddlponal r��+��•�:.>;.•-__._
<br /> :�r'� ;�t�:`i: r' aeow/ry lor tha paymant o!tha/nalabtndnoas.ln the evont of BenellclaryS ox�efolse va the p�x+ro�ol aab contalnod haroln,or in the ownt of �j1;�r t,�`'�i;t,;:�ti;�4�•:T-_
<br /> �'����'���" �° � �;� fo►soloaurt+y aU riQht,Ntfe and Mtsrest of 7Yustor In and fo�ny Msurenco pollcy thon in faca 8ha11 pa8s to tha pu�chaso►A1 the pttit7ods aale a +'� � r°; *� if;-
<br /> foroclwuro aala/n caso of any faas,the/nauranco prncoedt may,at thB opNon ol BonaAclarK De eppl.'ed by Eene11clary upon the/ndebtednesA cv {�, `t�`'i�+ �''��u��
<br /> : � any peA thered,and in such order artd amount As 6enotk/ary may detennlne;or sald lnaurance proceodo,at tha optlon of Benelklary;may�(tho� �.>t.I.�ti'k::;''.�i;° �r��_;.�
<br /> be u�al!n reNlaclny a rsatalnp tlre Aust PropeRy psrtlally or totelly deseroy+ad to a condlUon satiaficton�fo Benalkfary;or aald lnsuntr,ce ��''�yf.+�;�:�;t�°':'i' ,'Y!�;
<br /> roy�d �:•� �,
<br /> � a a Ion theroul,mAy Ge rebatad to 7tusf�er Un/eas 8enel�lary end 1Fuslor otherwlae ayroe in wdt/np,sny auch�pplkallon ol ` .;,;,�k�•:�;�;�.��-�""�-;,,
<br /> � laoceeds �YF�
<br /> lnaurance procesds ahal!rtot extend or postpone tAe due dero o1 the Notq a enyr MsMNmenta called for theieln,a cAango fhe ansount d auch � �
<br /> Y� ' Inatdlmsnti.ll the 7tua!+pmperryls ecqulrod by Beroefkbry pureuant to the ex�riclse d the paver d aale a other lonwkaure,ell rlQhf,tkN end
<br /> , .� ,:
<br /> ' � fTicv�wY�,�yss:t�«':a•"•�!��;a,,y,,,��,,..r_v_�i,e rru_yn_hW�s a nsuN o!demaae to the 71�at PropertY P►lO►to the aafo or eCquleltJoll eh�ll pesd M �' �
<br /> a —
<br />. , _ '� 8�►rfkJuy,and afrdl 6o appHed llrat ro the coata end expene�lnoNxNng aKorriay I�ees N►ouneal!n col/scHnD auoh P+ooeede,thsn M tM mann�r
<br /> $ arld k1 MN ol�r Provitkd herskl.
<br /> • � & PnHrv�tbn end Malntenance of 7iust Flropaly.7luata w�N lasp fhs buMd/npa and dher/mprowrrMnts now a h�nMIW�nclyd on tM 7Mi►
<br /> prr�pMry!n Qood ap�N aM condlNor►rnd wlll nof commlt a pN�tNf w�aN,wIN not�f(or th�drrlpn a�fructur�l cMrocNr canatltuflnp My tx�ldk�y
<br /> . naw a h«twnei«rcled on end conatiturrny Ma livar P+�o�txN wUhour nM pr�a wNrNn con�«,t ol BenNICINyt wiM nnr ao�ny act a rhlnp wt�lon
<br /> �. , . �+ouJd undufy lmpalr a de�wcNKV tM vdw d tM ilwr Prop�+ty�nd w1N not�banden fhs 1iu�f PropMfK flu�ro►w1N raot r�rnow uy Hxtu�w
<br /> _• ooniMfufkp fM luit PrqH+fy unM»tho a�rr��rr lmmraYaMy npl�evd wkh N1n prop�+�y�++bMct ro fh�Nwe and a�cudlY kM�n�f d fM�DMd ol
<br />.�.�w� .. Au�t end d�tlMat Yqu�!vAkN 1uM utANfy.Dwbr wIN tolrpy whh�N pn��nt�nd/uturr adlnul�CU�rrpuwffont and nqukilrtNr►tI flf�nY
<br />_�. -y,,.� .. . QpyrryN11MG11 Lpdy�MfMCA�ylpMCabl1 t0 fha fhJat Pf�lNty�Rd t0 NN oCCUp�IICY�nd uts NKrrOf.Il MNl1 ONd d Autt N On�IMM k111 }
<br />'`"�� . : ��°+�wrt�� �un�d�e�io�mwn�bylew+�d n��an�ol the �cai�iNM►akc�lona Pl�nrNa►��dw��lbl�►N and Hn
<br />- , - oon�Mtwn►doaurr�M�.
<br /> -, � -��.,, a Mep�pyon,B�nNlaiuy a ki p�nt�m�yR�t�A nasonnbb Nmea,snror upon tho Auat PropKty lor tM+purpoes d/napsctlorr.Bmelkl�rY eh�M lra� �
<br />_;;:.:;;.;.�,�'; 'M• no dury to me1M wcA ln�prcHon and eh�N nof bs A��bN On Auolur or to iny psr�on fn poss�c�lon H It mnlw a hNa ro rnaMs�ny wah(niprcNon. � .
<br />-_•:•���..{,a.� • . t�t Pro�NCdon d S�arM•H nuatar ldla to p�nbrm�ny d Me con+nrurto and aDiwmenti contaNMd ln thl.n.(Qoed ol llust a N eny�ctlon ar prucwatrp ���—
<br /> _-i--� � N CORl�IMIICMI NfilClf dWd O!tt10y ROWI+IMy 1tNCt m�nuti�rtr�,i��v,iim.�.m:o:.7:I�40:4M N�T��r:t.,�.�w.�.N u�..�wr�..�w_..�v!w.wwn
<br /> "17C:�'�`�a Mor►Bnwfld+vy,atlta opdo�n.m+Y P�+�xm auch cawn�nl9 and ap►eensents,maln aucN�ppeeranee�dderxl�Qalnat and kwrst/y�r�fi acNai " �
<br /> - �, 1 o�-ss�umts.
<br /> =-=,r,:%;;��` a P�inD�nd t�ka duch aNer�cUw►a3 LienoNclarY dooms rtocessary ro protoct Ra fMere�t tnctuCbrp,Cut rta!Nmked to,dl�d�raernent d ��- -- ---
<br />�- rw��pr►�6N afpmy AMS iuid or�y trpon tM 1Futt PropNly b nMlo��psAra�Any�mounts dbburaW bY B�nNlcl�►Y Pu��nt Ao thl�pu+�pra�pA f0, -.--
<br /> '„1..� w1M krNrret H►�rsor►,ehaN conatltulr MdebMahssa d Ruslnr s�curod bY MN Oad d first UnNss Ruo!or end Bdn�flCS►Y�p�to othM Nrm�d __.
<br /> .�.* � p�ym�r�t,iuch smo�x�ta eNsN bs ps�Dl�upon nof/o�trom BonN►cl�rY to livator rsque�dny PeYMaM ttrsrsd,�nd�hak bw IrMrroat Iram tM dMe �.�
<br /> ; i�,,`,,. p/dypura�TlNJf i!tll1 dlhuM nN.H�nyt set ANN►kJ fAs NoM1 oI oNrMwlOS It tM h/pMsf n!!p�rmMlsd 6Y hw fYafhJnD���kJ fhle puapnAP� ���w:; :.=.
<br /> - eA�N nqi�B�r►NlCA►D�Ao kxxn any�xpsnes a t�Ne�ny acNOn horsunrJer.1Fuala krnbcebA'euthorlrsa�nd�mpowsre BenMk,�rY a erH�►�P°�
<br /> y-�-.-.'�„'L.R. fhs'Rwt AnpertY aa 1►utMr'a�r►t�nd,ln Austw�s aam�a oMerwlaa ro parfortn uN and�N co�rorrama end ayroenaente to be perMm�s�DY `
<br /> �„�or�:n.rern awid�d.ew,Kx.ta►y cn.x,.►�rsr o,a�on.de euwueend ro.ny encumbrenc�w.n,clekn a dert�erld ond b�N n�pfKt and eaCUrltMa
<br /> .yi+•,�,.v,�.rv �•"_ _ — -
<br /> .- ��dF+.�-,•. . k�fM p�ymf�rtf d�s+rol Pdd a rNichu�d DY Ba�eNctavy under the Pra'�abna h�rrsd and�►N auoh eubrop�Non r�yAts shaq be�ddYtJOnel and -----
<br /> �nv � --�'�'=
<br /> _.:,j��f Y, ax1Mll�fM aecrrnYY kI Mfi OMd Of 11ueG �_-- - -__.--
<br /> _.s:c;... .. 11. Gbr��►►•Ths ProCeeda d ary awwd a cWm fbr d�n�sa.aNr�ct a consequerMlel,k►conr►�cNon wkh ary ca�a�en�natlon or otMr Mkk�y d tM �_.�:
<br /> .,.t°`.;�'.., ltuet Rol�rt)t a�nY Pa+t B�snol,a ibr can►�y k►i'oo d or!n s'wk+p+Man d cona�ei►�►sNot►,ers he�s4Y�+elyrad b and e1►aN be peW lo V- ---�--_�_'
<br /> ;� g�neMc/ery,Fwx�w�/Ir end pavoau(�er h pood�th end w�`i d�efl.�yencs�!ta e�h lar enY aix�ewmrd or peyrtrerM,u�d w�M ceuee Ms e�me b Go
<br /> - � co�`�cMd�nd p�d b 8�r►M1odw1S rid,alrould k hN a do sa Auabr k�e��61Y�uUearizo9 and�►�►s Bir►eNolarY k►ths nsme d�uear a °� __y�,_
<br /> co -.
<br /> - �. oMMwfM lb/Mel P��'��MA saMb or cortqxombn anY at�ct►cMkn end to coyec�roc�'+t IfDI end►Kth fhe pro�seda.M fhs'�t PrOpKty la�bendorred ,
<br /> . � by AuekK a,dler noGoe 6y Daienc(ary to Au�fnr that tlro caidemrwr oAtera ro rtal�ri a�red a e e t f b e c f o l m I b r d w n a p e e s�or ANb!b r�a p o r�d to . .
<br /> , > �}•� N�A C/�r y��t A k t Y(30 1 d��r the dete aoc7►r+otice!a mdkd,8er:oNcfery la autlwrized to colMot u+d eppy fM proc�eclt!n!h�nwxar �+' - •-„ 1 �._
<br /> , ��h,�.pre procaeds ot any ewerrl or cte�m meK efter doducttnp e!!roaaonabh costs crr d oz�r►�s,t no W d�ng e t ro m e y f e e�►:�h k h m a y h a V S �; �,_
<br /> h, been lncurted hY Be+iolklary!n ttre coNectlon lhenad,at the aole discretla�ol BeneflcleiyS be re�easad to Jlustor,applhd ro raatoraNar of Tlust Properry. .
<br /> a ay�pNed to ths paymont ot the lndebladneaa.UnJesa BoneNCiary�nd Avstor othmwlse egree M wd8ng,any auch eppl�nNOn d proceed�ro -r`w�� ,,;"�,
<br /> = kM�tArrl�a a1MN rat wcMrrd or postpone tM due dWr d the NoM or ths pe�ment d arty In�W1Yrr►�nte c�Mr the�eundw. �:i"�;,'�k, „ :�
<br /> W
<br /> ' 12. Confarnkiar►t�i usta wrrt�H,and rMpr�t�rNi Mat fMc��n not+►orK na,ro fM bNt a!firarore knowMdpl d[M ewaon�bM kiw�ttO�fJon�hwy :.*;,,��t-����'.
<br /> M�n swr bwn u�d,wtthout fhe 7Fuibr obnk►!ny Brno/ic►uY s co+►a�rrt snd�A roqubilr psrmlfa and q►proval�,the+r wIN nof tn fM futu+r b� "...;:F?ia'`;r�i,
<br /> �^•.+_..�•;u ,�����+�€':
<br />„ s Gbnferrrk+uia arored,handbd�a dlspoaed of on th�Auat l�ary whlch►rroutd roquNs ckenuYo�ra�f�awl a oBro►romedral aatfon�xrder uy -•. _:.,�'-„-
<br /> ___�"`-�!- _ ���cnnramrnnnu a►�w m..n mamrials aubstanc��and comoounda 1�►+�lWted a►oD�Wled urtdw a�J envkonrtMntd I�wa Tivator ,t`��.�.�_�
<br /> _ � — •'l ___--!M__�.—~_.__
<br /> �.���
<br /> -T'�c.__ _. _.__ w����....�.��._... . _.
<br /> wlry Imm�aYaMy no0fy the Bertel�lery,!n wd1My,of enK(!)MueaNyallon,inqulry,cle!m or ncclon by ary Qo�mmontal autnonry a ansr partyS °.-�.T- -.
<br /> ageMat the livalbr roqerd�n�eny e+►v/r�urtmental lew�,QI)Contemfnsnts on the Iluat Proporry whlch weuld roqulro cleenup romav�el or other romedlal . „
<br /> ectton undor any envfr�nmenM�fews l.'pon fhe Bonof�lery'a request Fhrator wiN porbdfaaNy provlde erwMnnmental esaeismonts or compllenco
<br /> eudlta;end agroes to permft erx?mnmantal InspecHons flnd tesUng uf tho Tiust Proporty by the Burtof�c/ary or Ita a pont�et tAo nusbrb expenae. , . •
<br /> H ehe'IFust H�erry le used Ibr reslcknt(ef purpose�fhe precod�nQ sAQll not eppty to tho preaertca use�ar stor8go on tho huat Proporty of 8ma11.
<br /> ., qsaanNtlea o/Cor�irJr+ants that are goneraly recogrhed ro De epproprtate to norma/rvsldanNeJ uses and b malntunance ot tho Trust Proportfs .
<br /> � ��; 13. Truator Not Refeasn�Extenslon o/the tlme for Fa�mnnt or modifkntbn of eny amarttzeUon ol Me Indebtedness granted by Boneticisry to eny
<br />— " st�CCessa In Mtsrast o/7lustor ahall not operete ao release,ln erty menne►,thn IlatrUiry of Tivstor end 7iusror's successo►8!n lnt�rest Bonofklary � .
<br /> • :nnl not bo requlfad to commence procoedlny9 agalnst such succosso►or refuse to oxtond tfine for�c�yment or cthoravlse modlfy emartfzeGon o/
<br /> ,;;,;.� 17m 9nclablednosa by reason of ary demand medo by 7iusta u+:d iF�usror's succossora In lnteres[ `:� •, � '�'��
<br /> �i;�:.. ,.....,.,^.!(�;.
<br /> " 14. flnc+r�clsl lnformatian.Upon requosi al Benclklar,� Tructor wlli Fmvin�e to Bortof/clary,wlthln nlnery(30)days o/tho Cbso ot oacA PisaAl yoar o1 ;=:;;::.��>.�v.;�•,;,',.,,.'
<br /> " Trusror,the ccr,sc►ldatod 6a/anco shaot end ata�avnent of eamings el fiistor snd any artd sil guarento�s of tho Irtdebt3dnoss socurod here6y,lf eny, :• �.j;�
<br /> " .�� and wlll provfds r�+d dellwr ro Benoflclary such orToransnclallnformatfon andln such msnner es Benoflclary may roasonabty roquest from tlmo to t/ma ; t'� �
<br /> . � •:��
<br /> � .
<br /> . .,;; ,
<br /> •;'.,:;'•:�
<br /> _; i;i;;
<br /> . .. . .. , __._ . .. . . . ..--- ---.. _ _...._..--•- - ---------�----- ,
<br /> � ...
<br />