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<br /> •�roc��sd�')In connectlon wilh condernncatlon or other takinc�o}tho Propor4y or part thoroof,or for convey��f�Tli�'u oI c�ondsmn�tlon. _
<br /> ,. Lander chall bo untitled at Ite a{�tion to commence,appear In and prasecut�In Ite own name ony actlon or proceed�nQa,8t1d Bhpll AISO
<br /> bo ont(l'led ta mnka any comproml�o or sottlament In connection with auch taklnp or damngo.In tho ovont�ny portlon o}tha Prqporty Is °
<br /> co takon or dnmapod, Londor ehall Yiavo lho opllon In Ito oola nnd absnluu�dl;,cratlon,fo apuly ail ouch pracccsia, nft�r��zlusiirp !--
<br /> . .� , therefrom atl cosis and oxpensoo Incurred by It i�cannoctlan wllh such Procoads,upon any Indobtednesa securQCl horaby and in euch =.
<br /> `�` "' order ea l.etuier may detertnine,or io appty sit such Procesid9,nfier nui;i�ue�iuciione,fa the rastar&ttan o!tha Pro;,arty u�n Guvh�n� _
<br /> d
<br />'����;'��`�'�� ' ditbns ee Londer may determina.Any eppllcation of Proceede to Indebteclnesa mhell not extend or postpone tho due de�te of en�y psy
<br /> ~�:;�rR, , menta undor lhe NoW,or cure any deteul!thar�under or herounder.any unappllod lunda ehall be pald to Trueror.
<br /> =:�_rnr��:s:��' 8. P�rtormanc�by L�rbd�r.Upon the o�urrencs of en Event of Qetault hereunder,or ff any ec�le taken as IeQal proceed�nq
<br /> � z� comm..nccd efilch m9teri,lly ANer,tc�L.endnrA Interee�In the Property,Lender mHy In Ite own diacrotlen,b�d withaut obllf}atlon tn do cw, ,
<br />��;�.�� a.nd without�oUce to or demand�pon Tn�3tor and w(thout reteasing Y�uator(rom Any obllpatlon,do any act wh�h T�uttor hao eyreed
<br /> � -"��_-`� b►d feUetl to do and may also do eny other act ft doema neceasary to prot9ct the securlty hereot. Trustor sht�ll, fmmediately upon
<br /> ��-"�'� demAnd tl�eretor by Londer,pay to Lender all costa and expensas Incurred and sums expe�ded by�.ender In connoctlon wlth the uxer-
<br /> �"�.'��.. ciae by Lender a!tha torepotng dghts,together wIU�interest ttrareon at lhe delault rate pravided In the Note,whlch shall bo addod to
<br /> , «�:��� tho indabladnano secured horeby.Lender shell not incur any Ilabfliry because of a►yrthtng It may do o�omit to do hereunder.
<br />-"?•.;;,,�.4 9.He�an�ous Mat�riala.Trustor si�all keep the Property In compllance with all appilcabla lawa,ordURncas anci rogutatiana
<br /> �,;.•.��,;'•;��. �-elating to incluatiiel hyglene or environmenial protecttan(colloctivoiy rofcrrcd to horein as"Envlronmental Lcaws").Tru�tor ahall ksep
<br />_-��;��� � the Prpperty(rrse irom ell substances deemed to be haaardous or toxfo ureder any Environmental Lawe(collecti►�e5�roicrrred to herc�ln
<br /> s+ . as"Hr�aardn�l�Matori�ls").T��s4or hereUy warranta and eepresente to Lender that there are no Hazardous MaterEas on or undor tha
<br />�:, ��,<<v:�.g.,- ':
<br />��.-_;�.4F.� • .. .
<br />_ , �;�•�., .. Property,TcT,cs,vr hereYsy Agress to indemrai'ry end ho�d harmless Len�er,its dtrectore,offlcers,employees and�gen'�,and any stFax�s•
<br />-_�;:��, ,.::.
<br /> =" ���':�.?:•' sore to Lerttfwr's i,�ferc:st,Frum snd againsZ any and all claima,dama�es,lossos end Ilabllltles a�islnp in connectian with thp pr�sonca,
<br /> ;�'+�i�.��°i� '
<br /> __ use,di�pcsa9 cv�s,ransport cf any Hazc�rdoua Matedal�on,under,4rom ar about the Properry.THE FQREDOINQ�fARi�ANTIES A�IQ
<br /> ;:..: 10.Aul�nnt�nU of Rentn.TNStor hereby assigns to Lende�,and grants Lender a securiry inte�est In,aS1 present,futura and
<br />__--- ``:�:': :�fter ariaing rents.Iasues and proflts o}the P�opeRy;pravided that Tn�stor shell,until the occurrence oi an Evant o9 Default,horeundar,
<br /> ,�-'.:p{;`f;.,; .
<br />,�:��;���; �rtave the dght ro coilect and retatn such���n4s,tssues enci profits as they becomo due end payable.Upon tha occurranco of an Evont of
<br />`°�`��w i�etault,Lender may,oifhr�In person or by egent,with or without bringing any action or proceeding,or by a ro��ivsr appoUted by A
<br /> _ ___ ---s court and without regard tc+4na adequacy of its security,enter upan and take pos.session of the Property,or any p�n?hereof,in ita own
<br /> - -- rame or In the name ot the Trustee,and do any acts which It deems necessary or desireble to preserva thn�atue,markotebA�ry ar
<br /> __ �entability af ttte Property,or any part theteof or Interest therein,or to tncrease the Income therefrom or protoct tiie sacurity ht�Frmf arx1,
<br /> = wfAi or wi;huut taking passesslan u4 4ha Prupertyr,suo(or or othorwise callcct tfie rents,issucs and proflts tharao�,anctuding thae past
<br /> due and unpald,by no4iTying tenants to make payments to Lendor.Lender may apply rents,issuea and protEts,tess costs and oxpens•
<br /> es of operaHon and collection tnctuding attomey's fees,to any indebtedneas secured hereby,all in suati order+�a Le�der may deter-
<br /> ._ = mino. 'The entodng upon and taking possessfon of tfie�mperty,the collectlon o1 auch rente, tsoues and prRftls,and the 6pplicadon
<br /> thereof as aioresald shall iwt cure or waive any detault ar nottce of default hereunder or invalidate any act done in responso to auch �
<br /> deiauit or pursuant to such noiice oi aeiauii and,n011YItllsinnaing ii�if i:i�i�iii�iiuiicif if�NuSnnif5i�7i� ui is`�u NitiNd�i�i�ii i�in GiZ o�uan'i,
<br /> __� �ecef(rx c�nd appllcatbn of rents,issues or proflte,Truatee and Lender shall be enUtied to exerclso every r�gnt pc•ovldad for in aroy of U�+
<br /> __— Loan Insin+menta or by law upan occurrence ot any Event ot Qefauit,�nciuding wiihoirt Iimitation the rlDht to vxorolse the power of sale.
<br /> � Further,Lendets dphts and remedles under thls parsgraph shall be cumulativa with,and in no way a Iiml*.atton on,lenders rights and
<br /> ramedies und�s�a�y assignment of leases an�rents recorded agalnst the Properry.Lander,Truatoe and the recafver shall be Ilab{e to
<br /> � axount oniy tor those rents actually received.
<br /> 11.Ewnt�of D�huit.The tolbwing shall constitute an Event of Dofault under thls Oeed ot Trus�
<br /> (a)FaNure to pny any Instellmont oi princ►pal or interest of eny othor sum secured hereby when dua;
<br /> (b)A breach ot ar detauft under any provialon contatned In the tdote,this Desd of Trust,any of the Loan inst►umenta,w any
<br /> Wher Iien or encumbvance upon the Properry;
<br /> ��, (c)A w�t o!execuUon or attachment or any similar process shali be entered against Trustor whlch shall become a Ilen on
<br /> the Property or eny portlon theteaf Cr interost therefn;
<br /> (d)There shall be filed by or egeinst T�ustor or Borro►ver en actlon undar any prosent or tu4ure tederal,stete or other statute,
<br /> law or reguleNon relaUnfl to bankruptcy,insohrancy or othor relfef for dobtoB;or there sheli be eppointed any trustee,recelver or
<br /> __- IGmWatnr n/Tn�e►n.n.0........,m...��ro�.;�:.�...+..��+..+omnafi. n.H�g�ntg,laa�rcn nr nmHfa tharwnf,nr Tmgtqr n►Rnrmw�r
<br /> - ---- . _. ..__._. _ . . __._. i t.... ...... r-i•
<br /> sheli make enyr gor�erel ass�gnment tor the bertEfri oi credRore;
<br /> ------� (e)The sa{o,trancfor,loaso, nssignmehL i:onvoyarsw or furthor encwn�rance of all or eny paR of or eny intereat In the -
<br /> _ Property,efther votuntadry or Invo��ntadly,w�aout tne expr�ss wdtten cor�sen2 ot Lsnder,provlded that 7rustar shell be pertnk-
<br /> ted to exect:te e lease of the Praperry that does not contaln an option to purchase and tfte term of which does not exceed on�
<br /> - year.
<br /> {�Abancbnment ot:he Property;or
<br /> (g)If Trustor lo not an ind(vlduat,the issuance, sate,transfer,ass(gnm�4,sonveyance or encumbrencs oi more then(If a
<br /> oaporaHon)a 2otal uf percent af ita issued and outstendtng stock,or(It a partnershfp)a total of .per-
<br /> _ oent ot partnershlp i�terests,or(it a limited Ilabfllry company)a total ot _percent o!the li��ited 1ia411iry compa•
<br /> _ ny interests or votlng dghts dudng tha pedod thia Deed of Trust remafns a Ilen on the praperiy.
<br /> = 12.RenwdNs;AcqN�ation Upon DWautt.In the event of any Event of Detar�lt Lender may,wlthout notice except es requfred
<br /> by law.dxiare aU fndebtedness secured hareby to be due and payablo and tha aame shall theneupw�become due and payabta witlr
<br /> °°— - out any presenUnent,demar�d,protest or notke of any kind.Thereafter Ler�der may:
<br /> (a)Demand that Trustoo oxer�ise the PONVEA�F SALE granted herel�,nnd Tnjstee shalt O�ereafte�cause Truatot's tnter-
<br /> est in tho Properiyr to be sold und the proceeds Go bo distributed,aU in the manner provided fn the Nebreska Trust Deeds Act;
<br /> _ (b)Exercfse any and ell riphts provldod tor In eny ot tl�e Loan InstNmente or by law a�pon occurrence of eny Event oi
<br /> Detauih,and
<br /> - _ _- ___ (c)Commence an actlon to tereclose this Oeed oi Trust As a mortgago,aapolnt a recelver,or spoc(flcNly ontorGO any of tho =
<br /> - covenants hereM.
<br /> No remedy herefn conterred upon or recerved to TrusteB or Lender is fntendod to 6e exclusive ot any othor remecfy herefn,in the Loan
<br /> --__� Instruments or by law provided or perm(tted,but each shail tw cumulaUve,shall be In addition to every other remedy given horeundor,
<br /> ---_-��� fn the Loan Instruments or now or hereaRer exlsUng at law or In equtry or by sfatute,and may be exe�clsed concurrentty.Indeper►dentry
<br /> _-- � or succesivety.
<br /> ���� 13.Tnute�.The T�usteo may reslgn at any tlme without cause,and Le�der may at any Ume and without cause appotnt a sua
<br /> _,_��;,��� cessor ar suDSYitute Trumee.Trustoe shan not De��anie to any party,inciuding wimoui iimiiaaon i.ender,esorrower,i rusivr or arry pur
<br /> -- _--�----= chaser ot the Proporiy,tor any loss or damage unless dua to reckless or wllHul mtsconduct,and shall not be requlred to take any actton
<br /> """�;� tn connectbn with the enforcement ot thls Oaed oi Trust unless Indemn(ped,In wriUng,tor all oosts,compensation or expenses whkh -
<br /> --���:� may be essodated tt►erswith.In add(tion,Trustee may become a purchaser at eny salo of the PropeAy(judiclal or under the�oower af -
<br /> _°��'�',�c sale granted hereln);postpone the sale of ell or eny portlon of the Property,as provlded by law;or sell the Property as e whote,or In
<br /> - __�-�^ separate parcets or bta at Trustee's dlscreUon. • -
<br /> --�� 14.FNS wW Exponser.In the event Trustee se�ls the Property by exerolsa of power of sa{e,Trustee shall be entitled fo f�ppty
<br /> any sale proceecfs first to payment of all costs end exponsea af exerctsing powe�of sale,including all Trustee's tees,and Londer's and .
<br /> ;;�:�;,"�� TNSt@A�8 @L�01T19y�8}8@9, actualty tncurred to extent permittod by applk;able taw.In the event Borrower or Trustor exerdses any right _,
<br /> -_;�"•� provided by law to cure an Event of Detault,Lender shall be ertitled io recover from T�ustor oll costs and expenses ectuatry Incu�recl as ,
<br /> ::��,�,��5?;� a result ol Trustors detault,inctuding witfiout I(mftatlon all Yrustee's and attomoy's teea,ro the extent permtttctd by epplicabb l�w. �
<br /> --- - 16. �atun Advu�c�s.Upon request of Borrower,Lender may,at ite optbn,make addiUonal and tuturo advanoes and road� _
<br /> �-�■ vances to Bortower.Such advances nnd readvances,wlth Uterest thereon,shail be securod by lhls Deed ot Trus�At rw tlme shall the
<br /> yt"�r;�4f;��� -
<br /> _
<br /> �, . ,. . .w -oa'Y7Ti.5T�'!«:\.r. r..rr.lU•-•,�a^r,l-�r- r....� _ ._. _— - - -.�ma.mrr.oc.i
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<br />