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<br /> �`-,- � �t-, .. ,
<br /> ,.� . . . .. .. . . . .
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<br /> , �, • St ��
<br /> • Lender�may, nt any 11me,collnct rnil hotd Funds h sn amount not ta exceod iho msxirrum amount ct lendor Por o Padaruly ralatod moRgttgs i T
<br /> lonn m9y roqulro tor porrowera clCrotv sccount und�r tho P3dcral R^21 E�tnto Sctt�_m�n4 Proceduro9 Act o} tg7�t ae pmended hom tfine to
<br /> tlme, 12 U.S.C.2�:01 c! a:�. (°(:E&r l�"}, uniCSn anoYlia t�+•�thnt nppl'�� to tho Fundn octu o 1�3fl�r nmoun4, If ao, Lcndcr msy, nt nny tlnlo,
<br /> colbct and hold Funda h on am0unt not to o:ccood Il�e lesser arr.ount. LQndor may estimate tho amaunl o} tunds due on thp h�els of
<br /> �,.•�b�,l9tv.
<br /> ' �� o ouRent data u►d naaon�,trM e9thwSC+9 af o��ndkurss ot 4uturo�scrow Items ar othorwb�Yt lCCOfdot109 WR1 6Dp�•� •- ,
<br /> The Funds ehtt!bo had In en k�etPritbn whose depoaRa are ineured by �/edenl sg�noy, hstrum�ntatity, or ontlty(holudinp L�nda,M�
<br /> . :. � Lendar Is 6ueh u► Inatkutbn) or in rny Fe�l Horvw Leean Bink. Londer sh�tVi Qpply the Fund�to pwy the Eacrow Iteme. Lsndor mty not�
<br /> oharqe Bonowor tor haW(n0 and apptyln� thr FunQs,ennualy snayzinp the escrow tccount, or vsrNytnfl the Hecrow ItKne, unqaa 6�nOM
<br /> ,� pays Bortower hterest on tha Funda and appllcabla �w pem►iis Lender to nu�ko:,uch a charpo. How�rer, Lender mey requlra 13orrowar to
<br /> .� __,:� pay a on�tkni ahupa tor an Ind9penMnt roal ost�te Wc roportinn sorvlca usad by Lenda in aannpotbn wkh thls bu►, unbss�pp��oaba ta'� �{,r.�='
<br /> • provides othenvfse. Unb�s tin agssx+rrrwnt Is made or appiksbb law requires htare�t to b� pafd, Lender sha11 not ba requtr�d to pe� �;.
<br /> . sx,
<br /> .•'�._ _
<br /> ' .��r��� Bortower any InterOSt or awnhga on the Furtds.Borrowee and Londet mpy aqree h writlnp, however,thet htdrest shsll be pRid on th6 Funds� �1 ,
<br /> ".�� Lender ehall ptve to Borrawar, wRhnui chAry9.en a�nual ocaountk�d oi the Funds, showlrty cradRS and debtts tn the Funda end tho purpoaa�
<br /> d•C
<br />- " ,,; ? tor w h f o h axC h d a b k t o t h�F u�t 1 s►v a s m s�l e. T h 9 F u n d s e r e p►e d p e d a s n d d R b n n l a e c u�f t y t or eA cums eocurod by thls SACUrfty Inatrumint� ��_,
<br />'. , � .� ' If the Funds hes� by L�c►dn Qucce9d lha amaunis pwmfitod to be haW by appik�41� iaw, LendeP ahaU account to Borrower for the �;.�.
<br />�; ° � � � c�xoss Funds h �r:cordont�wfth tha raqvY�tNntt el�pDOCSibV� aw. It the amount of the Funda haid by Lent19�at enY���not suHbknt �ay_
<br /> "' ' �' ro pny tha Escrow Itans wtbW� duo, IAnc{x m�y sv nottfy BoROw� h wrktnp, and, fn 5uoh case Bartnwsr �hrtB pay to Londer tha amount _ _
<br />.�.�„ ; �� `� necossary to meke up tht+ dltbbnCy. 8�'rc►�er sh80 rnake up the dafickvroy h no moe�ihRn twako monthy payn►ento, et L6nder8 eOH �:^�
<br /> ��-
<br /> sf:.>:1". .:�:� ' d{screlbn. _-
<br />�`S'�;._'"�� .�•. ' Upon ptyment h tuU of flA sumS socuretl by Ihls Sa�urity Inatrument, Lender sht�N prompty retund to Bortower any Fur�ds held by Y
<br /> �;"���`: '.a�`•" � Leader. It. under pam9mph 21,L�ncler ahaA �oquire or soll tho PropeRy,Lender, Prlor to the acqutsRbn or Sale oi tho Property, shall aPpN _
<br /> s;:..�:ti,�r�:�� � ---
<br /> .,,., .�t�}. . - c�ny Funds hetd by LRnc14�at th�tkne at acqulskbn a sob as a credft apahst the sums socured by tB(s SeCUfty Instrum:nt. �-.
<br /> tk
<br />-�rvF:.".:t�j'"�i
<br />=,r; ;;,:. �,.:.. ���, 3. Applir,atiun of Paymenta. Un4�ss appucable tr�w provldes othemise,ail payments receked by Ltmder unde�pa�ayrepAa 1 and �u
<br />� ' �'-`� ��;- E ahall be applk�d: tirst, to nny prepRynur+�f chqipss d�e under ihe NaQ�; socond, to amounts payabb under parttOreph 2; thkd to k►terest �,:_y
<br /> tiiP���;�.;;it i.5:�� 'S' —
<br />���r�;,�:�,.,+:,d clua;tourth,to pnc�ipal duo; nnd last,to any Inte chupes due un6er the Notv. n
<br />- � �' '� 4. ChGTqAd; (.1QI1Q� 0orrower ehell piy�ti Is�s�,easeasmenta,aharyes,ihes nnd imposftbns a4tributab{e to Ahe Property wh�h mt�y _
<br /> _•. .,,..
<br />�y;�FYk�I.�_y�:':-�� attoln prioritY over tht� Sac+�rRy Ir�sWment, and lees�hokl paymenta or yround rents, H sny. BortowK shall pey thoaa oblipatbne In the r3�i,
<br /> --' ""T=� mannor provklod h pam��aph 2, or ii not pa{d in thnt monner, BoROwer shaN pay them on time dfr�aty to the person owed payment• _
<br /> �—.'.:i:i•,s.�
<br /> �__��;�•, Borrower ahpl) prorry�tt� tumtth to Lender QY notkn of aenounto to be paW undor thts parapreph. If Bottowev makes th�se paymw�te
<br />_";"'_��•:'��,.r, directy,Hortower shl.0 prpsn�Y.y fumish to l.ander�pts evidenoha the payme�lo.
<br /> ���"�`��� Bortovwr ehlU pr�►mpYFj d'aaharpa any Ifa�which hls prbrily over tAis Sacurky Insirumont unfeas Borrower. (a)eproes h wrRinp Qo tha _
<br />�:..,�y.,,:•,...•
<br /> ,:.,�;r;,>r. . � h ,,� �a,,,,r.,i h tha non h a m�nnnr accentable to Lender, (b)oonteste In qood /afth the Ban by, �r detend9 eqninst
<br /> �� •c ar N:;��:w., a!.lt� 0_l1�.�4? .._--�-- -Y -
<br /> '``�' ' � •,�� sntorCwn9nt ot tht Ibn In.IeSial procoedhgs wfikh N the Lendort ophbn operate to prevent tha enPorcement of the Ifon;or(o)aaures irom
<br /> -=•`irul�tit�;>��l�i,+�
<br />---�.��15�,,�.$�:'_ thp holdor of th�D liai an eqree�r�►t satisMeto,y ta ler�dor eubordinttlnp th� Ilen to this SecurNy InsWmenG If Lender det6rtnhes that�ny
<br /> �=�,; �{ port of tha Propt+ty Is eubJ�ct to a Oen wh�h may�riafn 9riority ouer this S�curky Inatrumw�t, Lender mfly qiv6 Bortower a not�e fdentHyL•�y
<br />��} .ha Ik►n. 8orrov�ar sh�.'►�otbty the Iler►or tske ona a more of the acibns aet forth above wkhtn 10 days of the 9NIn0 of notlee.
<br />= -- - 6. Fler.ard or Property Insurance. BortOwYr 6haY ki6p the fmprovM110nt0 nDw �xlstWlp Ot h6tsofter 6reCt8d on the PtOpRty -
<br /> ---- - Insurod a�hsi lo�s by liro, hwrda hciudad wkhh lhe brtn '�xtendod Coverape' and any other hnrards, Includhp fbods or tloodinp,tor
<br /> �� whiah lAntNr m7sfros hsuronco. Thk htu►ana atul b�mahtahad In tha nmounts�nd tor th�psrtoda thr.t LMd�t r�qulrN. Th�hsunnca
<br /> � � carrier pnrAd,Hp lha hiurance BhaN bs chosen by Borrowa sub�ect to l.�nders approvtl whbh ahnll not be unnasomby wkhh�ld. If
<br /> -- = Bcttrnrar te.�lu to rtahtnh aovwape dsscrbed ahove. Lando+' ►►�tY. �t l.ende+'s optbn, obtah oovera0e to proteat 4ender's riphts In tha
<br /> - --�-=—� Prppnty h.er.CCrditnca wkh parayreph 7.
<br /> AV L�siAanc�poNaqa md nnewaVs sheM bo 0aqt�bls to Landw and shaU hcbda a etnndard monpe90 oiaus�. Lende�shaA haw tha
<br /> �-- riphY.lp�+:�d tha poUaks and renewtb. II La�der nquiros, Borrower shaM prompty pNe to Lender ell reca�pts ot p�W promlums and ronowat �
<br /> � �— �i01'$ts• Ifl th�YVO�t 01 IOSi� i7ortOwd�YCiau ro ' '^^'�"^'^ !!'n tne��r�nr.y�r!anW And LondAP. LEM1f{BI'rt18y�� Pro01 0}b5! M ROt _
<br /> y:- M��:q.....».� ._
<br /> = r,r�tde prompty by Bortower.
<br />-- Unissa Lendor and Borrower atherwfss �preo h wrRinD� Insurance proceeds shaU b9 epptled to rostoratkin or rapaa ot the PropeRy
<br /> dam�p�d, M th� rostoratbn or rep�P Is oconomkty feasble and Lender's socurky Is noi laasens�d. N th� ratontbn or npair is not
<br /> --- �--- economba�.y le4sibw or Lenders secudty wauld be feaaoned,tha insurance prxesds shaN bo�DR�d w the euma secured by thH SecurRy
<br /> InsVum�nt,whaher or not than duo, wkh�ny�asa pald to BoROwx. If BoROwe abindons tha Propaly. or das not�nswor wtthN 30
<br /> - _---- daya a notb�kom L�ndK that tho bauran��curi�r hsu oth�nd to ssttN a aI�M,thm LendK may coAxt th� h�u►anc�procMds. I.�nde+
<br /> _�_ may us� th� procNds to roptY or reaton th�P�opMSy or to pty eums t�curod by this Securky Inatrumsnt, wh�thw or not tlien due.The
<br /> - 3p.day pwk�d WW beph when tha notVice b pMen.
<br /> UnleYa i.a�der and BoROwt� otherwisa�prea h wrkhy,any eppllcatbn ot proceeds to prhefpal ahaU not oxtt�x►d or postpone tho du�
<br /> a date af the monthy p�yments reterted to h perepnpha 1 and 2 or chsnpe th�emount ot th�paymonte. It under parApraph 21 th�Property
<br /> - b�oqulrod by Lender,8orrower's riyht to any hsunnco po�oWa and proc:eeda rosuRlr.p kam dcma9e to tha ProD�Y Prior tu the eoqubkbn
<br /> �� shaq pasa to Lend�r to the extont o!th�suma 6��cund by thb Securlty InsWmant fmmodtitey prior Qo tho aequfsEtbn.
<br /> - --�-�- 6. Occupency, Preaervation. Meln�ennnce end Protectton of the Proper,t�; eorrower'a Loan Applloatlon;
<br /> —-- TM-z.�r.
<br /> _ _-��'.=�:;:���' Leasehalds. Bortower shaq occupy,estabGSh, Nd uss th� Propaty es Bortower6 pnc�fpal residonce wBhh sbRy deys�ft�r tfla exocutbn
<br /> — --_R�a�S��.?'
<br /> v�:.,,�;� o}thfs Secudty Instcum`nt and shaN continuo to oaupy the PropMy es BoROwer's pnc�ip�l�osldonca(or at kast one yoc�r aRer tha datv o
<br /> ,;�,�=��rs�r� occup�noy,unpss I.a�dor othe�wiso apraes h wriCr.p, wAic�aonsent shaM not Ns unaeasonabty wkhheld,or unkss extvnuatinp cfrcumstencos
<br /> _-=-��� exlsQ which�beycnd Qorrower's controt. BorrawM' shnx not draVoy,dame0�or hapat tha Propwty, allow th�Proparty to databrate, or
<br /> --__..�"��
<br /> --��;a commk wtsb on th�Property. Bortowa shal b�N dofauR if eny forieRun eatbn or proes�dhQ,whsther aMN or Crimhal, b bopun thtt in
<br /> ':.;::�.���,.�.�
<br /> �:_��_-�.,.��� l.ondere pood fQkh Judpment oouM resuk tn foMRun ot tha Propaty or othawis� mate�talty impetr the lia+ croated by thto Security
<br /> Inatrument or Lenders security hterest. Bortowar may cure such n detauh and rohstate,as provided h parepre�ph 18,by caus(np the ectton
<br /> '::�` erzres� .� � .w n.w...uWe InrArbef In th9
<br /> �"=�:r;:.��s or proceedhp to bo dlsmissed wRh a NAnp Nal,YI l.9fid6r6 QOOC 18Rt1 08Lerminaiion, precuwo 4�,�.,:�.o �. ...--�._..__ _.�.__. -
<br /> _:. ,...,. -
<br /> � Property or other material Imp�krnent oi tho fiai Crated by thts Securiqr InsWment or Lendore securityr hterest. Bortower shall also be in
<br /> -',��i;�,,��:,, �. default it Bortower, durhp thv loan npplk:atbn procesa,Qave matedalry fai�e or haccur�n tntortnntbn or smtemente lo Lender(or taned to _
<br /> °�.�::�`�.�•�,.�.,.�� proyide Lander wRh �ny matarlal htomiatan) In comectbn wRh the ban evidenced by the Note, hcludhp,but not Bmked to,ropresentatlona --
<br /> , concemhp Banowere accupanay af the Property Qs a princpal rosldence. It this Security Usuumont !s on n leasehold, Sortower shau �
<br /> :,� ,�` v._
<br /> ;, ����.,, , Compy wRh aU th9 prov(sbns of the bese. If �ortower nCquires (es tRle to the Prope+ty, the letsehold and the (ai titw cheM not me+'pe �
<br /> - `' ` "' ' unl�so Lender earoes to the merper in wrkhp. -:
<br /> -<�..:,�j.» _
<br />-- .��; 4'-`'.
<br /> - ���v- _
<br /> .�:�� �'r y Form 9071 C/GO ��
<br /> ..�.°.�"'"�?t4.t' Ft00Y.lMa(V(DS) P�p�2 01 6 r-�-
<br /> __.�'AC .�,,r.4, �-
<br /> ..'��..:.r�_ .�: �-
<br /> ' ' _ �
<br /> . .. �
<br /> . • see
<br /> .
<br /> _
<br /> ,
<br />