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<br /> i ' g6�- ��'���� LOAN NO. 1 5 3 9 2 1 4 5 1 7
<br /> ' All Inourancc�poficlaa ancl ronEw��lo chall 6�accc�tabfo 4o Londo�nnd ol iall Includo a�tenderd mortgnflo clauQO. �
<br /> ' Len�iQr shnll havo th�PI4ht to hold the pollcles�nd renewal�.if Londer rsqulres,dorrowor ohntl promptly pivm to Lender .
<br /> � a�l rocelpte of pald prorniu►ne ar��l ref�ewal�otl�es,I�the evant a4 loss,B8ft8iYnT Shall(jIVB pTOfipt ROtICO t0 4hfl `°
<br /> � lnaurance carrler and L.ender.Lender may rr�ke proof of tosa M nat made promptly by Borrowo�. _
<br /> . � I Unlese Lender and Borrower otherwtse agree In wrfting,Inaurance proceeds ehail be eppllad ta reatoratlon or repalr .� �>
<br /> � af tha Property damafled,Htha restoratlon or repair Is economlcally feasible and Lender's securlry Is noi lesaened.If the __
<br /> ' rc�toratlon or ropalr Is nat oconomlcally teasit�e or l.ender's eACUrity would be leasened,the Insurence ptoaeais ehall
<br /> ,� be ap�liod to the suma secured by thla Security Inst►ument,whether or not then due,with any excesa pald to Borrowor. , .
<br /> . � If Borrowor abandons the Property,or does not answer wfthin 30 days a natice fram Lender that the Inauranca carrler
<br /> `��r� has oftared to settle�ctalm,then Lender may coliect the insurance proceede.l.ender may use the proceeds to repalr .
<br /> � •• `�' or rostore the Property or to pay sums secured by thls Securfry Instrument,whether or not then duo.The 30-day pertod _
<br /> wlll begin when the notice Is givan. "
<br /> �
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree In writirtg,any sppllcatlon of proceeds to princlpal shall not extend or
<br /> i pqst�rono the due date of the monthly paymente refereed to In para�rapha 1 and 2 or chanpe the amount of the -
<br /> paymanto. If under paragraph 21 the Prop�rty Is acquired by Lender,Horrower's right to any Inaurance policlos and ,
<br /> j proceedn resulting from damage to the Property prlor to the acqulsKinn shall pass to l.ender to the extent of the uums , • ---
<br /> � ,� socured by this Sea�arity f nstrumant Immedlately prlor to the acqulsition. :
<br /> � � �.Oscupancy�Preservation,Metnten�nce end Pr�tectlon of the Property;Borrowec's Lo�n Applic�tion;
<br /> 4{ Lea:ehokl�. Borrower shall accupy,establish,end use the Property as Borrower's princlpal reatdence wfthin sixty days �y�T��t`
<br /> ' � after the executlon of this Security Instnament and shall contlnue to occupy the Property as Borrower's pr(ncipal •?;��r���; ,
<br /> � :� rosldance for at loast one ysar after the da�e of�ccupancy,unlesa Lencler oti�erwisa a�reea I�i wiiti�tg,ufiloh aonsent ��;•,;;, .;__
<br /> shall not be unreaeonably wfthheld,or unlass extenuating clrcumstances exist whlch are beyond Borrower's coRtrol. ,.�n;___'
<br /> . � Borrower shall not dastroy,damage or Impafr the Property,ailow the Property to doteriorate,or commft waste on the :,�,r^Y
<br /> Property.Borra�ver shall be in default ff any forfelture actlon or proceeding,who4har clvll or criminal,la begun that In • ,f;;,,�,-.-
<br /> Lender's goocl fakh Judgment could resuft In fortefture ot the Property or otherwlse materially Impair the Ilen cret�ted by �
<br /> e
<br /> thls Seaurity Inatrument ar Lender's securlty Intorest.Borrower may cure such a default and reinstate,as provfded In �.��:_
<br /> paragraph 18,by causing the actton or proceeding to be dlemissed wlth a ruling that,In Lendar's g�od falth � ```--
<br /> � datermination,procludes foriflfture of the Borrower's Interest In tho Property or other materlal Impalrment of the Ilen �.,-
<br /> �- areated by thls Security Instrument or Lender's securtry interest.Borrower shaU also be In default if Borrower,during the -
<br /> loan app�ication process,geve materially false or Inaccurate InfoimAtlon or atatements to Lendor(or falled to provide �`=-�-- -
<br /> ' Lender with any mAterlal Informatlon)In connoctlon with tho loan evtdenced by the Nute,Including, but not Ilmfted to, --�
<br /> representations concerning Borrower's occu ncy of the Properry as a principal residence.If thls Security Instrumertt Is ��'��
<br /> � ��� on e leasehold,Borrower shall comply wiih I the provlsions of the lease. If Barrower acquirea fee tiUe to the Property,
<br />�� ' the leasehold and the tea tftle shall not merge unless Lender agrees to the merger in wrfting.
<br /> ' 7.Protectlon of Lender's Hights in the Property if Borrower fails to perform the covenants�nd agreemants
<br />��.,^ contsined In thls Security Instrument,or there la a legal proceeding that may signfHcantly affect Lender's rights In tho
<br /> g;,�,_�. :�. .' Properry(such as a proc�eeding In bankruptcy,probate,for condemnatlon or fortelture or to enforce laws or _
<br />�; , • re�ulatlana),then Lender may do and pay for whatevor is necessery to protect the value of the Property and l.ender's _ -_
<br />_-�•_�����, �,, ..:•. H g hte in the Property,.l.ender's actlona may Incfude paying any sums secured by a Ilen whlch has prlority ovor thls ____ ---
<br /> �..;,� r 8ecurity Instrument,appearing In court,paying reasonable attomeys'fees and ente►(ng on the Property to make -� °---
<br /> �,IK y. �'. ��q�� . repatre.Although Lender may take action uncier thls paragraph 7,Lender does not have to do so. •�•1+-
<br />