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<br /> � ���a.� �� 1 YYU�E Yi�7� 1'{/�l�YYG fI�VW�V16c�/
<br /> �� THIS O�ED OF TRUST,Is made aa o1 the 2g dey ot_ February � ,�A 9bby and nmong
<br />_- -� ����� David P. r?ier�oth and Ju��th K� NiAmE�*h� hll�hand and wife
<br />�, . .�; s. uid iruoivr. �
<br /> ='1`,-�_.�� whoae mailir.�addre�e le �?� �+1- C%ht�rrli� ilor�i, an�NF. F��$32 (hereln"Truetor;'whether one or more),
<br /> -.�:�„-
<br /> - � "�`' thaYrustsa, $Anlc o£ noninh�n ,
<br /> ',`I� .
<br /> ___,,,�' whoae malllnp addreas le_�'-O��ox_}3�,�,fln�n3 hgn,� NF 6$F392 (hereln"Truetee'�,end
<br /> _,-��- -
<br />=� the gsnaficlary, Aank of Doni hn an ,
<br /> y '�� whose melllnp addreae la P_n Aox �.� i�oni an F NF. fi$ 2 __(horeln"Lender").
<br />- Iµ,l, ,�t� FOR VALUABLE CON3IDERATIflN,Including�ender's extension of credit Identi(fed horeln to�aV�d P. Niemoth
<br />-��-�r
<br />'-,�,�;��:�k,; • and Judith K. Niemoth, husband a� �i,.�
<br /> .. ,t, �., ro �rrowur", whether one or more)and the truat hereln areated,
<br /> - tho recelpt of whlch Is hereby acknowledped,Trustor heroby Irrevocably pr�nte,transfera,co�veys snd asalgns tp Trusteo,IN
<br />�;k�'a�•�' TRUST,WITl1 POWEii OF 9ALE,tor the beneiit end securlry of Lendar,under and eubject to the terms end condittons hareinafiter eet
<br /> �--'�''�'# � b►th,the real property,desaribed as follows: J,pt �ight ($)� in Blc�cic Two (2)� in Wi113�tm J.
<br /> �'�� Burger's Addition to the Village of Doni.phan, Hall County, Nebrask� and
<br /> _„:���
<br /> _���� Lot Nir�e (9)� in Block Twn (2}, Wi113ara J. 13urger'g Additi.on to the
<br /> �,�_� Village of Doniphan, Hal'l Co�nty, Nebraslca.
<br /> _.=:-;;;�,,---
<br />�''���'�.''�•�: e e n y a s y e A 9 P
<br /> -_,�.±,.,,a,� To ether with ell bulldin e,Im rovements,ilxtures, etreeta,alle s, aosa �wa e,oasementa,rl hta, rlvlle es and a purtu-
<br /> !-�� nances locat�d thereon or In enywtse pertalning thereto,and the rente,issues and protita,reverslona snd remalndere thereoi,and
<br />��n`����� auch personal propc�riy that to attached t4 the Impravements eo as to conetltu3e a tixturo,Inatuding,but not limltod to,Iteatiny and
<br />� , coollnp equlpmenx end topether with the hamestead or marital interes4s,If any,whlch interests are hereby released nnd waived;all
<br /> - -- --- o}whlch,lncluding replecemente and addltlone thereto,ia hereby declared to be a p�rt of the real estate secure�by the tlf�n of thfa
<br /> - Deed oi 7ruat end all ot the toregotng being referred to hereln as the"Property".
<br /> --=--s 1'his Deed of Trust shall seoure(a)the payment of the principal aum and interest avidenced by a promfeeory note or credit
<br />_ -- _ agreement dated E£ibY'�� ?$� ��6 —,having a maturity date ot Mareh_ 'I_,�,�, ?QOl ,
<br /> __�:�.�,.,�� in the original principal amount of�?.lw�?5�.nn ,and any end ell modlfications,axtenalona und r�newale
<br /> ---��� theraof or thareto and any and ell future advance�s er,d roadvances to Borcower(or any ot them I}more than onej herounder
<br />�� pursuant to one or mcre promiasory notea or credit agreement�(hereln called"Note");(b)the payment o}other euma advenced by
<br /> -�- Lbnder to pto4ect the aoourity o}the Note;(cy the performence of all covenants��d apreementa of Truator aet faRh hereln;and(d)all
<br /> � - pretent and tuture in98btednesa end obligationa ot Borrower(or any of them if more than one)to Lendor whether direct,IndlrecL
<br /> abaolute or contlnpent end whether ariainy by note.puaranty,overdraft or otherwlae.The Note,fhfs Deed of Truet aod any nnd all
<br /> ott�er docuents that aecuro the Nots or otherwise executed In conrtecNon therewith,IncludinQ without Iimltntlon guarantees,eecu�ity
<br /> - egreementa and anaignments ot leasea end rents, shall be refarred to hereln ae the"Loen Doeuments".
<br /> Truator covenanta and agrees with Lender as followe:
<br /> 1. Pay�nt of Ind�bt�dnN�.All Indebtedness se�ured hereby aheli ba pald when due.
<br /> 2. TftN.Truator is the owner of the Property, has the ripht and authorlty to convey the Property,and warrants that the Ilen
<br /> created heraby te e firat and prior Ilon on the Property,except for Ilena end encumbrancea set forth by Truator fn writlrt�and
<br /> deHvered to Lender betore execution of thls Deed of Truat,and the execution and delivery of thie Deed ot Trust doea not vlo5�.0n any
<br /> . contrnct or other oblipaUon to whlch Truator la eubject
<br /> -__= 3. T�zN.�ws�nt�nM.To pay before delirtauenCy sll taxes,speCial easessmenb and all othor chgrqes epalnat the Property
<br />_ -- -_-_-- r�nw qr hurA��lp►IAYIRf�.
<br /> 4. Inwrafc�.To keep 7he Property Inaured egainet demage by fire,hazards Included wlthln the term"extended coverepe",and
<br /> - - auch oUti6r hszerds ss I.endar m.y requlro,In nmo�inU r�nd vrllh compsnlca acecpt�blo to Lcmder,namin�l.ertdsr ee cen acldlt�ortel
<br /> - namod insured,with los9 payable to the Lender.In caee ol loas under euch policiea,the Lender ia autharized to adJuet,aotls�ct eM
<br /> compromise,all ctalme thereunder and shall have the option o}applylnp all or part oi the inaurance proceeda(i)to any Indebtednats
<br /> aeCUred hereby and in much order aa Lender mey determtne,(II)to the Truator to be uaed for tho repairnr reatoraUon of ths Property
<br /> or(III)for any other purpoae or obJect oatiatectory to Lender withaut aNacting tho Ilen of thls Deed of Trust far the full emount aecured
<br /> hereby beinre auch payment ever took plsce.Any applicatton of proceeda to indebtedneas ehall not extend or poatp�ne the due
<br /> date o}any payment�under the Note,or cu►o any delault tP►ereunder or hereunder.
<br /> 6. £urow.Upon written demand by Lender,l'�uetor ehall pay to Lender,ln such manner as Lender may deslpnate,aufticlent
<br /> suma to�nAbte Lender to pay ea they become due o na or more of the tollowinp:(i)all taxes,esaesemente and other charflas againet
<br /> -= the Property,(Iq the premiuma on the propert�r In�s�rence required hereunder.end(Ilq the premlume�on any mort�aye inaurar�oe
<br /> reauired by Lender.
<br /> 8. �Aelntanance�I���In�nd Compll�r�c�v�J4h Laws.Truator ehall keep the Property In�ood condition and repair,ehall
<br /> promptiy repalr,or replace any Improvement which may be damaged or deatroyed;ahail not commit or permft eny wpete or
<br /> deterioraUon ot the Prope►ty;ahpit not remove,demollah or eubstenttalty alter eny of the tmpravemente on the PropeRy;shall not
<br /> �;;;�� commtt,sutMr or permlt any act to be done In or upon the Propgrty In violatlon oi eny law,ordinance,or regulaUon;and nhall pay and
<br /> -_ - -- promptly df�cherde at Truator's cost and expenao ail Ilana,encumbrances and charpee levled,imposed or aeseeaed epAlmt tite
<br /> ___�_�- — PropeKy or eny part thereot.
<br /> -_--�� 7. Fmin�nt Damaln.Lender Is hereby assigned ell compensatton,avierds,domages and other paymen3s or rellof(hereloafter
<br /> ..�..�.��: "P�oceede'�In connecilon with condemnaUan or othertakin8 of the Proporty or part thereof,or for conveyanca In Iteu of condemna-
<br /> Uon.Lender ehatl be entided at Its opUon to commence,eppear In and prosecute in its own neme any acUon or proc�edin8a,and
<br /> �����'4'� ehail olsa be entltled to make any compromise or settlement In connectlon with such taking or damage.in tha event any Portlon of
<br /> -=.��'�Y thv Properly ta eo taken or damaged,Lender ehall havr�the optton,In its eole and absolute dlsoretlon,to epply all such ProceedR
<br /> -�__, efter deductinp theretrom all coats and expensos incurred by It in connxtion with euch Procoeds,upon any indebtedneea eecured
<br />---_,�-.� noreby end in eucn oraer aa�6naer may aetermine,or t�o appry an aucn Proceeaa,after sucn Qeouctiona,to tne reaiorauon oi me
<br /> _�==�•�� Property upon euch condiUOne a�Lender may determine.Any applicution of Proceeds to Indebtedness ehell nat extend or postpone
<br /> ���i j the due date ot any paym�nta under the Noto,or cure any delauR thereunder or hereunder.Any unapplled funds ehall be pald to
<br /> ,�•��� Trustor.
<br /> __-nr� 8. P�Ha�m�ne�by L�nd�r.Upon the occurrence oi an Evant of Defnult hereunder,or N any act le taken or legal proceeding
<br /> _"��� commenced whlch materlelly aifecta Lender'e Intereat In the Property,Lendor may in Ita own diacretion,but wlthout obllpatian to do
<br /> -' �—�i�:iw eo,and wlthout no8�e to or demend upon Truator and w(thout releaainp Truator irom any obtlpation,do eny act whtah Trwtor haa
<br /> '��??�� epreed but falb to do and may elao do eny other act It deeme ne�ceasary to protect the aocuNry hereot.Truator ahall,immedlately
<br /> --••r:� upon demend therefor by Lender,pay to L�nder al!coetm end expenaea Inaurred and suma oxpended by Lender fn connectlon with
<br /> -``:'•'�� the euerciae by Lender of the foreaolnfl rlphts,topether v�ith Int�rest thereon at the detau(t rote pravided In the Note,which 3hsil be
<br /> _�-,;;;��,` added to the Indobtednena seourod lieroby. Lender ehnll not Incur any Ilabfliry baceusa af enythfng It may do or omit to do
<br /> _���.� herounder.
<br /> —';1
<br />_" --�=�;T�= . . '�. �
<br /> --T.,� . . .
<br />