wt ... .. �..:-a"..tM�f•ijJ:i•' '.�
<br /> �at' ' � .. � 1"'.'�MtF:L.�':.f'rT� � ,., r.V[�zC:��_�-`-r�....�._�_.."
<br /> , . . �.._ . . . . . - r3__4`._rn�.-�-=_�-
<br /> �/�47d `If�.i�ia"tl'`'�5 tl�'!��1�=,s�s.%r�.�i:f.. }, " ,�4�-^%l:.^_1_,��t. .E: .��_.
<br /> '•�ll+�Cw -
<br /> __- _ _—__ " " ' _ ��.u�u.l��udn . _.
<br />..�;TGt! i:tJ.Ra:,�fi.•.l��f.•IIri11T�lL•'_�ES�.�!uvni�>t�e�-�1(11 , Y.L:1^_":J.".°^S^T:!!-°'f'.'.=i_..�_n_..-...�_�..—,—.-..-�-""""--'
<br />. .. . ._.. . ...... . ..... .... ...... .... .__"_____._ .. . — _ _
<br /> • , ' • . , �," �C1�41�(1
<br /> principal amount ot tFt�Indebtednesa sscurod by thla Deed o1 Trust,rEB�j��Qlp�umo¢dvanc4d to protact tho sacurity ot thls Qeed of
<br /> Yiust,oxoccd the�rlylnal princlpal amount ctatad izcreln,or� ,��hlGhovar!�pr�nnter. _
<br /> �(j.Qr::iS:i:i.'a��.�'.9tC�1r'if3'v.G!IISiJ�
<br /> � (e)Borrowsr Nat RNeaaacl,Extenalor+of the tlma for paymant or rnadlflcatlan of nn�ortizetlon af tf�e e��sYie soaurad by ti�►3'�+ �
<br /> ' ���s�;����.n��ny i q�tnr to env successor In intsrsst of Borrowar shall not opemto to��I�as9,in any manner,the{!ablll".�,� _
<br /> • • ty of ths ori�lrul Horrower nnd BortowePa euccassuro in intarest. Lender shatl not be requlrRd to commence pracisnuii�
<br /> • a�inst such eucces�r or rotune to Axtend time lor pQyment or othe+rwise moafiiy nmoRisaUu�i ui Y��nu���s s�.'urs�b�4Rl,.� _
<br /> Osed ol Taat hy re�ton o1�ny damande made by the or{91na1 Borrower and Barrawere succeasore In Interdst.
<br /> . (b)L�nder'e P�n.Withoul eHoctlnfl the Itablfity ot any other pereon Ilable tor the payment o1 any ohligAti�n hereln men•�
<br /> t►ana�,a�sd��Ititiaa�t c�i;.�tlrtG th�I:�re or char�a of 1P�Is[�eed v1 Tn,st upon any portlon of tho PropaRy nnt lhen or 4heratois�t0 ,
<br /> celeae�d ae securiry la the tull amount ot all unpeld obiipatlons, Lender may,from tlme to tfine end wlthnut nottiRa(1) rele
<br /> bny p�reon so II�bN,(11)�xt�nd Ihs maturlty or sfter any of the termo 01 eny euch obllyattana,(III)qrant o�►er InduM,,�e►xx�,(h►
<br /> retease or convey,or c�usA to be released or reconveyed at any tlme et Lender's optlan any parcet,portinn oP eil o!th
<br /> PropeRy,(v)taka or reteast+any olher or additional secuMty or re�nvayed al any time et Lender'fl opUan any parcel,paRtan or
<br /> aIl ol the PropeRy.(vl)teke or ralease any other a ad�iiitional secuAty for eny obligailon herein menttnnad,or(vN)mnka comp,a�
<br /> sitbns of other anangements with debtore in relation thereto.
<br /> (c)Fort�nr�ce by Lsn�Mr NM s W�iv�r.My toibeerence by Lender In exeroistng any right or rt�mt+rdy ht�r�tumit+r,or oth-
<br /> e�wlse attnrded by applicabte law,shall not be a waiver o1 or proctude the exercisa of any such �ht or r�medy.The procure�
<br /> ment ot inaur�nc�or the payment o1 taxoe or ott�er Qens nr chargea by Lender shatl not be a waivar or Lanc{eta riylit to aoeeler-�
<br /> at9 Me mat�crEty of tho lndebtedne�s ser.urqd by thfs Deed of Tn�st
<br /> (ei)�e+;c�eeos�end Assignt�Boe�rt�;Jolnt�nd Ssveal LIa6{Ilty;Captbns.The cnvonant��and aprriementa hpmin aQn�
<br /> tained shail bind. and the rights hereunder shail Inuro to,the respective succeasore and essigna of Lenciar end YnaFtt�r. All
<br /> covonants and egreemsnte of Tn�stor sha11 be Joint and several.The captbna and headings ot the paraprepha nf thls Doad o1
<br /> Trust arr�for�onvenience onty and are not to be used to interpret or deMe the provislona herooi.
<br /> (o)RN�l�st tor Notic�i.The partioo horoby requeat that e copy of any nottce ot detault hereundor end a oopy ot any nptlAe
<br /> af eale har�under be mailed to each pa►ty to this�e9d of TNSt at the address set torth ebovo In th�+m�snner pres�.-rii�F�i Gy
<br /> epplicabte law.Except tor any other nattce regufred under epplfcebte law to be given in another mannar,eny no�ilce provklcr�!tnr
<br /> in ihts Deed of Trust shall be ghren by malling such not{ce by certiHed mall addressed to the oiher partles,at the address set
<br /> foAh aat��ove.Any notVice provttled tor tn thiB Daed oi Tnast shall be ef(ecttve upon mailinp In tha mAnner deslflnated herefn.It
<br /> Trustor fa more then or�person,notfce sent to the addross set torth above shall ba notbe to all such persons.
<br /> (�Inspsctlon.Lender may make ar cause to be made reasonable entdes upon ancl InapeMfonfl o4 the PropeRy,provkl��d
<br /> that LerMer shall give Trostor nodce pdcr to eny such Inspsction speclfying reasonab{o cau:s th�rniar related to Lendere intsir•
<br /> est I�4he Property.
<br /> (g)R�conwyanw.Upon payment ot all surns secsued by this Qfled of Tnist,Lender ohall rpquost Tnlstoe to recomey the
<br /> PropeRy and shail surrender this Deed o}T�usS,;,;r� all notes evidencing indebtadnass sACUred by this 1)aed of Tnist to
<br /> Tiustae.Trustae shall necor►vey the Proparty,w(tt►svt warranty end wlthout charfle ta th�p�tr,on bpafEj entiY{ed therAto.7rustor
<br /> shall pay eli oosts or recordittlon,If any.
<br /> (h)parso�l Propfrty; Sacurity Agreomen�A9 additlanal r_t�curity for tha paymt�nt ot thi� hotA,Truator hereby arente
<br /> Llt1d11I Ut1AA�tt1A NE�fABIfa 1II11TOfI:1 CiORIrtt9tCI91�ioan ei etri:iJi�ry ii�in�aai Zii&1i=iw iti��v�.'am1.M"«:!!,�lY.�L`!�!�'!f!i�!iw��pnM!fir
<br /> 11S9d ifl COfll'16CHOfl 1MI�l.t�1B f6&�6C�1Y Of�RIpf�OYElY161$9(0Cc'1!9d 4.'Yf�rtr�'1�Bfld(FOt 01�181W:Cna f�8G1ATAd O��R10d l0 bA Q(18R 6}
<br /> the real estate securedl l�aireby.•Thls instn�meM shaN D��nslr�ed as a Securily Ia,:Fqement under sefd Code�and the Lender
<br /> eha11 have all the rlghts and igmel�les d a securet4i r�a�+�ntier sa3d Coda In�►:Irl7li�n ta lhe nghts and rert�edies urxler thla
<br /> para�rapfi slxill be cumulative wfth,i3rru tro no way a ilMiYaibn ar,.�flra!er's dnht�antl romWdies n�nder any other secudry agme•
<br />- ment sigr�eti by Borroweror Yrustor. .
<br /> (�I.Nns and EncumbnancN.Truslo7?�ersny rr�rrante snd ro�,osaTt�thnt ths�rt�is�p do9�vtt under the provfelons ot an.y
<br /> mortqa9e,deed o!drist,base or pw�chase cwR'racY�l�scAb�o9 ell or any pe�rt,of t1�n FrepeAy,or other oo�tnct,k�at�eme�t�r
<br /> spreemeM constitutln�a Ilen w encumb���xir�5t�A or any part of.th�Prt►periy(coriectwelY�"�{ens'7�exlstky es o1 U►a
<br /> date of thls Deed of Tnist,and that any and al1 exr�tinp'l�na remeln unmorlilintt exoept ae dieclosed to Lendor In Tnu�tor'6 wrSt-
<br /> ten disclasuro of Ilons and encumbrences provlded for hereln.Yrustor.shall ilmely pertorm all ot TrustoPs obllfla8ans,
<br /> covenants,representations e�►d war�l�os ur�fer any and atl exlr,�q arad tute�re Uene,shaH promptly faward to L.er�r cpplas
<br /> of aH notices of defauft sent In connecll�wfM any end all oxlstin�s�Y�'Mure Ltee�s,end shall not wittwut Lendar's prior rrritten
<br /> oonaent tn eny manner mociit�r the provl8la�s of or albw any tuturo adt��ncea urxier any exlsNrp or future Hena.
<br /> (j)App►k�llot�s aR P�nb.Untess otherwlse requlred by law.svrns paid!o Lender hereunder,fnduclirtB without imita-
<br /> tl�on oaHnents of princ�pal�r�d Intenast,lnsurance proceeds.condemnetion pracaeds and ner►ts end protitte.ehall be sppfied by
<br /> �.._�.
<br /> LerKler tp tl1e dmount9 duD 8nd owing from Trustor enct tlortower in suct�otdvr�s in�Kinr in iin avw wai.�"o'�ic��uw��p�.-
<br /> abb.
<br /> (k)Savesaibtlit�►.If any provlston of fhis D�c1 oP T��st c�i9�;��t�i,1��ppl;ca2�la t��r ar f�d,°�'sred i:nal:�or a�tarr.�::.s un'n-
<br /> forceebie,auch ca►tlici or fnvaNdlty shaM nat aHect d�,other provlsio�s et thl5 Q�eed of Trust or the Plota which cen be piven
<br /> effecs wilho��t tl�e oo�tiktlng provlslan.and to fhls end the provlsione o1 thls�emt9�f Trust and the Note are dedared to be s�►-
<br /> erable.
<br /> q�e�eme perwn(s),thoee t�e e as used�U�ils Deed of Truuet shall e�nte rrcha�ng�eb{e����Tmstor er�d 6�rrower aro
<br /> (m)Goy�Map Law.This Deed of Truet shatl be povemtxi by tha�aws of tha State of Nebrflaka.
<br /> Tr�stor has�ex od thla of 7�ust ae ot ihe date writton above.
<br /> . �
<br /> r� Tiustor T��Or
<br /> i
<br /> Trusl�r Truslor
<br /> �ames D. C�ooc3wfn, Presiden�
<br /> •.�
<br />