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<br /> - � i .�" - .`a�° 'g�. ' — F. "`'—z-'e.. ���— — -_ ` -
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<br /> y�_.. ,. . ' L . (�`.�1..� -S= - . . ..- �. °__— _ _ . i _ - _ _ - __ � _ . _ . � , .1 .—
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<br /> .a. - - - - - _ - - - � 92—- - __--�d-of-�'rr,st- _ —
<br /> ,�. 4� -- _ 1�1238 .
<br /> �1 J � � •
<br /> s�¢�iF ' ' �' . . � . . � .
<br /> -�-'-�C�..-- � _ , � . . _ . . .
<br /> 's'_4��`�`€ ' � _ , - T3aothy E. and.Shesilya Enc�,
<br /> -=��.�, � 7H1Sp��p 0F T�STIs 13. �� y`��Febsua ,i992.bi►au�dbstweenHuebaad and,�life aad _ __ _
<br /> ' ""`i' ' Te J. aad Jaaet �a�'—H�aad"and Wife —��
<br /> whetheraneamore(hera/rrafterce!/edthe"Tnuse�`ry, _ --
<br /> � � � �e����u�s We�t IOth� Gzand Is2aad Nebraska- 6880-3_I�J • ry - _
<br /> r �����4�W���t��/������� � �_ .
<br /> < � , • _� = s NE .�d NOAWESf BANK �e i a Nationa2 .Aasociation ,��}br r ��~__
<br /> NP�fTAR�tA r
<br /> -- _ _- ���"���r�audl�gatitlre�fs 202 itest Third Grand Isla�,: ---- --- - 68801 - - _ ` ''��__
<br /> , ;+:� - � - - . � . �.�,�
<br /> �•� � < < ' ' � YYITIVESSEfH: _
<br />"� ` �,� < • � !F THlS 90X JS CHECKED( )TH/S OEED OF TRUST CON3TfTl/�ES l�CON5IRUCTION , '- �
<br /> � . . . WNER�g..T hMe1�!to Bene6clarYin theP�x�aum ol� e�rua �g��`
<br /> pn/,rs{f z4,�.`�Q j�whicti�ednesstsevidenceobj►trusta�'spronatsmorynotada� =Z�.. .t/�ereN�lte► �: <... ., .
<br /> _— --- c�sd Lhs"Note 7.PaYable to tAs,ader ot BeneBcJaryartd having a matririty of Febs�varn 10, 947 • - .- .. . _ _
<br /> — -- NpW,THEAEFOR$ifosths pu►poseofsecurin� _ - - _, -
<br /> - -. . (a1 I�Y�+n of the Alote.toqetl►er witl►Interilst U�ereo�n,/ate charge,R A�ePgYment penal6es.any luNre advance�and aN e�densians � .�;� .:
<br /> rortst ._ •
<br /> �- - - . mu�licadons.su+bsb�u6or►s andrenewats Mereal. . .��',_,
<br /> . , (6)D�Y►►xnt o/aN otl�eraums.leesa cnarges,e�getl�e►wid►�rKerrst thereon.advanced to protect the sec�dh ol thts lJeedd`T�vst and � `• .,.;�°� =•-- - •
<br /> . ffi�perlbrmartciotfh�covenanfsandagreermntsofTrusAor,wAetherdnotsetfathhereln, ',` ��•
<br /> _ f�1 P��e,drscharpe oland compNance widr every term.eairener�obp9aG�ort and agreement olTiustoP ca►tained herein w �: � � _< ��
<br /> _ � '�'a.
<br /> - _ . ir�cppp�a(bd by esl�erenca a►any athersscer►ilyinsbtxrrMt at anytlme givsn to aect�ro the IYote.a►rd E -. . --:• �_. �y-`_`
<br /> ` ` � . • � (�ihsrrp�yrtisnt of aNafheraums a fF�a�r+s advances.wid�interestthereW►,wfNch may Haretolfore havebeert ahe�allerbe adva�ced `'" - �
<br /> i._�t . . � � .
<br /> . , bY Be�e�c�rY�lrusto/ef Ttusro/s Sticcessaln IrRe�esta mle. -
<br /> s ce
<br /> .. . all o!whkh/s hereelnafte►coNectivety caNed!he"Indebtedness".Trusfa Irrevocably granis and Lranslers t�Tiustee,in Lrus� WfTH POWER � ��
<br /> : ' OF SALE,the Aollbwing described properiy: � ` . , � �
<br /> � ' �, '. .. :.` - -`-- The North�we�atq �ro (22) Feet of bat Eight (8) Block Sixty Four (64), S�` .`.
<br />� . Qriginal ToFm, noW Citp of Grand Island, Sall County, Nebsaska � . •�` �
<br /> ` �.. m � � . , ' :.t�,.
<br /> .��.`. . -. ;.'�ngefherwJth(�alllwildirigsy shuctures,add+6ons,enlargements.modiBcations,repalra,rep/acements and impra��sre�sr'reWriiherealler � � . .,�.
<br /> n
<br /> -:: ,:,`;�" : . 1"�cated thereon,�aB eipc,prr�ent,mach/nery and fixtures(IrrCludng,widrout Ilmitation.all IigAGng.heaUng,verr.�'�:eooling.a!i .. ,-.
<br /> � ' ��.
<br /> ;�;�.�,. :..:�:`.::. candJtlonlnq,FprinMing ar¢plumbing Bxdrres,water a»d power systems,englnes,bollers,ranges,ovens dishw�.�refs,mtrrors and mantels, r �� ���::
<br /> '• earpeoirrg.fum�s a�bumers.elevatas and motas,refrigerabon plants a units,commurNcairon systems.dynamas.vansfiorir,*ers,elecMca! ! �
<br /> � � � � equ/pnren�sdm;a and screen windows,doo►s,awnings and shades)nowar hereafler a[tached to,arbuJltln,arry building w krrrper�vemeni f '. _ .. _ �
<br /> ' #• •�:;:: .` .� npw p�l�ea;`sr bcated therean,�r7)all easemenis and dghts ol way appurlenant thereto.('ivj,a1l leasehoid est8te,dghL titl9�.lrtterest ol � . ,
<br /> Tirrstor tn and to all/eases,whetheE now orherealte�exfsting a entered into pnGuding,wJthout 1/mKa6on,all cash and securiry depostls. ; �'�`
<br /> advaxe renta/s and deposifs a payments ol a simflar nature),pertalning the►eto,(v)ail�ents,issues,pro6ls and Income the�ebom(subJect ;
<br /> � . . to the dght ol Trostor to cdlect and appy such rents/ssues.p�ofits and lncome as they becoma due and payable so long as no event ol ��
<br /> default exlsts hereunde►),(vf)a/l royalfies,mJne�al,oil and gas dghts and prorits,water,wate�agMs,and wate�stoCk,(vli)alf teneruents. •
<br /> � hereditaments,pirvlleges and appuRenances belonging,used or en/oyed in connection therewlth,and(vii,)a�l proceeds ot conversion,
<br /> . � .. " vduntary or/nvoluMauy,of a►ty o!the fotegdng lnto cash Or llquidated clalms(irtc/uding,wfthout limitedon,proceeds ol 1nsu�ancB and
<br /> ' condemnadon awards),aU oi whlch Is he�elnalter collectively called the"Tiust P�opeRy"• �
<br /> '��' 1. Tfde.7tustor Covenants,wanants and agrees with Seneflclary,fts successors and asslgns,that Tiastw o��the Trusi PmpeRy Iree ,
<br /> I ' frpn a.�ry pdorllen arencumtrrance,that thls Deed ol Tiust ts and wID remain a vafld artd enfa�eeable first lien an!he Tiu�Fiope►ry, , ,,
<br /> �;, ,, � � :�; ,:;. that Tti�a►,at lts expense,will pres&rye such tiUe and wip maintain thls Deed of Trast as a L•i�and pa�amount pen upan b5e Tiust •
<br /> . �:�;��i:.<�•• � Ptaa�rryand wlp faeve�wanant 2n�defgrtd the valldiry and pdorrty of the IJen hereof�g=.��;�re clalms nf all persons a��Aa�tles .
<br /> �• � . , wffomseever.Tivstor,a!!ts expens�<w.�ll cau:.�rh.s Dead of Tiust,and each��rdme�t ar srrpplement herefo,ro be 11fed and.
<br /> recarded as a moRgage of the Tiu��t P�ope'rryr��c,ti mannei and!n such place a7�will take such actloh a�In the opinianOf 7ruatee
<br /> • may be requlied by any present or tu�,re/aw in aider to perfect,malntaln and p�."�Ct the lien o!thls Oeed ofTiust,ss the same may . •��
<br /> � be amended or supplemented fiom t�.re to Ume. Tiustar wilJ make such luRhe�assurance cr assu►ances to peAect its dtle to the TiusF '`: •
<br /> ' ' Pioperty as may be�equlied by Ber,btrcl8ry.Tiustor hereby relinqulshes all ilght of dowera�d'►amestead!n snd ro the Trust P,roperry. �```'�i�
<br /> � �:,� �:"i�a,.:..
<br /> � '' 2. Payrtrenf ol/ndebtedness.tmstor shaif punctuslly pay 1he princJpal ol aad interest on the�rc�eblsdrtess secured hereby. ; �'.�•" �, �.
<br /> � '• . �'�"� " � 3. ConsOucGOn ol lmprovements.Tiusta shaU cvrr�eie!n good and wakmanlike manner any buiidings,impiovements a repalrg re/adng
<br /> '. ,` ; � thereto whlch may be begun on the Tiust Pro�err�o o�contemplated by the loa�evldenced by rhe Note secured hereby,to pay when -
<br /> � ' � due alJ casts and NabiliL�es tncuned the�efore,and not to permit eny construcavn lien agalnst such Tiust Property.!n the event
<br /> , '�.� , construcdon af buildings,Impraverr,er,ts a�epairs a�e cantemplated,Tiustor also agrees,snylhing In thls Deed ol Trust to the conhery •
<br /> � no(withstanding;(ai to prompUy camrnence any such work and to complete the proposed Improvements p�omp!ly,(b)to comp/ete the
<br /> - .1;;,'� � same in eccadance wlth the plans ers specl8caflons as approved by BenelicJary,(c)to compty wilh all the te►ms of e buitding loan
<br /> ,�. ,, agreement,lf any,beriveen Tiustor a.7�Beneficiacy,.the terms of wh�ch are lnco�po�ated heie�n by►ele�ence and made a paR hereol, ,
<br />, i. � . (d)to a/bw Benellciary to Mspect the Trusf Pra�erty�at all Umes dufing constiuctlon,and(e1 ra replace any wark or matenals
<br /> . unsatisfactary to Beneficlary wl�hln f/Reen{i51 da�s:afiei w�itten nouce hom 8eneflclary o}such fact • �
<br /> � , 4. Funds far Payment ol Charges.Sub�ect to applrcable/aw or to a written watva�by Benefrc,ary.Trusloi aha�1 pay to Benef,�rary on the
<br /> • ilrst day al eaCh moMh,or such othe�date each month as may be speaHied by Beneliclary,un61 fhe/ndebtedness is paid�n fuD,a sum
<br /> (here/nafte►called fhe"�'unds')equai to t-t2th ol the yearly taxes snd asses9mOnts whiCh may adaln prlwity nverth�s Oeed of.�iust
<br /> and gYound ients on the Tiust Pioperty,if any.p�us 1;12th of fhe yearly premium/nstellmonts lo�haisrd lnsuiance,plus 1 ilZth of tAe
<br /> • yee�ly premlum Installments lar mortgage lnsurance.If any,a/1 as reasonably es6mated Mivalfy and Irom t/me to t/me by 8eneficlary on•� ,
<br /> the basls ot assessmenis and bllls and�easonable estimates thoreol, The Fturds shall be hetd in an�nstltutron,the deposits a
<br /> � aCCOUnts ot whlch a�e Msured or gaaranteed 6y a federal or state agency includ,ng BeneJictary.Beneticlary shall appty the Funds to
<br /> pay aeld taxes,essessments,Insurance pre►niums and giound ients.Benel�ctary shalf not be req�lied t0 pay 7r�stor any Inte►est or
<br /> eamings on the F�nds. BeneficJary shall give to Tiasta�,without charge,an annua�accnunting ol tho Funds showrng c�edits and '
<br /> ; ' •� -- t` deblfs ta the Funds and the purpose!or wh�ats eact+dabit to tha Fusds was made.The Funds are pledged as addihAna!security to� .
<br /> t the Indebtedness seCUred by thl9 Oeed o!Tiust I!the amount of the Funds held by Beneliciary,togett►0�wiU►the luture monthly
<br /> ' � • � • lnsta/lments o�Funds payab►a prior to tho due dafes ol taxes.assessmeMS.Irtsurance p�emlums and ground rents,sha/1 exceed the �
<br /> � 4 amount requJied to pay sald taxes.esse$sments,Insm�nce p�em/ums and ground rents as they lall due.such excess aha/l be,at
<br /> ; Tiustar's opGon,elther piomptty��paid ta Tiustar o�credlted ta trustor agalnst luture monthJy/nstallments ol Fand9.lt the amaunt at
<br /> the Funds held by Beneliclary shall not be suHrclent to pay taxes,essessmenis,lnswunce�re►niums�nct g�ountl�ents as tn�y taU 6ue.
<br /> • � �iusta shatf pay to 6eneliclary sny amount necessary to make up the deticlenCy with!»thlrty d8ys�rom the date noUce l9 mar'fad by
<br /> = � Beneftel8ry to Tiustor request�ng payment fne�eoL Upon payment tn fulf ot all tndebtedness,9enetic�ary shalt prompt/y�efund fo �
<br /> - - "� � Tiusta any Fands he/d by Benefic/ary.ll fNe Tiust Properfy!s so/d under lhe powei ol sale or!he Tiust Pioperty is otire►wise acqu�ied- ` -- "" -
<br /> # � by 8enellclary,Beoellciary ahell eppfy,immediately p►ior to the s�le of th�Tiusf Piape►ty or.its acqu�srtrnn 6y Benetic�ary,any Fu�ds
<br /> ��' —� � held by Beneficlary at the Nme al appUcadon es e c►edit agalnst the Indebtedness.If Beneliciary ezecutes a w�inen waive►ol T�ustoi s
<br /> � �' � obligauans unAer thls pa�ag�arph 4,Tiustor cove»ants und agiees to/ray.betore/he same becoma detfnquent,al!taxes.asspssments.
<br /> `� � UC+lrorpf67-e9 rNeDnsMatMrp _ . � . . _ . . . --. . _ _ .. .. __ . : . . _ ..- .
<br /> �� _ - - . . _._... _ . _.... ..-`- ------- ---._.: .--_-_�-- . .� . ._ � ----� --- - --' �- ---� _ .._.
<br /> � � ' ' ' . , .. _ . -,_ . . , _ �t
<br />