,. :J� � . ....�.:
<br /> '— ___._ .f1fT� . .... . ' '_ . —____._.'___..__ ..
<br /> Ar�.� // ' .
<br /> ^I� /� .i{M'��♦ .-.. •_
<br /> h\�.�i�a• r . �:��J:11�4�t��i.'_..'�.__...
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<br /> . . . ; . - , ' , _ � I-i�.'ti.+�T.`A�c1Y� �r..
<br /> , � �.Q➢��i��- .
<br /> - -. . • io.n��rruever'd i.upy. �urmwer si�i Go �vcTi oiin cAufoaiiii,u qpy�f tha I:ot�:.rtd e:ihf���uriiy Ir.s�ttre:e:tL � ,.. -',.._,.-
<br /> e:
<br /> " !`l.Transier of the i'ro�crt or o Beattk�l Iaterest In Uarrow¢r. If aq or any par9t of tho Propeny or any intc:rest in it is ,� ' '� '
<br /> sold c�r u�ansferred(or if a bene�icial interest in Borrower is soW or uensferred and Borrowcr is aot a naturelpersoa)wltl�out
<br /> � l.cnder's prior wriucn con�nt,Lendcr may,at its option,rcquuae imme4iate paymcnt in fuU of ail sums�ecurcd by this Sacur�ty . .
<br /> Instrument.Dioricv;,r,this op�vi�shall nni b;.eaercL^d by Lender if cxerci�e is pmhibitcd by fcderal I�w as of tha dt[te ot this
<br /> Security lnstn�mer►G �: .�:_.,.,:::;.';;�,�,,
<br /> , If Lender oxercises thls opdon,Lendu shall giva Bortnwer nodw of nccelerudon.'It�o nodce shall provido eperiod of not less ,�,,
<br /> . �hnn 39 dnys from tho dsue the nodce is detivered or malled�rulthin which Borrower must pay ull sums secured by thl:�Sccudty
<br /> ��- Insarume.nt.If Harrowcr fails.w ppy theso sums prior to the axplration of this period,I.endcr may invoke any remedlos pcm►itted . •. ,: �,;'j'..;
<br /> ;c��'� by Ud�5ccurlty instrument thc�at furttrsr notYx oc.deal�nd on Borrowcr. .
<br /> :�•.µ �'�"�� 18.Barnowe�'s Rt�ht! Ren�aG�to.• If Aom4rxr mects certain condttiuns, Bomower shnll liavo tho right to hnvo . •
<br /> � cntorcemcat af this Socarlt In�rud►exit discon�tinuod at any tIme prlor co the earlier of: (a) 5 days (or such other period as � � ' ,
<br /> aFPli�ablu I�w mny spocif fb"r rai�sTBtement)beforo sabe of th�Propaty pursuant to eny power of salo contnined in thla Secun'ty ' °�. :-:;
<br /> I�stcumr.nt;or(b)cntry of a judgment enforcing ihis Securiry Inswinen�Zi�ose condidons�that Borrower.(a)pays Lender aU ;`�M�^.';��•�.��?"}
<br /> ' sums which than wauld be duo under dus Seciuity Insm�mes�t and tho Note as if no aocelcradon had occiured;(b)cures anY �'3E,i _°;
<br /> � default of any other covennnt�or� ments; (c)pays afl capenses Incuired in enforcing this Security Instrumen�i^,�ludfng,but �
<br /> not limitt�to,rcasonnbla sttameys'f�aes;an.d(ci)tsk�es such action as Lcnder mu�rcasanably�equire w c��ue tttat thc lien of this ;;�����`-L
<br /> Securiry Insuumcnt. Len&r's rights in thY Pr�gerty and Bocrower's obliganon to pay the sams s�ured by this Security =_�,M�t�-.
<br />` Instrumant shnU condnua unchanged. Up� ��:�tement by Bocrower. this Security 8�smunent an�l tha abllgations secured -=-- --
<br /> .. ;�.� hereby sha11 remain fully effesdue as if uo�:2�a�en t!�occurred.However,thi.v rig�t¢o�einsmte shtill not apply in the casc of ����_--_._
<br /> �....�;..._-
<br /> , accelcradon under pamgraph 17. �ac._,
<br /> . , � 19.Sn{e oP Natei CdAnge of I.o�an Servicca�. 'I1ie I�'oro or a pazt,issl interest in the Note (together with thi� Security - -
<br /> • � Instrument)mny be sold ane or more times without prtor noGce to Borrawer.A sale may result in a change in the endty(known ,,.; . -_
<br /> as tho"Laun Scrvicer")that coUects monthly yments dua under the Now and this Secunty InstrumenG 7here also may be one ar �==�'i��"=-
<br /> w � more chan aos of dio T.roan Secvi�kr unrelatc�D a sale of the Note. If th�eza is a changa of the Loan Servicer,Bomower will�o
<br /> , � • given written natic�of the chan�c in acsordfu�ce with pas��pii 14 above and apglicable law.'Ihe notice will state the numa s►nc1 ------
<br /> � "�+*` � ' addm,ss of d�u nuw Larn Servic�,r and the address to w�ich�ayments should be made.'I7ie nodce will also conhu�e any other _�
<br /> . n.. b�fonnation required bY aPRi��7�9aw.
<br />.''' �� ' ''" 2�.Hazar+taos SabeWnces. &otmwer shall not c�lusa�r pem�it the presenc�. �ase. disposal, stor�e, ttr r$lease of any
<br />�,:-,,',.•� Hazardous SubsUU�ccs o�n or in tho Proputy.�orrowu shafl not do.nor allow anyone else to do,anything affocdng the Property
<br /> .,� that is in violation of an�r F.�svisonmental Laev.'I3�e pmceding two sentences shall not apply to Ihe presence,use,ar storatge on tho
<br /> `�r�'�:'•' Prope�t.y af sm�ll quona�es vf L�Ia�rdous Substances that tire generatly recagnized tv he appropriate to normal residendal uses _
<br />_ .:.a.�,,. z�; �
<br /> :i:.__.�._. smd tm m�intensnca of Qie Fenieertv. ��:=:
<br />�;}��;:�7`.•`•.`--- Botrowu shuU pmmpt�y f3i�c Leatder wriucn nodce af atiy invesd�ation.claim, demand, lawsuit ar other action by any ---_
<br />-�'�'::'�M ' �• ''' gove,mmoatal or regulatory .ncy or private�tuty involving tt�e Propeety and eny Heutrdous Subsmnco or Hnvironmtntal La�u
<br />_�,.: ,::,�:.. �
<br />-+��,,y. � .. , of whkh Batta��rr�.n�ec knowledga.Lf�3orrower learns.or is notified by any govemmeritei ur r�e�ulntory nuthcxity.that�y
<br />__ ,.:.�,. • removal ar aittet F�mediadon of eny Hazardous Substanca affe�dng tho Pmperty is nectssary.Boncawer shall promptly take siU
<br />_��+;��3�� ;,�; . necessary nmedtel acuons in accordenccs with Environmentsl Law.
<br />-�';��`_�°' As used in this pazagrsph 20, "Hazardous Substances" �re those substances detined a� toxic or hazanlous sabstances by _._
<br />�;..��:�;,+� Eavunnmental Law aad tha following substances: gaso�ine, kenost+ne. othex tlamnnAble or toxic pe,q'oleum �►roducts. toxic �;;:�
<br />"_� pes�idas and t�erbicides,volatila solvents.mv�tlals conta�ning asbestos or formaldehy�a.aad radiouctive matetiaLv.As used in =-
<br /> "`�`�"';"•._.-- this Paragr'a�h Z0,"Bnvironmental Law"maarts fodG�al laws end lawe of the jurisdiction w3rare the Pr�op�xty is Ic�cated chat relato
<br /> -�"`.-``""� to h�lth,�sfety or e.nviranmental ptotecdon.
<br /> ::.z=��
<br />—.f`---� NON-UNIPOItM CUVENANT'S.Borrowcr and I.cndu furthu covenant and agrec as t�Ilows:
<br /> t�v; �� 21.Aoodtratbn;Remedic�.�.�nder shAU give aotke to Borcower prior to aaxYeratbn toilowing Borroaer's brakh ot
<br /> r'-� any �nvenaet or agceemeat 6n Rt�is Security Instrumcnt (but not prbr to accekr�tbn uader paragraph 17 unleee �
<br /> — appikablc Ww providea ot6erwlw�.'t'be uotiee s6n11 specilW:(�1 the defaukt(b)fhe acdoe required to cw�the defaulti(c) __
<br /> -------
<br />