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<br />-, ,;��,� czc:.aied for t4:e parposc of crc:�ting:securine or euurantYin�the Secured Dcbt.A goud faith L•elicf by [Ar�rJ�r t4r.a1 .=_
<br /> Lc;ndcr nt wiy timc is insccurc�vith respcct to any pcnon or cntity abligated on thc Sccurcd UcM c�r that thc pr��s��:ct :
<br /> '� '"� of any paymcnt or the viilue of thc Properiy is impxired shnll nlso constitute an cvcnt of def�ult. °�
<br /> �+'•� _
<br /> ' 15. ItGMC�IF:S mM DIs'�AU47'. In some inst:ances,federal ancl state li�w will require Lendcr to pruvid� Grnntc�r�viah .�
<br />?;;�� nc�ticc of Uie right to cure ar cither nutices cmd n�.iy establish ti►nr�cb4dulcs[c�r (urctlusurc actinns.Suhjcct tn tt�.c:se �_
<br /> ?� limitutions, it cmy, Lcnder may acccleraic the Secured Laebt and forecloyc tl�is Sccuriiy ln.sttu.mria! in a na3n.�ter
<br />:'a� provided by law ii Grantor is in dcfault. _
<br /> `�°`�:' At the option of Lender,all or any part of thc��grecd tees and cliarges,uccruccl in�.crest anct principal shalt @u:cU�nc v
<br />,_ .�� immediatcly duc t�ud pnyAblc, attcr giving noticc if rcquired by law, upon th� occurrcncc o[a dcfaule or uoytimc =
<br />:�.:,��,- ihcrctiftcr. ]n addition,i.cnder sht+ll be entitled to ul!the remedics pravided by law,the tcni�.s af.tlne S�:�ur�d Dcht, _
<br /> ,.;,,� this Sccurity Instrument und any rel�tcd documents,including�vithout limitation,thc power to r,eA et�.c F+'o�erty.
<br />-��fs:. If therc is n default,Trustce shall,in addition lo any nthcr pennitted remcdy,at thc rcyvcst oF tl�e L.eticler,advcrtisc -
<br />�,�,r,�'• '' and sell the Property as a whole ar in sepnrate psirecly nt.public auction to th4 hi�,the:st bidder for cash and convey
<br />'�°;:• ubsolutc titic free and clear of all right,titic and int�:rest of Gr.ant,or at such time and placc as T'rustee designates,
<br /> ��c,•,
<br />''-"'• Trustce shall giv�naticc of salc including thc time,terms and��lEtce of salc and a description of the property to be sald
<br />:,���
<br /> _-�== 1s ruquired by the applicable law in effect al the time of thr,pregc�sGa nal�.
<br />_— Upan sale uf the prop�rty and to the extcnt not prohibited by law,Trustee shall make and delivcr u deed to the Property
<br /> ---- sold which convcys absolu:e title to the purchaser,and atter first paying all fees,charges and catits,shall pay to Lender all
<br />"'-"°�'� moneys advana:d for repairs.tnxes,insurance,liens,assessments and prior encumbrances aud interest thereon,and the
<br /> principal and intcrest on the 5ecured T)ebt,paying the surplus,if any,to Grantor.Lender may purchasc the Property.
<br /> _-�'� The recrtals in any deed of convcyance shall be prima facie evidence of the facts set forth thcrein. •
<br /> All remedi:s are distinct,cumulntive and not exclusive,and the I.ender is entitled to all remedies provided at law or
<br />.�'�.`�!_ eyuity,whether or not expressly set fonh.The acceptancc by I,ender of any sum in payment or partial paymcnt on the _
<br />- - 5ecured Debt after the balance is dtte or is accelerated or atter fore�losure proceedings are tiled shall not constitute a
<br /> waivcr of Lender's right to requirc complete curc of any existing defuult.By na�cxercising any remedy on Grantor's -
<br /> dcfault,Lcnder does not waive Lender's right to later consider tlie event a defnult if it continues or happcns again.
<br /> prohibited by law,Grantar agrees to pay aU of Lender's expenses if Grantar breachu.s any covenant in this Security
<br /> � Instrument.Gruntor will alsfl pay on demand any amount incureed by Lcnder for insur+ng,�nspeciing,preserving or
<br /> otherwise proteciing ii�e rcupc�iy tt�it�I.i:ittjvi�5 Si:i.iiTily ii'i1�3'�52.T�'�VOV�Xi3:.�SCS\:'l:���8:112:�:�51 fin�thr_ rlatr nf
<br /> the payment until paid in full at the highest interest rate in effect as provided in the terms of thc Secured Debt.
<br /> - Grantor a�re�s to pay all wsts and expenses incurred by Lendcr in callectmg,enforcing or protecting l.ender's rights
<br /> and remr.di�s under this Security Instrumenl.This amount may include, but is not limited to,attorncys'fees,court
<br /> `�,�� costs,and oQier legal expenses.This Security Instrument shall remain in effect until rcleased.Grantor agrecs to pay
<br /> _ for any r.ecordation casts of such release.
<br /> - 17. ENVIRONMCN'�r�lL LAWS AND HAZARDOUS SIJBSTANCES.As used in this section,(1)Environm�ntal La�r•
<br />--- met�ns,withovt lisnitution,the Comprehensive Environmcntal Response,Compensation and Liability Act(CERCLA,
<br /> 42 U.S.C.9601 et seq.),and all other federal,state and loc�l laws, regWations,ordinanc;es,court ordeis. attornay
<br /> general opinions or intexpretive letters coneerninR the public iie�lth,safety,welfare,envixonment or a hazerdous
<br /> substance; and (2) Hazasdous Substancc means any toxic,radioactive or hazardous material, waste,�ollut�nt or
<br />- - contaminant which has chnracterisdcs which render the substancc dangerous or potentially dangerous to the pubUc
<br /> hcalth,safety,wclfarc or environrnent.The term includes,without lim�tation,any substanccs defined as"hazardotu
<br /> - material,""toxic substances;'"haa_ardous waste"or"hazardous substance"under nny Environmental Law.
<br /> -- -= Gran.or represents,�:a:�.^'w»r.a s�,rees'h°-•--
<br /> A. Except as previously disclosed and acknowledged in writing to Lends:r,no Haza*dous Substance is or wili be
<br /> - -' located,starcd or released on or in the Property,This restriction cioes nut apply tu sivall quantities of
<br />- -= Hazardaus Substances that are generally recogni•r.ed to be ap}sropriutd far tlie norrr�al use and maintcnance:of
<br />- -= the Ptoperty.
<br /> B. Exaept as previously disclosed and acknowledged in writing to Lender,Grantor and every tenant have ix:en.:�re,
<br /> and shall remain in�full compliancc with any applicable Environmental Law.
<br /> C. Grantar shall imrnediately notify Lender if a rcicasc or thrcatencd release of a Hazerdous Substance occurs on,
<br /> undcr or about the Property or there is a violation of any Environmental L.aw concerning the Property.In such
<br /> -. an event,Grantor shall take ail necessnry remedial action in accordance witl�any Environmental Law.
<br /> D. Grantor shall immediate(y natify Lender in writing as soon ps Grantor hus reason to believe there is any
<br /> --- pending ar threatened inve,etigation,claim,or procccding relating to the rcleuse or threatened relcase of any
<br /> Hazardous Snbstance or thc violation uf any Environmental Law.
<br />-� 18. CONDEMNATION.Grantor will givc Le:nder prompt notice of any pending or thrcatcned action,by privale or
<br /> public entities to purchase or takc any or all of thc Property through condemnution,cminent domain,or any othcr
<br /> - mc�ns.Grantor authorizes Lendcr to�ntetvenc in Grantor's name fn any of thc abnve describcd actions or ctaims.
<br /> _ -" -- Grantor assigns to L.ender the procecds of any award or claim for dama�es connected�vith a condemnation or other
<br /> ---- taking of all or any part of tlie Property.Such pr�cceds shall bc considered payments and will be applicd as provided in
<br />♦:� this Sccurity [nstrument.'I�is assignment of proceeds is subject to the terms of any prior mortga�c,deed ot trust,
<br /> ___�°-- security agreement or ot6�er]ien document.
<br /> .=�^-�?s� 19. INSUltANCE.Grantor shall kcep I�roperty insured ag�inst lass by Crc,flood, thcft �nd other har.ards and risks
<br /> �"""� -- reasonably Associated with the Property due to its type and loration.This�nsurancc shall bc maintaincd in the amounts
<br /> and for thc periods that Lendcr rcquires.The insuruncc carrier providtng titc rosurance si�aii �e citosen oy t;rancor
<br />,,�� subjcct to Lender's approvHl,which shnll not be unreasonably withheid. If Grantor fails to maintain thc covcrage
<br />' ---- described above,Lendcr may,at Lcnder's option,nbtain coverage ta protcct Lender's rights in the I'roperty according
<br /> __�:�u to thc tcrms of this Sccurity Instrumcnt.
<br /> =- _ -_ All insur�ance policies and renewals shall be acceptabte to Lender and shal(include x stand�rd"mortgagc clausc"and.
<br /> - -- =- �vhere applirable."loss payec clausc."Grantor shall immediatcly notify Lcndcr of cancellution or termination oF thc
<br /> �„;��~ insurance.Lender shall havc the right to hold thc policics and renewals.I£Lcndcr rcyuires,Grantor sl�all immediately
<br />'�;;�'�" givc to L.cnder all rcceipis of paid premiums and renc�val noticcs.Upon loss,Grantor shall give immediate notece to
<br />=�<.�,'. ; � thc insuranc�:carrier and Lendcr.Lcnder may make proof of loss it not madr immcdiately by Grantor.
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