<br />Acknowl~g~mant
<br />Stale O1 Nebraska
<br />Counly Of Hal ss
<br />On lhe~~~day af~~_..__, 2009, be/are me,_ ~ ar~
<br />a No/ory Public wllhin and /pr said Counly, persaraily appeared KAR N J.
<br />BREDTHAUfR, a single person, and to me personally known to be /he identical
<br />person whose slgnalure Is afllxed hereto, and Thal she did acknowledge the
<br />execu/ian lherea/ to be her voluntary act and deed,
<br />1N WITNESS WHEREOF, !have hereunly subscribed my name and affixed my
<br />official seal al Crand island, Nebraska, on the dole /asl above wrillen.
<br />My commission explres_~~~~. Y~i2 .
<br />(SINPX N~UJr/~ Sly, dNIG,1„
<br />OFAY~ 0. 80HOW FHFI
<br />coT,nur.rw.iamu o ory
<br />$eal
<br />~~rvevor's Cert/flc~te
<br />l hereby certify lhal an October I2, 2009, l completed an accurate survey
<br />o/ 'SPRINGDAL£ THIRD SU80iVlSlON; In the Clly of Crand island, Nebraskp, as
<br />Shawn on the accompanying plat fhereal,• that the loll, blacks, slraels,
<br />avenues, a/lays, parks, commons and other grounds as cvnlalned In sold
<br />subdivision as shown on the accompanying plat lherea/ pro well and
<br />accuralefy staked o/1 and marked,' lhal Iran markers wore placed al oN lot
<br />corners; that the dlmenslans of each lot are as shown an Iha plat; thpf each
<br />lot bears lIs own number; and lhal sold survey was made with reference to
<br />known and recorded monuments,
<br />Deryi D. Sdr"gen/ref, Lon~~urveyor o. 57
<br />0. gORC3
<br />A~~rQ vats
<br />Submllled to and approved by the Regional Planning Commission of Holl
<br />County, Crand lslpnd, Wood River and the Villages of Aldo, Calra and
<br />Doniphan, Nebraska.
<br />201000539
<br />l~ga! l~escr! tp Ion
<br />A lracl o/ land comprising a part of the Saulheasl Quorfer a/ Iha
<br />Nor/heasf Quarter (5£//4NE1/4), and o part a/ lot One (1), Jeanefle
<br />Subdlvtston, o!l In Secllon Twenty Three (23), Township Sloven (i J) North,
<br />Range Ten (!0) Wesl a/ the 6th. P.M., !n the CIIy of Grand !stand, Hall
<br />Counly, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows;
<br />@eglnning at the Saulheasl corner a/ sold Saulheasl Ouorler of the
<br />Naulheosl quorler (SEl/4N£i/4); /hence running westerly on the south line
<br />o/ Bald Saulheasl quorler a/ the Northaosl Quarler (SEl/4NEi/4), on an
<br />Assumed @earing o/ N$9'32'p0"W, a dlsipnce v/ Six Hundred Sixty and £ighly
<br />Two Hundredths (660.82) /eel, to the soulheasf corner o/ Lol Eleven (1 !),
<br />Springdale Second Subdlvlslan; /hence running N00'00'00"E, along the east
<br />line of Springdale Second Subdivision, a dlslonce aI One Hundred Seventy
<br />Nine and Eighty Seven Mundredlhs (179.87) /eel, lv a polnl an the norlherly
<br />right of way 1/ne of Weslga/e Road; lhenco running N89'3!'20"W, on the
<br />norlherly rlghl o/ way iine a/ Weslgale Road, a dlslonce of Early Twa and
<br />Sevenly five Hundredths (42.75) feel, fo the saulheosl corner o/ Lat Ten
<br />(!0), Springdote Second Subdlvlslan; /hence runntng N00'00'00"E on the east
<br />line a/ Springdale Second Subdlvlslan, a dlslonce v/ Twv Hundred Thirty four
<br />and Thirty Three ilundred/hs (234.33) lea/, to /he norlheas/ corner al Lol
<br />figh/ (8), Spr/ngdple Second Subdiv/sion and to a po/n/ on /ha sou/her/y (ine
<br />of Lot Six (6), Springdote Subdlvlslan; thence running 589'33'10"E, on the
<br />southerly line of Springdale 5ubdlvislon, a dlslonce of Twa Hundred Seventy
<br />Nine and Six/y five Hundred/hs (279.65) lea/, to the sou/heos/ corner of !o/
<br />Nine (9), Springdale Subdlvlslan; lhenco running 500'00'16"W, a dlslonce of
<br />Sixty (60.00) feel; /hence running 589'33'52"E, a distance al Ihres Hundred
<br />£Igh/y Four (384.00) feel, to a po/n/ on /he eos/er/y /!ne of sa/d lo/ One
<br />(l), /eanelle Subdlvlslan; hhence running S00'Oq'40°f, on the easterly line o/
<br />Bald Lof One (1), Jeanelle Subdlvlslan, a dlslonce of Ff/fy and Elghleen
<br />Hundredths (50.18) teal, to Iha Saulheasl corner of said Lol One (f),
<br />Jeanette 5ubd/vIslan; lhenco runntng N89'S9'll "f, on the southerly 8ne o/
<br />Jeanelle Subdivision, a distance of Thlrly Nlne and £ighty iwo Hundredths
<br />(39.82) Jae% to the saulheosl corner al Jeanette Subdlvtston, and to a pain/
<br />on the epsl Rne a/ sold Saulheasl Quarler o/ the Northaosl Quarler
<br />(5Fl/4N£I/4); Thence running 500'00'05"f, on the east line of said
<br />Saulheasl Quarter of the Narlheasl Quarter (SEl/4N£1/4), a dlslonce of
<br />Three Hundred four and S!x/y Seven Hundredths (304.67) les/, /a /he pant
<br />of beginning and canla/ning 5.886 acres more or less.
<br />Chplrmpn ate
<br />Approved and accepted by Iha Cily of Grand Island, Nebraska, Ihis~O~`
<br />day o/ ~~`cta~, 2009,
<br />' l6G~~ ~ ~,~~
<br />Mayor ~-~~~ [~ er~•
<br />~{°`^ ~s:
<br />(Seal) rl y' ~` ~,~ ~`.
<br />_ U;
<br />a'~s ~, ~,,, f •. .
<br />... ,}M~
<br />Qedlcatlon
<br />person, being the owner of the land described hereon, has caused same to
<br />be surveyed, subdivided, plalled and designated as 'SPRINCOAL£ THIRD
<br />SU@0/VISION' In the Clty of Grand Island, Nebrosko, as shown on the
<br />accompanying plat fheraol, and does hereby dedlcple the slraels as shown
<br />/hereon la the public for Ihe/r use /orever, and the easements, !f any, os'
<br />shown !hereon /or the lacotlan, conslrucllan and malnlenance o/ public
<br />service u11/It/es, /ogalher wllh the right of ingress and egress /hereto, and
<br />hereby prah/b1//ng /he p/anling v/ Trees, bushes and shrubs, or placing o/her
<br />abslrucl%ns upon, over, along ar underneath the surlace of such easements;
<br />and Iha/ /he /aregaing subdivision as more par//culorly described /n the
<br />dascrlphon hereon as appears an Ihls plat is made with the free consent
<br />and in accordance with the desires of Ehe undersigned owner and proprietor.
<br />!N W/TNESS WHEREOF, /have of//xad my signalura hereto, al Grand /sspnd,
<br />Nebraska, lhis~doy o/ Qt~bar 2009.
<br />aren J. re suer
<br />