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<br /> • ' TOGETWER WITH ail the Impi»vemente now or he�raafter errtoted on the property, nn n easemante,appurtennncaa, end
<br /> fixturos now or he�eaftet c�pnrt ot tho property.All rcpi��amc�ntn nnd add�flot�e ahell al�o bo covetcd by thln Security Instrument, �{`
<br /> � All oi tho torcpo!np Is retcrrd ta In tiila securiry Inotnimnnt nn thn 'Pro}ierty.'
<br /> OpFiAOW�:R CUV�NANT9 thnt Borr�wcr Is I�v�(ully ocl*od ef thn catnQq h�reby conv�ycd and hno tha rlght to prant and
<br /> r,onvoy tho t'�operiy and that tha Pro�►ariy I� unencumbered, oxezpt I�r nnnumbrances of record. k3orrower wair�nta and vrl:l
<br /> . �, deiend generaily the titla to lha Property apalnet all cslms end dnmt+ndci,oubJo�st w ariy eaoumhrunces of rewrci.
<br /> �.. �� THI9 BECURI7Y IN3TFiUtNtNi combines unliarm cov4+�Anta ta� nc,tlanal ura anci non unitor�i� cat�E�Y�ts tivith I!ml��
<br /> vertatlony by Judsdlctlan to conetHute e unitorm aecutlty Inatnamnnt covrxfn�raal�rapm`1y.
<br /> ._ ;� UNIFQRM CQVENAN73, QorrowK md lender covetnant end eproe Qa toilawa; �._
<br /> : '{,.� 1. P�ym�nt of Princip�l �nd In��r�st; RrapRym�nR�n�l L�t� Chwra��. Bo�TOwer shell prpmptly pay when P
<br /> �- d��H thn �dnr.lpal of c.nd Intereet on tha dnbt evldenaed by tha Noin nnd nny prap9ymant end Into chnrflea duv undar the Note,
<br /> _.�� 2. Fund�for Twc�a �nd Insura�a�. sub�aat to eppilnablc�Imv or t� n wdltnn walver by Lendar,8orrowor shaii Psy -
<br />°ti Yr.;.� to L�der on the day monlhy paymenta ue due under tha �otc�, unttl thn Notn Is ARid In full, a sum ('Fundo")tor. (aa yearly __
<br /> "�. . texee md�se6semente whlah may ettnin pdotlty ovor thln 8ncurity Instrument eq e timi on the Property; (b) ysarty lonaehcld _
<br /> � paymente or ground rente on ihe Prope�ty, I} eny; (n) yoarty hazard or propmq�►nsumn�e premlums; (d) yeerly flood Insurance _
<br /> , . premlume,If any; (e)yoerry mortgsge Inaurenr.e prrsmium�,II�ny; and(t�eny numa pnycUln by Borrower to Under In accordance _
<br /> .�a� with the provlslane of paragreph B, In Ilou ot tha pnyment of martg��n Insumnae prr.miuma. These ftema are called "Escrow
<br /> "' i Itema.' lender mey, nt eny tims, coBoct and hald Funde in en emaunt nnt to exceed the maxlmum amount a lender tor e =
<br />:-3s?!� � fade+�lly reieded mortgAge larn may requtra tar BoROwsr'a escrow neaaunt undey'ther federal Real Estate SetUerasnt F'rocadur��s =
<br /> ``.:i+ � Aat of IB74 ae�mended Irom time to timd,12 U.S.C.�?_604 e1 oeq. ('RESPA'), uNess another law that appiie� to th� Funds
<br /> :; t� , n�te e lease► amount. U so, Lendor mAy,at nny dme, cetlt�,^.t and hold Funds In an emount not to excr.sd thr�lesser smaunt. _
<br />- � , Lender may eatlmpta thA ama�mt of funda dua on the L�:ic+o} currnnt dets end teaeonable estlmntes o1 oxpenditures of f�ture =
<br />-�`�!� Escrow ftnme or othnnvlse[n nccordanau with eppl!csbls�iaw. --
<br />-- - 7he Funda ohsll bn hnld(n an Inhtitutlan whoae depaaito am innur[td by a toderei ngency, Instnirt:cfitality,or entriy Qncluding -
<br /> -- --= Londer, M Lender la sunh.an Ir�atitution) or in an�� Fedorni�9�mn l.onn,Banh. Lendar ahe11 ap�ly the Funda to pay the Escrow
<br />: - — Itema. Lender m�y not ch¢r:r� Borrower 1or haldinp en� aTr�4n� thfl FundH,annualy nnnlyifng the cacrow account, aT verifying
<br /> ��� tha Eacrow Item�, unlesa Le�der pays Boirowa tntu��s:n�thc� Fundo snd eppiicable law petmiie lendct 4o naka auch a -
<br />=- ° cherpa. How�►ver, Lender rtMy requiro Bnrr�war to p[q� m cv:.�a�ttmn ahnrge tor an IndeRendent raal eatete tax reportin8 eenrlce
<br /> �ti� used by Lender tn connxtic►n w8h thln htta�n, urtius� c4�NrahlB linv providea othenvise. Unleea an agreetnent la rtuide ar
<br />�� -'- npp.icebte law requires Interest to be pc!tt.L�iaAx shn3 noY ae requi:ed to pay Borrower any Interest or oaminga on the Funds.
<br />-- Bortower and Under may apree In wrking, hawnver,l�'c�j���tereat shall be pald on the FunBa, Lender she9 ghre to Borrower,
<br /> � w;thout cherge, an ennunl acuountinp of tii� Fund�,etTr:�,ihvg credito and dobita to the Funds and the purpose tos�vhloh each
<br /> - deblt to the Funds wu madu. The Funde are piadga!r�crc�dhlonRl secudty 1or all sums eecured by the Security I�sYrument.
<br /> -- 11 the Funds held by 4�nder exceed thn nma�mta per.r�fited to he hMd by npplicah(e {nw, Lendar sha!I�ccount tn Borrowor
<br /> --- tor tha exca�a Funds In aceordanen�v"h thn rtrqufmnente ot appS'.cabl5 l�w.R the emount oi the Funds held by Lendes at any
<br /> - time le not sufli^aent ta pay the Eacrow Itu:nn whern due,Lender may tio c�otHy Borrower In wriUng, and, In euch case Borrower
<br /> ---;� shsp pay to Lender th�amount neceasary�ro•m�ka up the deflclency. Borrowor aNnN mnke up ths deficlency in no more then
<br /> rivdve monthly p�ymentn,nt Lendw'e sok�discrctlUn.
<br /> Upon pnyment In fuV a}r.3A sume aec�ired by thla ��zeurity Inatrument, Lendev shall promptlyr retund to Borrower nny Funda
<br /> T s IlEld Dy ZOf1dOt. li� unda anm�q�aji�Zi� Ln��im w,ifin 7.v����"o�3'�.,��:�i�°iCj2...�'!`�.L�'!$�.�.'�.0!Z?1fl��!n�dc�t,.(nR n�a�lq n}ih�
<br /> = F4operty,shwN appy wry Runu:��Wd by L�.��er at the time of acqulsition or oale as n credit age{nst the eums aecurad by thla
<br /> -- 3�curity Inatrtimen�.
<br /> - 3. AppllCitlon �f r'Sy1ie0P1itl. L117IY99 eppllcible law provides othawise, d1 peynnenta rooehred by I.ender under
<br /> - pairnpr�pha 1 end 2 ehpY he�piled: ftrot,to any pio�,m�neM chergea due und�r the Nate; aecond,to amounte payuble under
<br /> panyrtph 2; thkd,to Int�n�st�due;Tourth,to pdnctpal d��e;�nd Iast,to any lete chergee duo under th0 Noto.
<br /> 4. Ch�rpos; Us�. Barrower ehaN pry �I tacen, �esoeamwnte, chprpea, finoe rnd Impoaklane nttdbutnWe to tha
<br /> Ptoperty whlah may attaln prloriry over thl9 Security Inatrument, nnd lesaehold peymente w ground renta, M my, Bortower sheN
<br /> pRy these abli�adons lei the m�nner provkted In parngnph 2, or B not peld In thet manner, Borrowor ahel pey th�m on tkne
<br /> dkecdy to the pereon owed psymen� Bortower eh�Y prompty tuminh to Londer�N noticn oi�mounte to be pald undK thla
<br /> �'�W p�rayraph. It Boirowx makea thene paymente dkectty, Ocrtow�r shaN prompUy tumleh to Lender rncdpta rrWa►dnp th�
<br /> psyrn�nte.
<br /> - 9orrower shW prompYly�diachnrpe any Uen whlch h�a prlority over thls&ecarfly Inetrument unleaa BortowN: (a) a9ro�a In
<br /> wrMMp to the p�ymant nt thy obNWUon secured by tha Ilen In a manner accepW>le to Lender; (b) contats In pood f�h ths
<br /> Hen by, or defende agsingt entorcemont a9 the I{mn In, lepal proceedhtge whlch In the LendeYo opinlon op��to pron�nt the
<br /> _.__ entorcement afi tfie Nar or(01 eecures 4nv�ihe hoWer ot the Ilen an �pr�r�ent u�Ushclury to I.�ndw eu6orclinatinfl th�li�n to
<br /> thta Sacu►tty IneAument. M lortder deterrtihes th�t any�eart ot the Roperty(e eubJ�ct to a Nai wh�h mny�ttYn(xwmy wer thia
<br /> - SsGurtty Inatrumer►t, Lenda�may 4hre Bortowa n e:oUuo IdenUlyir+p lhu Ik�n.BoROwer shel s�Urty the Ilan or t�k�onn or mnre ot
<br /> � tne�s�lone set torth�boro�vrihln 10 dsya of the giving mt:r�ot�ce.
<br />- --- 6. Hl�ntd or ��rt�l Itlsu�aQG�. Bortower�h� keep the tmprovemante now exls�np or here�fter erected on ths •
<br /> ,. Frop�rry Insi�nad ag�Inst loae by flro, hezuda Induded wlthM the temi 'extended cover�pe' �nd �ny othK hu�rda, Includlnp
<br /> Iloods a�r 11o0dtnp, far wh�h Lender requires Inaurance. Th(s Insurartce ah�N be mRkNaM�ed M the nmounte and for the pwlody
<br /> that Lendar requ&es. Th�hsur�nce carrler provldhy the InawYnce ehall•be choeen by BoROwor aubject to Lender'e�ppro+ral
<br /> wh{ch aheM not be unrenaonp��ty wRhheld. If Bortower faYe to maint�in covernpe doncribed above, Lender rtwy, st lendx'a
<br /> option, cbtain covatrpe t�+pr�tect Lender's dghts In the Propedy In accordence wtth ptira�rnph 7.
<br /> - AN Insuntnco poNdes �nd renawals ahaA be acceptolrle to Lender and ah�ll indude � sLr�dard matqage d�uae. Lender
<br /> __ . at�al!how the dght to hold the poYclea md rcnnwtls. It Lender isquV�e�,F]orrower ehaN prompty ghra to Lender aM rocelpts ot
<br />