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20100051'7 <br />SHERIFF'S DEED <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: <br />That, WHEREAS, at a regular term of the District Court o£ the Eighth Judicial <br />District of Nebraska, held within and far the County of Howard, Richard A Rosno, <br />B/D/A Rosno Bookkeeping Service recovered a Judgment against Robert Layher and <br />Zeta Layher for the sum of Twenty Eight Thousand Fifty Seven DOLLARS and Thirty <br />Seven CENTS ($28,05'7.37), plus past-judgment interest at a rate of 5.918% from March <br />22, 1999, and thereafter, and costs of this suit. <br />AND, WHEREAS, said Court finding defendants, or any of them, being in default <br />of the Burn owing an issued and Execution ordering that the property of the defendants <br />located in the County of Hall be levied upon, advertised and sold by or under the <br />direction of the Sheriff of Hall County Nebraska. to satisfy said Judgment. <br />AND, WHEREAS, the Sheriff as aforesaid, under and by virtue of the Order o£ the <br />Court, did, as duly directed, on the 2"d day of December 2009, at the lower lobby of the <br />Hall County Courthouse, 111 West 15` Street in the City of Grand Island, in the County <br />of Hall, having given due and legal notice of the time and place of sale for not less than <br />Thirty (30) days prior thereto, in the brand Island Independent , a newspaper printed in <br />and in general circulation in said County of Hall, sell the below listed premises at public <br />auction to Don Robertson, 3904 Calvin Dr, Grand Island, Nebraska for the sum of <br />Twenty one Thousand DOLLARS ($21,000), being the highest bidder therefore. Which <br />sale was afterward, at the regular term of said District Court January 22, 2010, examined <br />and confirmed by said Court, and the Sheriff was ordered to make a deed of said <br />premises to the said Don Robertson. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, I, Jerry Watson, Sheriff of the County of Hall, in <br />consideration of the premises, and by virtue of the power vested in me by law, do hereby <br />give, grant, and convey to the said Don. Robertson, his heirs and assigns, the premises so <br />as aforesaid sold, to-wit: <br />North 5b_3 feet of T.,ot Ten (1.0), Blork 48, Russell <br />Wheeler's Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall <br />County, Nebraska known as 1112 N Eddy, Grand Island <br />NE b8801 <br />with all the appurtenances thereto belonging, to have and to hold the same to said Don <br />Robertson, his heirs and assigns, and to them. and their use and behoof forever. <br />IN TESTOMONY WHEREOF, I have such Sheriff, hereunto set my hand this <br />day of .l /?-/U k tF 2 ~ . <br />GENERAI NOT ~~ ~ Nebrat1ia <br /> <br />Feb.13, znl i <br />