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<br /> 7'Y#I.i SI:C�I.�ltl"TY IN87'RUMI'sN'I' cumbir�c.; unifo�^m covenn�ts far m�tinnal ur.c nnc! nnn'uniform covanants n'ith �
<br /> Iimitc3�1 v�riuticma 13y jur�edic:tion to conatituto n uniPorm sccurity insttument coverin�rcnl pro�eety. _
<br /> U":.FORA4 C.(��I�NA NTS.Dorrnw�r nnd l,en�lsr covenant nnd ngrc�as follo�ve:
<br /> 1. Payment�r9 Principal md lntcrest; Propaymcnt�nd I..�te Ch�rges, Rorrower shull promptly p�y when du�
<br /> the principaa of�nti intorest an tha dabt evidencea by the Nota�nd any prepaymen[nnd lnte charges du�under the Nnte.
<br /> 2.Funde�f��r,1'axos and lnauranco,Subject to opplicable lew ar tn a writt�:n���Aivor by i.endor,porrower shall pay to
<br /> l..ond:,c�ot►thn de;}',nsanthly payment^nre due under the Nnto,until the I�Joto is paid in f ull,a sum ("Funds")[or:(u)yeaely =
<br /> tnxes and es:�•am�nts �Hhich moy attein priority over thie Se,curity Instrument as a lien on the }'roparty; (b) yearly
<br /> 1��s�h�tct peymn�la nr qraund rencs�n the Property,it any;(c)yearly ha•r,erd ar praperty insurance prem�ume; (d)yesrly
<br /> ilqnd inaurnnc�psemiurne,it any;(o)ycarly mortgoge insurancu premiums,i�sny;und(f)ony suma payebla by Aorrnwer
<br /> t� Lende+e,iit .acordanca with the pra+risianA of paragraph 0, in lieu of tlte payment ot martgage insuranr:e premiume.
<br /> Tk,:ue itt�ms a�a c�lled"Escrow Itema," Lend�rr mey,at any ttrrne, callect and hold Funda in nn amount not to exceed the
<br /> mRximum�mctunt a l�nder for a federally relnv:d mortgego losa may require fot Borrowar's escrow account under the
<br /> fe�eral P•mal E�tntn Settlement Proceclures Act of 1974 aa Qmended Peain ti�n�� to timc, 12 U.S.C, Section 2601 et seq.
<br /> (^li��p,A,"),:untcr�another lew that npplies to the Funds cetn a lesser amount.If so,Lendar may,et any time, collect and
<br /> hntcl'�unds in,c�n amount not to exceed the lesser smqunt.Lendor mey estimate the nmount of Funde duo on the basis of
<br /> aurrc:�nt ds�t€i ps�d reasonuble estimates of exp�ndiiure.s of future Escraw Items or otherwise in aGCOrdnnce�vith applicable
<br /> lc�w.
<br /> Th��uncle shnll ba held in an in�tituxion whose de�aits are inaured by a federal agancy, instrumentelity,or entity
<br /> (l�tcluditt�)�.endag,if Lender is such an institution}or in any Federal Home I.oan Bank. I.ender ehall apply tha Funds ta
<br /> pap tttn Escroiv items.Le�icier ia�y not cherg�Barrov�,.r fe�r halding and applying the Fun�ls,a�mu�llY unalyzing the escrow
<br /> ecrr.rou�t, or verifying the Escrow Items, unless L.en@er payo Borrower interost on the Funds and applicabto law permits
<br /> Lenc3sr tn mer�Fuch a chnrga. Howaver,Lender may rv�u�re Borsower to pay n one'time cherge 4or an independent real
<br /> estete tax raparti:�p servico used by L�ndor in connec4ion with this losn, unlass appliceble ta�r provides otherwise. Unless
<br /> an agreement 'ss mnda or applicable law requires interest ta be paid, Lendar shall not ba r�cc�uired to pay Bonower any
<br /> interest or aarning�on tho Funds. Borrower and Lender may a�ree in writin�, howdver,thflt�nterest chall be paid on the
<br /> Fun�3�Lender ahell give to B��rower,withuut chati•ge,arz amtual accountin�of tho Funds,showing credits and debits to the
<br /> Fi�nds and tho purpose for which esch debit to the Funcls was made.The Funda flre pledged as additianal security for all
<br /> sume secured��this 5ecurity Inatrument.
<br /> It the I�u±ids held by Lender exceed the amounts permitted tu be held by applicable law, I.ender shall account to
<br /> Borrowor for t4�e excess Funds in ac�ordence with the requirements oP applicabla Iaw.If the amount of the Funde held hy
<br /> Londer at eny time ie not suffii-�ent ta pay the Escro�v Items when due, Lender mey so notity Borrawer in writing,and,in
<br /> suclt CASO �o['tvwcr isnnll poy i�I..�ild�, :h:, a:noLS:L".tx�-°°t'�*�' •"•'°!�" '!r tlu�.]rf�riFncy. Rnrmwer shal! tn.ak� up the
<br /> dePic:iancy in no more then twelve monthly payments,at I..ender e sala discretiosi.
<br /> Upan psyment in full of all sume securcd by tl►is Security InRtrument,I.ender ahall promptly refund ta IIorrower any
<br /> Funde heid�y I.eader.If,under paragraph 21,Lander shall acqnirc or�11 tho Property,l.endnr,prior ta tha acquisition or
<br /> salo�t tfie 1'ra�:rty.shall apply eny Punde held by Lender at the Yim�e at acquiaition or snle ae a credit against tho sume
<br /> secct�red�y this Saounty Instrumont.
<br /> 3, Appli�,asioa of P�ymonts. Unless applicable lt►�v provid�otharwise, al! paymenta•received b;r L.endar•undar
<br /> gnrsgriphs 1 end 2 ehell be eppliai:tiret,to any prepayment aharges due under the Noto;secand,ta amounts puyubla undar
<br /> paragraph 2;thied,to interest duo;fourth,to principal due;and Isst,to any late chergas due undor thn Noto.
<br /> 4. Cher�bs; �.iens. Bonower shall pay all taxes, ass�smente, charges, finas and irapositions sttributable to the
<br /> Pra�rty which may attain prioriiy over thie Security Inetrument, and leaset�nld payments �or gcound rent�, it eny.
<br /> 13oi:r�wer shall pay these obligatione in tha manner provided in pasagrapl�2,or if nqt�aid in that manner,Borvower shall
<br /> pay them on time dirxtly to the persan owed paymont.Hurrowcr shall promp2ly furnish ta Lendcr ail nazlces af amou,nts
<br /> to be paid under ttus paragraph.If Barr�wcr make�thesc paymente directly.Borrower shel!p;omptly fur[ifsh to Lcndcr
<br /> r�ceipts evidenoing the paymente.
<br /> Borrower$hall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over thia Security Instrurnent unles.�Aorrowor; (a).
<br /> agi�::s in writing ta 4he payment oi the obligation s:eured by the lien in n manner ncceptnhle ta i.ende�r;�tb}contests in . ,.
<br /> gaad taith the lien by, or defends egainst enforcoment uf the lien in, legal proccedings which in the Lsnder's opinton
<br /> oIx+rate to prevent the enPorcement oi tha lien;or (c) �ecurca from.tha holder of the lien un agreement satisfactory to -
<br /> Lender subordinating the lien to this Security Instrumant.If Lender dotarmines that sny pnrt of the P'roperty ie subject ra e
<br /> lien which mey attein priority over this Sxurity Instrument,Lt�ndor muy give Borrower e notica identifying the Sien,
<br /> Borrower shall satisfy the lxen or tako ono or more of the actions set forth abovo witliin 10 days of tha giving o!notico. �
<br /> S. H�zard or Pcaperty Ineueance.Borcawer ohall keep the improvements no�v existing or hereufter erected on�hc
<br /> Property insurad egninst lo.se by tire, hozerda included w�thm the term "extendeci covorage" and a�a� ott►er hazerda,
<br /> including il�ads or flnoding,for which I.,ender requiras insurance. This insuranco ehall ba maintained in the amounta and
<br /> far the periods thnt I,ender requires.Tho insurance carriar providing tho ineuranca shell ba chosen by Iinnbw�r�ubject to
<br /> I.ender's apprn�el whiah shall not be unteasonsbly withhold. If Borcower fails to maintain coverage described above,
<br /> Lender mny,at I.ender's option,obtain coveruga to protect Lender's righta in tho Property in accordance w'st1�paregraph 7.
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