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<br /> 9. PoU���crZO. �orrov�cr r.proo� 4o mntco oll pnymonta an tho cacu�ol dtbi vn�a�n d�w. Unluae �nrwtivor onA` nn i o thuiwis3, nny
<br /> pLyments Landor rocaivus from Harrowor ur tar �orrowur'a bo�afii w:!� U�u�p14P:1 t's<r,t to cny crnounto Lorro��JCr o��rc�o�tho occurncl�2c�ht
<br /> exctuslve of intsrest or pri�lclpal,KslCOnd to intoresi,aMl tha to pdnC!�e1.It p€+�t cd ptcvA�Yment af iho aecurod dobt or.r.uro fnr ony roeson,It v�i!I
<br /> y,�_: not reduce or excuae any scl�duNdbaymeAt un4144t►�[rtur deGl l�.{�r.!ci on tii�.
<br />-- -.^.��. � IILJ�JM�I\{ in�.�..L
<br /> 2.Cl�im�Ap�in�t Tid�.Borr N U t�u{q�eft�s e�ce,anci otht�chtrnaa uttiitarta�d9 to the property whetii duo and will def�nd tftia i -
<br /> So the prope ap alnac�g,� ��i!(?t�1Kt{y��p�w 11f o4 th)s dnad o}uurt.(lt:tt4�r m8y requiro Borrowe�to easipn eny riphte,cla!ma ar `'
<br /> r;,� @e}cnse�whi�Uorrower may�iava�peln��pa7tlA'!Vilf16�uppty li�:wt o7 ms+torltRs to I:apspyG ar mainteln the property. !,,
<br /> , r�;
<br /> ,nsurence polic�iae��tleel lilcludb e aiandard morYt p�a�arcla+:w�in 4�vm o4 ut�r4 fl��Lta;3t��116ntnBmnd nn lass pn�on er�R�t110 insueed m Bnny�au h �.���..
<br />. t;�." insurance policy.Any in�uranco procend�m�y Ar eDpU4d,withln 4endM'e dt:tcsMitm,to aither the ro�tontlon�r retp�dr ot the dema�yed��rop�rty _=-
<br /> or to the securod debt.II Lender raqulrea mortpt+dr Imurance,Barrnwaa�ylrrts�N tm m��ntain such Insurance for+n lonp e�I.enQer requkos. �,_
<br /> Y�� �-*� 4.Propaty.Barrower wfll keep the property in pood condi4lan Anti mt�6to aJ tnpP:re reesonebly necoosery.
<br /> --��++ 6,Facpon�u.Eorrower e�roes to pay e�l Len�er'e expensc+s,fnc!u�ltnp rna�uneble ettorney�'feee,if Dorrowor braako ony covonnnto In thls deed ����
<br /> '- � � � �• of truet or in eny oblipatlon sesurotl by thla dced of t�uct.Borrawr,r wil!pny these emounte to lender ae providod In Covonnnt 9 oi this deeA o} `'-
<br /> ,., �, tru�t. �t�
<br /> .•�:-
<br /> 8.Pda S�curity Intenb.Unleas Borrower ftrst abtnins lmn�ltrr'a w�tttfln cas►4c�nt, Borrowor will not make or permit any chonpoa to any prlor �,�•`
<br /> , .= '� aecurlty interoate. Borrawer wEll pertorm n0 01 Borrowr.r's ob;ipetions un�¢r, any prior mortflapo, doed of truat or other security eproamflnt, --
<br /> includtny Borrnwer'e covenante ta meke payments when aiuo.
<br /> 7.ARSkmm�nt�f R�nU�nd Protlts.Borrower assipns t� Lt�is1a��i:a ronto un p'aSitn of ths proporty.Unlose Borrowor and I.onAor have uprAed
<br /> �� ocherwfae io writlnp, Borrower may colloct and mtnin thr rn�:r�i ns tan0 ea�carpwcr i.s nut In dafault.Ii Borrowor dofaulto,Londor, Lontter'�
<br />�:i•. apent,ar o ceurt nppointed receivor m�y teko pesssaston anu��anaflo tha p-n;,�np tinJ coitect thn rento.Any�ontn Londor collocts sh�l! ba
<br /> 'h'.' apptied first ta ths+custe of managfn thp praFBtty.Inclu6ing ��ourt costG Nisl nttarnays' foes, commiss[Qns to rental agonte, end any ottwr
<br />- �; necesa�ry relutc+d�:�7znsas.The romr�niny am�um af rnnce�vill t�en apaly ta��ants on the aecurod debt en provfdod in Covsnant 1.
<br /> ���.G +
<br /> , 11.I,.�:h��s Catt@cm'rt's.me;F'!�n..r+e.+Urri f1EK*.Wj.4n►�!*x t�ar•rx�wvr egrdaa to comply v�ith tNea provislonn of ony teese if thiz doed of trust Is on
<br />`'';�%"�� r�Ir�a;3tieid.I�thia deed of truat le on e unit in.a condwrc�ium or s ple�med unit devetopmant,Qorrawer wiil porform all of 8orrower'a dutiee
<br /> -y�-- uc„yor tA�a covanantt,bydawa,or�egulations of tha candtr�n,Tisrm•or planned unit devotopms�aR.
<br />--��_-��:
<br />''Kt�'.� 9.lduYno�ity af IL�dn to P�tto►m Por Rorrow�s. If Oarrmva�'taDs to�perform eny ot Borrcwer'a duttns tmdor thic dotd of uunt, Londer may -
<br /> `'}���� periorm Me du'nbs or c�use them to Ue perfarmsd.I.enc'er may oipn 8orrower'e neme or pay rny amount If nneessary tar portormanae.If any
<br /> �'-� � censtruction cn tMp►operty la discontinued or not carr`ed on in e reasonPba menner, Lender may du whatever ls necssserv to protect Lendor'o --
<br />"r;,;��,�' eucuriry Intereat in the property.Thia mcy Include complet{op H►e canstruct3:n.
<br /> � Lmndoi a failure to perform will nat prectude Lender from er.os�u�r�;ng eny of Ite other riphto uncJar the law or thla deed nf truo4. --
<br />°:.���'• �,
<br />==-•- �Anf!amounta paid by Lender ta ptotect I.ender'�secudt1r f��tc�roat wfll be se�ured by this daod of trust.Such amounte wiA be dus on domcnd __
<br />_s,�.� and wlll hear interest from the date o}the payment until paid in full at the tnterest rate fn offect on the secured debi.
<br /> t'`, 10. Wh�eitt�nd Accsie�tlon. If Borrowev tell�to meke eny payment when due or breeks my covenente undor this deed of truat ot any
<br />�—�--���.•'irs;;; obHpation secured by thla deed of tivat or any prior mortpepe or deed of trust, Lvnder maV eccelerate tho meturity of the secured dnDt end
<br /> -= �emand immedtate payment and m�y invoke tha power of eete and any other remedina pe:mitted by epplicablo iow.
<br /> -°--""���� ..r.-_ M.: :o ....•�rw�: ,,ie � oo�t�,a �,� ,nei aaln ha sent ro each neraon who ie e Pa►N
<br /> --.a aa.�:,�,�:.��:....,....�s c. r, r��sr,r:��;:w �.,c...e c.�.�nnu�__ 3_.s:..._.
<br /> Toroto,et the eddteta of eech�uch pe►ean,ae set torth herein.
<br />-s-�a�� 12.PowM of SM�.if Me Lender invokea the power of sale,tho Trustee ehail firet recwd ira iho office of tho re�piater of deads of eaeh county
<br /> whereln the truat property nr some part or parcof thoreof Is situated e notiae of defeult coMainln�the informotion required by law.The Trtista9
<br /> - ��� shsl! alw miil co►�ea ot ths notice of dofuutt m the Borrowe►,to oach po�oan who Is a party hereto,end to other persom as prsscribed by
<br /> �=`;� epplic�ble law. Not les�than one month after the Trustee �ecords the notice af detruB, mr two months ff ths uuct property is not in bny
<br /> tnca►poreted city or vill�pe end Is used in farminp operetiono cnrrleQ on by tho truetor,the��'eustee chell give pubiic notica of nale to the persone
<br /> -- �nd in the mmna prssCrlbed 6� aqppiiabie lew. Trustoe,wrl�tout domend on E3anower,eTa�ii�oil tho property at pubtic�uctlon to the fdyhe�t
<br /> bidder.If rsquired by i�e Fartn�omeste�d Protaction Act,Tnietoe shall offor the property i�o 1►�:o separete s�ks es requ�rod by epplicabb law.
<br /> Tn�ctee may postpone ule o4 att a eny percel of the properl�o by Dublio ennaunr.ement 3t iho zima und place of any previously acheduted s�le.
<br /> _ Lendor or ite dealflnee m�y purchaae the property et eny saie.
<br />� Upon ncetpt of payment oi the price bid,Tru�tee shau da�'sver to the purchesor T►uttee'e deocl conveylnp the properry.Tho►ocitlats containad In
<br /> Trustee's doed ehell M pr1mA fec�e evidience of the wth of ths stetamente contelaed therein.Truatee sh�ll eppiy the proceed�of tM saN in tIN
<br /> — toiit,wlrp orda: l�) to ell exponse� ot the sale, ineludir�, Aut not Iimited to, ress�nthlA Truttee'� fee�, re��onabl� attornay'� ta� and
<br /> r�instetoment fea;(b)to ail cumc securad by thla doed af e.uirt,c�nd(o)the ba!ence,if any,tu tha pusom Iep�liy enthiM to recetve it.
<br /> — 13.Farneb�un.At Lender'e option,this deed of truat may Qt�Poreelosed In ti�mmner provid�by sppilcebN law for forecfosure o}mtxtpsy�r
<br /> on reat proparry.
<br /> 14.In�oYCtlon. Lsnder may enter the Froperty to Inapeat tt if Lender pivea Borrowor e�otice beforehand.The notice muat stato the�e�ionabie
<br /> Ceuce fa lenJer'�incpection.
<br /> "—�—� 16.Cond«tw�tloe.k3orrowar eisf na to Lender tha proceeda ef any ewnrd or claim fnr dome+qo�conneutnd wiU�o co+�emnatlon or othsr taklnp -
<br /> of�11 w eny put o}the prop�rty.�uch proceeds will bs applied n provided in Covena�t 1.Thfs asalgnm�nt I�subJect to the te►mt of my prla
<br /> security�qneme�t. •
<br /> = 18.YVhirir.By exevctsinp eny romady evaflaGle to Lender,Lendar doea not gfira up eny ApMt to leter uae eny othsr romedy.By not oxercisir�y
<br /> __ �ny remedy upon Borrowe►'�defwlt,lender does not walve eny ripht to late�conslder the event a dei�ult if ft hsppens ayafn.
<br /> 17. Jotnt�nd S�v�ral��� Co-�iy��; S�accstwra �nd Attlpi»sound. All dutiea undx chis d�ed of t►ust sre (o+nt and �ev�nl. Any
<br /> Borrowe who co•atpna thie cleed of Vust but doe�not casfpn the undsrtytr� debt tnstst�mentls) doei �o only tn Qant�nd convey th�t
<br /> - Bor�ow�r's Intsrest In ths p►oporty to the Truatee under thn te:ma ot thid desd of truet.In a6�itbn euch o Borrower egeorns�het tho L�nder and
<br /> � eny otMt Borrower unda thb deed of Vu�t may exdnd,mudti o�meko�ny othar chanpes tn t�ie term�of this desd of uust or ths cscured
<br /> debt without that Barowar's concent�nd witfiout rebasinp thst�rrow�r from the tsrms of thb deed of trust.
<br /> — Th�duti���nd benefito of this dsad of vu�E ahail bind and benefit the�ucceaaors end eoslqns ot Lender and Bo�•awer.
<br /> � 18.Notico.Unlesy oth�nwi��requir�d by I�w,any noUce to Borrower�hail bu ptv�n by daiiverinq it or by matlinp It by certitlad mail�d�lressed to
<br /> — --- 6aro►ver et tM propeny nddre:s or onY other eddrese thet Borrowe►haa qiven to I.ender. �rrower w�li qtve eny notics to Lendor by cortiiNd
<br /> mall to L�nder's addreio on pape 1 of thls de�d of truct,nr to any other eddres�whiat�LsnOar has d�elpn�ted.Any otlbr rtotice to lendsr stuU _
<br /> ---� be sent to lerxfer'e eddress es steted on pa9e 1 04 this deed ot Vuet. _
<br /> �W�� Any nc�tice�hell be doemed to have been ytven to Borrower or G.�nder when pivon In the m�r.ner ateted above.
<br /> --- 19. 7t�fatw of tM P�op�rty or�D�11dd Irrt�r�tt In th�Borrow�r.It a{i or any pert of the property or any(nterest In It!e sold or transferred
<br /> _—_ without L�nd�r's prbr writton conso�t, Lender msy demend immediato papment of the secured debt. Lender may aleo demand Imrn�diate
<br /> —� p�yment if tM Borrower ta not a naturel person end o bene�ic�s1 Interost in the Borrowar It sold or uenaterred. Ho�vaver, Lender may not
<br /> _ _�� demand payment In the�bove ettuatlons If It is prohibited by fodnrol law es of the dato of thla deed of truat.
<br />--� �� 20. R�ea�wy�nc�.When the ablipitian secured byr thfa dead qf trust haa been patd er�0 llonder hae no further oUli�a'tinn ao make advancas
<br /> ���� under the instrummts or epreemente Fecured by thb deed of trust, the Trustee ehaif upon writton requeat by tha Lendar,reconvey the truat
<br /> property.Ths l.�nder ehail deliver to the Borcower,or to Barrower'B aucceasor fn intereat,the tru�t deed nnd tha note ot other ovideneo of the
<br /> '.._�� 1...�..���S.si.A M.....uu.1�.11 nw anv��nn�iliflnn�twf� -
<br /> __ _��� �..��.....��..�..��.�..��.�. �..�..r�'�"•'���'�'.._"_'_�' _.
<br /> � 21. Succ�s�et TtuttN. Lender, at Lond¢r's optlan,may remove Trustae end eppoint a successor uustee by firet, mallinp n copy of the
<br /> � 'r suDsUtutton of trustne as roqalrnd by opplicab�o law,end then,by tiqnp the aubstituUon ot�vW�toe for rocord in the oNlco ot tho ropietor o}deeds r=:
<br />- Av�'-�� of oach county in whi�h the Vus!property,or some part tAereof,ts sttuatad.The succossa�trustee.without comeyance ot the propnrty, shail -_
<br /> =;+��4hT1�4'�� succeed to ell the power,dutles,authority and title of Uw Trustee nnmed in the dcad oi truat and ot eny suocessor Vustee. :
<br />'��i,&�A.�+. --
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