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.20~ooo49f <br />200408721 <br /> <br />E7iHIB1T "A" <br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Southeast Quarter (SEl/4) of Section Thlriy Five (35), <br />Tmvnshlp Ten (10) North, Range Ten (10) West of the bth P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, being more <br />partkularly described as follows: With refertace to the Southeast corner of said SEl/4; tbtace running <br />Westerly oft an assumed bearing of N9U°UO'00"W on the South lint of said SEL/4 a distance of 579.OD <br />feet; thence NOD°00'UO"E a dlstanct of 33.OU feet; thence N9°36"Ob"E a distance of 473.63 feet to tbeactual <br />Polat of Beginning; thence continuing on aforesaid line a distance o[ 29'7.00 feet; thence N90°OU'OOE a <br />distatux of 115.00 feet; lhtnce 59°36'(16"W a distance o[ 297.00 feet; thence N90°QO'00"W a distance of <br />115.00 feet to the 1'otnt of Beginning. <br />AN U <br />A tract of land comprlsitg a part of the Southeast Quarter {SEl/4) of Section Thlt~y Fivt (35), <br />Township Ten (IQ) North, Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, and more <br />purilcularly described as follows: Beginning at a pout un the south line of said SEl/4, said pnlnt being <br />Thirty Three (33.0) feet west of the southeast cerntr of said SE1/4; thence running westerly along the <br />south line of said 5E1/4 a distance a[ MYve Hundred Furiy Six (546.0) ftct; thenct deflecting right 90°t10' <br />apd stoning northerly a distance of Plve Hundred (500.00) freq 14ence running easterly and parallel <br />to the south line of said SEt/4 a distance of Yire Hundred Forty Six (546.0) [eft; thence runoing <br />sunthcrly a distance of Fiye Rundred (500.0) feet to tht point. of begimniog, .laxcepting a trpct of land <br />more pariicttlarly described ip Warranty Deed recorded as I>trcutnertt Nn: $4-0113391. <br />FoR~11MCnm dY AYbnulAd RW RSV MMua~ N6. 1~."w:. 1!M OFM77 / OFN/7 <br />