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<br /> "�ruu�r�st�)tn cannectlon with condc!mnatwn ar othar taking ot t?�o Propsrty ar pah t3�sroal,os for convoyanee In If�u o1 c�.x�dsmnailor�.
<br /> l.�rr�ar E����be AniiUed et Ite optia��to cormunce,a�sar!n��prosocu:a tn i°�aHn neme nny ectN�n or p•roased�n��s,R�sct s1tiaW aSs,o
<br /> bo en�:°'r9 t�m�4o atitiy cnm;�raml�e or sotttamar�t in conne�t!un K'.:T�seieh te4s;r��or damaE{a.In tho event cdny po�tto�o?fJF�6�ro,p�34y�� __
<br /> so tsken or ci�.msfled, Lender�Pu�U have ti�a optfan tn Ite c+�a a��i e�:�:Ka"��r:cra?'on.tn appty nil cuc�ti pra:���a, c.,:�r G�c�u��:i;;� ��_
<br /> ther�ti�nm�ui cast�And expen�e�Inc�trred by It tn oonnectic,�wlth cuctt 6'rocsc�s,u�an any(ndebtednos�escured her�y en�d h�c��h -
<br /> :.��.;�:��.�,�:;t:r.::y c!'�"rr:!a�.�;i�cr,.;��"��•;'h o�M...i.,nn�ar mrh rlw�je:Nnn� tn ttw�rn�rnr�tinn nf the Pm!ssRy uoon�ueh e�n- `
<br /> ditbna a�LmndaV ml�y ck4et�rtkbs.Arty epp�4c�RdM�of PrOCe�9de�fo indebtedoess shsll not e.�ctend o�poot{�x+tt1�dus dRte of enY P�Y'
<br /> m�tx und�E q»Not�.qr p,�r��ny def�utt�xier or hanwnde+r.My unep�lied fuuxb eEv�ll be pald to'�ru�abr.
<br /> 8.p�rfa�m�nan by 1,�nt8�r.U�tl�+ooa.+mnce of�u►Event a!Default hereursder,or If am�act I;�taken or bQsl proceedirg
<br /> cta��r��a:,:��:�:::,1 r�::�'�:..N�C+'::ai�LCr�.i�s Irh:r_^t ln th�Pm?r.Ay,l.�rt+�r rnny[n Ite own c4sc�reHr��,L•�t wlttwut oMlgatlon to do so. �
<br /> snd wiltaut noHo�to a d`rnand upon Tnx�r��r�d witt�out nMssetnp Truator trom eny obtigatlon�do enY act which Tn�inr hae��etl
<br /> but f�N�d to da and mey aho do�uty Wher act It duerr�s nx�saery to prote�t the Qec�arttY hereo�. Ttustor shall�Immedi�atsh►upnn
<br /> de�nand tl�srMor by Lrrx7sr,p�y to Lender atl c�sRhi e�nd expeiscias Incurred autd siuns expend�d by Le.nder In conr�ocNr,n wflh the exer-
<br /> cle�by Lsnder of the fon�otnn�iphts.lop�tFte�r wflh Interoet thsreon at the defeuR�ato�srouided In fhe Note�which eheN be ac�Cied W
<br /> q�e��eecurod hanby.Le�td�r rhaA nat incur any UebEiiry becuune of�nything tt mny do a omit to do hnreundor.
<br /> 9. Wu�r�ws IA�Mt1�N1.Tn�eMr shall k�ep the P�opotly in corn�linnCe wilh a11 appl{cable laws, otdintuicos and repa�t�oeta
<br /> rotednp to Induatrl�l hypMne ar envl�nma�4r1 pmtecUao(eaSectivery�$torra�to hsrsln a,uu"Envfromm�nta]Ln�'�.Trustoi st��fi kvoA _
<br /> the Property irs9 irom all sunehuxne dmemed ta be hazarck�ue o�Wxic under eny Environm�ntal Iswe(coNxtively relerred t�n heruln
<br /> ae'Muxardcws Meturinia'�.T�untar heneb;wnrrente(ind roRroasntd to Lsmfer that there are no Hazardoua Matertafs on or wvbr the
<br /> Properry.T�u�lor he►sby etptees to Nxkimnif�an�!hokl harm{ess I.ender.ito dirsMa�,a�ficar�,employees end egents.end er►y succes•
<br /> soru to Und�s I�t�n�t,trom and agnlnnt anv and all ciatmo,dumapt�n,lunsas and IInhIllUas adeing in c�nnection with the preeanrs.
<br /> uae,die�wsv or V�n�oR of eny I�U�,eMouo A4ntuduts on,under.fmm a abQa�t fhe Property.TH�FORE(3QINCi WARRANTiES A"d�
<br /> REOQldl��lfN�E Q�i'M!6 L��EE!��FTR!lST. ._
<br /> 10.M�i�eb of F3�ntt�Trustor heraby nssEgrta to Lender,and grente Lender a securiry fntereat in,�i pcesent,tuture�nd
<br /> efter arlsinq ronb,le�uae snd pnnlite nf th0 PropeRy:prmiided ihat TPUdtor ehall,until d»occurronce of en�vant of Detault,heteundnr,
<br /> have the dphi to Cdlect and retaln such ronte,lasues and proffts es they hecnme due and payabte.Upon the occurrence of an Ev�nt o}
<br /> OefeuR,LorKbr may,sither In peraon or by ayent,wHh a without bdnpinp Any ecUon or proceeding,or by a reooiver appolntad t��a
<br /> oourt end witl�out reyard to thA adequacy ot ita secu�ity,enter upon s�xl take p9asession of the Property,or any pRR thereot,in its own
<br /> nune or In t�i nams oi tl�o T�n�oten,an�i do any scta whk�It deema noceasery or desirebte to preserve the vakie,marketablliry or _
<br /> rontabiNty ot tl�s Prop�eAy,ar any part thereof w Intereat therein,or to In�x+eaea the incorne therofrom or pmtect the e�curity hereof and. =
<br /> wNh or without taklrq posseeakrn ot the Property.c�w tor er otherwlse coilect the rents,fssues er�profii&tltereof,inaiuding those psat
<br /> dus and unpNd.by notKyin�tsnante tu mako{�aymente to d.en;ier.E.ender may epply rante,issuea�nd prafHe,less aoets and expens-
<br /> ad o}operatbn end coHer,fbn tncludirp Attomey's fees,to eny lndebtedness secured herebY�al��r►suah order ss L�nder mRy deter-
<br /> mk�e.The ents►ing upon and taWng posessefon oi the Property.Uw c;a�lectbn of euch renta�isauas and prottts�and the appUp�flon
<br /> thereof ea aMrbaald sheN not Cure or walve eny dafuuk or notk:e af default herounder or ImraUdaw any act dor�a in�reiponse da such
<br /> defeult or pursuant to euch notke of detauH and, notwittsstentl�ny ti►e continwu�ce in poss►�ssion vi ii�o Nii�niiy 3i��,:�i'io.�'s,
<br /> recefpt and appllcation of nente,issues or proflts,Trusteo and Lar►der�ha�he enWhd to axer�clae�vuty r{�ht provkied far in eny ot tl�e
<br /> Loan Inetrurnnnto ar by taw upon occurren�of any Event ot Detautt,includin�wlthout lirn{tntio�tho�iyht to oxendae the pow�rt.ot sals.
<br /> Furtl�,LemldPa tfnhte and renwdiea undar U�is paragraph shall 6e cumultt'tive with,and In no way a Iimitation on,Lerxb�'s ii�hta and
<br /> renxKflss under any asetprKr�ent ot lesae3�and rents neoorded against the Property.l.ender.T�uatee and ths rscefvpr�ahalt be ilabl�!W
<br /> ncoount or�ly 1or ttwee rortW c�ctuMAy r�ecefvorJ. _
<br /> 11,Ewny M p�f�dt The tollowfnq 4t►wll oonsHltrtd an Event of DetauB undar this Deed oi Truu: �
<br /> (�)Fdluro�o psy any katniknsnl4l,prh�af or fnterest ot any other eum secured herobr wSinn due;
<br /> (b)1►breech M or detault under erry provtsla�contained{n!ha Note.i�ds Deed of Trust.urrY'�ot t1�e Loan instruments�ot a►n'
<br /> othsr Ikn w encumbrance upon the pmps�iY:
<br /> (o)A wdt of executbn nr attachment o�Arry SSmUar process shafl b�entared epainat Tnistar wtach ef�aN beoorna a I(sn on
<br /> the PropgAy or any po►don thereoi or Interost tRaroin;
<br /> (d) shall be riled by or a�inst'Pn�ator or 9ortower an actlon under any present or tuture federal,etate or od�sr st�wte.
<br /> law or r�tk�n rok�tk►g to bankruptcy,Insohrency►or otl�er roliet tor debtors;or thero shall be r�ppofnted eny tnieke,r000ivsr or
<br /> Iiquidatur ol Trustor or gomnwer or oi alt or eny part of the Property,or the rents.lasuos or protite lhereor.or Trwlor or 8arewer
<br /> ehaN make emr fleneral eseipnment for the benefit of creditars:
<br /> (e)Tt»�.�e,tn!nelar�len+�e�Agslgnmxnt,c�aweyence or tu�ther er�cumbran�s of aN or enS►Pad a4 or ony inters�t in Ws -
<br /> Prop�rty.eHtwr votuM�tily or Irndunterily�without the exprass wntten conserM 0�!Lender,provkbd th�4'nustnt ahaid M ptm�it-
<br /> ted to:execute s leaae ot d►e P�peity that dosa not contain en opUon W purchase and the tert»of v�d�es not exceed ono
<br /> y�,�r,.
<br /> , {n Jlbendoeunent of the PropeKy;or
<br /> (q)lt Truator Is not an IndividuaJ,the ts'suunce,safe,transter.asstgnment,cawayarx:e or er�cumbr�r�ce of more than(N a
<br /> oorporeHoai)a Mta9 of�peroent d ks l8sued and outetencliny etock,or(M a partnerohip)a tetnl af per. -
<br /> cent of parb�eroii3p interaets,or(ff�1(mtted Itabllity cor�}nany)a totel of percent ot the limited ifabAity compa-
<br /> ny in�er+OaAt tx vodnq�Ighta during the period thts t��qci of Ttust rema(ns e Uen on Me Propeity
<br /> 12,f�urx�e�N+�;Ace�iera�tlon tlpon DMautt.ln the e�rent oi any Everot of Defauk Lender may,without notke exoept as requiroal
<br /> by law.d�Clare aN tndsbtedne&rt sa;ured�c�raby b be due end payc�ble end the aarne shall thereupan becorrb due xnd paycible witl�-
<br /> out e�oy presenlment,demand;protest or notice ot arey kind.Thereafter Lender may:
<br /> (�)Demand t�t Trtultee exe�tse the Pa1NEA OF SALE gramed herein,and Trustee shail thereat4s�•r,aune Tnntor'e inlar-
<br /> est in the Pnoperty ta be sWd ar�d the proceecla to be dtstribu!ed,ell In the manner provided In Nse Neb�aa9ice Ttust Qeeita Act;
<br /> (bj Exencise any artd all ri�hts pravided iori�i any of the Loan I�atrumente or by larr upon occurronce ot eml Event of
<br /> DetewR:Md
<br /> (c)Cannwnco a��actfon to forectosa thio Depd o}Tru3t as n mortgage.eppQtnt a rece�+�r,or sp0citically ento�ce any of the
<br /> cova+�nts herooQ.
<br /> 4du rexr�erly laroln c�n0a�ecl upon or reserved to T��in or Lender Is intended to be¢+xClusive of eny other ren�v�neretn,in tl�s Loan
<br /> �nstrt�ne or by taw pr�vleted or pemtitted,but eacA aT�U be cumulaUve,ghali be in sddiUon to every other ro�rl��iven herounder.
<br /> tn the t.�a�In9t�uments or now or hereatter extsUng ut 18w or In c�quit�or by crttatute,and msy bo exerdsed cphcarter►try,h�dependently
<br /> a succeshrely.
<br /> ia Tru��.•.Ttw Truatae mav raslan at anv Ume without cauuo.and Londer may at any tY�a and without ca�ae appotnt�suc-
<br /> cessor or aubsiltute Tn�stee.Tniatee shall not be liable to any parly,Incl�ading wiffwut Itmitatlon Lender,�olrower,T�tar or any purL
<br /> r�aser of the Proporty,for eny loss or damage unless duu[o redciess or wEllful misconduvK,and shnll not be reqe�irsd to take any acNa�t
<br /> �t connection with ttre entorcement of thte Deed of T�ust unless Inclemn(fied,In writing,for a!I costs,cortspensntion or expenae�whicli
<br /> may be sssodatad therew3M.In eddidon,Trustee may became e purcheaer at arry sale ot the Property(judk�al or ur►der the powet o�
<br /> sale�ranted herein);�tpona the ssls of ell or eny purtlon ol tt�e Property,as pr�nvkled by law;or se�l dtie,Proporiy ss a whofe,nr tq
<br /> separate par�M or lotg at Ttuetee's discr�►tion.
<br /> 14.FMe�nd ExpNtoN.in the event Trustee sells the PropeRy by exerc.tse of power ot sale,Trustee shali be entltk�d to epply
<br /> eny oab{�roceede flrst to pr�yittont M eil cost�arxl expenses�f exem,iefnp power Qt sale,inctuding all Trustee's feee,and lender'e arxl
<br /> •7asteo's ariomey's tees, eatuc�►liy lncurred to extent permitted by sppl0cable law. In the event Borrower ar Trustor exe�+cise9 any right
<br /> provitied by law to cuse en C•Vti�t o}Qelautt,Lsnd�r shall be eniitlad to recov�sr irom Trustor ali coata end oxpenses ealuaNy Ir�cumed ae
<br /> a resuft et 7rusta'�defeult,lnctudinp witho�rt Itmfte,tiwi sll Truetee's end attomey'e tees,to the oxtent pertnitted by epplk�aDte law.
<br /> 1b.�utw�r Advana�.Upon requeat of Eorrower, Lender may,at fte opUon,make additlonal and future aslvAncee end read-
<br /> . vances to Barower.Such advances end readvances,with Interest thereon,sf�all be secured by this Deet1 of Truat.At oo dme shsN the
<br />