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<br /> y, pcy;;t��i¢�, porro+r�nr egreon ta mntco sll p�ymantn on tho cocurod dubt whon duo. Unloso Rorrower and Londor ngrao oth�rv�lso, ony
<br /> paymente Lende► recelves from �orrovror or for florrowu�'a bonofit will bo oRpllod flrnt to ony umounto Borrowor awoo on tha cncuroci dobt
<br /> ' not reduce or cxct i��y schiduled pwymnntimtll the secured debt le peld In tullpl prapuymont o}the socurod d�bt occure for ony roaeen, It wlll
<br /> �..
<br /> : i'.- --` _
<br /> � 2.Cl�lm�ApNn�t Ttti�.Borrower will paV eii i�xue,ao:vscmardo,s�d r.ih�r ahssZea a:!rl�utebl8 te+h�nrnoerty v�hen duo ond will defend t(tle _
<br /> -� datenese whtch�BOrrowrr miy�llivi ipe ntt p�t I�Pwho aupply lahor o�r materlolr to Impro�va or m�elntaln�therprapertyeselprt eny rlphte,r.lelme or
<br /> � 3.triaurax�. F3orrower wlll kaep the proparty Inaured undor terme ecceptebte to Lender at Borrower'e expenee and for Landar'e beneflt. All
<br /> Insuronr.n�aticles ehall include e etenafard moit ape clouze In favor aT Londar.Lcndar wlll @o namcd co laao peVee or ee tha Insured on any euch
<br />_..�m� 'T In�uranGe potlay.Any Inairsnce proceedi m�V�e applled,wlthln Lender'�dl�cretlon,to alther the reator�tlon or ropalr ot the demaped proporty �
<br /> _-" or to the oewred debt.If Lender roqul!sa mortpape Insurence,8orrower egrees to malntaln euch Insur�nce for e�long ee Lender roqulrea,
<br /> -'�"�`' 4.ProMRy.Bortovror wlll keep the pro�erty In flood cand(tlan and make ell rno4trg reasonably necessary.
<br /> • �� � of Vust or�in any obllQetlon necured by thls deed o}Trunt Borrower�wlll pay these otmuu ts to Lender�ea provldedkn Covonant 9�of thlahdeed of
<br /> -`'%•�� trunt.
<br /> �'�
<br /> ���•� 8.Prior B�curify Int�nat�.Untosc Borrowor tlrat obtalns Londer's written consent, Borrowar will not mako or pormlt ony changoa to any prlor �
<br />�`t.�' `' security Intsroas. Borrower wI{I pertorm atl of Borrowor's obllgetiona under any prl�r mortgo4le, dend of trust or othar securlty apreement, _
<br /> ,W�'.<<';s' Includiny Borrower'e cavenente to meko paymento whan due. __
<br /> *�+,f; 7.Asdpnm�nt of R�r►t��nd Proflt�.Borrowor assigns to Londer tho ronts and profite of tho praperty.Unleas Borrowor and Londor havo ngree�
<br />.,�:y.... 1a
<br />">a�,�•-; othorwise In vrr{ttn{1, Borrower may calloct and rotaln tho ront3 ua long as Borrower le not in doic�ult. If Borrowor dofaulte, Londer,Lendas's
<br />':_r�;f} agent, or a courC epDointed receiver ma tako posseaelon end msnago tho property nnd colloct tho ronts.Any rents Londor colloc�a"eaiS�bn _
<br /> °�,:,r=
<br /> necess�fry rel,ted expcnior f The rem�a,ni Xg amount of renie will then eppfy to peymente an the secured debt as provided In Covenan d�any athor
<br />':-�, �
<br /> -p � 8.L�IIaW�101C�ii7 Ca-�do���t��Sun:;E't�sr.�J 1l:��eaoFmente.Bonowo►agreea to cosn�ly with the provlslona of any teese If thla daed eL trus3 ia on
<br />-�°��!'�i a leasehotd.if tRf�deod of vuot fe on a unit in a�condominlum or e ptenned�ni2�nvelopment,Borrowe►wltl perfarm eIl of Borrower a ctutlas
<br /> --_�-�;f under tha covonqntn,trydawi,o►repulations ot tho condomfnfum or plenned urnt�tnvalopment.
<br />' ."i�'d.. 9.Authorlty of Londsr to Peform tor Borrowu. Ii Borrower fafle to pertorrn eny of Borrowor's dutles under thls deed ot trust, Lender mny
<br />:�?'���;7; = parform the dutlos or cause them to be per4om�ad. Lender may slpn 8orrower's name or pay a�ny amount It nacoseary for per4ormance. If ony r
<br />------- construatlon a�the property la discantinued or not oerrled on In e reaeonablo manner,Lendor m�y do whatever la necessery to protect Lender's .
<br />-����� security Interest In the property.Thle may Includo aompletln{�the conatructlon.
<br />'_�,�� Lender's telture to peHorm wlll not preclude Lander?rom exerclatng any of Its other rlghto undoi tha taw or tlils deed of trust. �
<br /> � enA w U bear�lntereat fromt hetdnte�o4 iAe peyment untll pald ln full at�thoBlnterostrete in�eNe�on the secured�dobt unts will be due on demand
<br />'-W`.� -
<br /> _� 10. D¢hult�nd Acc�Ia�don. If Doerower felle to meke eny payment when due or breake any covenants under thl� dood of trutt or e�y
<br /> r��� obllpatlon secured by thfs deed of trust ot eny prlor mortgago or daed of truat, Lender mey accalereto the maturity of tho securod debt and
<br /> -_- demend Immediats payment and may invoke the power of eele ond any other romediee permltted by eppllcabld lew.
<br /> pL�� �i.K�qu�ss fov eiouc�oi D.iiw,ii.ii ie i-�ara�q sat�uos.a8:hst�p:ss oi'h°r•^*.1^-A°^f d^fn�dr end ssle be eent to eech pereon who IB e party
<br /> .,,R;� hereto,at the sddresa o!each suoh peraon,as sot forth hareln.
<br /> - 1T.Pow�r of 6r�.If the lender Invokea the power of sele,tfi�'frustee shall ftr�t record tn the offlr,e ot the replster of den�s ot each caunty
<br /> -` � wherefn the truat property a samo part or percol thereof Is eituated e notice of default conteining the Informatlon�aqulred by 1aw.The Trustee
<br /> �_4 shalf etso mafl coples of the notico 04 defautt to the Borrower,to each person who fe e party'hflrato, and to other persone at preecribed by
<br /> - eppllaaAte law. Not less than nno mpnth .wfter the Trustee �ecords the notice of default ar t�va monthe tf the truet property 7s not In �ny
<br />-----.,,,, incorpor�ted clty or vfllape end ia uaed In favming operotlona cerrled on by the tru�tor,the frustee ohall glvs publlc notice of sale to the perwna
<br /> ---- - and in the man�er preacrlded by epppltaeble law.T►uetee,without demand on Borrower,shall sell tho property et publio euctton to�Icab i�aw
<br /> °= Wddo�.If requlted by the Farm Homestead Protaction Act,Truatee shatl offer tho property In two seperate salea as requirod by app
<br /> Truetee mny postpone�ale o}all or any parcel of the property by publlc nnnouncemant at the tlme nnd pl�ca of any pravlau¢ly acheduled e�nlo.
<br /> - Landor or Its dnslpnee mey purchaso the property at any selo.
<br /> Upon recafpt ai p�Yment of the prlCe bld,Tructee shell dellvor to tho purchaser Tructao's deed conveylno the property.Tho rocitlal*contafned In
<br /> -- Trutte�'�de�d shtll Es�Ima facle evldlence oT the truth ot the etetemante contained therein.Trustee shell npply the proceeds of the�sls In tho
<br /> " raln'tee ent feei��14)to�all iumeaiecured by thla�deed of�truct and 1c1�hetbalo�ce Ift°ny,t�o he pereoni legelly entlt�ed to receive it.fes� �nd
<br /> � 73.Fa�doux�.At Lender's optlon,thla deed of truat mey be foreclosed In the mnnnor pravlde by eppllcable lew (or toreclosure oi martpapos
<br /> on rual property.
<br /> 1A,k�sp�nUae. L�nder may entar tho properry to fnapect It It Lendor plveb Borrower notice betorehend.Tho notice munt etato the reesonable
<br /> oavae for Lender'o Inapactlon.
<br /> 16.Cond�mn�dan.Borrower esslgn�a to Lende�the proeoeds of eny eward or elalm for demegea eonneeted with a condemnation or ather takfnp
<br /> u}ell or eny pert of ths property.Such proceeds wlll be epplled es provided tn Covenant 1.Thls asstgnmont is subJeCt to the torms of eny prlor
<br /> - sacurity�yreement.
<br /> •-� eny remedy upon Borrowe aydefaultd Lender doe,�not watve aoy ripht to Ieie9consPder ihe event n default It It heppens egolny' ey not exe�cl�trp
<br /> --� 17. Joh►t �nd S�vKd LIa6Nity• Co-slpnas: Succ�uas �nd A��lyn� Bound. All dutlet under thls deed of trust ere Jolnt and severel. Any
<br /> -= f3orrower who c�•elqns thla deed of trust but doee not co-slyn the underlyIny debt Inatrument(s0 doei so only to yrent and convey th�t
<br /> ° Borrow�►'�Interott In the property to the Trustae under the torm{ya ot thti deed o1 trust.In additlon,such e Borrower eproeo that the Lendisr and
<br /> � debt wlthout thit Borrower e�consent end witho�r le easing thai Borrowekr�from the tevm�of thla deed ot tru t thls doed of trust or the secured
<br /> - TM dutles and beneflts of thfa deod ot trust shell bind end benetlt tho suceeasors end easlgna af Lender and Borrower.
<br /> 1f.Notk�.Unlees otherwlae requlred by law,any�otice to Bnrrower shell be ptven by dellverinp It or by maflinp it by certlfled mell eddressnd to
<br /> - --'=J Bormwu at the properry addre�e or eny other addross thet Borrower hae given to Lender.Borro�ver wfll glve my notiae to Lender by certitled
<br /> m�tl to Lender'a eddreas on pape 1 ot thls dobcl of trust,or to any other eddrece whlch lendet hes detlpnated.Any otflet notlCe to Lendor ehall
<br /> ���;;,� be sent to Lender'e eddross as stated on pape 7 oi thls dned of trust.
<br /> ��"��� Any notice ahall be deomod tu heva boen glven to Borcower o►Londer when plven In the mannsr etatod above.
<br /> �—=--_-_ 'l�.T�rn�hr of tM Prop�rty w e BenrHciN IMeat In th�Qossmwor.If ell or eny part of 4he property or any Intarast in it Ic cold or Vansforred
<br /> - ° w�thout Lender'e Nrlor wrlttnn censont, Lendor may demend immedlate paymant of the secured debt. Lender mey elso demand Immodi�te
<br />-- °"==�Y:r'� payment if thn fdorrCwer ia�ot a natural parson and e beneticiai interest ln the Borrower Is sold or trensterred.However. Lendor may not
<br /> ,�_:,���� demand paymoroY cn 4he ebova eituattons If It fs prohibit�d by tadernt Inw ao of 4ho dute of th(s daed of truot.
<br /> � 20.Raonvsyanct.When the ob�lpotion securad by thls dood of trust hns �oo��aid,end Londor hns no tur¢hur abltflatlon to make ndvancos
<br /> '—� undar the Instrumente or egraomcnts cocurod by th�s dood of truct,tho Trusteo shall,upon wiitton raquant Dy tho Londar, roconvey the trunt
<br /> v-.�;,� prnporty.The Lender shell duNvor to tho Borrower,or to Unrrowor'6 cuccessor In Intorest,tho trust doed end tho noto or othot ovldonce ot tho
<br /> _.._u_ .....a..�...,.,.e.n
<br /> om�gLirim iv eeiia:iov.°v�..o:.a:o..a..���..;'0--.--"-••-----.
<br /> ���� suhsUt�ution of t us°e�es roqurod by epplicobta Pew and tfion b yfiling tho substltuiion of tiustco torrncore8 inethe oftico of the�roplstepof dce s
<br />��-��-'`-�`""u�' ot each coanty In whlch the truat propartV,or some part thereot,Is situatad.Tho succosaor trustoo,without conveyance of tfio proparty,sfia0
<br />"'�"�'"� succeed to nll the powor,duties,euthority and title ot the Tnistoe namod In tho daod of trus!end of eny eucceesor trustee. •• •
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