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<br /> Borruwer's eacrow acaount under tho fedem! Real Estate Seriiement Proceduro9 Act o!1874 a+a emended irom Urne to tlme, 1� U.O.Q. �•l:r
<br /> 2Q01 et geq. ('RESPA'),uNeso enother!aw ih�t eaptles to tho Funds eete a leaser amaunt. If oo, Lende�may,at nny tlma,colinc4 ond �:�.
<br /> D�otd F►mda In nn amaunl not to excecd tho lesacr amount. Lender mey astimaw thn amoum of tunda dua on the trasl3 01 cuis��nt dita
<br /> end re�aonobis estlnu�te�of expendit�{rea o1 tutura Eecrow Iterna or othe�wl�e In accordence�vith sppllcabl3 k«v. ,
<br /> 7he Funda eh�ll be held In an Instiiutlon whoee depnalte are Insured by e te�aral a�ency, Inatnimentatlty, or enfiry (Includinp< i
<br /> Lender, tl Le��dsP le auch an InEUtutlorJ ar Li Qoy Fede�al Hor��a Locn Br:nk, L�ndcr ehnf! ep�y the Funde to p�y the �ecrow Itrma. �y �i,
<br /> Lende rnay not chirpa BoiTOww tor hotdq�p ond appyinp the Funda,annuatry amtyr.t+�q thn oacrow nr,count, or verltyinp thr�Csarow 1 4
<br /> Item�, unt�u Lwnd�r paye BoROwu Intere�t an th�Funds�nd�ppNrable law prxmlte lmder t�mnke auah a chnrQn. Howwer, Lendnr � �;�`�
<br />� m�y ret;ulre Hor►ower to pey e dno-time ch�rnn tor sn {ndependant reel estate tax re�ortinp aeNloe uned by Lond+rr In connectlon with �,�`
<br /> thla loan, unl�ee�ppNcable law provl�en othe►vtilee. Unleee�n�preement Is m�de or�ppNable law r�qulno Intnraet ta ba�p�td, Lender � a��:
<br /> �:_.
<br /> ah�9 not be requked to p�y sor�ewer�ny Intsreat or e�minpa on the F�nde.Bortoww�nd Lend�x may aprae tn vrdtlnp, howe�rer.th�t -��;.
<br /> Intarest ehall ba piid on the Funde. Landar eh�ll ptve to Bortowa, wfthout chuga, rn onnual eccountir►p of th� funct:►, oh�wing N
<br /> credita�nd debftn to tha Funda [nd the purpoae tor whlch each dcrbft to the Funda wie made. ThA Fundsf ero pind�ad an edditlona) � ii;
<br /> security for all auma secured by thla 9naudry InAtrument. If
<br /> If the Fund�held by Lander exceed the emaunte permitted to be hsid by eppUcabie I�w,Lender eheH aaaoiint W Gu�ra�der for thn tl�' `
<br /> excess Funds In accordonca wNh the requkemente of �ppllcabl�Iff�v. (i the�mcunt o}thn Funde hnld by Londrx at an�r t[ma i9 npi � '
<br /> autticient to pay the Escrow ►tem�v+nnr� due, Lender may so nollty �artowar In wrHhg,and.In sunh cnae Bormwer shaA �a�to Lendrfr °�
<br /> the�mount neceasuy to make up the detidency. Borrower shnY rtsNm up the aePcle�ncy(n nn mcma thnn tvsoNo monthfy paymrtntn,ot �'�`
<br /> Lender'e aol�dlsa�et}an. _-
<br /> Upon payment k�Rill oi aN euma aecured by thls Security Inntrumant, I.endctc s?vay prvmplly refund to E�ttn:Yavr nnv Funda heid by '
<br /> Lender. N, under paragr�ph 21, Lender eh�N acquire or sell the Prapert��. Land�r7,pri�r to thn acqulsiqon or a�lo of the I'ra�rmt�i, ohall
<br /> epp�y e�y Funds hs�d by L�tdsr st tt�o timo of tcqulsKlon or a�Ee r�n cr�dlt�r.M 4he s��mn Aecun�d by this 3ecurttp Inatiun�Rr.t. ,
<br /> 3.4lpplica4lon of P�ym�ltt�. L'nlese�plicable liiw�rr���i�1es otlienrrise,all pttymt�sttti reaehrad ty Lender undur gom�rapha
<br /> t end 2 shRN be epp�ied:f(ret,to�ny prepayment chargea duo un�;�the tvule: second,tc�amounta pay�ble under perayri�+;� 2; ihkd
<br /> to interest due; fourth,to princlpel duo; end last,to any kte cherpos duo under E.°�J Note.
<br /> 4. Ch�rq�l; LI00�. Borrs�ra eMN pay aM taxoe, e�seaamente, cherge�, fi�ee end knpoaklone atUlbutebie to the Piropatyr
<br /> whlch mr�y Qttaln pdodty ovor thls 5��urily Inotruenent, and I��xsenoid payme��ta or grou�d �m:W, n o�y. Borroercr chell pay the=e �.
<br /> obB�Hons{n the rr�nner providai J�i parngreph 2, ar tt nat Ne:d U�i:�at r►Mnner, BoROwer ohall p�y them on dme dkectlY to the pxeon
<br /> owed�eayme�►t. Borrower ah�ll promptty Nmish tc� Lonrler ell nni;ae9 oi nmeunte to be pald undw thls parn{K�ph. li 8ortoww mdcea
<br /> theao p�yme�►ts direoUyr,Borrower sh�q promptly h�mish W Lender�ecelpte evidencl7d the peymaita.
<br /> Borrowe�ah�ll promptty dieoharpe a�y Aen whlch hae�riodty aver thlo 9eo�rriy Inetmm�nt unteee Bortower:(a)�pren In wrktnp to
<br /> ths p�yment of ths obll�Gon�acured by the Nen In� mmn�r o.ac�eptrble ta Lendar, (b)conteste In pood i�ith ths Aen by,or debnda
<br /> :�,.'�sS�!cs�s:�►i�!!he���,ler��ro��!!.�!which ir�thn lnnder's onhlon operate to prevent tha enforcement oi the Aen; ar(a)
<br /> saairoa lrom tbe holder of ths Ilen an �preement e+�Uatectory to Lentler suboMMUlt�p the Yen to thle 3ecurity Inadument If Lendar
<br /> dete�tt�lnoa theit �ny �rt of the Propxry b subJoct to a Iien whlch m+►y att�(n pdority over thit Security lnsVument, Lende may pivp
<br /> 8ortowa�noUce Identity�ny the Nen. BorrowK shsN satisly ths Uen or take cne or more o}the aations o�t fodh �bovs wkhin 10 clnys
<br /> of tha yi�ng of notke.
<br /> g. H�sard or Prop�rty l�st�vanco. Borrowa ah�il kaep the Improremente nMV o:�ladng or henattK erocMd on th�
<br /> Propwty Insurad�painat ba�by 1ke, huuda Micluded wkhin lhe tertn"extendad covenye'+nd Any other hnzvde,Indudlnp 1loode or
<br /> Ilovdfnp, lor whlch Landx requkea insuru�ca. 'ihle Insur�nce eh�H be mdnialned in ths unrurrte and tor the pedodm thst I.ander
<br /> reyuken. The innunr►ce oarrNr providinp th� ineunnae�h�ll ba ahosen by BoMOwer eubJ�ct to Lendw'e*pprov�l whtch ehaN not be
<br /> unroaennaby whhheld. It Borrawer t�lla ta mahtain covaage deacribed �bove,Lendar m�y.�t Lenda'e optlon,ebWn cove�npe to
<br /> prot�ct Lende►'e�fyhte in the PropeKty in accorduf�e wlth paropreph 7. • _
<br /> AN Inau►enee poMdse snd renaw�le eMll he�ccepUble to Lender�nd ehnN Indude�st�nd�rd mort�ps dwe�. Undee ahatl Fktve
<br /> thu ripht So hold the poMcNs and nnew�Ie. 8 Lender requfree, E3ntrower eheN prompdy pNe to 4ende►W roceipte of poM prer►�iuma
<br /> �nd nn�r�l notloee. In th�w�nt o1 lot�, Barrow�r shW phn prompt noUce to the Innurcnce cartier snd lendar. l.enda m�y muke
<br /> proof p1 be�B nct m�de prompUy by BoROwer.
<br /> Unfesa Lender�nd 8ormwer othnrwlse agree tn wrkinp,Insuranae{xucaed� a1wN be npplkld to r+etontion or repdr af th�Propxty
<br /> d�rrbQed, H the roeton�Uon or repair ia economfcaRy teaeible and lenderb securriy la not kaaened. tt the reatontlon or rep�ir te not
<br /> econwdanNy twsiWe or Lender'e eacurfty would be leasened,the (naunonae prcceede shAM be appqed to the auma securod by thle
<br /> 3ecurtty Inetnima�t, whalher or not then due, wifh nny exceee patd to F3orto�rar, 8 BoROwer abendnna the Property, cr doee not
<br /> �mwK wkhin 30 days a noUcs from+ Lande► thet the Inaurence cartier hae ottered to eettle a cWm. then lander nxy coNeat th�
<br /> ineurt�nce proosed�, Lmder rt�y uee the proceeda to ropcn or ro�tore the Property or to pay auma eecund ty thla Seourly
<br /> InahumAnt,wh�th�r or not then du�. The 30-d�y period wMl bope� when the noUce la pNen.
<br />- •UnNa Lender�nd BortowK otharwlae a�ee In wdtlnp, �ny �pplice�tbn of proceab to pHnd�l ahaN not extend or postpone the
<br /> cl�ee dtte of thA monthy payments rdeRed to h pwQnphe 1 �nd 2 or cMnpa tho �mount of the p�yrtroente. B und�r p�nynph 21
<br /> ths Aroperty la acquked by Lender, BoROwar'a dpht to��y Inaunnae pnHciea uyd proceada roaultl�y from darMpe to the Properry pdor
<br /> to tho Aoqui�illon ehrN pais to Londor ta the extent of tho �uma secuted by thla 8acurity InsWmant knmetlf�tely prior to the
<br /> �cqulaitlon.
<br /> 6. O�cupanay, Pr�rveNon, M�Int�n�n�� and Prot�cticn af th� Prop�rty; 8onow�r'y Lnsn
<br />_ App11C11ti0n; L�a�NtOldl. Borrowa shrll occuµy, est�bN�h, and uee tho Ropaty ae BorrowK'a pdn�Vpd rosidence wRhin eixty
<br />- dsy9�Rer the sxeWtlon of thla Saarfty InaUVme�'i un�i ahaN contkwe to occupy the Ropuary�a Borrowe�r'�prUdpal reatdenao tor�t —
<br /> � le�ai octo yeor �Rx the d�te ot ooaipuioy, unle�a Lender oth�wise agmey In writkig, whlch coneent e9f�i1 not be vnveasonaby _
<br />� wNhReid, or unNea extenuathp dreumstancaa exlat whlch aro tayand BortoNar'a control. Borrower ehaM not destroy,dame�mr knpak
<br /> = the Ropwty, eNow tho Proparty to detedonta,w ca�xnit waste on the Property..Bortower eh�N be in deSauk M�ny fortaitur��clion or _
<br />'- procaedtnp,whdher ckll or criminrl,lo bepun that In Lender'o Qoad fUtA lucq��*nt couid reauft In todeKuro of tho Property or othe�wiae
<br /> m�te�Ay kr�ir the Pen cre�tad by this sacurfty Inetrumant a 6l41tlal"� EBGJIIIy NiTlTEaI• Omro�ter m�Y wre oiian i ivwnin irtni _
<br />_ refnstate, ae proNded in parapraph 18, by cawlnp the�ctlon ar proceed;ng to 6e di�ml3aed wlth �NNnp th�t, in Lendar'e Qaod hlth =
<br /> detaink►ttion. prectudea todofturo ot tho Bortower'e interest In tha Property or other matawl fmpalrmmt uf Ihe Yen cre�tsd by this -
<br /> �rtty Insbument or Lender'a security Interest. BoROwer sh�ll iso be M dehuR B Borrower, durtnp the tnan appM�Uon procesa, _
<br /> - �ve matedaNy fAlse or Inaccurate Enform�Uon or statementa to Landsr (or hHad to provide Lend�r wlth any rrwterkl Iniorrn�tbn) In -
<br /> connectlon wkh!he loan evldenced by the Note, Indudinp, but not Nmited to, representationa conceminp Bo�rower'e occupuicy of the �_
<br /> Prapaty as • pdnci�al reefder►ce. I}thia 6ecudtyr InsUuma�rt i� an e le�sehotd,BoROw�oh�Jl compy wkh�M the provlefona of the �
<br />- lase. (1 BoRawa ecqukas tee tkle to the Properry, the le�echo{si and tho fee Utle eAdl not mer�o unleee tho Lender�gree� :o tiie �
<br /> m�«M�y�n�, Form 3028 8�90 0
<br /> �-
<br /> F10?9.LNi0(A195) Pepe 2 of 5 =
<br />'N ,� _
<br /> _ . Y:16N _.
<br />'f
<br />