..� .
<br /> �„�,
<br /> .:�BE � , +:. ,.
<br /> . �� ��w�� .. . .. ... _, � fr . ,. , ...a�ny .. _ • . . y.tr.•>1.yn�t'�t�'a�'
<br /> A�F�R�N.y a.�� '�NI°4\♦ �rf+r�-�w 9'l,V = '�
<br /> .. 1.
<br /> l �� • . 1'OGETHER WITH a!I the Improv�mente now or hero�fter orectod on the prop�ty, and all eaeementa, appurtenence�, nnd *'
<br /> ' • � fixtures now or heteaRer n peri ol the propetty. All replacemente [+nd additione ehall elso bo covered By this 3ecurity In�trument.
<br /> NI ot Iho lorepolnp 13 reicrred to In thls 3ecuriry Inetrumerst as tha'Prqperty." �:
<br /> flOfittONJ[R CQVGNANT9 thsY Qorrowcr la IaeRuily acixed nl tha estato hcr�Uy comoyr.d ond has tho ripht to grunt end ��'
<br /> convey th� Property end thet liie 6'roparly Is unrncumbered, except tor encumbra:icos o1 rocord. Borrower wpm�nte and vrill
<br /> � tletend penerally the tlito to iho Property apalnet all cialms and demands,eubjecl to any encum6rences o1 record. ;
<br /> TH19 &ECURffY INSYHUMENT comhlnea unitortn covenante tor n�ttonsl uae and non•uniform cavenante with Ilmked
<br /> �- wnatlona by JuAediciion to consiiiute e uniiumi ancurity Inelrut�i�;it covedng real proph►y. d� C''
<br /> �� UNIFORM CQVENANTB. Dortuwa�nd LendK covonant�nd�greo�a followa: Q�
<br /> 1. P�yrtn�nt af Prinalptl and Int�r�th, Pr�paym�nt and Lete Ch:�gea. BoROwer ehall promptly pey when� �
<br /> ciue tNs pdnclpa!o!snd Interest on the debt evldenced hy tha Nota and sn�prepayment and leta chergos duo under thn Nutn, f
<br /> 2. Fund�for T�x�a�nd Inss�rane�.SubJect to sppWcabia l�w ar to a written waNtr Dy Londw, qonnw:,r chnl►pi� [
<br /> �' '�� tu Undx on the day monthy payments �re due under the Note, until thA Nota Is psld In tull,a sum ("Funda') far. (ny yury � ":
<br /> '� taea nnU aeae�emente whlch may attaln pdority over thia Eecudty Inatmmmt as e lien on the Praperty; (b) yet+rly Icasehold k
<br /> pMyments or ground ronfa on the Praperty, N any; (o)yeerf�r hnzard or property inaurance premiuma; (d)yeaiy Haod Inaurnnna
<br /> �� premluma,H�ny;(e)yenty mortyege Ineuronce premlums, II eny, end (�nny sums peyatble by Borrower to Londer In accordenae '
<br /> wlth lhe provlaiona o} p�ragraph 9, In Ileu o1 the payment o} mortgaga Insurance premiums. Thoee ftems ara called 'Esorow
<br /> ` Itema,• Lender msy, nt any time, collect end hold Funds In en amount not to exceed the maxlmum amount a lender tor e�'
<br /> , tederety retated mortgage laan may requlre tor Borrower's escrow account under 4he federai Real Estete 3etttement Procedures �:.
<br /> � Act ot iB74 ns emended from dme to time,12 U.9.C. @ 2801 et seq. ('RESPA'), unlesa another tow that applles to th� Funds --
<br /> �. sets � lessar emount. I} so,Lender rrwly, at sny time, collect end hald Funds tn an amount not ta exceed tha losasr amount. _
<br /> . Lender mny estim�te the amount of Furtda due on the basis of curtent datc�and reasonsble estimates of e�endlb�roa o}tuturo
<br /> � Eecrow Itema or othemisa In accardance wRh appNca�te Iaw.
<br /> •r . 'fhe Funda eheM 6e held In aa Instkutlen whose d�e,ptsite are ins�sred by e tede�al egency,InatrummtaHty, or o�tt�!pncluAhp =,�
<br /> ,�,, � Lender, H Landw Is such e�Instihitlon) or In eny fe�zraf Home Loan Bank. Ler�aet�Aap eppy the Funds to p�,y th� �scrow _
<br /> •: .r} �.`� iteme. Lender rtwy not charpe Bortower tor holdl�ig and appy(ng t?�e Eunds,nnnual�sneyz(ng the cscrow�ccount,or vmilylna °°
<br /> ,;,,: �: • � tAe Eacrow Items, unlees Lerder pa)�s Bortower Interest on t7�e t�isnds an� appricabie law permRs Lender to tnAke suofi a �_
<br /> charqe. However, Lender rtwy require Br,nower to pay u one�tims chnrge tor an {ndependent re�l estate tax repoiting servics "!"
<br /> __e..`ar,"F��/_ „
<br /> . used by Lender In conn�atlon wkh thls loan, unless appilcxble law providas a4�enviso. Unlesa an egreement Ie m�de or
<br /> " � epplleable Inw requt�es tc�4zrea2 to ba peld, Lender s�eu not be requlred to pay Borrower eny interest or cnminp9 on the Funda. I;'
<br /> �`' '"��''�� Borrower and Lend�r ma e eo In wdtin however, 9hat Interest shell bs ald on the Funda. Lender ehail �°
<br />�,,�,�+�,;�j Y 9� 9� P 9�e to Bortower. �.:�
<br /> • ,� H�IthOUt CN!!f+e, en ennu�� p�;otmt�+�A!fhe Funds. Rhowinfl creditp Nnd.,lebits to the Fundy�nd 2he purpose fer which Nsi,h
<br /> ;,r,,,,�, deblt to Ute Funds was made, Tha Fun�nre pledged as sdditlonal seouriry for all aums secured 6y 3he Secudty Inatrument. �:�
<br /> -��l"'�''` � If the Funda held by Lender exceed the amounts permtUed to be hdd by appllcable law, Lender ehell nccount to Borrower __
<br /> _y!?�t�� tor the exceas Funds In accordanco wfth tha requkementa of app8cable law. It the emount o!tha Funda held by Lender at�ny __
<br /> - _ time Is not suHicimt to puy the Eearow Itams when ch�a, Lender may ao r�otiy�8arrawer In wrNing,end, In suc�� c�sa Bonowev --
<br /> "`"�^�� ahall pay to Lender the amouM neceesary to make up the deflciency. Borrower a4�all meke. up the deflGency In no moro thrn °-_
<br /> -,,��� hveNs monthy paymenta,et Lnnder'a sole disctetlon. _...
<br /> Upon �yment In fuW o1 e11 aum�secured by thla Securiry lostnimsnt, Lendet shall prompUy retund to Borrowa eny Funda�
<br /> -`.-=�::ti�„_„_?"`.� t;��; L�dM. !S� ur.�.:. �.:.=8r��.l: 3! !.�d�aha�!ax,z!se as�.�!he Psa�;. len�.••.Fslu t�!k�ec;sls�n �s����1 R��
<br /> «s�;?•�."�'�" Property, sheU appty any Funds hNd by Lender et the time of ncquisiUon or se}a aa a creait egeh►st the avms aecured by th1T
<br /> "''�`�`� Security InaUurnent. -
<br /> ..f,.t-._��,�
<br /> ���'��:i� 3. App1lC�tlon of Ps'ym�nb. Untess epp3lcnbie law providea oth�vlso, aM paymente received by Le�der unda
<br /> --.-�- pam9npha 1 and 2 shetl be�ppli�d: tirot,to eny prapnymont charges due under iho Note; second,to amounte pay�ble under
<br /> =m;,� p�ngr�h 2;thkd,to Interesl due;FmuY�h,4o prindpal due;antl laat,tp �ny tate charfle� 8ue undm t'�e No�n.
<br /> - .:=��"�"" 4. Char�a; Ll�na. Barrowrr efiatf pey all taxea, assessmonte, chargea, tinee eTd ampoatti�orte ethfbuLble to tho
<br /> �F� ._. Property whtch may ettaln prlodty over tAta Secwity InaUument, end ieasehold psyrr�rts or Qround renta, H any. Borrowa ehW
<br /> pay theae ebNg�Uone fn the m�nner provtdod fn puap�ph 2, or M not p�ld in that mannsr, Bortowar sh�N pey them on dme
<br /> "'°"� dkectly to the paeon owed payment 8ortower shnN prompUy tumish to Lender all notk:es of amounta to be{►ald undor thls -
<br /> -- p�ngraph. Ii Bomowa m�lus these paymenia dkectlyr, Borrower shaY prompttyr iumish to Lender recdpte aride��ng thz -
<br /> -- - - paymenM.
<br /> f3omowa shaN promptly eNsch�rge�ny Aen which haa Fxlority ovur lhls Security Instniment unles� Bortower. (a) apreee In
<br /> --- wdlhg ta tha payment of the obYflation secured by the Ben tn �mine�er accoptable to Lender, (b) canteste in good t�ith the
<br /> Ibn by, or ddends �y�inat enforcement of the Na^� In, Ieg�i proceedinqe which in lhe La�der'e opkilon operate !o prerent lh�
<br /> entorcertant of the lien; w(o)aecuros hom the hoider of the Wen�n apreernent eAUsfaatay to lender aub�►rik►dinp the A�n to
<br /> � this Securky InsUument.It L�nder daRertnines thet on�p pad of the Froperry ts eubJeet to�Ben whlah may�ttafn pdorfty over ihta -
<br /> Sacurity InsUum�nt, Lender m�y yke Bortower a nollae IdenUtying the Iim. Barower ehaM sati4fy the fieri or tak�ane a more ai
<br /> the acdone eat lorth above witi�in t9 days mf tha glvinq of notice.
<br /> 6. Hwrd or Prop�rty I�si�ri►ncs. BRnower aheN keep the Improvemente now exlsting w here�fter erceted cn the
<br /> Properry fnsuraJ afleinsl iuse by Aro, hazarda incJudnd within the tertn'extended covenpe• and rny other h�ruda, indudfny -
<br /> � Ilnoda or Aoo�Nn�,tar Whioi�Lender requkea insuran�o. 7Piia inauranco nhnN bm melntained In the amounta and tor ths padoda
<br /> -�--�- that L6nder requkes. Tt�o lnaurenca cartier provic3ny 9ha Inaurtnce shd be choaen by Borrower�ubJeet to Lenc➢er'e �pproval __
<br /> wh{ch a7wU not ba unronaombfy wRhhetd. It Borrower faHa to m�k�Lk� coverage desnibed abova, Lander m�y,at LandK's -
<br /> optlon,�btnin coverspe to proteot Lender'e righta In the Properry In eccordance vrkh paragraph 7.
<br /> -��� M insurence poNdes and �ent�vtl� sh�N be aceeptabte to Lender end atiaN IncNade e etandud mortyt�e ckuae. Lendar
<br /> shell fiave the dpht to hold the po8de�nnd renewds. if Lendar requ{res, 8orcower ah�N promptty glve to Londer aN re�xipta of
<br /> - paid premluma nnd n!newal noUcea. In the event ot loae, Borro»er ahall phre prompt noUce to the Mauranca certier end Lendor.
<br /> lendar rru�y m�ke prcof�1 loss tl nnt mnde promptl�+�by HoROwer.
<br /> Un7eaa Lmda and 8ortower et6�arwise�qree(n w�ting, tnsurence preceeds ehall bo eppNed to reatnntlon or repa�ir ot the
<br /> _
<br />