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<br /> , . . .. ' „ .:,t._.-��-_�_.
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<br /> r ' . 1Ypiiry,�nyMifaM�M�f�'M�'x ��Y!�'d4n1'1C1uYalt�c/_t t�i.ro�_:� -�-�-- ---.-_-
<br /> 9C- �.U1��8 - .
<br /> "Pra:osds'�in co�nectian with condom.nAtlon or oth�r tn:iing of tho Pmperty or part theroof,or tor convoyance In I!ou of candomnutlon. �
<br /> don:tcr shall Ka ontiU�d et Ite o�tlor to commance,nppe��In nnd prosocute In Its own namc�any e.ctlon or proceadinp9,and shall als� :_
<br /> b�c�atil'.v��to rnntco c�ny carnnrarnlao or c�ttlement In cannccilon wilh�uct�tnklnp or dam*���.In tha ovent Q��y po�i{an�t tho Proporty�s
<br /> s o t a k o n o r d a m a g e d,L e n d e r e h e l l h c s v a t h e o p t l a n I n Ite solo ai�d +a6so�tuta discrotton, to npp:y aU cucie prt�uods, oStor dcduciin� �,_,
<br /> therairom all costs and expenses Incurrad by i�in connectlon with uuch Proceeds,upar�eny IrsdebtQdnflsa secu�ed horaby nnd In such �,j,_.:
<br /> order ns Lender may determine,or to appiy s!I sucri Prooeads,atter�such deductions,to the restoretion oi the 6'roperry upon euch cn�n- ___
<br /> dit4nns a�LcRd�r mg1��terrr���e.Any+ a��l±c<�.tlan o1 Pra�°:xla to Inc!ehtee�ness ehall not e�tend or rK+sinnna tha d��+�te of any�Pv- �
<br /> ments under tha Note,or cura any dePauH there�r�der or haraunder.Any unnpptled tunds ehall be pald to Trustor. �='
<br /> 6.Perto►mt+t►ae by Lender. Upon the occurronce of an Evant ol Dotault horeunder,or if any acY Is laken oe lepal prceeedirq --
<br /> c�mmencesl w;ifGi�rnateria{{y afisc4;,Lsyzti:.�'s lnt�rc:.t!n tit��'ro�scdy.Lcrtt!�r may In(t�rnrn c�i�cretlon,but witha�d oblHu�tla�to clo r;o, �--
<br /> end without notice to or dema�d upon Ttuator ancl without rateask►p Tn,stor irom any olalipatlan,do eny act whkh Tmstor has egreed
<br /> but fRlled to do and may elso du any other ect It deems nocsssary to protact the secur(ty hereof. Trustor sha!1, Immedtately upon
<br /> demand therator by L�nder,pay to Lerufer all costs and expenses Incurred end sums expended by Londer In connection with ih[+oxer-
<br /> cise by Lsnder ot the faregoing rl�hts,tagether with Interast thereon el tho detauR rate prov(dad In the Note,which sMll be ackbd ta
<br /> the indobtodnass secure�hereby.Ler�dar shttll iwt incur any Uabltiry becauso of anything It may do or omit to do herourxiar. _
<br /> 9. Har�nloua Matelits.T�ustor shall keep ttia Property In compUar�ce w(th all applicabte laws, ordir►ances anci�eg��lations
<br /> retating to industrlai Ny�'.eno or enviranmental�mtocdon(callectively referretl to herein as'�nvironmenial Lavr").Tnawior ch.n9 keep �-
<br /> the Proporty iree tram all substances deemed to be ht+zardous or toxic under any Enviranmental Laws(colleCtively retemid to hereGi
<br /> as"HazaMous Matedals'�.Tn�stor har�by warrents and represents to Lerxbr that thero aro no Hazardous Niateriats on or ur�der the
<br /> Property.Tn�stor he�eby agrees to tndt�mniiy and ho{d harmless I.enclor,its directore,oiflcers,empbyees erxl agenta,end any succes-
<br /> sors to l.enders intorext,from and agatnst eny and all claims,damayos, lossss and IlabillUos aMsing In connoction with the presenco,
<br /> uso,disposal or transpoR of any Hazardous Materials on,under,irom or about the Property.THE FOHEGOING WARRAM'!ES AND
<br /> 10.Aasl�nmtnt�a!Rente.Trustor hereby assigns to Lendar,and grants Londer a securlry interest in,�It present,future and
<br /> aiter adsinp rents,Issues and profits o1 the PropeRy;provided that Tnistor shail,untll ti�e oo^vrrence ot en Event of OotAUft,hereunder,
<br /> have lhe dght to collect r�nd cetafn such rents,Issues and protits as they become due and payable.Upon the occurrenae of an Event of
<br /> Defautt,Lende�ma►y,e(ther in person or by agent,with or wlthout bringing any action or proceeding,or by a�ecelver appofnted by a
<br /> eourt and without regard to the adequacy of lis sacurity,entc�r upon and talco possession ot the Propeity,or pny part thereof,tn Its own
<br /> na�r�or in the nome ot the Trustoa,and do any acts whtch i� dea�.is nocoasary ar dssiraC;a 2o pres°r.�e tlx+�Qli�e, �rke4abiliry or _
<br /> ron�l{ity ot tl�e F'roporty,or eny paR theroof ar intesost therein, or to increase th�Incomo therofrom or protect the security hereof and,
<br /> wllb or v+rithout taking possession of the Property,sue tor or otherwise cotlect the rents,issuea and profits thereot,tncluding tfwse past
<br /> due and unpaW,by notitying tenants to make payments to Lender.Lender may apply rents,iseues and protKe,less cwsts arxi expens-
<br /> es of operation and coilection tnctud►ng attomey's fees,to any indebtednsss secured hereby,atl In sikh order as Lender may deler-
<br /> m(ne.The entering upon and tAking Pussession of the property,the oollectiw�ot such rente, issuos and pmflts,ond the appUcaUon
<br /> thereof F►s atoresaid shall not cure or waive eny defauft or notice of delauk hereunder or invatideto any act done tn respor�e to•suah
<br /> defauft ot pursuant to such notice of detauit and, notwithst8nding tne conanuence in possession �i ina pi�in�iy ui u'iv i;,86v`ttan,
<br /> receipt and applicatton of rents,issues or proflts,Teu�tee and Londer ehall be ent!ded to exercise every right provided for in any of iha
<br />' Loan instmments or by law upon occurrencs o!any Event of DetauR.Includin�without llmitation the�ight to eYercise ths power u!sulo.
<br /> FuRher,Lendets dghta and remedlea urxfer ihls paragraph shall be cumulaUve with,and In no woy a Ilmit�Uon on,Lenders dghts and
<br /> remodias under any asstgnmant of lee�es�nd rents recorded a�ainst tho Property.Lender,Tnastee and�he rece(ver sbaA�Iieble tc�
<br /> ecoourR only for those rents actually roceived.
<br /> 11.EYSnt�af DNaWt.Tho tdlowing shtill cons�tute an Event of[7ofault ur�der this Deed at vrusG
<br /> (a)FaHure b pay any(nsteNment o1 pdnclpel or Interest of any other sum seaued hereby when due;
<br /> (b)A breach M or defauR urtder any provislon contatned tn tt►�Note,this I]eed of Trust,eny of the Loan(nstnxnents,or any
<br /> other Uen o►ancumbrance upon the Property;
<br /> (c)A writ ot execuUon or attachment or any Slmfinr process shail bo entered agafnst Trustor wh�h shell becort�e a I{fin on
<br /> the Property or any partion tl�oreof or Interest therefn;
<br /> (c�There shall be fited by or ayalnst Trustor or Borrower an ectlon undar eny present or tuture federal,stat�or other statute,
<br /> law a refluk�Uon retaUny b bankruptcy,fnsahrency or othar reliet�r oiebtora;or th�ere sha9 be appalnted any truatee,reonhrer or
<br /> Ifqufdator o1 Trustor or Borrawer or of pll ar any part at the Property,or the rente,Issuea or proiRs thereot,or Tniator or BoROwer
<br /> st►Plll make any generel assignmer►t tor the benefit oi credftors;
<br /> (o)The sale,transter, lease,essignment,conveyance or briher onadmbrance of all or any�gart oi or any interest tn tltie
<br /> property,either voluntsdly or Involuntsrily,without the oxpress writlen oonsont of Len�er,provided that Truatur r�Otall be pe�mit-
<br /> ted to�xeaute a lesse ot!he Proporty thet does na!cordaln an optiw►to purr.t�asa and the tertn of which daos nM exceed one
<br /> year, �
<br /> (n Abaadw�mcnt of the Pmperty:or .
<br /> (g)N fastor Is not an tndividuat,the tcsuanco,sale.transler.ascignment,comeyance or encumbrence ot rtare tttian(M e
<br /> corparallon)s total of percent of fts Issued end outstanding stock.os((}a partnorehlp�a total W per-
<br /> cent of partneiship interosts,or(i}a Iimlted Ilability cwmp�ny)e totel of percent of the limfted ifability compa• _.
<br /> ny Intereats or voUng righto during the period thia Deed of Tnost rematns a Ilen on 1ho property.
<br />- 12.MimedNas;Acwi�ntlon Upon Cehult.ln tho�vent ot c-inny Event ot DofauR Lendor may,wlthout notiay except as required
<br /> by Iaw,decisire ell indebtedr�ess secured hereby to be due and payabie and the same shail thereupan o�come due and payable wtlh-
<br /> out�ny presentment,detnand,protest or nat{ce o!any kind.Thereafter Leander may: _
<br /> � (n)pemand thet Tre�atee exercisc�tha POWCR OF 8ALE grantaA horeln,and Tnjstes shall theroaftar cause Tnistors Mter-
<br /> est In the Proparty to ba�sold and tl�proCeeds to�io 4istributed,�II In the manner provtded In tho Netxaeka Tnist Deeds A� -
<br /> (b) Exorcise any and e�tl�ights providod for in eny af the Loan U�stanients or by law upon accurrence of eny Event of
<br /> Detaulh,and
<br />_ (c)CammenCO un acdon to toro�4osa thla Deed of trust aa a mordg�go,appotnt a recoiver,or;pocificaly oMoroe sny ot tno -
<br /> covenante hereof. --
<br /> No remedy herein conferred upon or reservod to Trustee or Lender is Intendod to be exclusive of any othor remedy herelrs,in the Loan _:
<br /> Instaments or by law provided or pemnttted,but each shal6 be cumulative,atuill bo i��tddition to evcsry ottcor remedy given hereunder,
<br /> In the Loan Instrurnents or now or hereafter exfstlng at law or In equity or by�tatute,and mt�y bo exerdsed co�currentry,Ind�pendentty
<br />= or succeaively.
<br />• 13 Tniat�.The 7'nistea mav rosfon et any time w[thout causo,and Lendor may at any timD pr�d wfUwut cause appoint a s+.�o-
<br /> cessor o�suudU�:a Tnsstsa.Tru�tc:,shd!nat ts�lta�:�to:nY WrtS�'�fndu@Ing wttieQUt[tmt�tt�n[.er�r,�torrower,rnstor or arry p�r-
<br />_ chaser u}q�e prcK�eRy,tor eny loss or damage unless due to recMess or wilttul ml3cor�duct,end shall not be requtred to take any eciinn =
<br /> �n connection with the enforcoment o!this Qeed of Trust unlnr�Indemnified,in writiRg,tor all costs,oompensatta�or expensos whicii =
<br />- may be e,ssocieted the��ewlth.In addiUon,Tn�stee may become e purchaser at any sate of the Proporty Qudictal or under Hx�power of
<br />- sab granted hea�eln);postpone tlte sale of ail or any portion of the Prop�erty,as providod by law;or se�l tRw Proporty as a vrhob,or in
<br />_. se�arate parceia or bts dt Trustee's discrei�on. _
<br />= 14.F��d Exp�ns�s.In the oten4 Trustee selis the Prope�ty by exerd.o 07 power et sate,�'rustee�haN be eMitled to appty
<br /> any sab pnaceeds flrst to payment of all cosls and expensoa of exordsing power of sate,including atl Trustee's feas,end�endere and _
<br />- Tiustee's ettomey's tees, actualty incummetti to extent peirr�iried by epplEcabb law.In the evont Borrawer a Trustor exercisea any right =
<br />__ prpvided by law to cure an Event ot�stauit,tender shall be entitied to recovor from Tiustor a11 costs and expenses actuafy Incumed as =
<br /> e re�„uii ot Trasta's detauit,Including withou3llmNet3on all Tn�stee's and attomey's feos,to the extent permitted by applicaWe Oaw.
<br /> 18.F+ut��r++Aehr,�exaw�.llnon neaursst nf Borrower,Ler►cf�r may, et iLa opUon,make ad�Mbnal and future ixNaraBS ered res�i••
<br /> vancee to BorraYver.Such ndvances and readvances.vrth Interost thereon,shall be securea by mis ur�ea ai i n,s�.At Ilb U�IO Ot Wii u�v
<br />