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<br /> �������7
<br /> pdnripal a�naun4 01 Mte Indebtednesa eecut�cl Dy thla�r:ti al Tru:,t,nnt Includ� 6ums advanced to protect tho secari4y o}thl�Qeed ot --
<br /> Yru�t,oxC:sxi thn o,l�insl�dncipal[�mo�nY stat�tl I�Preln,os 5 `���•� .whlchavar 19 praator. –_-
<br /> t�3.Nl•cr.l'.+.r¢an�!�P�ovisl�n9. rt-
<br /> (e)13orro�wr No1 Re�iNS�.�xtenslon of the Ume for psyment or mcxli(icatiQn o1 amoriizatinn o9 iho aur��a cocurur�by[iNa �---
<br /> �ee�of Tru4t Q%nted by londer to any eua:esaor In Interes10}FJorrawsr shail nc�t operate t�retease,to eny manner,th4 ilablll• ---
<br /> ty of the orl�lnel Borrower and!]orrower'� succosaora In Intoreat. Lender ahnll not bn requlred to cornmer►ca ptoca�cNnQu
<br /> �kut auch eucceeaar or refuae to extund tlms fAr payrnflnt nr otherwiee modNy amoRizatiun ol the sunu eecursd by thif
<br /> Dad W Ta�i by re�eon of eny demend�mads by Cra ori�inal Cx�riawaP and 6ar�,we�'e su�.essara I�Int�rcat. -
<br /> (D)L�ndrx'�Pow�n.Withaut attectinp ths Ileblllty�f sny other paroon Ilable tor the pnyment ol any obllpdbn heroin men•
<br /> tion�d,and wlNxwt atlecUn{�the Ilen�r chsrge of thla De�ci ol Trust upon any�odlon of the P�opnrty nol then or lheretaforo
<br /> reb�a�d�e�Cur14y tor lh�tull amount o1 all unpakl obit9atbne,Lender may,from dme to um�and wiUwut notice(q roleaae `
<br /> •ny p�r�on sa Iiebl�,pl)oxt�nd tM maturiy or�n�r my of the t�rma ol�ny such obliatbne,p�i)qrant other Indulp�noM,(Iv)
<br /> reteaas or convsy,or cause to be rebase�d or reconve ed et any Hma at lende�'e optlan any parcel, �Rbn or ell ot the
<br /> P�4perty.(u)take or release any oiher or additbnal sax:ur�i or reronveyed at eny qme At Lenders aptlon any parcel,portbn or
<br /> nll of th�f Property.(vl)takA or rol�aae any other ar erldRlanel aer.urlry for eny obllgutlon heroln ment�oned,or(vH)make compo-
<br /> altiona o1 other arranpemente with debtore In relal{an ther�t�.
<br /> (c)ForhNlr�by L�nd��Not�1N�IvN.Ar,p 9ott�eerancv�by Lender In exordsl�p eny►ight ar remedy hereundee,nr oth-
<br /> etwlse attordad by eppllcatsb law,ahail rwt be e wahrer of or preciu�n the exareise of eny such rlpttl oe remady.Tha procure-
<br /> ment W inaurancc orthe paymHnt of tnxea ar other Ilena or r.harpes�y Lender shall not ba a waiver or Le►xbr's dght to ecceler-
<br /> ate tho me4urity af the indebtednnna Rar.ured by th�s Deed oF Trust
<br /> (d)6uoa�wor�w►d Assl R.�a��nd;Jo1M�nd S�wrN I.IatiJlity;C�ption�.Tlt�aovenants and eg�eementa hAr�(n con-
<br /> talned�iuN bind, and the rip�iis humundor si�ell Inuro to,the nespsctive suocessors and asslpr►e of I.endor and 7ruetar. AH
<br /> covennnb And egreements ot Tniata shaM�e jolnt end several.The captions and headings ot ihe pnragrapha o1 thla Deed ot
<br /> Teus1 ar�lor ronvenlence onry and are nm to be used to interpret or deflne the provisions hereo4.
<br /> (e)R�eq�wst for Notico�.The partles bereby request that a copy of any nodcc�of detauit hereunder ertd a copy of any notke
<br /> of cruie iieroun�er be meited to be�.�pa�iy fo this Daed o1 Ttist at ttie s�;�ass set fa�th �Gava In th�rrsartncr prc�dhrd by �
<br /> eppl�ab{e law.Except tor any othar notfce requlred under appll�ebte law to be piven tn enottwr manner,any notke provtded for
<br /> In Shle S�eed of Truat shall be�ivan by melitng euch notice by ce�l8ed mail addressed to the other partlea,at the address set
<br /> inrSfi ebove.My noUce provtded for(n this Osed of Trust shatl Ge eHoct(r+a upan mailing In the mttnner deslpnoted horetn.If
<br /> Truetar ia more then one person,notlod sen!to the address set torth abov��vll be notks ta aU s,uch pe�sons.
<br /> (�In�p�tion. Lendor may make or cause to be made rea°.anable entrias upon end Uspectiona oi the Property,provkled
<br /> that Lertider shell give TNStor r�dce pdor to any such Ina�r3ctlon speclfying reasone,?t�a cause theretor related to Londe�e Inter-
<br /> ast in the PrapeRy.
<br /> (p)Rsconwy�rxx�.Upon payment of all sums secured tay this Dead esi�rust.leres�7 s?�all request Trustee to reca�vey the
<br /> PropeRy/and shall su►�ender thfs Daed ef Trusi and ail notes svicis��rrv�Indebtedna�s secured by this Deed of Tnist to
<br /> Truatee.Tmstee shell recoc►vey the Propa►M,wlthout warranty end withcut cfiarge to the pe►son legaly entitied thereto.Trustor
<br /> sheil pe�y aN caab or rocordation,it any.
<br /> (h)Prnotu�l PropKty; Security Ayreemont. As a�dde�i.unal secuMy for lhe payment ot the Note,Tn�stor fxEnA4�y prar►te
<br /> e..3.TM±.r.��±.�x!.wn..�a i i��s��,�nmmnrr.tai r.adw w e+a��,r�t�+Intwn+st in en H�eturs,s,eoulnment,end othsr pere�n�urouerty
<br /> wsed In cax�ectlon with tt►e ronl estete or knpnnretnurrts hc��od thoreon,end not dherwise declared or dsem�d to be e qnn d
<br /> ihn roat eamb secured horeby.This tnstrument shall be c�on&3rued as a Secudly Agreement under seid Code,stxi the Lender
<br /> shell heeve aN the iEghte and romedioe ot a ascure@ pa�e�er seld t�in sddition Yo ihe dghAS and rert�di�e under thie
<br /> pare9reph shall be cumulattve with.And in no way a I(mita*'c�n on,Lenctes;a•r�ihts and remedlea under eny other securityr Apree-
<br /> ir.ant signed by Borrower or Trustor.
<br /> (i�Lt�u and EncumbnKeces.TNOtor fwreby warmrr"s�nd represEN�ts ifwt tiiara la no dafauft under Mo provisbns of any
<br /> m�ny�a9e,deed of Wst,N�ase os purahnse contrnct ciea�ibin9 aii or eny,�an of th� �roperty,or od�caMraat,instnmier►t or
<br /> +�yreement constitutlng e IWn o�.�ncumbr�nce aQafnst all or any pan a�me PropertY(coliectiv�r�"L{ens9.�xklkq+Re of fhs
<br /> dqte of ttdf[�ed q!Trust,and that My&nd1 A119xisdnp L(ens rert�afn unmbrJiHOd exCept es df�Cbe�d to Lsnder M Trus�ols wrk•
<br /> ten disclosure of Iiens and encumbrancos provlded for herein.Trustor shall llmely pertorm ell ot Truetor's obllgatlone,
<br /> cpvenann,representutlons end wa�rantlea wxler eny arxi all exlsUng and future Uens,ehall ptosnpqy torwud to Londsr copta�
<br /> oi all notbes of de�(auR eent fn c�nnnction wRh any and nll exis8np or(uture lbtte,and sAaN not without Lenders pdor wrfllen
<br /> coneent In eny marwwr rtwd'at�.t�u!provlsions ot or alk�w any future acNancss under�ny extstinp or tuturo It�r�e.
<br /> tion pny�mon�of�pdncipet�at�{3�nterostelnaurance pro�ceeds,co damnntlon pr�xeeds�r�ente�end proHt�,�shaN aPi�Nsd bY
<br /> lendar to tho anxwnts d��and owinp tran Truator and borrower tn s�uch order ae�.�r in Ita sole diecretion deems deak
<br /> eQlq.
<br /> �k�S�wtibNity.B arty�rovislor►ot thl�Deed ot Trust oontlkKS with eppiicabte!�w or is declared k►vaNd or otl�enriee wtsn-
<br /> turc�b1e�suc;h conAi�t�r 6n�lidity�haN not aHact d�o�rror provfslo�s of tlre[)eec#of Truet or the tVots wMd�cme�Oe piv�
<br /> etfed Wlltiout the oonflicdng q�rovialon,and to�hio end ths�rovlsions oi tl�fe Deed W Y(ust end ths Nols are dederod uc be sw•
<br /> erabN.
<br /> �9 T�m�.'ilte Mrms"Trustor'end'BonrDwa�'et�ail kx��ude both sitqular and plural�atld WF19t1 fhA TN510r 8rld BOrfCWA�i►0
<br /> the e�me pereon(s),those tertns as used ka¢hle Dead of Tnsst stwll bs IMerc{w�ge�bb.
<br /> {m)�owmit�I.aw.Thla Doed ot Tnut a1�a11 be povemed by the lawa of the St�te ut t�eDraeka.
<br /> Tnistor hae executeci thfs of Tn�ut as ot Me da4e writton ebove.
<br /> p S� Rurband Tn�ator T�ustor
<br /> _ _ D
<br /> . , LI I�DA P S � � Tnistor Tn�tor �
<br /> .. ?. ,
<br /> . ��,.> ,
<br />