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<br /> 1'Q�GF.'Y`F�Lit �VI'I'H cill ttic i�rin7oves�r.nta nn�F.+ae f�creaflr,r crcct�d on tho�ropeny, and�l�l e�sc�m�'��v�r�;�����jtces, nnd -:
<br /> F'ixtures no�v os hef4nfeef n p:�t of U�o p;opertFj.Alfl[cpfnc�,r�enui �u�d u6�iUqns slinll al�o b.^.co�rcre�Uy¢�us��ciui¢y�Ir��trun2ent.
<br /> - All of the foregoing is refened to in diis Securaty Instmme�t a�Ihr�"Pr�perty."
<br /> � ' -� BORROWIIR COVENAN'f5 d�nt Eonower i.NwfuUy s�it�A of the estata hcrcby cenvcyed nnd hns thc dght to grant and =
<br /> . ?. ti,nvey G�a Rv�ejiy cut[1 U'1AI Ifie F.vi,..:6}r is une.icnr�6ra,,.d,czxc�.�t k'or encun2tsr^se:es ef r��rd. Ea.�rowcr�rW^y..nes en!l �ull1
<br /> , ;•,,��. defen�ganerally 6�e dtla to tho Property ugaln�t ell clnims end dmm�ncirl,aubject to nny enc�unn�xances of record. _`.
<br /> - .,, THIS SECIJRI'TY AVSTft[JI�NT combines unifarm cove�nntr� for nadonal usc nn�non-uniform covenant4 �vit�s liinitecl
<br /> variattona by Jurisdictbn W consdwtc a uniform security innuvmRnt covcrUig real pmperty. ;
<br />:y.�' UNIFC�RM COVENANTS.Sorrower an�l Lcndcr covonnnt and agree ss followa: _.
<br /> -- - 1.Poymeat oi Principal und Interes3;P'repnymcnR a��I,ate C6arges. Borrower shall p.romDUy pay whcn dua die
<br /> ` principal of end interest on the debt evidenad by thn Nctio an d any prepaymont and late chsxEes due wnder thr.Note.
<br /> - �� �' 2.Fund�for T�uces And Iasurance. Subjcct to applianble law or tA e wrilten wa�vet by I.ender. Bomowes sh�lA pay to _
<br />, . -•@: L.e�sauaP on the duy monlhly payments ere du�s und�sr U�x:l�^.�s,undl the NoLO is paid in h►U.,,e sum("Funds")for:(a)yearly u�es _
<br /> :..�'_� ar��l t�>.Sessmcnta which mpy atinin priarity over d�ia S�+:r,�Instrumeru as a lY�.a on the!',ropetty;(b)ycarly leasehold p�y�ents _
<br />`;';,:-�`�y au Sraund rents on tha Froperty�lf any;(�)Yesuly htv.nrl.r.�s,�operty Insurruicc p.remi�ms�(A)Yearly floc�id insurance pirerrul��m�s,!f _
<br /> '"`'�' �Y;(�)Y�ly m�rtango insurance preminm�.{f any;�d.4-7 any sums payabl,by Horravmr to Lender.in accordanGa wI� tha
<br />�n.�y,:'.� �^
<br /> �=��.�. provisions af paragraph 8, in Ii�a.of dio pnymarit ak r,_��r^�gnge insurance premiur.w�.a.Ti�r,ca it�ems ere cnlled "Escrov� It:ms."
<br />";:n"r�''p [..endcr may,at any dmo.callec�and hold Flmdo in an.:.a;c�nt nat to exceed the max�um.amount a lender for a fed:rxlf�y reJatcd
<br />%i� , r martg�igo loen may rcquire for Bnrrower's e.�cro�v o��ni und�ttse fecleral Real Bs�ete Sc�llemenl Pdocedur�,s Act of 1974 as
<br />°'�������f:?� amcndcQ fmm tima tn dme,12 U.S.C.Secr�3�i@l et ssq. ("RESPA"),unless another law that app.l��s to the Hunds aets a lesset
<br />-��r..
<br />::����� nmoun� If ao, Lender may,at any dme.c�tl�ct and E�o1d Ftin�dv ln an amounx pot to excad the leasea amoun�. Lendu may
<br /> "� estunate thc amount of�nA�dno on thc ba�fQ of c:urcent dnra end reasonablo estimntes of expenditures of fuwro Bscrow Iteme or
<br />:•�"�;t��� othcrwise In accordanw wi.di applicabla Itiw.
<br /> --- 'ihe Funds stiall bo holA in an inigdhidan whoe�deposits ere insured by a federal agency,inswmcutaliry.or entity(induding
<br /> —"—- Ler�der.if Lendar ia such an instid�don) ot i�g any Federel Home Loan Bank.Lender shall apply tlie Funds to pay the Hscrow
<br /> _--- Ituns.I.ender mny nos chergo Barco�ver fur 4�olding and applylrtg the Funds,ennually en�lyzing the esccnw eccount,or ve�lfaring
<br />=�'°`m`•'': the Esc:mw ItemA,unlass Lendar pays�om+wer interest on tlw Fund9 end appllcable 1aw pemzits I.ender to make such d ch�rge.
<br /> -- -- H3lYEVCl,Lendee mny requirr,�s�oiver ro pay a one-time charge for an indopendent raal estate ta�c repordng servke used by
<br /> -,�� Lender in cannocdon with this taan,unless t�ppllcable law provides othe�wlso.Unless nn egretment is mada or applicabb law
<br /> _ �+equires inwrest w ba p�id.L.cndor shall na¢Cc�e required to pay Bomnwer eny ieiterest or ean►inga on ihe runds.Horrowu and
<br />--__- Lender mny eu�+eo in wddng.ho�vnvor,thnt ia:2eresE shall be paid on tha Funds.Lender shall giv�to Borrower,without charge.an
<br />-__�� imn�ii7 accountina of thn FSmds,shQwina creali�and c�eb:is to the Funds and!ht�upose fa which each drbit to tho Funds was
<br /> e�nde.The Flu�da are pledBed as addidonul aeciuiry fa�nF1 s�rns secured by this Security Insuument
<br /> -- �the Funda h�id by Lendur axceed the amounte percnitt�d to be hcld by epplicablc law.Lendu shall account to Bonower for
<br /> �-�- tha excess Fundo in accon9s�nce wltlt tl�a requinments of eppllcabk law.If Use arnount of tho Funda[xeld by I.endec at aay dme i�
<br /> - not sufficient to pfly tlm�SCnow It�smfl u�hon due,L.eade.�rtuty so nodfy Bc+a�awer in wribng.and.i�e auch casa Sarowa ahall poy
<br /> tfl I.aida the amount n�scessary tn minke up tha deFicitacy.Borrower shall mm�sttYe up thc dGficiency in uo moca than twclvo
<br />`-- -_—= moathlY P�Ymr,nts�at Landur'y so{a dia�redon.
<br />:
<br />