<br />p ~ h~ ~ s 3 .riy a^relr+~.n~ ~,~e "Ia&1F' tt 71'E' M~'."' R'a.~,7Cr~7 ~,Pi yr>Ix^ '~"y i('''F t t uT2cr1 ~ y/ P ,tr ri ar iz~t .~-
<br />~ D} Cho r 1 e {~' m~.z rpt idou~d9n a~. , arfY b<s rVf re •tr tgifyu yrYm *[ ygtJ~ [ ~ "[~ 1 '...iYtf to "~' of i .1y '.
<br />ayrts a *,e_ o>~~~r' a..>t~,' g:1,~d1 r ci tilpe. ~ ~det r UDe i Mortgfgee I:~ m~+ ?b d ~I 'iru o i q 1,.~F t { r 'C t fi nn 1 r k Wpt
<br />~ h r~fCir a. *_lo,h9 ,~ hr ~amri ~n,p~,~ 1{nt,lvf sy ~hd?D*e~zrcu T>',.~ mlk" ed ~:u ~rai It p;ir I ~ rii rn[,2 r~ic I ~
<br />r~1 ~.T3~3. 'a ChP'Ipven M~~r("Sa~Sp'i~s r.~e ,1l r+*{ theMi~a^£ms,nq'i nf,'~.1~ p^if:ir.'wall aL~., {~ obi I[y~ I°r Ci~.l.::rr~l~~t 1 ~~
<br />t c[~I~gy,+r!tereslt ra31 rer~..',,At{ tl~el{~i~,~,$n~rhe~ sa~ shallilbp' ~~e,~lmr Wi~t~ ~~^p~~s"9y fio any I,'r~rin~nt d.^' !c't ~n ~F~r~e'',
<br />{ ut, 'her. ;'at th'e' Lpt~o~n of Morng~._i3ee, ¢ e' n~ire~ rnd~~~''~t..d¢'}:ess° s~ecurad~ ire b~~'bx I oCthtJiti^hl tlema~fie, t+~ a :d. ~1pa'y b~e~ I '.
<br />shall bear interest at the default rate described in said note, and the Mortgagee may 1ms^e Lately 'oreciose this
<br />~ mortgage or pursue any other availatle legal remedy.
<br />I n
<br />~ (gj That in the event actloa is brougk!t to foreclose this mortgage, the Mortgagee shat? De o tided C; immeClete
<br />possesaion of the mortgaged premises, and the court may appoint a receiver to take tssession of said premises, With
<br />the usual powers of receivers Ln like cases.
<br />~~ ~'?1 That failure or delay cf hortgagee to exert lse any of I[,s rights cr privileges shall nc*- be tr_.n5true:l as a
<br />waiver therm:: that any act of Mortgagee waiving any specific default of Mortgagors shall rot be tcnstrued as
<br />waLver of any future 3e_*aults; that in cave o:' dsfault fr, the paymer, t, of any amortlzat ion instal lien t;, or tnteresL,
<br />or in caso of payment Dy Mortgagee br ar>,y 'ten,3udgment,tax, Sasurance,cos., cr expense, or rents, tees or c;:arges,
<br />said Mortgagee shall have the privilege, without declarLnq the whole indebtedness ~.!e and payable, to fore,.lcse an
<br />account of such sped tlr. default far such sums as are in default and such torerlest;re ^roceedirgs may De had and
<br />'.:he ..and desccriDed here is may be sold, st:D3 eft tc the u:,pald lydebtedress hereby s<tnred, and tais mcrtgsge shall
<br />rout:.^.u? 25 ,_ _ten for sy ,np<a; Ga_i~.rc_.
<br />,'SCl ~.~+' th^ :^rgagee may e't'--^d and da,°2r the matur'ty et and renew -m~i reamvrtiz2 :?a!d SnCeDtedr.2ss, r5;.2as2
<br />..*rom ilabill ty teary Warty !!able '.horror., anC r .ease from the lien hereof portions c the property ^evered DereDy,
<br />wttho~a a ".ng the priori ty ?:erect cr the Siab i'.'tY ~ Mortgagors ar ary ~., rher party for the pay:nen*, ,;. ,,aid
<br />indebtedness r all ^ueh extensions, ..o erv;erts, rerewa.ls, and ^e3mcrti~atfo.^s ce be secured her~bY.
<br />'11) '?'raps.*er of Seca:r!T.y. IL s agreed bet'.aeen the parties bereft, their h2:.^s. ?e3ai .^epresentat?ves a.*, assigns
<br />rhtt[. the ±ntegri Cy and respcrslDll.ty c£ tha Mcri.ragors constitutes a part r,r the cansiderat'_or, far the nrte se^,ured
<br />riereby, am: [ rye ever,'. the .;rt3ac~re. sh.+iii sell. traesfar, „r .'envoy Cho ^-operty :ascribed heroizt, the
<br />Mo*r- ¢ve m°-v ~~ '~^r, ~. - the P.^.t1r? 1r1eD tPdness immzdi stzly :,ue and psyab'_e ?nd ma_y L r„_d in .t;e ea-
<br />c ems +~s StsVa ~n ~ry.. the det::ult in the terms of the note and mortgag .
<br />'•s! As :igamear -~~ee".r ". ~"'.Were! L~°-se. Mortgagors he^eby tr ansier. set r_ver an' ^envoy ^,o Mortgagee a1i
<br />c.rr5 y. -Sa° h ~.z n~~ dole,: mer,eys that may +.-rom tiro c time Detrne due aad ny aD e --.Car ary oil. gat,
<br />., [.,.e. . .nr.. __ -.[.,~ F:,SC now ex:~t-t trlr _,ay 'i_. oaf t.r come into axisterce, ~ •. er:ag the abev .and
<br />:r any part. therec,. P__~such st:ms CO reca l' ^ by "^: agee 3hali be applied t~ the 1adeDte•;ness secured ze vDa; er
<br />said Mer*.gsgee may et 1*.s aptton .r.:n•n over aad dollver to the Mortgagors or their successors to interest, any ar 311
<br />of •:rh a rr+t~-o zt orA; udlte re ar} ..f Mo t~iagee+: ~ igh ~: t eke and re r,u;n to Cure sums, and tvlthn pr.3udic=
<br />o :tny ~. ! ,the ~ghts ..,ider th me `_ga,ze. the •nster and :cnveyanre he*-eunder *.., Mortgag ~ ' outs,
<br />reya't1 Den ses .r °.ay mtney na ~ ':n ntnstrue' ~ be ~ prcvl sL r r the aymenC or reduction f .he Mort
<br />g;ESe d=hr uD ~-ct h ~,MertF;a gee+ pc+~r: ~?.s !;ere inD -: ~:^v ided, 1- ie er'e[ ..he mortgage - -a 1,i asl
<br />estate, i1Fon p<.ymenc :n fu_1 e the c,r.gage Seur, an± _h. .,lease ct this m_.tgage b. retard, .his -..our?, a.<~. sha11
<br />Deeo~'= _ne:perat ive and at ^e fur..,,..< ._.^e -.... _ff°.....
<br />~,,.G:e.•1.s ani.' 3h~¢se~_ her?.r„ inclvuing ~,be a.b!m-i~ak+nF~rt •re~t s.'.nLb h.- _a*s:r2c?d ss im the sinpliar cT hiurWt
<br />t...n°;a.*.> s,l ss ~~c¢ccvt i'ne, =.. ~.a inina. or rr ~a tv z- _ co- ~i ~~t.. '-'le ~nntez*. ,'
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<br />'3tste, per:nnal'_y ippeare;; Leonard E Graf and Marv W Graf husband and wife.
<br />_ _
<br />co me knrrvn co be the persons named 1n aed who exeeuCeC the foregoing lnstrr:mez;t, andackrc~':!edged t*.a^ r.;;ey execu[~•f:
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<br />GHIERJ1l R~~'~MICIt~~ Notary F3tDiic'~in and :or .. <.,d _.., an: ~-.-
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