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<br /> 0. Haa�rcla�m h1n�n'alu,�'�untrtr ehell Y.eap tha F�ropnrty In compllnnce with ell appllcabte lawe,or�3lnsneop anU rcpu�ntlora �__
<br /> rslaUny to Indun4rltd hyrqlune ar amdronmenul protectlon(collectiveiy roferrod to hereln aa"Cnvironmente! Lawa"�,Truetor eh�ll �
<br /> kerf/p ths Pro@eftJl irqe fr.om eil,�uha�ancea daemsd ta Ge hazardous or toxlc under any�nvlronmentel Lswe(colleativety nNrreQ to `
<br /> h0reln eo"Mezardoun A��tnr►�ein"1.�M��tor horeby warrente enci repreaent�to I.endar that thera are�zo Waza�doua Materle►�on or �_
<br /> under ths PrWH►rtft.Truatvr hrtrAbv�Qr�tae to li�d�mnity�nd hotd harnzlese Lender,fid dlPector�,otticsre,ernpiayee�and epYnf�,and
<br /> eny eur,ceseoro to l.ender'e intoroet,fr�m and sflalmt any and ell cslelms,dtma4es,losees and Ilabllltlea arlsinp In conn�rCNon with
<br /> tne p�aeanny,uo8,�lspawal cr 2rancpoR o}Qry yrr�rdou�Meterlals on,u�der, irom or about tNe Pro(H9rt�►.7H�FOREf301N(9
<br /> 1q. Il��fynmeat a1�fN►!s•Truetor heruby asstpnn to Lender the rent�,lesues and protita ot the Properiy:prpvld�d tlat Trustor
<br /> shall,unHl•U�N o�aurr�ncd ol an Event of defeult hereunder,havu the rlqht to coilect and ret�in eucF�renta,leauss end protit�ae lhey
<br /> becamn duo and payahln.U+i�on lhe occurrenco 01 an Event ot Dotault,Lender mey,either In percon or by ayent wlth or without
<br /> brin�inp any aatian of pr4oaedlrtQ,or by a recaivar appolnted by a court and wlt�out reflard to the adeque.cy oi IC�aecuriry.enter
<br /> upon and take poeRnnalnn o}4?►n N�operry,or any part thereot,In Its own name�r In the name of the Trusteo,and do any ncta which It
<br /> deema nec�aoAry ar d��altr�Altt fo preserva the�aiue,marketab(Iity or rentablllty ol the Praperly,or any�a�t thareaf or Inter�st ttter6lr�, -
<br /> Increaee ih�Inaomn thc►rotr�nt.ar protect the securlty hereof and,with or wlthout taking poaeeaslo i olry�h����s Coste and
<br /> otherwloe call��at q�[t �vnfn,(tteuqs and protlts thereol,Includinfl those past due and unpaid,end app y
<br /> ex{wnrtee af�RKrA�pn and C�IIt+cUon Includinp ettorneys'feas,upon any Indflbtedne9s securod hereby,all In sueh ordc►r�s l.encler
<br /> mey d�tArenUln.'rhn vntrutn� upo�Y and takinp possesslon ot the Preperry,the coflecUon of such rents,laeuea erxl protita and the
<br /> ep�l►ctatlnn lhttr.�nt�nn r�tarosa►d,ahell not cur9 or walva any default or not5��of detault heraunder or Imalldat0 any act dane in
<br /> raapctOno ta euab.rtrafjinit or pureuant to such naitGO�1 default and,notwie�ss�ndfn9 the aonUnuance In�oaeeealon�t the Propsrty►or
<br /> titn aal4ucttu��r�-���'�rz�d apallcation of renta,d�ssuos or proti;s,and Truston and 4en�er shall be enifHed to exerclae every rlgM
<br /> prAVlrtUdtu�inanyc�t4�rdl.osnDocumentsorby{awaponoc^i�rr�pnosafanyEventotde9nui8,lnciu�Ir.gurtthca::llmlteticntta�i�t►tto -
<br /> Iln�t�ttloncn,.lF,ndb��R'ht�.�nd���odesunderanyessignmanto4lensesandgenterre oeded gain tthatPropeRyr.Ler�der,'fru tee
<br /> and tho n�r,�INOr.tit>ni��Ilabia t0 account only those rents actuelty receie�d.
<br /> 11. Evfntu P+�4'�d'lauFi.The tollowlnp shall constitute an Event of Def�utt under thia Deed of Trusfi
<br /> (o) �Htlur�a t�qay any Installmont ot urincipal or interest ot any othor sum sacur�d hereby when due;
<br /> (b) A t�roe��flf ordofauit underany provlsion containsd in the Note,this Deed ot�'PUSt,any of the Loan Oc►cumente,oreny
<br /> other Ilen ot oncumt.c snce u�or the C'ropertY;
<br /> (a) A writ sf 4vicecution ur sttachm�nt or any slmilar pracoss shail be entored against Trustor whtch ohall become a Ilen on
<br /> the Property 4�r•�r�/Port�on thereot�r IntGr�ost thereln;
<br /> (d) There ahall be filed by or agalnst 7ruator ar Borrower an actton under sny present or future tederal,state or other
<br /> ntatute,law or regutetlon relsting to bankruptcy,Insolvency or other rellet lor debtors;ar thore shall ba appolnted any truatee,
<br /> �ece{ver or Iiqutdator ot Trustor or Borrower or oi ali cr e��y part ot the Property,or the rente,Issues or profifa thoreot,or T�uetor
<br /> er eorrower enait maice any penvrni en�ia�����ari��:`��anei!!a!�r°�:.+lte�°_:
<br /> (o) The,eele,traneter,leasa,asafpnmant,conveyan�e ar turther encumbrance of all or any part of or any Interest in the
<br /> Praperty,elther vo!untarlly or Involuntariiy,without the axpreas wdtlan consent o1 Lender, provided that Trustor shail be
<br /> permltted to exeaute a lease o!the Propc�riy thet doe3 not contaln an o�9ian to purchase and the term of which doea not exceed
<br /> one yeer:
<br /> (�Abandonment of th9 Froperty;or
<br /> (q) It Trustar Is not en Incli�idust,the issuance,sale,tranater,aselgnment,con•re3�+nce or encumbranco ot mora than etotel
<br /> a1�___.__percent of(It e aorporation)its issued end out�tanding stack ot(If a partnershlp�a toWl of .percent o}
<br /> p8rtr►ershlp Interoab durinp the perlod thla Deed of Trust remalns a lir�n on the Property.
<br /> j2,p���/�rN{on Upon DN�uM,In the event of any�yv�b�An��he'same shali the�eupon becomo due and�peyable
<br /> I�w,dectare all Indabtedness accured hereby to tvi due and _..
<br /> wliheut any preaentment,d�rnend,prot9et or notice ot any klnd.Thareafter Lender mey:
<br /> (a) Demand that Truatee exerclee the PO�YEA OF SAI.E pranted hereln, and Truatee shatl thsreatter catase TruaWre
<br /> Inte►eat In the Property to be eold end thA proaeeds to be dlatrlbuted,all In the manner pravided In the Nebreeka Trust Deede
<br /> Acx
<br /> (b) ExerciseanyendailrlghteprovidedforinenyoftheLoanOaurnontsorbylawuponoccurrenCeofany�vontof[1�fatult; .
<br /> n�(c) Commence an eatinn ta foreclose thls Deed of Truat as a mortgaqe,eppolnt a recetver,or epociticalty entorGe any of tha
<br /> covenanle hereoL
<br /> No remedy hereln conterred upon ar reserved to Truetee or Lender Is Intended to be excluelve of any othar remedy hereln,In the
<br /> Loan Uocumenta o�by liw provicled or permitted,hut each ahail be cumutetive,ehell ba in eddltion to every other rert�edy Qfven
<br /> hereunder,in the Laan Doauments nr now or P�ore+after exiatMg et I�w or In equity or by atatute,and may be exerGteed concurronth►,
<br /> Indspender►tiy or eucceeelvely.
<br /> 1�.Truslw.Tho 7ivatee may reslgn at any time without cause.and Lender mey at any time end wiihout Cauw appotnt e
<br /> ss�GC�esor ar aubatitute Trusteo.Trustee gheil not be 119b10 to any party.including wlthout Ilmftation Lender,Borrower,Truetor or any
<br /> pur�ha�er of tha Property,for any tosa or dnmage un,eas due to recklesa or wllitul mlaconduot,and shall not ba requlfed to t�ks any
<br /> ection In connection wilh tha entorcement ot thla Deed of Truet unless Indsmnified,In writinp,for alt coate,compenaatlon or
<br /> under the power of eale prantedehdore{n);p st�onetihe sale ofea I og an�poRion ofrthe Property e1p ov ded by I�ordsell�the
<br /> P�opert/es e whole,or In esaperate perc0la or lota et T�ustee'8 discretlon.
<br /> t�l. F�and F�cp�nl�s•�n tho event Trustee sella the Properry by ex�rcise of powe�of oaie,Trvstee ahail be eMided to epply
<br /> any sa�e procoeds first to pay�ent ot atl costa en�exNenses of exerclsing power ot sate,Including ati Trustae'e foe�,end l.ender'e
<br /> and Truatee's atternoy's lees,actuntiy Inaurred to extent permlttad by applicnble law.ln tho event 8orrower or Truetor oxerclaes any
<br /> rlphA providad by law to cure an Event of DefBUlt,Lender eh�ail be entiN�S to recover trom Trustor ail costa e�d expensas actually
<br /> Incur�ad ee e result af?ruatar'e detautt,Including wlthout Ilmttatinn ��?�'a�3tae's nnd attorney's feoa,lo tho extent pormfttad by
<br /> ' eppllcable law.
<br /> 16. Futu��Advancw. Ucan request o!8orrower,Lendar may, et its option,mnko odditionel ar.d?�4ure advnnces and re-
<br /> advances to Bon�ower.Suci�a.�'Jvc�ncea end readvancea,with Intarest thereon,shall be snc�+red by tfils Deed of tn:st F+�no time shall
<br /> the pr(nc(pal amount o11he tndro'n't�dnosa sooured by thie Deed.�f Trust not Including su•rns advanced ea&+•ratcct tNe soaurity of thls
<br /> Oeed of TruaL exaoed lho orl�inal principa.!arnour�i atated hereln,or� _�whlchav�r is�reater.
<br /> 18. AIINCMMlOpf P�o�l�ioe�•
<br /> (e) BotrowN'Hot R�le�ad.Extsnslon of tho timo tar paymonl or moditicattan of amortfmtlon of tho suma eecured by iNio
<br /> 13eed of 1'rust�rRnled by lender to any auccessor In Intorest of Borrowor shall not operete to releaee,fn any manner,the liabllity
<br /> otthe orfflinnl E3orrower end Borrower's successore In intorest.Londe�ahall not be requlred to commence proceedinga epalnat
<br /> auch euocoesor or retuse to extend time tor payment o�othorwlse modity amortization o}lhe euma secured by thfs Oeed of Tn�st
<br />— by reason oi any demands made by 4ho orlpinal Borrower and Borrower's successore In Interest
<br /> (b) I.snd�'�PowN�.Without aftecting the Ilablllry ot any other poreon liable for the payment o1 eny ab[igatlon herein
<br /> menUonod,and without eBeuting tha tien or charge of thle Deed of Trust upen eny portlon af the Property not then or thereiotore
<br /> - � rel9nd9d ee securirytAr the tull emount of ell unpald oblipations,Lender may,lrom tima to time and without n�tice(1)releaae eroy
<br /> persan so Ilabte,(il1 extend the maturtry or alter any ot the tarma oi eny auch obilgations,(III)qrant other indutQence�pv)retease
<br /> or�econvey,or ceuse to be reteased or reconveyed at any time flt Lendnr's opUon eny parcol,port!un or pll of the Property►,
<br />-_ �.� ��ae,..mtanan r+nv other or addlUonnl securiry tor rny obUBation horeln mentloned,or(vl)make composltlona or other
<br /> .•2—•- -�
<br /> ercenpemonta with debtors In reletion tt�ereto.
<br /> w 1 �,
<br /> � , ..... ll'
<br />