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<br />.....__ ._~ _~ _ OR46AGE (Revlaed 1962) TSy Ha6aam Gsta1 'Japply Boas. Liasla, Nr+e.
<br />~~27T-A-RELEAe'E OF RE/4L EBtTATE M ~~ ~~-
<br />u€3618~
<br />~ ,k 81 ' f
<br />~ ~ ~` IN GON9IDERATIOPF of the payment o£ the debt named therein; I or we, hereby release the mortgage of '£#
<br />" '`
<br />~ ~ot>~~AND SEUII+t xt~ror~ r~iFTY AND o0/100 nOI.LnIiSr i?
<br />' made by VIOLET SQiWEITZgt
<br />'~ on the following described property, to-wit:
<br />`€ ~ I17P ~1E (1} BT~OCR F~DURTF~T (14) , TN I~XIiAN r
<br />ISLb1PD, FiPlIS, COLN!`Y, I~RA.SZ{A
<br />~k
<br />1
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<br />E
<br />I~~~
<br />Ot reBl EeLBLe ~L~3(BS-------~-Of the I3@COPI~ Qf th!~'iQ1111~p Qf
<br />. Which ~ recorded in'~-w.,:s-- -j
<br />~,i, ,and State of
<br />hated this 16th day of I~CtR , 1881
<br />-. In preamxa6 of _ i
<br />- - r - - - --
<br />Sf'ATlC OP..,.........D14~8A14b3SA ......................................}
<br />.......On thia....f ~.~day ot......... j~.G.~r ~........, 18.. ~.f ., before me, a Notary Public, du~jr a6ad ~
<br />'` sad gwli8ed for 6aid co~tY, 8e~y ~s...IaRAY..U_..£etleGK..A~.A_.L....~..A):iR....,.,...
<br />;~
<br />- i!
<br />....AWQ..Q...E...f~I+A@i..&Nt2.LIt~,.S....tlei~l+E~i~..fit~A~t..A~?_~ .............................................
<br />~~
<br />to aw pereY Yum~ra to be tba id9ata~cat paraoa or psr6on6 who executed the above a~ ~
<br />{F tAa 6aid iaatruar6rat t+t- be hie, ~ or act and deed.
<br />Via my hand- sad 6fal nfe~~'4fr,il ~
<br />~ ...... .............. .......... in a(~iwuaty, the day and~raar show Writt6a ~
<br />-- -
<br />:~ ~ ............~~~.~:..z.;:~...~.:...,...-~„Notary Public.
<br />of
<br />~ ~~n~' day
<br />...... .. of ................................................. i~..,,.,...
<br />` z-, #",I*A~8 OP :. ................... ..... ........... ~st9red (nz a irsdea~ and ailed ter recma~d
<br />~~ aaf.....,,.._ ............ ................... ..~~ is the Rep9t9r of I)aeds Office of and County tar
<br />,;
<br />;; ..,.. .............day af.,......,.,............................., 18...,...., at..................,.........o'ctack sad......................miautaa................M.,
<br />~~
<br />;' and aa~aeded in Iieols ................................of........,.,.,.......,...,....,.......,..........at pa&a........................._.......
<br />~,
<br />f3y ............................................. ...........I)aouty
<br />--~ _
<br />i
<br />__ ,
<br />